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Too Gifted
Too Gifted
Too Gifted
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Too Gifted

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Too Gifted is for those who want to live their life without verve, direction, or purpose.  This book is for people who believe the adage "honesty is the best policy." If what you seek is practical advice focused on helping you remove barriers to realize your potential, Too Gifted is a book you should consume readily and en

Publisher2 Gifted Llc
Release dateApr 1, 2021
Too Gifted

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    Book preview

    Too Gifted - Iquell Reina


    Too Gifted

    The Treasure Lies Within

    Iquell Reina

    The advice and strategies found within may not be suitable for every situation. This book is sold with the understanding that neither the author nor the publisher are held responsible for the results accrued from the advice in this book.Too Gifted: The Treasure Lies Within

    COPYRIGHT 2021 by Iquell Reina

    All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in articles and reviews.

    ISBN 978-1-7369263-1-4

    Printed in the United States of America First Edition 2021


    Subjects by iQue

    September the 10th was the sunset

    Of my role model, she gave me my sunset

    Love My Mama but my Grandma she held it down

    Took care of us working hard, never played around

    She told me that drinking beer was a nightmare

    Twenty-one still had to call her when I got there

    Watch the news always talking loud on the phone

    Being noisy asking questions while I’m on the phone

    Eating soup, making sure my dinner was on a tray

    No matter how old I became could still come and lay

    My heart ripped out of my chest when I found out

    I blamed God at first thought she was coming out

    She told me if something happens, wake her up with shrimp

    So I went to Red Lobster and bought a million shrimps

    She told me if something happens, wake her up with shrimp

    So I went to Red Lobster and bought a million……. (Tears)

    It might sound funny; you might call me a dummy

    Realized that I wasted a lot of my money

    Sunset, Now I feel like it’s never sunny

    Grandma didn’t tell me that I would waste my money.

    I made this song for you, and now I’m dedicating this book to you. You prayed for me, you protected me, and you loved me unconditionally. I promise I’ll make you proud

    Love You Grandma #1 –Janice Reina





    Ique- I’m Not A Rapper I’m An Artist

    Chapter 1: Discover Your Gift

    Chapter 2: Game Over

    Chapter 3: Train Up A Child

    Chapter 4: Consumer

    Chapter 5: Develop Your Gift

    Chapter 6: Traumatic Flashbacks

    Chapter 7: Uncover Your Gift

    Outro: Prayer

    Grammy Speech: Acknowledgement

    Author Bio


    Iquell Reina is, genuinely, a gift from God. From the time my doctor told me my firstborn child would be a boy (as I wanted); I knew God had blessed me. I tried my best to think of and give him a unique name. I searched through many names and experimented with a number of letter combinations before I finally came up with Iquell Albert Reina. As a child, he was quiet, to himself, and he always played with his wrestling men.

    He was a little sneaky at times, but everyone loved this young man. When he was four years old, we welcomed his sister into the family. Iquell has been a great big brother and role model ever since. Iquell has always been a loving, caring, and supportive individual who tries to be the best at all times. I’ve always told Iquell he’s special. His patience and ability to communicate with others showed me his unique talent. Iquell has always been the leader who everyone looks up to. He usually has bright ideas and answers for everything!

    At times I’ve had to tell him he’s doing too much, but I can’t change his character. Iquell has even surprised me with advice. His words and detailed explanations have helped guide me through several situations. He is my psychiatrist! I also love the relationship my son has with God. Yes, I brought this beautiful boy into the world, but he has become his own man. I’ve been so proud of my son’s ability to grow into himself. I can’t forget that Iquell is a natural-born music artist. He has had a fascination for dancing and a love for music from the age of two. He even participated and shined in all the talent shows during high school. He has a remarkable ability to write songs with meaning and inspiration.

    Iquell is a true Artist, not a Rapper, and I love all his music. My most memorable moments have been witnessing every performance and watching him tear down every stage he hits. I have seen him leave an impact on so many people, and he is incredible! One of my favorite songs that he made is called Greatness in My Soul. The title speaks for itself. Iquell is also a big inspiration to the youth. I’ve seen him grow from a camp counselor to a program director. Writing is something that has been a part of Iquell’s soul from a young age through his music. Now that he has become an adult, it’s not hard for him to express himself and teach others through his experiences and achievements. So many people love Iquell because he is humble, loving, and keeps it real. He has nothing but greatness in his soul, and I am confident that whoever reads this book will feel the same way.

    Too Gifted will change thousands of lives and impact millions of people. This book will inspire, motivate and encourage people to follow their dreams, work their gifts, and live on purpose. It started with me and will end with you.

    Lakasha Reina – Aka – Mommy

    Ique- I’m Not A Rapper I’m An Artist

    I never understood how I’ve always had this ability to pick up a pen and write what creatively was on my mind without thinking about it. I didn’t need a beat or assistance; I just heard everything in my head. There were times in my life where everything was fallen apart, but whenever I grabbed a pen, my hell became heaven. Growing up, I always heard melodies in my head, and I thought it was just my imagination getting the best of me. Isn’t it funny that as children, we are taught that imaginary friends aren’t real and talking to what we don’t see is an illusion? But in reality, our imagination is the beginning of God whispering in our ears, giving us a hint of who we were called to be?

    At that moment, God was revealing one of my gifts to me. We all have imagination, but most of us stop listening to that voice in our heads. Most of us cut off our imaginary friends and replace them with associates. See, associates are equivalent to the job we settled for instead of following our dreams. Associations are the relationships we chose because they make us popular or look good. It becomes the life we didn’t want, but it’s where we found contentment. Throughout our lives, we are taught that there is a specific way, a particular piece of paper, or an individual skill we need to obtain success. I never followed that path, even when everyone else did. Still, of course, I allowed my environment to control my destiny. I made up my mind to change the narrative for the first time in my life. I am a believer, husband, father, employee, artist, and entrepreneur.

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