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A More Tyrannical King
A More Tyrannical King
A More Tyrannical King
Ebook130 pages1 hour

A More Tyrannical King

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King George III of Great Britain is often depicted as the personification of tyranny, with his oppressive policies and heavy-handed rule serving as the catalyst for the American Revolution. However, in the present era, as we navigate the complexities of our own government, it is imperative to critically examine whether the federal government has, in some respects, surpassed the oppressive tendencies of King George.


This book, titled A More Tyrannical King: How the Federal Government Has Become More Oppressive Than King George, aims to delve into this notion and shed light on the evolving relationship between government authority and individual liberties.


By examining key aspects such as the executive branch's overreach, the surveillance state, the burdensome regulatory apparatus, and the complex tax system, we aim to provide a comprehensive analysis of the modern challenges facing our nation's commitment to limited government and individual rights.

Release dateSep 17, 2023
A More Tyrannical King

Peter Serefine

Meet Peter Serefine: A U.S. Navy veteran and dedicated U.S. Mail carrier, Peter embodies the spirit of service. With a solid high school education and a role as a Pennsylvania State Constable, he's deeply rooted in his community. Amid the turbulent political landscape of 2016, Peter, a representative of the dwindling middle class, felt a calling to bring about change. His initial creation, "Progress, Really?", aimed to ignite critical thinking about the course of societal and political progress. But Peter's impact didn't stop there. His passion for enlightenment led him to establish the Liberty Lighthouse, a beacon of insight for those navigating the complexities of today's world. Not content with just inspiring through words, he created the online Liberty Lighthouse Classroom, a virtual space where the principles of constitutional governance are shared to empower others. In the midst of a full schedule that includes a demanding full-time job, op-ed article writing, and book publishing, Peter dedicates two hours each week to host a live radio show. His residence in a quaint Victorian town in Pennsylvania serves as a backdrop to his life's endeavors. Sharing this journey is Staisha Hancock, Peter's cherished partner, whose unwavering patience beautifully accommodates his passionate political discussions. Peter Serefine embodies the essence of dedication, a true advocate for knowledge and change within his community and beyond.

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    Book preview

    A More Tyrannical King - Peter Serefine

    Peter Serefine

    A More Tyrannical King

    How The Federal Government Has Become More Oppressive Than King George

    First published by Liberty Lighthouse 2023

    Copyright © 2023 by Peter Serefine

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise without written permission from the publisher. It is illegal to copy this book, post it to a website, or distribute it by any other means without permission.

    Peter Serefine asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.

    Peter Serefine has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of URLs for external or third-party Internet Websites referred to in this publication and does not guarantee that any content on such Websites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate.

    Designations used by companies to distinguish their products are often claimed as trademarks. All brand names and product names used in this book and on its cover are trade names, service marks, trademarks and registered trademarks of their respective owners. The publishers and the book are not associated with any product or vendor mentioned in this book. None of the companies referenced within the book have endorsed the book.

    First edition

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    1. The Expansion of Executive Power

    1.1 The Framers’ Vision: A Limited Executive

    1.2 The Modern Presidency: Consolidation of Power

    1.3 A Comparison: King George vs. the Modern Executive

    2. The Supremacy of the Federal Government

    2.1 Federalism and Limited Government

    2.2 The Federal Leviathan

    2.3 A Comparison: King George vs. Federal Overreach

    3. The Erosion of Individual Rights

    3.1 The Bill of Rights: Safeguarding Individual Liberties

    3.2 The Erosion of Civil Liberties

    3.3 A Comparison: King George vs. Modern Intrusions

    4. Judicial Activism and the Erosion of Constitutional Interpretation

    4.1 The Role of the Judiciary: Guardians of the Constitution

    4.2 Judicial Activism: Exceeding Constitutional Bounds

    4.3 The Impact of Judicial Activism

    4.4 A Comparison: King George vs. Judicial Overreach

    5. The Administrative State: Unchecked Bureaucratic Power

    5.1 The Rise of the Administrative State

    5.2 Regulatory Overreach and the Erosion of Accountability

    5.3 Restoring Accountability and Constitutional Balance

    5.4 A Comparison: King George vs. Unchecked Bureaucratic Power

    6. Economic Liberty and the Threat of Government Overregulation

    6.1 The Importance of Economic Liberty

    6.2 The Threat of Government Overregulation

    6.3 Restoring Economic Freedom

    6.4 A Comparison: King George vs. Economic Liberty

    7. Free Speech and the Threat of Censorship

    7.1 The Importance of Free Speech

    7.2 The Threat of Censorship

    7.3 Protecting Free Speech

    7.4 A Comparison: King George vs. Free Expression

    8. Preserving Privacy in the Digital Age

    8.1 The Importance of Privacy

    8.2 The Threats to Privacy

    8.3 Safeguarding Privacy in the Digital Age

    8.4 A Comparison: King George vs. Privacy Rights

    9. Restoring Civic Engagement and Active Citizenship

    9.1 The Importance of Civic Engagement

    9.2 The Decline of Civic Engagement

    9.3 Restoring Civic Engagement

    9.4 A Comparison: King George vs. Active Citizenship

    10. Preserving the Power of the People: The Bill of Rights and the Jury System

    10.1 The Role of the Jury in the Bill of Rights

    10.2 Grievances Against the King and the Judiciary

    10.3 The Power of Jury Nullification

    10.4 Efforts to Eliminate Jury Trials: Challenges to the People’s Power




    Declaration of Independence

    About the Author

    Also by Peter Serefine


    As host of The Daily Mojo radio program and podcast, and author of Spend A Little; Save A Lot Home Improvements, I understand the challenges of getting a point across to someone, teaching a group of people anything, and finding the time in which to do all of that in the first place. With that in mind, I truly admire the dedication, work, and love that Peter puts into his projects – and into this book.

    Peter and I have worked together on the same media platform for several years, and I’ve realized that he has a much deeper and broader grasp of the politics and history of this great country that we all share as Americans. I’ve never cared for politics, but I love history – I just hated taking the tests in school! I want to hear the stories. I want to understand the WHYs of the events in the United States that have brought us to this strange point in history.

    For the first time in my life, I read aloud the Declaration of Independence this year – on a live radio show. I resisted to do it in an English accent, which it begs for. I did this because I think so few people have actually taken the time to read the short document (4 pages?) and perhaps even fewer were taught its background and the WHYs of its words. To live in a country as unique as ours is and not read, much less comprehend, the document that sets up the reasons for its existence seems absurd. To understand the WHYs of our individual liberties and the responsibilities that go hand in hand with them seems like a no-brainer, but it’s only in my older age that I’ve come to understand the importance of doing so.

    While preparing for the show, I was researching some of the claims made in the Declaration, and discovered that I maybe had never known – or had simply not retained – that the infamous King George against whom the Founding Fathers were rallying the troops, may not have been the tyrannical

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