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Criminal Company
Criminal Company
Criminal Company
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Criminal Company

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When Holly Andrews gets a job working for the Griffins she has no idea what she is in for. There are so many secrets and lies. After meeting Eli Griffin, the son, she thinks he is the sexiest man alive.  She has no idea what kind of illegal activities he is involved with. Then there is Natalie Griffin who only cares about money and what she can get. She gets a man named Wes to help steal money from her parents, but Eli finds out. Just as Eli and his friends are about to kill her, Wes comes in with a gun pointed at Holly's head.

Release dateJul 17, 2023
Criminal Company

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    Criminal Company - Naomi Chapman


    I t seems like Fran Summers has been following me. Sam has over heard her talking on the phone. From what I understand she intends to blackmail us, said Eli. I saw her parked outside my house last night. When I left she followed me. Needless to say this is not good. Something has got to be done.

    Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at Eli. Eli collapsed into a chair and looked at his friends. If they were black mailed they were screwed. They had done many shady things that very few people knew about and they wanted to keep it that way. If she had any idea of the things that they had done and could prove it they were looking at serious jail time.

    Shit! exclaimed Paul.

    They had all tried to be careful and cover their tracks. Maybe Fran was working under cover for the cops. They didn’t know for sure, but they couldn’t risk it.

    What do you want us to do? asked Mark.

    Break into her house.

    Someone will have to distract her, Brian replied.

    They turned to look at Jake. Jake looked at them and shook his head no. Eli smiled and shook his head yes. Jake was the only hope of distracting her so they could break into her house.

    Oh, come on Eli! Don’t make me do that, Jake pleaded.

    May I remind you it’s not just for me? It’s for the good of all of us. If she really has something on us we need to know and we need to get it. I don’t know about you guys but I don’t want to go to jail, said Eli.

    I’m not going to jail either, Paul replied.

    Jake sighed. He knew what was at stake. He didn’t need to be reminded. He just didn’t want to distract her. He buried his head in his arms on the table so he couldn’t see the others laughing at him.

    Fine, retorted Jake.

    But Jake still wasn’t happy. The plan seemed crazy. Why would she believe he wanted to hook up with her now? Fran Summers had been trying to get Jake to go on a date with her for the longest time. Everyone knew she had been trying to Jake’s attention since the day she started working there. Jake had always ignored her and avoided her. Now he was supposed to pretend that he was interested in her. It’ll never work, Jake thought. She’s not completely stupid.

    I knew we could count on you, remarked Eli.

    I hate you. All of you, snapped Jake.

    You never know Jake. You might have a good time, Mark commented.

    Jake raised his head. The others were laughing. He glared at Mark and flipped him off. That just encouraged them to laugh even more. This was the last thing he wanted to do, but he had to. They were right. He was the only one who could do it.

    Let’s be serious guys. This is pretty serious, said Eli.

    Everyone stopped laughing. They got quiet and looked at Eli.

    Once we get what we need you can ditch her, suggested Paul. We will call you and let you know as soon as we are out.

    That might not be a good idea, Mark cautioned.

    True, agreed Brian. She might suspect something.

    I know it’s asking a lot but if you could entertain her long enough to get what we want, then you could bring her back here and finish this tonight, Eli replied.

    Whatever is best, said Jake.

    They nodded. Jake stood up. It was almost time for Fran to get off work. He headed upstairs to find her. He spotted her exiting the office when he got to the floor. Fran wasn’t exactly an ugly woman. She had a decent body. She was medium build with red hair and blue eyes. Her red hair was wavy and often pulled back into pony tails. There were rumors that she had a boob job done. Jake didn’t know for sure. She didn’t mind showing her boobs off. She often wore low cut blouses. She had nice long legs and didn’t mind showing them off by wearing shorter skirts either.

    Fran had a huge crush on Jake. Everyone knew about it. Jake didn’t encourage her or flirt with her, but she would always flirt with him when she saw him. Jake tried to avoid her. It was just a thing. He didn’t date red heads.

