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Intentional Transformation
Intentional Transformation
Intentional Transformation
Ebook174 pages1 hour

Intentional Transformation

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About this ebook

In his first study book, Nathaniel Jones delves into the principles, strategies, and challenges of studying, meditating, and applying the Word of God to our everyday lives. It is in these consistent, sincere, and often imperfect efforts that we will develop a deeper relationship with our loving Heavenly Father. In this soul-transforming work, Nathaniel builds upon God's foundational principle of love. It is love that captivates and motivates us such that we yearn for it and it only. It was this epiphany, despite years of being a pastor, church leader, husband, father, and son, that he began to grasp and embrace what he felt had been underemphasized in his ministry. With a renewed enthusiasm for the transformational work he was witnessing in his own life, he began sharing these enlightenments with others.

This study is to inspire a personal relationship with God. It is not to support our religious beliefs or denominational doctrine but to help us learn, know, and live the truth and walk in love. Part of our conundrum is having a relationship with someone with whom we have no conventional physical connection. A personal relationship with God requires surrendering to the Spirit of God and intentionally studying His Word while also being transparent, reverentially relaxed, and open with Him. He knows everything yet wants a loving--not merely transactional--relationship with us. He wants to hear our voices, and He wants us to know His will. It is in these times that we can share our thoughts, stories, traumas, etc. with the One Who gets us--for with Him--we are always safe--emotionally and otherwise.

It is in our relationship with Him that we begin to truly know who we are as His children, the seed of Abraham through Jesus Christ. In this way, we become the people God created us to be and live the successful, joyful, and peaceful lives we truly want and that He intends for us to live.

Release dateJul 14, 2023
Intentional Transformation

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    Book preview

    Intentional Transformation - Nathaniel Jones


    Intentional Transformation

    Nathaniel Jones

    ISBN 978-1-68570-697-5 (paperback)

    ISBN 978-1-68570-698-2 (digital)

    Copyright © 2023 by Nathaniel Jones

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Christian Faith Publishing

    832 Park Avenue

    Meadville, PA 16335

    Scripture references were taken from the King James Version of the Holy Bible.

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents



    Strategies for Studying


    Positioning Ourselves for Transformation

    Jesus Christ Is Necessary for Soul Transformation

    Transforming Your Soul to Fulfill Your Divine Mission: Evidence from Abraham

    Intentionally Transforming Your Soul: Seek Things Above, Not Things on Earth

    Future Success Depends upon a Deeper Knowledge and Understanding of Who God Is

    Watch Your Mouth: Life and Death Are in the Power of the Tongue

    Jesus Christ's Disciples and Apostles Had to Intentionally Transform Their Souls to Fulfill Their Divine 


    The Believer's Life Is in Jesus Christ, Not in the Abundance of Possessions

    Our Most High God Guarantees the Believer's Benefits Plan

    Intentionally Transforming My Soul to Recognize the Missing Ingredient in the Universal Church

    Intentionally Transforming My Soul to Understand How Jesus Christ Uses the Spirit of God to Build 

    His Church

    Building His Church: Examples of Jesus Christ Invoking the Gift of the Holy Spirit

    Intentionally Transforming My Soul: Discovering the Divine Greatness within Me I

    Intentionally Transforming My Soul: The Divine Greatness within Me II

    Final Study and Review Questions

    About the Authors

    To my late brother, Elisha Jones.


    Life throws us curveballs. And when it does, most often, we not only question God's love but also His wisdom, particularly in the face of tragedy. How could He let this happen? What did I do to deserve this? Why do You keep letting them hurt me? When, God? When? Why, God? Why? Don't You love me? It was during a time of tragedy and grief that this book idea started becoming a reality.

    It was the morning of April 30, 2020. I realized it had been several months since I had spoken with one of my goddaughters, so I called her. Three days later, on the morning of May 3, 2020, her younger brother—a devoted and loving family man and attorney—would not wake up. The shock of his passing reverberated throughout our small community.

    This goddaughter and her mother and siblings had been some of the earliest members of the very first ministry we planted. In the weeks that followed, I spoke with her daily. While I have not experienced the loss of a child, my prayer was that she and her family would emerge from this unfathomable loss and move into their new normal, strengthened by the love of God.

