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Healing Through The Vagus Nerve
Healing Through The Vagus Nerve
Healing Through The Vagus Nerve
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Healing Through The Vagus Nerve

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Are you looking for ways to calm your body and your mind?
Perhaps you often find yourself struggling with anxious thoughts, but you can't manage to control them.
Maybe you struggle with other health issues, such as gut health or inflammation, and you find it hard to stay on top of these illnesses.
When dealing with issues like this, it can be incredibly hard to get a grip on your emotions and feelings without assistance.
That's where Healing Through the Vagus Nerve comes in handy. This book will teach you the little known secret to reducing stress and anxiety in natural ways with powerful self-help techniques and exercises by stimulating and activating your vagus nerve.
Inside Healing Through the Vagus Nerve, discover:

  • Fascinating facts about how the vagus nerve came to be and the theory behind its benefits
  • More than 10 conditions the vagus nerve can help with
  • Over 15 different easy techniques, exercises, and daily habits you can implement to help these conditions
  • Ways to obtain better mental and physical health
  • Why the world renowned Dr. Stephan Porges said the vagus nerve is the secret mind-body connection
  • How to improve your mood
  • And much more!

You might not suffer from stress or anxiety personally, but you may know someone who does. This is the perfect book to help them take back control of their life.
Grab a copy of Healing Through the Vagus Nerve today!

PublisherFrank Tenny
Release dateJul 13, 2023
Healing Through The Vagus Nerve

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    Book preview

    Healing Through The Vagus Nerve - Frank Tenny

    Healing Through The Vagus Nerve

    Powerful Self-Help Daily Techniques and Exercises to Regulate Your Emotions, Reduce Inflammation, and Naturally Help Your Body Heal with Vagus Nerve Stimulation


    Frank Tenny
    © Copyright 2022 - All rights reserved.

    The content contained within this book may not be reproduced, duplicated or transmitted without direct written permission from the author or the publisher.

    Under no circumstances will any blame or legal responsibility be held against the publisher, or author, for any damages, reparation, or monetary loss due to the information contained within this book, either directly or indirectly.

    Legal Notice:

    This book is copyright protected. It is only for personal use. You cannot amend, distribute, sell, use, quote or paraphrase any part, or the content within this book, without the consent of the author or publisher.

    Disclaimer Notice:

    Please note the information contained within this document is for educational and entertainment purposes only. All effort has been executed to present accurate, up to date, reliable, complete information. No warranties of any kind are declared or implied. Readers acknowledge that the author is not engaged in the rendering of legal, financial, medical or professional advice. The content within this book has been derived from various sources. Please consult a licensed professional before attempting any techniques outlined in this book.

    By reading this document, the reader agrees that under no circumstances is the author responsible for any losses, direct or indirect, that are incurred as a result of the use of the information contained within this document, including, but not limited to, errors, omissions, or inaccuracies.

    Table of Contents


    Chapter 1:  Vagus Nerve: History & Evolution

    The Cranial Nerves

    What Is the Vagus Nerve?

    Origin of Vagus Nerve

    Branches of the Vagus Nerve

    Development of Vagus Nerve

    Vagus Nerve Stimulation


    Lesions of the Vagus Nerve

    Mind-Body Communication and the Vagus Nerve

    Mood Regulation and the Vagus Nerve

    Whenever the Vagus Nerve Stops Working

    Chapter 2:  The Polyvagal Theory and Medical Research

    What Is Polyvagal Theory?

    Social Engagement



    Slowing Down; Increasing Speed

    Vasovagal Syncope Defined

    Down and Out

    Evolution From Animal to Man

    Internal Physiological Responses

    How Do Polyvagal Theory Exercises Work?

    Examples of Polyvagal Theory Exercises

    Deep Breathing

    Cold Water Treatment

    Closed Exhalation


    Playful Experiences

    Reminiscing on Pleasant Memories

    Staying in a Calm and Soothing Environment

    Safe and Sound Protocol Sessions

    Potential Benefits of Polyvagal Theory Exercises

    Contextual Cueing of Maladaptive and the Adaptive Physiological States in Neuroception

    Reduction of Inflammation Caused by Indomethacin by Vagus Nerve Stimulation

    Spatial Working Memory Is Improved by Vagus Nerve Stimulation

    Improvement of Mitochondrial Dysfunction Through Vagus Nerve Stimulation in Post-Cardiac Arrest Syndrome

    Chapter 3:  The Conditions That Vagus Nerve Treatments Can Treat



    Autistic Children

    Emotional Trauma

    Throat Problems


    Rheumatoid Arthritis

    Inflammatory Bowel Disease

    Bipolar Disorder


    Alzheimer’s Disease

    FDA Approvals

    Treatment-Resistant Depression

    Epilepsy With Focalization

    Uncontrollable Seizures

    Chapter 4:  Stimulate Your Vagus Nerve for Better Mental Health


    What Negative Consequences Come With Vagus Nerve Stimulation?

    Chapter 5:  Activate Your Vagus Nerve to Reduce Anxiety, Depression, PTSD, and Inflammatory Disease

    Can Vagus Nerve Exercises Relieve Anxiety?

    How Can Vagus Nerve Stimulation Benefit Mental Health?

    Tips for Vagus Nerve Stimulation

    Vagus-Related Treatment of Depression

    Vagus-Related Treatment of PTSD

    Vagus-Related Treatment of Inflammatory Disease

    Chapter 6:  Methods to Activate the Vagus Nerve

    Tips to Help Improve Your Vagal Tone



    Meditation and Prayer


    Yoga and Qigong


    Resilience Recipes

    Chapter 7:  Treatments for Vagus Nerve Disorders

    Treatments for Gastroparesis

    Dietary Adjustments


    Feeding Tubes


    Gastric Electrical Stimulation

    Treatments for Vasovagal Syncope

    Eating a Diet Heavy in Salt


    Compression Stockings

    How Can I Protect My Vagal Nerves?

