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Always a Mistress
Always a Mistress
Always a Mistress
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Always a Mistress

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They say it's a thin line between love and hate. How far would you go to ensure that your happiness comes first?

Asia thought she had it all, the life she finally felt like she deserved and the man with the means to finance it.

Kloxx thought he found his equal fun half, that was until he found Yasmine. He alre

PublisherIndia Cooper
Release dateJul 24, 2023
Always a Mistress

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    Always a Mistress - India Cooper

    Always a Mistress

    India Cooper

    Copyright © 2023 India Cooper

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system without permission in writing from the publisher.

    ISBN: 978-1-0881-9546-8

    Title: Always a Mistress

    Author: India Cooper

    Digital distribution | 2023

    Paperback | 2023

    This is a work of fiction. The characters, names, incidents, places, and dialogue are products of the author’s imagination, and are not to be construed as real.


    Donnell, I pray you find solace in your time. If not, I pray you find laughter, growth, and calmness!

    But mostly. laughter and joy reading this world I created just so you can escape them walls. We doing this time together.

    Don't ever feel alone or unloved because you are immensely loved and always thought about. So, I dedicate this book to you.

    We here with you until they "Free Us." 

    Chan, I know you don’t think I forgot about you. Thank you for everything but mostly for being my CousinSister. Here are your flowers…


    Always a Mistress


    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Chapter Eleven

    Chapter Twelve

    Chapter Thirteen

    Chapter Fourteen

    Chapter Fifteen

    Chapter Sixteen

    Chapter Seventeen

    Chapter Eighteen

    Chapter Nineteen

    Chapter Twenty

    Chapter Twenty-One

    Chapter Twenty-Two


    Chapter One

    The Man


    t was a scorching summer day, a typical day in the hood. Typically, I do not come and hang in the hood, but I am fresh out of a situation, and I just wanted to be around some love. I hit my hg Kat’s phone to see what the move was. She told me pull up around her way which is a section of West Baltimore she referred to it was round the way.

    I stopped and grabbed some grass from my local weed dealer then stopped at the gas station. As I was pulling into the gas station my eyes met with a fine ass man with brownskin jet black hair and we just starred at each other for a few minutes. I dropped my head in a bashful manner and smiled at him. He said nothing and smiled back. I walked into the gas station because I knew I would need snacks after we smoked and have our vent session, so I like to come prepared. I felt like someone was burning a hole in the back of my head and I look up and it is the same fine ass man. He smiles and waves then walk out. That is always my luck with dating males. They are always scared to approach me and that gets them nowhere with me. I am an alpha female, my energy demands attention so I need a man who can let me feel vulnerable to summit and so far, no luck. I got my snacks and Kat’s fruit cause that bitch forever on a diet and make my way down the street to her aunt house.

    I pulled up to the block and its packed outside. Kat’s brother and sister-in-law run a concession stand and sell drinks and it attracts people, just another sweltering day in the hood. I park and get out my car. I look up and I see the same black Infiniti coupe that I saw at the gas station but not the fine owner. I finally see Kat and her sister Tiffany, and I walk over. Funny story I met Kat through Tiff, and we have all been cool since. They are like night and day but they BOTH LOVE FOOD! I mean like a foodie loves food and they are loyal, so it is always a good vibe when I come out. We start to roll our blunts and get a session started. We talk about all things Kat has not been dating seriously since she lost the love of her life, and I just recently went through the same situation, so we bonded even closer over that. But we decided that this summer we will have some fun and live a little.

    We have small talk about hood drama and then our love lives come up. We all are out here just single, bored, and clearly in need of some good cutty but for now we just complain about how nigga’s aint shit. Kat has a theory that there is no such thing as a single person. She believes everyone has someone and you just have to get in where you fit in. Me myself I am a hopeless romantic, so I want to see the good in everyone and love-on everyone. I have a genuine connection with, I do not care who was before me. I am nicer than her in this way. Her defense mechanism has saved her a lot of heartbreak so maybe I should take some advice.

    Just as I was about to give my opinion on how trifling men are, I see him. We made eye contact again. I am a sucker for eye contact like it is just something about a person’s eye’s that just get me every time. They say the eyes are the windows to a person’s soul and all I could think is how he looks with his glasses off. I wanted to see more. I wave and smirk. Completely oblivious to the fact that people are outside and watching us. Before I could get out the trance that his stare had me in.

    Tiff says, No friend, – he’s drama and you are not his type trust me.

    I look at Kat who interjects, That’s Kevin, we call him Kloxx. He is a good guy; he just likes hood rats and that comes with drama.

    I could not even lie, I was intrigued. I always trust my gut and my gut tells me this is a person I need to get to know. We may even become good friends but for now I wanted to know more about Mr. Black Infiniti. I gave Kat a look and she instantly replied; Bitch I know you and him you’re like a female him and he deserves a you. Outside of him being a nigga he is a sweetheart he just has females around him lowering the stock value. I really did not care who he had around me, I made my mind up in that instant that I wanted to get to know him. I asked them what his Instagram page was and to my surprise he has been following me, I added him to my close friends and set the bait. I want him to come on to me I need to know a man wants me plus -I like aggression. He instantly starts liking my post and commenting on them. Good he is interested was all I could think. He was going to be mines he just did not know it yet.

    A few seconds pass and Tiff’s best friend Shy walked over, she informs us that Sweetie which is what we will not refer to him as from here on out has some drama that is about to go down. He has a main bitch and a side bitch. The side bitch was a younger girl with nothing really going for her in life and she apparently has been provoking the main bitch. Who was now in route to smack her. I see the passenger door of Sweetie’s car open, and a female appears. This must be the side chick. She is pretty with a nice shape nothing to major. Suddenly we hear all of this commotion. I see another female pull up, hop out the car and walk over to the side chick and pluck her, and they begin to fight. Smh, multiple females this man is messy! I have not even been around for an hour, and he has females outside fighting. I love a man who can lead and keep order in his life including multiple women if his bag allows it. This was the first red flag, but me being a glutton for punishment I still wanted to get to know him. The females start fighting and he just sits there and does nothing. He finally gets in his car and pulls off. This was a messy shit show and here I am still intrigued smh.

    This was a bit much; I told the girls I’d hit their phone set up my next lash appointment with Kat then left.

    Chapter Two

    Love Battles


    t had been a few weeks since I went outside and saw that lover’s quarrel. I had been soft flirting with Sweetie over Instagram, but he still had yet to boss up and come at me correctly. I was curious. I spoke to Kat about him again and she vouched for him, so I decided to give him a chance. I searched for his page on IG and left my phone number in his DM.

    He replied instantly, "Yessss," was all he said.

    I asked him why he didn’t just ask for my number. The message said seen and my phone instantly started ringing. It was a facetime call from an unknown number. It was him; this man is really handsome. I was stuck for a brief moment taking in all his features. He didn’t have his glasses on, and I wasn’t staring at him from across a parking lot and I must say this man is fine. He has nice, beautiful skin, some big full lips (that’s the creep in me) and his eyes, they were a soft brownish orange hue -alluring like I could get

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