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Satanic Manipulations and Antidotes
Satanic Manipulations and Antidotes
Satanic Manipulations and Antidotes
Ebook60 pages47 minutes

Satanic Manipulations and Antidotes

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The scripture does not want to leave anybody in doubt about the destructive ten- dencies of Satan. Therefore, it gives a vivid description of Satan and his diaboli- cal nature. In Genesis 3:1, the Bible says: Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. John 8:44 reads thus:...He was a murderer from th

Release dateJun 20, 2023
Satanic Manipulations and Antidotes

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    Satanic Manipulations and Antidotes - Pastor Samson Bamigbayan


    The scripture does not want to leave anybody in doubt about the destructive tendencies of Satan. Therefore, it gives a vivid description of Satan and his diabolical nature. In Genesis 3:1, the Bible says: Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. John 8:44 reads thus:...He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar and the father of it. Another word for subtle in Genesis 3:1 is cunning. Cunning is synonymous with deception. Any individual with his attribute can manipulate another person to his own advantage.

    From the foregoing, it is obvious that through his crafty nature. Satan can take advantage of you if you are ignorant oi his antics and not well grounded in the word of God. Satanic manipulations and antidotes is therefore a modest attempt on my part to expose the satanic veil that the devil uses before unleashing his deadly blows. The book is a product of my experience from counselling sessions with those who require divine guidance to their diverse spiritual problems.1 wish to acknowledge the support of my brothers and sisters in the Lord whose interaction provided the necessary impetus for this publication. May you be richly blessed as you read through this publication.

    Samson Bamigbayan

    February, 2014

    Chapter 1- Operation of Satanic Forces


    Many people, though physically strong and alive, are crippled spiritually by satanic forces either through satanic manipulation or evil bondage. Satanic manipulation and evil bondage appear similar but they are quite distinct. Satanic manipulation can be described as a situation whereby someone known or unknown to the victim, consults with bad spiritual forces to induce the victim into committing unnatural acts that can lead the victim to personal ruin. In essence, somebody who has a personal dislike for another goes somewhere on account of a person just to initiate wickedness and evil afflictions against the person such that the person acts without reason. For instance, a trader will buy goods worth fifty thousand naira and yet sell them for fifty naira apiece when they should cost more than a thousand naira apiece. Such a person is under satanic manipulation to lose his/her financial resources. Evil bondage on the other hand is a medium whereby someone uses food, sex, incision or physical material to tie down a person to an evil habit so that the person is perpetually entangled in a bad habit against himself or against his own family. The satanic grip on the person is so tenacious that even though the person knows that what he is doing is bad and can ruin his family, he still goes ahead and does it because he cannot help himself. Already, he is enslaved to that habit and cannot break away from it. Though closely related to satanic manipulations, there is a difference.

    The difference is in the timing and frequency of occurrence. While satanic manipulation comes on the spur of the moment and lasts for just about a second, evil bondage is part and parcel of the person's life. For instance, a smoker smokes because there is an internal craving for cigarettes that he cannot resist. So whether morning, afternoon or night, he smokes because he must smoke. So also are fornicators or evil adulterers. They indulge in illicit sex just because there is a craving they cannot control and want to satisfy. So whether they like it or not. they indulge in sex and feel no remorse, no regret, no desire for repentance. But in the case of satanic manipulations, the person comes to his senses the moment the act is concluded. Also he regrets his action and is ashamed of it. For example, a driver who suddenly loses control of the vehicle he is driving because a

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