    When You Should Talk to a Doctor

    Chapter 8:  Rebuilding Social Engagement

    The Primary Exercise

    The Salamander Exercises

    Massage for Migraines

    Seated Forward Fold

    Child’s Pose

    Twist and Turn for the Trapezius

    Neuro-Fascial Release Technique for Social Engagement

    Sternocleidomastoid Muscle (SCM) Exercise for a Stiff Neck

    Chapter 9:  How to Improve Your Mental Health by Stimulating Your Vagus Nerve

    How Do You Measure Vagus Nerve Activity?

    Exploring the Vagus Nerve and Its Functions

    Why the Vagus Nerve Is Important

    How the Vagus Nerve Impacts Mental and Physical Health

    How Your Vagus Nerve Can Boost Your Mood

    Clinical Vagus Nerve Stimulation for Epilepsy

    Clinical Vagus Nerve Stimulation for Depression

    Chapter 10:  Developing Healthy Habits for Stress, Anxiety, and Depression

    How Adequate Sleep, Good Nutrition, and Regular Exercise Can Help

    Gaining and Maintaining Fitness

    What You Consume

    Creating Healthy Eating Routines

    Essential Foods for a Healthy Immune System

    Methods for Getting Better and Longer Sleep

    Chapter 11:  Possible Risks and Side Effects of Vagus Nerve Treatment

    Possible Risks

    Side Effects

    Chapter 12:  Vagus Nerve Exercises to Rewire Your Brain

    Physical Vagus Nerve Exercises

    Psychological Vagus Nerve Exercises

    A Long Exhale Is Key to Letting Mind and Body Go

    Torso Stretch That Activates the Vagus Nerve

    Ear Massage May Reduce Headaches





    In this book, you will meet your vagus nerve. You will discover this amazing part of your body that you probably didn’t know much about until now. The aim of Healing Through The Vagus Nerve: Powerful Self-Help Daily Techniques and Exercises to Regulate Your Emotions, Reduce Inflammation, and Naturally Help Your Body Heal with Vagus Nerve Stimulation is to help you unlock your best health by imparting on you some valuable knowledge about your own body.

    Every day when I wake up, I cannot help but think about what an amazing thing the human body is. But strangely enough, outside of medical circles, very few people know about the details of the human body, or the nervous system, if I am to be specific. But on the other hand, if you look around, you will find almost everyone suffering from one health issue or another. You might be taking a pill for your gut health, another pill for hypertension, and yet another pill to counteract the side effects of those first two pills. Taking pill after pill can only help you to a certain extent. But understanding the human body will help you on a much deeper level.

    Let’s address the nervous system. It is this amazing thing that the universe has gifted us with, not only connecting us with the world outside, but also helping us maintain a balance inside. When used properly, the nervous system allows you to live your best life. All the bodily functions that are carried out on a daily basis are made possible because of the coordination between your brain and other organs of the body, especially the spinal cord, peripheral nerves, and the vagus nerve, about which, of course, we will learn in detail in the coming pages.

    The vagus nerve is a multi-branched nerve in your body that connects a lot of organs together that are vital for your survival, as well as controlling some of the essential functions, from breathing rates to heartbeats and even the digestive processes. But do you know what is even more interesting? You can learn to control your vagus nerve! Yes, and imagine the power you will hold once you do so. In fact, all your body’s reflexes and responses can be controlled. It’s definitely no small feat to control a trillion functions that are happening in your body day in and day out, but it’s being done right now, and it’s the vagus nerve that’s doing it. Once you know how to control the vagus nerve, you can control your entire body.

    By the time you reach the end of this book, you will have learned how the vagus nerve works and also how you can unlock its healing powers. If you are still wondering whether this book is for you or not, let me make this a little bit clearer for you: Are you always feeling on edge, and is stress taking the upper hand in your life? Do you feel that you are always going from one place to another, running around the entire day but not being able to reach where you want to go? Do you work for long hours and yet fall behind on your projects? Well then, what you are trying to do is complete too many things at once, and in the process of doing so, you are facing burnout. In that case, my friend, this book is exactly what you need.

    You may not understand it now, but in this world of overachievement, unlocking the power of the vagus nerve will allow you to slow down, de-stress, and not be obsessed about your past or future. If there is something that you can’t sort out at the moment, then there is no use worrying about it. You are only wasting your time.

    Healing Through Vagus Nerve will give you a deeper insight into the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, how they work, and how they are related to your day-to-day activities. You will also learn how your nervous system is related to your states of tension or overenergized anxiety. You will learn more about the body’s fight-or-flight mechanism and the role the vagus nerve plays with said mechanism.

    My name is Frank Tenny. I am an avid researcher of the vagus nerve and its healing capabilities, and I have spent years in this field learning more on this topic. This book is a compilation of everything that I have learned so far that I want to share with you, so that you don’t have to go through a bunch of jargon to understand the vagus nerve and the role it plays in your body. I have been through trauma and turmoil. It was when I learned to tap into the power of the vagus nerve that I finally started healing.

    No one can deny the fact that the human body is extremely complex. But as you proceed with this book, you will learn to move past the jargon and get some life-changing information about the vagus nerve. So, are you ready to start this journey?

    Chapter 1:

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