    Hi, Fran, he said.

    Fran stopped and looked at Jake. Jake stopped in front of her and forced a smile. Fran examined him carefully wondering why he was talking to her. He never purposely met her in the hall to talk. He rarely said two words to her.

    Hi, replied Fran still a little unsure about his motives.

    I know this is kind of last minute, but what are you doing tonight? he asked.

    Nothing why?

    Do you want to do something?

    With you?

    Yes. Dinner and a movie or something so we can talk.

    About what?

    Jake had hoped she would jump at the chance to go out with him, but she obviously wasn’t stupid. He had to get her to go out with him in order for Mark and Brian to do their thing. Everyone was depending on him. It wasn’t just the guys. It was Don and Ginger as well. He was going to have to be convincing and lie his ass off for this work.

    Didn’t you hear that Sasha dumped me last week? he asked.

    Fran shook her head no.

    Oh. Yeah. We were going out for a year. She just dumped me. I don’t know why. I guess it’s time to move on. Everyone said you have a crush on me. I knew that before, but I was in the relationship with Sasha and didn’t want to hurt her so I couldn’t pursue anything with you. I guess I should’ve and forgot all about Sasha.

    So you just want to use me to get over Sasha?

    No. I am over her. I want to move on and start a new relationship and I want to do that with you.

    Fran blushed. He sounded serious and this was like a dream come true. If he wasn’t serious, she could at least have a fling with him and then make him pay. She smiled and nodded.

    Okay, she agreed.

    Great! Let’s go.

    Jake reached over and took her hand. Then he pulled her close and gave her a quick kiss on the lips. Fran wanted more and she took more. She put her arms around his waist and kissed him. She put her tongue in his mouth and explored his mouth. Fran was certainly a good kisser and more forward than he had suspected. Despite that, Jake wanted to push her away. This was not part of the plan. He didn’t mind kissing, holding hands, but he didn’t want this going too far.

    Let’s save that for later, he said, when we can be alone.

    He gently separated from her and held onto her hand as they walked out of the building to his car. At his car he opened the passenger door for her. She got in as he closed the door. Then he went to the driver’s side. He paused before opening the door and shook his head wishing he didn’t have to do this. He told himself it was just another job and got in the car. Jake started the car and drove away.

    Are you hungry? he inquired.

    Sure, replied Fran.

    Fran felt dizzy. Her head was spinning. Jake had just kissed her and they were holding hands. It was a miracle. His statement let’s save that for later when we are alone, kept running through her mind. Did that mean they were going to do more than have dinner?

    PAUL AND ELI HAD BEEN watching for Jake to leave with Fran. Mark and Brian were already in route to Fran’s house. When Paul saw Jake and Fran leave, he quickly called Mark to let them know. Then Eli and Paul returned to the conference room to wait.

    Mark looked at Brian and nodded as he put his phone away. Brian drove down the street a block and then turned right. Then they parked near an alley. Mark and Brian put gloves on as they got out of the car and hurried down the alley. They found her back yard and went through it. They broke the window out of the back door and went in.

    After searching the house they found a digital camera as well as an envelope with pictures in it. There were several pictures of Eli, his house, his parents, Paul, Sam, Brian, and Mark. She really had been following them. There were pictures of them going into the basement at the hotel and pictures of them in several different places.

    Damn! She has been busy stalking us, exclaimed Brian as they looked through the pictures.

    Look! There are no pictures of Jake, Mark pointed out.

    Does that surprise you? asked Brian.

    Mark shook his head no as they continued to look. From the looks of all the pictures, she spent a lot of time following them around. It was hard to tell what else she had on them.

    Look at this, Brian said.

    Brian held up a picture of Mark pointing a gun at some guys head. Mark grabbed the picture and started ripping it up.

    Shit, exclaimed Mark.