    Her brother was not yet three years old when they joined the ministry. In her desperate quest to heal, my goddaughter's therapy included readings on near-death experiences. I was concerned that she might be pulled into something sordid. Furthermore, her laser focus on gaining a prayer language was worthwhile, but her emphasis on this was askew. The linchpin she was seeking is found only by developing her spirit man. This she would accomplish by spending time with God and in His Word. In this way, she would be positioned to gain God's perspective in this situation.

    We can only develop our spirit man through consistent and daily time with God as we study, meditate, and apply His Word to our lives. The development of our spirit man is God's desire for us (Proverbs 20:27; Ephesians 3:16; Ephesians 4:23). It is this singular reason that I wrote this study. As we develop our spirit man, we can hear and more clearly discern His voice/will and follow His commands with the assurance that we are fulfilling the divine purpose for which we were born. As we develop our spirit man, we will not charge God foolishly when life is unfair (Job 1:22; Job 42:5; Acts 16:25–31). We will fulfill His greatest commandments (Matthew 22:37–40) as the way in which we live will make others thirst and hunger after Him (Matthew 5:1–16).


    My wife and I began planting our first ministry when were both twenty-four years old. With our two young sons, my wife of five years and I left our families to start the first ministry God placed in our hearts. We learned a lot, endured even more, and have forged lasting friendships and relationships.

    From the day we were married, my wife, Bettye, has been an incredible and gifted person, wife, mother, pastor's wife, and woman of God. As a Sunday school and Vacation Bible School teacher, she has engaged children and adults alike with her delivery of fundamental biblical principles. She is creative and innovative in a very practical sense. When I think of the woman of Proverbs 31, I see so much of my wife:

    The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her… She layeth her hands to the spindle…she reacheth forth her hands to the needy… She maketh herself coverings of tapestry…in her tongue is the law of kindness. She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness. Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her.

    There is so much about her that I love, like, appreciate, respect, and admire. Thank you, Bettye, for being my life's partner for more than fifty-five years.

    As long as our sons were in our home, we always attended our local church with them. While we made mistakes as people and parents, we are so very thankful that God made us our sons' shepherds and are even more thankful that both of them not only work in the ministry but have their own personal relationships with God.

    My parents, the late Bailey and Lillian Jones, instilled in my siblings and me a reverence for God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit and a regard for all humanity. Their earthly legacy is one that espouses family and personal relationships with God. It is because of them that my siblings and I had the foundation from which we could develop our own personal and intimate relationships with God. With our own children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren, we continue to share our faith as we "grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ" (2 Peter 3:18).

    Let me name some people who should not go unnamed: my great-grandfather, the late George Jones Sr.; my late maternal grandparents, James and Mary Henderson; my late paternal grandparents, Zechariah and Francis Jones; Bishop Donnie L. Lindsay; the late Bishop Roy L. Matheny; my mentor, Dr. William H. Braswell; the late Bishop Joe Mason; my spiritual father, the late Saint Dewitt Hill Jr.; the late Alpha Brooks; Evangelist Laverne O'Neal; Supt. Charles Ray Taylor; and the late Dr. Arthur L. Hunt Sr.

    I would be remiss if I did not mention those who were instrumental in developing this book, namely, Sharon McCray, Anita Ferguson, Annie Isom, and Dr. Victoria McDonnell. I so appreciate Sharon McCray for being so central to the infrastructure of this entire effort and for deciphering my less-than-elegant handwritten notes, converting them to their typed version. Without her we would not be at this stage. Thank you, Anita Ferguson, for arranging and coordinating the many conference calls that helped refine the lessons. Annie, thank you for the hours of time you spent typing all the lessons in this study. Thanks to Victoria for her editorial services—for taking my words and converting them into their intended messages. Her many contributions include authoring multiple sections and ensuring this study advanced from conception to completion. I greatly appreciate Tomiaka Coker, Nicole B. Foster, Rosalind Henderson Lee, Attrice L. Hunt, and Pastor Gerald Jones

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