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Anastasia To The Rescue
Anastasia To The Rescue
Anastasia To The Rescue
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Anastasia To The Rescue

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Alexandr and Grigoriy, brothers are spies for the Russian Federation SVR and teach their children their trade. Victor, 19 needs an operation he cannot get in Russia without having the entire family executed. Victor needs a sex change operation, so the family make the ultimate sacrifice and defect to the USA, then will li

PublisherSarah Henley
Release dateJun 30, 2023
Anastasia To The Rescue

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    Anastasia To The Rescue - Sarah Henley

    Anastasia To

    The Rescue

    Sarah Henley

    ISBN 9781916696280

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names characters places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locals is entirely coincidental.

    Other books by this author

    The Secret

    Second Chance


    A Love Story

    In the name of  Terence Henley


    The Miranda Gate

    Miranda Revealed

    The Game

    Invasion of The Cycloves

    The Dark Zone

    Galaxy Invaders

    Written in & Edited for The BIS

    Visionary I

    Visionary II


    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Part 2: CIA, HQ., USA.

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 1

    Victor was born 1st January1991 into the wealthy Mikhailov family his father Alexandr was the Chairman of INPAZ, the latest Russian Starship Design & Construction company. The first company in the world, to start making huge Starships, FTL engines and The Gravity Drive. These ships would be taking humans to distant stars: controlled and looked after, by ANNA, the world’s first Quantum Computer, with no heatsinks or cooling, just a Sentinel Brain for the Russian Federation.

    The Mikhailov Brothers, also owned a number of subsidiary rocket and smaller spaceship companies, throughout Russia, Southern France, and Finland. Grigoriy and his wife Inesse, had two daughters, Natalye 19 and Yulia 20. Alexandr and Anika, had a boy Victor 19 and daughter Ekaterina 20. Their children, were very intelligent, all speaking 12 languages fluently, experts in FTL and anti-gravity drives. They were also experts in and tended to follow in their parent’s footsteps of being spies for the Russian Federation, as their grandparents had been until their untimely death in a winter snowstorm car accident.

    Victor had a serious, to him anyway, health problem since the day he was  born. It had taken seven years for it to show, then the next 13 years until now, to get some form of cure. His parents did their very best to keep him alive, and enjoy the life he had, which meant, Victor did not get out very much, and after a serious attempt to abduct him by terrorists for ransom, he was like his sister, mainly home schooled.

    His mother Anika sat on several committees for Russian space technology, always keeping them up to date on their spaceship designs. When they were younger, she often took her two children, their nanny and bodyguard with her when she attended schools and baby hospitals to open new wings. Victor’s elder sister by eighteen months Ekaterina, was a quiet girl, she had been taught by her mother, she should not play up or hit her brother with her hand. This was unacceptable as they were all strong Party Members. Their nanny had strict instructions to keep both children quiet when out at a Party Meeting, as their father was a very important man.

    Alexandr was regularly seen out with his wife, brother Grigoriy and his wife Inesse. They went to all the top restaurants in St. Petersburg during the weekends, taking their children with them to the Rotating Tower Restaurants. Their parents had taken them to the same food establishments, which the two brothers and their families tried to do. Then it did not seem too out of place, a form of remembrance after their parents were killed in a fatal car crash, during the winter of 1997.

    The two brothers had inherited a vast fortune, mainly in foreign shares, but had a fortune in Rubbles to use. Like their father, the brothers were into trading in other foreign industries, keeping their foreign investments, in a Swiss account, along with their cash of large diamonds and rubies.

    Alexandr and Grigoriy were also in control of the research and work to build parts for the space industry. Russia had been embarrassed twice by NASA, first when Apollo 11 went to the Moon, they offered assistance in case of an accident on landing or whilst on the Moon. NASA said no thank you to Russia and its worldwide audience. Once again when the accident happened on Apollo 13, with the world watching NASA refused Russia’s assistance in any way shape or form.

    NASA bosses, assumed, by Russia’s offer of support, they already had a Russian Moon Lander and a year later, a bigger rescue ship, if they were to assist with the rescue of the Apollo 13 astronauts. It had hurt the Russian people that NASA would not even enter into talks as to how they could assist them. Since this time Russian leaders wanted to know why NASA stopped sending astronauts to the Moon after Apollo 17, when Apollo 18 was already paid for and the crew were ready to go. Russia wanted to know what happened on the Moon and used various people to help infiltrate the US intelligence agency and NASA.

    The brother’s parents’ had been part of that plan, which was how they managed to accumulate such a massive fortune. Russia brought various spaceship designers and a few youngsters from the US, UK and Europe who sent ideas on large and small spaceships to the Russian Space agency.

    Russia was building a big ship, and most of the parts came from the brother’s companies which made them cheap and sold them to the space agency at an increased premium. They paid for factories to be built and excellent homes for the workers and their families. The brothers also had permission to travel to most countries that may be able to make parts cheaper and of course, spy on companies that made parts for the American space agency in Germany.