    Brian shook his head as he looked around a little more to see if she had recorded any tapes of conversations, or anything like that. They didn’t find any. Nor did they find anything when they went through her drawers.

    I wonder if Jake can get close enough and spend the night that way he could get her to talk and find out more about things, said Mark.

    That would be great, but I really don’t trust her. I don’t want to wait for that. I don’t think Eli would want to wait either.

    Brian looked at the computer. He sat down in front of it and turned it on. Then he looked at his watch.

    How much time do you think we have? inquired Brian.

    Mark shrugged as he glanced at his watch. It was hard to tell. It had been twenty minutes since they got the call. Dinner could take anywhere from thirty minutes to a couple hours.

    He knows not to end the date until he hears from use right? questioned Brian.

    He should.

    Brian nodded and returned his focus to the computer. The log on screen came up. It required a password. Brian smiled. He was a computer geek. Hacking into computers was his thing.

    DINNER WAS NEARLY OVER. It had been a nice dinner. The food was good, but it was kind of quiet. Jake nervously glanced at his phone. It had been an hour and he hadn’t heard a word from anyone yet. Waiting was driving him crazy.

    I seriously just want to get this over with and get away from her. We’ll have to go back to my place if they don’t hurry up, Jake thought. I really don’t want to go back to my place. They need to hurry. I swear if they are purposely taking a long time I will kill them.

    Jake had no doubts that Fran wouldn’t mind going back to his place. She would be all over him. His greatest fear was that she would rape him. If the way she had kissed him was indication as to how she would react, he was in trouble.

    Fran was a decent kisser so if they took it slow and easy with simple kisses it would be okay. Fran taking things slow and easy just seemed crazy. He doubted that she would take it slow and easy and just kiss. He didn’t mind touching. He just didn’t want to sleep with her.

    Jake had a feeling she would start ripping his clothes off, which wouldn’t be so bad. He had never been stripped or seduced by a woman before. He didn’t have any problem with being stripped or seduced. He only wished it was a different woman. There was nothing wrong with meaningless sex in his opinion. He wouldn’t have to worry about seeing her again. Could he be that cruel though? Could he have sex with a woman and set her up to be killed?

    Those assholes better hurry and call. I can’t stall too much longer. I’ve already had dessert. The waitress returned to their table and cleared their empty plates. Then she asked if they needed anything else. They both declined.

    Jake took one final drink of his pop and looked towards the window. He could tell she was staring at him and she was. Her staring was making him very uncomfortable.

    What are we going to do now? she asked.

    Uh. I don’t know, replied Jake.

    Maybe we should go for a drive.

    Jake gave her a funny look. That was an odd suggestion. He was surprised she didn’t say let’s go back to my place or yours.

    A drive?

    Fran nodded and smiled. Jake wasn’t exactly sure what but there was something about the smile and the look in her eyes that bothered him. The only good thing about going for a drive was that they would be in the car when Paul called. He could tell her that he forgot something and needed to stop back at work for a second.

    Okay, agreed Jake.

    A drive was after all better than going to her place or his. If they took long enough the guys would have enough time to finish searching.

    Jake stood up and took his wallet out. Then he tossed a ten on the table and picked up the bill. Fran stood up and walked with him to the cashiers to pay. From there they walked silently out to Jake’s car and got in. Jake got behind the steering wheel and started the car. He backed out, then he put the car in drive as he maneuvered through the parking lot heading to the exit. He turned to the left when it was clear.

    They drove along going straight for a few minutes. The road was fairly busy. They passed several cars in just a few blocks. In the car, it was quiet. The radio wasn’t on and neither of them were talking.

    Any place in particular? he inquired.

    Not really just drive around a bit.

    Jake nodded and kept going straight. He glanced up at the sky as they drove. It was starting to get dark. The moon was out, not a full moon though. There were a few stars just starting to light the sky. The windows were down and a nice warm breeze was coming in.

    Neither Jake nor Fran spoke for the longest time. Then suddenly she reached over and put her hand on his leg. He was surprised. He looked at her, but he didn’t say anything.

