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Hikes for everyone: Province of Malaga
Hikes for everyone: Province of Malaga
Hikes for everyone: Province of Malaga
Ebook207 pages1 hour

Hikes for everyone: Province of Malaga

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We welcome you to your new guide Voyage Experience: « Hikes for everyone – Province of Malaga » which will allow you to discover this beautiful province of Spain, nestled in an exceptional natural setting. It could be useful if you want to go there for one or several weeks.

Bathed by the Mediterranean Sea and the sun, the province of Andalusia is a real gem. It does not know winter along its coastline with its beautiful beaches (300 days of sunshine per year on average!!!). Malaga is also mountainous in the interior of its lands, where nature and its varied landscapes will surely charm you. Olive groves and almond trees as far as the eye can see, white villages nestled on the heights of hills or mountains, remote valleys where the sweetness of life is not just a concept but a way of living. We have discovered this province during the Covid-19 health crisis because Spain had the wisdom to reverse the first decisions made in panic.

While in several countries quarantines and hard restrictions were the norm, in Spain, the management by autonomous regions allowed people to travel within provinces with open restaurants, museums and other leisure and cultural structures. We were fortunate to see the Spaniards in a different light and to appreciate their joie de vivre. While respecting the sanitary measures, we were able to continue to live normally, to make visits and walks in nature.

In this little guide, we share with you the most beautiful hikes we have discovered in this magnificent province. We will be back there in autumn, and if there are other routes that have the same effect on us, we will add them to these ones. This little guide gathers above all our crushes and should save you time to choose the hikes which « call you out » or correspond to your interests.

There are many hikes available in the Province of Malaga, for all ages, all tastes and all levels of difficulty. We are not experienced hikers, but lovers of beautiful outings in nature, amazed by the surrounding beauties: landscapes, flora and fauna, rivers, waterfalls and lakes, caves and other geological curiosities, but also by the traces of our ancestors such as the cave paintings, the ancient necropolises, the ruins and other vestiges, witness to the passing of time.

We like to discover a region through the paths that crisscross it, especially since many have been traveled for hundreds of years.

For each hike, we will give you some information that will help you make your choice:

Distance in km

Difficulty level

Approximate duration

Nearest point of departure or commune

Theme – we will try to establish thematic categories such as « prehistory« , « nature », « fauna« , « forest« , « bathing« , « landscape« , « natural curiosity« , in order to guide you according to your own interests. We will accompany the description of each hike with our thematic icons of interests or affinities.

Necessary equipment

A small description with several photos to give you an idea about the track and interests

And if this little guide makes you want to know more about this region, the guide Province of Malaga will let you discover the gorgeous city of Malaga, but also the picturesque Antequera, Nerja with its exceptional cave and other jewels that make this province of the Costa del Sol, a great destination to visit in any season. We spent more than two months crossing through it and we will certainly return to it as it has conquered our hearts!

Release dateJul 18, 2023
Hikes for everyone: Province of Malaga

Cristina Rebiere

Courte biographie:Cristina Rebière est auteure de nombreux guides et livres. Elle a dirigé une maison d'édition, un parc d'aventures et mené à bien de nombreuses missions dans la fonction publique européenne. Elle est aussi spécialisée dans la formation continue.Ses origines:Après la Révolution roumaine, Cristina interrompt de brillantes études pour entrer à l'université en France où elle suit tout le cursus en faculté de droit et obtient une Maîtrise en Administration Économique et Sociale. D'abord chargée de communication dans un Institut Français en Allemagne, elle devient statisticienne à Bruxelles pour un bureau d'assistance de la Commission Européenne. De retour à Bucarest elle est successivement contrôleuse de gestion, directrice de maison d'édition, experte européenne puis professeure de français. En Roumanie elle fonde avec son mari une entreprise de team building puis le premier parc d'aventures jamais créé dans ce pays - construit de leurs mains - qui attirera des milliers de personnes, écoles et entreprises dans la pratique du sport et d'activités de cohésion en pleine nature. Avec son équipe, elle conçoit et construit des parcours d'escalade dans les arbres pour d'autres clients.Au rectorat de l'Académie de la Martinique, Cristina prend en charge la coordination de la Cellule Académique des Fonds Européens et de Coopération où elle accompagne les porteurs de projet dans le montage des dossiers, assure la formation en ingénierie de projet, gère un réseau de plus d'une soixantaine d'enseignants référents à l'ouverture internationale. Elle assure la gestion opérationnelle de plusieurs projets de coopération. Elle assure l'actualisation du site internet de la Délégation Académique aux Relations Internationales et à la Coopération.La pédagogie de Cristina Rebière est basée sur le pragmatisme et l'efficacité.Domaines de compétence:management de projet, voyage, marketing social de contenu, team building, formation initiale et continue, expertise en fonds européens, budgétisation, planification, productivité et stratégie, coaching, ingénierie financière, webmestre, statistiques, procédures, web intégration, conception graphique, communication, conception et construction de parcs d'aventure

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    Book preview

    Hikes for everyone - Cristina Rebiere

    Hikes for everyone

    Image page de titre

    Province of Malaga

    A vitamin supplement to classic tourist,

    to consume without moderation!

