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The Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ
The Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ
The Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ
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The Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ

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The Coming of the Lord Jesus expresses the people living on the earth since the beginning of time until the coming of Jesus Christ. These characters express their dedication to the Word of the Lord and their expectation to the coming of the Lord.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateJul 11, 2023
The Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ

Bishop Everett H. Jefferson Sr.

Bishop Everett H. Jefferson, Sr. was born December 23, 1949 in Helena, Arkansas. He is the husband of Elaine Jefferson and the father of three children, Everett Jr., Eric, and Elliot Jefferson. Bishop Jefferson’s ministerial career consist of forty years as minister.

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    The Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ - Bishop Everett H. Jefferson Sr.

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    The Coming of the

    Lord Jesus Christ

    But I do not want you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning those who have fallen asleep, lest you sorrow as others who have no hope. 14 For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him those who sleep in Jesus. For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord will by no means precede those who are asleep. For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord. Therefore comfort one another with these words. 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 (NKJV)


    I dedicate this book to my wife, Elaine Jefferson three sons and their wives, Everett Jefferson II and Dorsharica Jefferson, Eric and Dawn Jefferson, Elliot and Schnelle Jefferson. My ministerial colleagues. My grandsons and granddaughters have given me an abundance of ministerial support by the preaching and teaching of the Gospel, administrative, as well as musical help for the building of the Kingdom of God. I thank my wife, Elaine W. Jefferson for her committed effort in helping me with the promotion and sales of this book and others help that allow me to continue working on the charge the Lord has given me. My wife has given me her constant encouragement to express my God given thoughts through public speaking, writing, and publishing. Her God given motivation inspires me to keep writing even in my sickness and pain. I love Elaine and pray she will be with me throughout the time Almighty God gives us both on earth. I also dedicate this book to the memories of my mother, the late Katie Jefferson, and grandmother, the late Pearl Juitt, schoolteachers who encouraged me to learn the necessary course work for my career in public speaking and writing. My father the late Percy Jefferson who encouraged me to do well in school and live according to the Laws of God. Other schoolteachers throughout my educational career that allowed me to be proficient in my educational studies, as I practice English, Language Arts, and other academic studies that would help me be efficient in my educational career. My educators also taught me to be efficient in communication skills that allowed me to be successful with my peers. I am grateful for the late Dr. Steven Haymon Ed. D, a professor of psychology who has written several books in his field and practiced psychology in the greater Saint Louis, Missouri area. The Professors of the Loyola University of Maryland provided me with the necessary skills to write and helped me to develop the art of expression through writing. My Biblical skills and knowledge were developed at the Bethesda Temple Church in St. Louis, Missouri, pastored by the late Bishop James A. Johnson. It is difficult to name all the people that had a great influence in my life. Many relatives, schoolteachers, friends, and co-workers have encouraged me to do great things and helped me to continue in my educational field. I have learned so much from so many people. I love and respect those who helped me achieve the wisdom and knowledge to express myself verbally and literally. I am grateful to acknowledge all that have given me wisdom to express God’s Word and live in a domain that gives courage and strength to live what I teach and preach. I believe that expressing the good things in life and encouraging others to be good citizens of heaven and earth is part of our Godly commitment on earth. We should also be helpful to others, growing and developing in the good things that Almighty God desires for all of us to do. I will always be grateful for the help I have received throughout my spiritual and educational careers. I pray God’s richest blessing upon all that have helped me to become the husband, minister, teacher, and friend that I am today.


    The Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, (I Thessalonians 4:8-11). In this 21st century when we are informed about the coming of the Lord, we may become excited for a moment, but we soon shift back to our day-to-day activities. We soon forget that the Lord has informed us through His Word in I Thessalonians 4:8-11, that He would return and take His people out of the earth. We are instructed in Revelation 3:14-22 that we are living in the last stages of the church. The Bible has informed us that the church would be neither cold nor hot but lukewarm. We are experiencing this as we see the body of Christ decrease in its excitement for the things of God. Revelation 3:17 reveals a clear picture of where the church is today and in the future. Note what the Word of the Lord declares, Because you say, ‘I am rich, have become wealthy, and have need of nothing’—and do not know that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked— (Revelation 3:17, NKJV). It is obvious that the lukewarm nature has found its way into the 21st century church. We are blessed with some of the best living conditions ever, great modes of transportation, good jobs, and an abundance of food! Please do not misunderstand me. God is allowing us to be blessed with all these things. However, as we enjoy all these blessings, please do not forget our Lord Jesus Christ who came to earth, and willingly gave His life that we may have eternal life! Now is the time for the children of God to expect and prepare for the Lord’s return. Consider the Word of the Lord. "Now when He had spoken these things, while they watched, He was taken up, and a cloud received Him out of their sight. And while they looked steadfastly toward heaven as He went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel, who also said, Men of Galilee, why do you stand gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will so come in like manner as you saw Him go into heaven. (Acts 1:9-11, NKJV). The Apostle Paul reminds us that the Lord is coming back for His Church, His Body, His Bride. Do not forget that we are the church. We are His Body and at the coming of the Lord, we will soon become His Bride! Since we are in this church age and the church has become lukewarm; remove yourselves from being lukewarm and switch to the hot mode. In doing so you will see the glory of God and be ready for the coming of the Lord! Jesus declared, I stand at the door and knock... (Revelation 3:20a, NKJV). Jesus is knocking on the door of each of our hearts. He wants each of us to come back to His designated place in our hearts and enjoy the sweet communion that we once shared with Him! There are so many things in this life that have distracted us from expecting the return of the Lord Jesus. Nevertheless, Jesus has given us the power to overcome whatever has pulled us away from Him. Note Jesus’ declaration in the scripture: "To him who overcomes I will grant to sit with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne. He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. (Revelation 3:21-22, NKJV). The Lord has given us that overcoming power through the Holy Spirit that resides in us. The Holy Spirit that is dwelling in us will give us the power to overcome every wicked force that has moved us to that lukewarm state. Are you ready to overcome the lukewarm state and become hot again for the things of God? There is an old song that remains in my heart since I gave my life to the Lord Jesus Christ…

    "Oh, I want to see Him, look upon His face,

    There to sing forever of His saving grace;

    On the streets of glory let me lift my voice,

    Cares all past, home at last, ever to rejoice."

    When I experience the evil forces in the earth and the devil’s determination to make me turn away from God, I am even more determined to fight the good fight of faith and see the glory of the Lord working in my life. No, I do not want to go into hiding and give up on the Lord, but I will keep worshiping, fighting, and stay in love with Jesus Christ that I might be received when the Lord returns to receive His church. One of the old Gospel songs declared, I’m Gonna Work Until the Day Is Done. Almighty God knows the day of His return to earth to receive His children, and I want to be ready when He comes! Since we do not know the day nor the hour of His return, it behooves us to be ready when Jesus comes and takes us into Heaven. I’m looking forward to that day and I am doing all that I can to make my calling and election a sure thing! What about you? The time is short, and it will not be long until the day the Lord Jesus returns to receive His bride! I want to be ready, how about you?



    Chapter 1     The Need for a Savior/Redeemer

    Chapter 2     Development of a Savior—Abraham

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