    She slowly moved her hand up his leg to high thigh and then between his legs. She started to rub him through his jeans. Before he could protest she had her hand on his zipper and was pulling it down.

    What are you doing? he asked.

    Jake was more shocked than anything. He had no idea that she was so bold. He always thought she was innocent, but now he wasn’t so sure of that.

    Nothing yet, replied Fran.

    Once his jeans were unbuttoned and unzipped she reached her hand down his pants and started touching his penis. He opened his mouth to tell her to stop but nothing came out. She had a nice touch and it felt so good that he closed his mouth and drove. Jake was staring at the road when she put her head in his lap. His penis was exposed.

    Hard and big. Um, she said.

    The next thing he knew her mouth was on his erection.

    Oh shit! he exclaimed as he swerved.

    Fran let out a laugh. Then she looked up at him.

    Are you going to be okay while I do this? she asked.

    Uh yeah, was all he managed to say.


    Jake gripped the steering wheel tightly as she put her mouth on his erection again and began to tease him with her tongue. It felt so good that he had trouble concentrating to drive. He almost pulled over to wait until she was done, but the peddle was to the floor and asking her to stop was out of the question.

    It shocked Jake that Fran was actually good at giving a blow job. For some reason he didn’t think she had seen a man’s penis before, let alone know what to do with one. Damn she knew exactly what to do.

    Jake let out a moan as she continued to suck him. He was going crazy from pleasure. Driving was nearly impossible.


    Eli smiled, pleased that they had gotten what he wanted. All they had to do was wait for Jake to bring her back to them. Eli glanced at the pictures. Just knowing she followed him pissed him off. He couldn’t wait to get his hands on her and torture her.

    Soon he would have her there. He would have his chance to scare her and taunt her before he killed her. He couldn’t wait to see her scared and crying. He couldn’t wait to see her, see her dead.

    Paul dialed Jake’s number and sat in a nearby chair waiting for him to answer. Mark and Brian sat down at the table also, eager to get this over with. The phone rang a couple times before Jake answered it. He didn’t sound very thrilled to be talking.

    Damn it! What?

    What’s with you? asked Paul.

    Jake had just exploded. His head was still spinning from pleasure. He had been enjoying it so much that he wasn’t completely focused on anything but what she had done to him.

    Nothing, Jake answered.

    Where are you?

    Not sure.

    What do you mean you’re not sure? What the hell is going on?

    Jake looked around. He had just been driving, not even looking or thinking about where he was going. He made a quick turn in a drive way and then backed out and headed in the direction he hoped was town, but he really wasn’t sure.

    Are you on your way? asked Paul.

    Yes, Jake growled, annoyed by Paul’s questions.

    Okay. Bye.

    When Jake hung up, he looked over at Fran who was laughing hysterically. He shook his head.

    Oh, you think that’s funny, huh? he questioned.

    She just nodded, she was laughing too hard to speak.

    And you think you could drive better under those circumstances? Jake inquired.

    We’ll never know will we?

    Jake looked at her. That sounded like a challenge to him. He slammed on the brakes and pulled over. Then he glanced over at her. She had a surprised look on her face as if she wasn’t sure what was going on.

    Get out! he ordered.


    Get out! You’re driving.

    Jake got out of the car and went to the passenger side. She was still sitting in the car with the door closed. He opened the door. She looked up at him as if she didn’t think he was serious. He motioned for her to get out.

    Jake smiled. She didn’t look as confident as she had earlier. Now she looked nervous. He couldn’t tell for sure but thought she was shaking a little. She didn’t sound so confident either.

    Let’s go! You’re wasting time, he said.

    I was joking.

    Too late! I wasn’t.

    Jake grabbed her hand, but not too hard to hurt her. He pulled her out of the car. Fran shook her head no as she stood up. Jake smiled and shook his head yes.

    Unless you don’t want this, he said.