    - English, version 1 -

    © Cristina & Olivier Rebière. All rights reserved.


    Table of Contents


    Practical tips

    How to use this eGuide?




    Province of Malaga

    1. Caminito del Rey

    2. Las Aguilillas Necropolis

    3. The prehistoric shelters of Las Peñas de Cabrera

    4. El Torcal

    5. Rio Guadalmina Valley

    6. The enchanted forest of Juanar

    Spain: general presentation of the country


    Travel lexicon






    We welcome you to your new guide Voyage Experience : Hikes for everyone - Province of Malaga which will allow you to discover this beautiful province of Spain, nestled in an exceptional natural setting. It could be useful if you want to go there for one or several weeks.

    Bathed by the Mediterranean Sea and the sun, the province of Andalusia is a real gem. It does not know winter along its coastline with its beautiful beaches (300 days of sunshine per year on average!!!). Malaga is also mountainous in the interior of its lands, where nature and its varied landscapes will surely charm you. Olive groves and almond trees as far as the eye can see, white villages nestled on the heights of hills or mountains, remote valleys where the sweetness of life is not just a concept but a way of living. We have discovered this province during the Covid-19 health crisis because Spain had the wisdom to reverse the first decisions made in panic.

    While in several countries quarantines and hard restrictions were the norm, in Spain, the management by autonomous regions allowed people to travel within provinces with open restaurants, museums and other leisure and cultural structures. We were fortunate to see the Spaniards in a different light and to appreciate their joie de vivre. While respecting the sanitary measures, we were able to continue to live normally, to make visits and walks in nature.

    In this little guide, we share with you the most beautiful hikes we have discovered in this magnificent province. We will be back there in autumn, and if there are other routes that have the same effect on us, we will add them to these ones. This little guide gathers above all our crushes and should save you time to choose the hikes which call you out or correspond to your interests.

    There are many hikes available in the Province of Malaga, for all ages, all tastes and all levels of difficulty. We are not experienced hikers, but lovers of beautiful outings in nature, amazed by the surrounding beauties: landscapes, flora and fauna, rivers, waterfalls and lakes, caves and other geological curiosities, but also by the traces of our ancestors such as the cave paintings, the ancient necropolises, the ruins and other vestiges, witness to the passing of time.

    We like to discover a region through the paths that crisscross it, especially since many have been traveled for hundreds of years.

    For each hike, we will give you some information that will help you make your choice:

    Distance in km

    Difficulty level

    Approximate duration

    Nearest point of departure or commune

    Theme - we will try to establish thematic categories such as "prehistory, nature, fauna, forest, bathing, landscape, natural curiosity" in order to guide you according to your own interests. We will accompany the description of each hike with our thematic icons of interests or affinities.

    Necessary equipment

    A small description with several photos to give you an idea about the track and interests

    And if this little guide makes you want to know more about this region, the guide Province of Malaga will let you discover the gorgeous city of Malaga, but also the picturesque Antequera, Nerja with its exceptional cave and other jewels that make this province of the Costa del Sol, a great destination to visit in any season. We spent more than two months crossing through it and we will certainly return to it as it has conquered our hearts!


    Photo : Landscape of the Province of Malaga

    If you plan to spend a weekend or a short stay of a few days in Malaga, then the Malaga - City trip guide from the same collection will be sufficient to help you discover this gorgeous Andalusian city, located between the sea and the mountain.

    This e-guide offers you another approach to the journey, between logbook and classic guide. You can imagine that we do not have a team like the Guide du Routard or Lonely Planet (and this is not the goal of our approach)! Therefore you will not find in this e-book a huge pack of addresses of accommodation or restaurants. We share with you our journeys, our experiences. We hope this will help you discover new destinations and make you want to visit them.

    If you own an Android smart-phone and want to save on internet data transfer, use the free MapFactor Navigator app that we WARMLY recommend, tested and approved on roads around the world. The maps are free to download in order to enjoy offline mode and navigate without permanent internet connection.

    Be careful, we update our books constantly. Whether it is to correct small mistakes that we all make and for which we apologize in advance, but also to add important information such as for example new restaurants, accommodation or places to visit for our eGuides during our next visits or rather new recipes or plants for our eGuides Nature or even to update the technical data during the changes in all our useful guides. We want to warn you that many platforms do NOT send you our updates. We tried to explain to them the usefulness of announcing at least the existence of a new version, but without avail. So if you want to have the new versions of our ebooks, ask the platform you bought them from and you will benefit from this feature.

    This eGuide works almost like a website, and does not need to be used along with an Internet

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