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NATO's World?: Military Might To Rule The World?
NATO's World?: Military Might To Rule The World?
NATO's World?: Military Might To Rule The World?
Ebook27 pages9 minutes

NATO's World?: Military Might To Rule The World?

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NATO is undeniably the world's most powerful military alliance. It has been led by USA since the end of WW2. It was originally set up to protect Europe against the Soviet Union.

The implosion of the Soviet Union in 1991 and the collapse of the Warsaw pact alliance has rendered NATO unnecessary. But NATO was kept going nonetheless, and was even expanded further to include more nations in the European neighbourhood.

Clearly, this was because it serves American and EU's interest as the military guarantor of American and European hegemony.

The muscular US foreign policy is banking on the expansion of NATO to counter the new rising superpowers.

Ironically, the continued expansion of NATO is now threatening to trigger a most devastating world war.

It is time for every country to step back from the precipice of world war and human extinction.

It is time an international agreement is reached to enable one humanity to share resources, share opportunities and share the earth.

PublisherTerry Nettle
Release dateJul 17, 2023
NATO's World?: Military Might To Rule The World?

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    Book preview

    NATO's World? - Terry Nettle

    1. NATO Expansion

    As to be expected, the continued expansion of NATO in Europe towards Russia has greatly alarmed Russia, and this has culminated in a proxy war with NATO when Russia invaded Ukraine on 24 February 2022.

    This proxy war between NATO and Russia has gone on for more than one and a half years now without any sign of resolution.

    NATO has strenuously insisted that this was a war of aggression by Russia against Ukraine, and denied that this was NATO's proxy war against Russia. But can it not be its proxy war against Russian when all the NATO countries and other Western-aligned countries are supporting Ukraine financially and militarily in every way

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