    No.. I d-do.

    Her voice was shaky and had a hint of worry to it. Jake wanted to tell her there was nothing to worry about now. He wasn’t going to hurt her. It was his friends who were going to hurt her. In an hour or so that would be a different story. She wasn’t going to be safe. She was going to die. He wasn’t going to tell her that or try to save her. Making Eli mad was not something he ever wanted to do. He had seen what Eli did to people that pissed him off and he wasn’t about to piss Eli off for some woman.

    Good, he replied.

    Jake pulled her close to give her a reassuring kiss. Then he playfully shoved her away and got in. Jake closed the door and sat back as Fran climbed into the driver’s seat and closed the door. She looked at him nervously as she started the car.

    Jake hadn’t planned on doing this. Kissing her wasn’t even part of the plan. This would be the last time anyone would ever kiss her. He figured he could make her last few minutes alive very pleasurable for her.

    You might want to turn back around. You’ll kill us if you drive through town, he commented.

    I will not.

    Are you sure?

    Fran must’ve decided not to chance it. She quickly turned around and headed for the country. Jake just smiled as he watched her drive. She looked a little scared. Not knowing what he was going to do was probably worrying her.

    Jake thought about the guys. They would be pissed if they knew what he was about to do. He wasn’t going to tell them ever. They would never let him live it down. That was the last thing he wanted.

    What’s wrong? Nervous? he asked.

    No. Yes. A little, admitted Fran.

    Relax. Don’t be. Or do you not want to do this?

    I do. Do you?

    You wouldn’t be driving if I didn’t.


    Fran was wearing a short skirt. That was convenient. If she wore panties that would be a bit of a problem. That would leave mean he would be left with no choice but to rip them off. Jake reached over to spread her legs apart. The second he touched her soft skin she jerked.

    Relax, he said gently.

    She nodded and tried to relax, but it wasn’t easy. She had always dreamed of Jake touching her like this. It was just so hard to believe. Not to mention how great it felt just to have him touch her.

    JAKE SPREAD HER LEGS apart. The left one he moved close to the door. She looked down at his hand. It was moving closer to her panties. She took a deep breath and held it. The touch of his hand felt amazing.

    Watch the road, he instructed.

    Fran nodded and looked at the road again. She felt his hand touch her panties. Then she heard them rip. Her heart started pounding as he began to touch her. She was amazed at how good his touch felt. She got caught up in the moment and closed her eyes. Then she remembered she was driving when she heard honking and jerked the steering wheel and swerved just missing a car.

    Park! he ordered. I would hate to explain what we are doing to a cop. Plus, I want my car in one piece.

    Fran nodded and turned onto the next country road. She drove a little ways down before pulling off to the side and parked. Jake reached over and put the car in park. Then he turned the engine off.

    Move the seat back as far as it will go. Then lay it back, he instructed.

    She nodded. Her hands were shaking as she did as he said. He noticed her hands shaking so he leaned over and kissed her on the lips.

    Relax, he said between kisses.

    WHAT THE HELL IS TAKING Jake so long? asked Eli as he began to pace back and forth in the conference room glancing at his watch every couple of seconds.

    In all fairness to Jake, we did force him to do this. He has to make it look real and not like it is a set up. He does know this is important and if he screws it up he’s dead, Paul reminded him.

    Eli nodded. He tried to remember that, but patience was not one of his better qualities. He didn’t like that fact that it was taking so long. Ten minutes had gone by since the first call to Jake. He was supposed to have been on his way then which meant he should’ve been back already. This was important. It had to be taken care of quickly. Eli just wanted to get it over with.

    Maybe there is something wrong. Call him again, suggested Brian.

    Paul nodded and picked up the phone. The phone rang and rang until Jake’s voice mail picked up. Paul tried again, getting the same result. Paul looked at Eli and shrugged. Then he hung the phone up.

    No answer, Paul replied.

    He could be in the middle of something, said Mark with a smirk on his face.

    They glared at him, clearly not amused by his remark. They looked pissed by the suggestion. Mark just shrugged.

    She could be raping him. Then again like Paul said, he does have to make it look real, Mark said defensively.

    He wouldn’t... Brian stopped.

    What? asked Eli in and angry and frustrated tone.

    He wouldn’t help her would he?

    Everyone got quiet. Eli and Paul glanced at each other. Paul shook his head no. Eli just shrugged. Neither of them were too sure. They both looked a little concerned that it was possible.

    She didn’t have any pictures of him, but she had plenty of everyone else, Brian reminded them.

    He has to know what will happen if he tries, said Mark.

    Find him, Eli demanded.

    Mark and Brian didn’t wait. They jumped out of their chairs and hurried to the door. As they disappeared Paul picked the phone up and dialed Jakes number again. Eli began to pace back and forth once again. He didn’t look very happy at the thought of Jake betraying him.

    Their plans were fucked up. Things were not supposed to go down like this. What if Jake had betrayed them? If he had the cops would be there any second and they would be fucked. Without Brian and Mike there and no guns to defend themselves and fight the cops they were doomed. Worst case scenario they could take Jake down with them. They could frame him and testify against him. Paul wasn’t opposed to doing that to save himself. He was pretty sure the others wouldn’t be opposed either.

    Sam just stood in the back ground. No one paid any attention to her, which she didn’t mind at all. She didn’t move or say a word. There was so much going on. Everything was getting crazy and complicated and out of hand. Her head was beginning to spin and she was feeling dizzy.

    By the time the phone rang for the second time Jake was finished doing what he had started. Fran was breathing heavy, still laying back in the seat. Her face was flushed, her heart was pounding and she was all wet, but she was happy and the huge smile on her face was proof of that.

    That was amazing, she said.

    Jake smiled as he picked the phone up to see who was calling.

    Thanks. I have to answer this real quick, he said.

    She nodded as Jake said hello.

    What the hell are you doing? exclaimed Paul.

    From all of these damn calls I get the feeling you are doubting me.

    Jake got Fran’s attention to let her know he was getting out of the car to talk. She nodded. He climbed out and shut the door. Then he walked a few feet from the car.

    Some are worried about your loyalty, said Paul.

    That shouldn’t even be a concern! Let’s remember whose fucking idea this was! I’m just doing what I was told.

    You should’ve been back by now.

    And leave during a movie! How suspicious would that be? It would’ve fucked everything up and she would’ve found out. So get off my back! I will be there.

    Jake didn’t wait for him to answer. He was too pissed. He hung up. He didn’t give a damn that he had lied to Paul. He was too angry to care about anything at the moment. It was unbelievable. They doubted him. He had never done anything to even show that he was even the slightest bit disloyal to Eli. How could they think such a thing? Jake took a deep breath and ran his fingers through his hair. Now he had to go back and face them. Facing Eli, Mark and Brian wasn’t going to be the big problem. Facing Paul was since he was the one who had suggested he was disloyal. Refraining from punching him was going to be hard.

    Jake’s back was to the car and he stood a few feet away from it. He was so lost in his thoughts that he hadn’t heard Fran get out of the car. Suddenly he felt Fran put her arms around his waist. He took a deep breath and held it hoping she hadn’t over heard anything.

    Are you okay? asked Fran.

    Yeah. I just forgot something I had to pick up back at work. That was Eli. He is pissed because I haven’t done it yet, Jake lied.

    We should go then.

    Jake nodded. He gave her a kiss as they got back into the car. This time Jake drove. Fran sat with her head back on the seat feeling so many different emotions from what had happened.

    Do you mind if I stop there really quick and get this over with? Jake questioned.

    She shook her head no. Jake nodded and sped back to the hotel. It didn’t take them long to get there. Jake parked and they both got out. They walked in together. He held her hand hoping she wouldn’t catch on to what was about to take place. As they approached the conference

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