    As Alexandr’s children grew up, when home alone with either parent, they were taught how to pick locks, listen to the tumblers fall in a wall safe and open it. There was always a reward inside, one sweet, they had to be slim. Anika was having to enter Victor’s bedroom, then four almost every night because of his nightmares. He told her about his dreams before he would return to sleep, with something of his mother’s clothes in his hands to hold.

    Aged seven Anika divulged, whist in bed with her husband and under their duvet, as they were never sure if their room had been bugged by the FSS RF.

    Alexandr, I fear for us and our son, something does not seem right about him. He has been reading from the Internet stories that he was born into the wrong body, and should not have been a boy, but a girl like his sister. I have tried to put him off this idea, but his dreams keep him awake at night in tears and I have to console him by listening to what he has dreamt and he keeps asking for some of my clothes to hold so he can get asleep.

    If you give him something, does he go back to sleep?

    Yes, within a few minutes he is back in restful sleep, and I stay to watch him for at least ten minutes in case he is trying to fool me.

    Anika, what clothes do you give him?

    The first pair of panties from my drawer I put my hands upon. Why?

    I just thought you might give me the same to send me to sleep, Alexandr laughed.

    You have me and I have plenty of sexy clothes for you to admire me in and play with me. Now you have turned me on, so come here my love, let me feel you inside me and you kiss my breasts, and I think, you may lick and kiss my vagina before you have your way with me, you know how I love you doing this to me. I am not an overweight female police officer with my baton to batter you to death. Now my darling, do as I command.

    There was no reply as Alexandr kissed Anika’s breasts, then her stomach as he worked his way down to her vagina, kissing and licking her clitoris before inserting his tongue into her vagina licking it, to his heart’s content. The only thing he wished for was to please his wife in every way he could, sexually stimulating her; licking and kissing her vagina. This was his way to show her he loved her, as she held his penis firmly in her hand so he wouldn’t come and spoil her pleasure again a little later.

    Anika started to moan quietly with pleasure as she felt her husband bringing her to an orgasm. Her back arched, but Alexandr did not withdraw his tongue from her vagina. His lips pressed firmly against her clitoris and his tongue moved over her vagina walls until she finally had an orgasm, running down her vagina walls, over his tongue, and into his mouth. Eventually he removed his tongue, kissing and licking her clitoris stimulating her again. He was never in any hurry to end their sexual play, and he would never once he had come, turn over and go to sleep. He would please her until she was fulfilled, happy with their sexual play, and ready to sleep in his arms, that always encompassed her body, so she slept, safe in his arms, her lips close to his.

    Alexandr, she whispered, it is almost five, you have to be up soon, so kiss my lips as you enter me and make love to me as you love to do and I love being made love to by you, my husband, the love of my life forever."

    Alexandr turned around, kissing her breasts up to her lips, their mouths moved around each other as their tongues entered each other’s mouth; touching licking, interacting with each other. Their love for each other and their desire for each other growing stronger and stronger. At five thirty, full of each other’s love they kissed again, holding each other firmly in their arms, in this bitter cold climate. It was not like this in Europe, where you could make love freely, without having to worry every squeal and laugh was somewhere being recorded, to see if the couple were interacting too long as they made love.

    Anika turned into her husband’s arms feeling love, comfort and care for her and their family, but they had a problem that could get one of them killed. This was Russia; not the USA or Europe, they had to conform to government and presidential rules. Victor would be a danger to them and could get either of them killed, including Victor. It was no longer the harsh force of the KGB, now they had the SVR RF (Foreign Intelligence Service, Russian Federation. Sluzhba Vneshney Razvedki.) who Alexandr worked for. They also had the FSS RF(Russian Federation Service, Russian Federation. With the amount of money they delt with at INPAZ, they would probably be keeping an eye on their entire family, even though they were a powerful and very wealthy family, including his brother’s family, who they were very close with.

    Alexandr, Anika whispered, strumming her finger down his chest. Do you think we should take Victor to a psychiatric private clinic?

    Absolutely not, you must not say a word about his dreams or wishes. You must tell him later; he must not say a word about his dreams to anyone, even his sister. Tell him if he does, I will be interrogated and assassinated like my parents.

    He is only seven my love, surely not such a strong word to him?

    The stronger the better. Alexandr whispered to his wife. He winked his eye, get a little sleep, we must think on this problem. He kissed her lips again and cuddled her into his warm naked body, as was hers.

    He rose quietly at six fifteen showered and put on his best suit. Under his suit jacket was a 9×21mm Gyurza elite gun of the Russian Federation. Able to adapt a silencer, armour piercing bullets, just the gun to have with you when you are entering a foreign country to do your day’s work. Anika woke suddenly, realising her husband wasn’t in her bed. She almost screamed his name thinking he had been abducted from her by the FSS or SVR.

    "Good morning my love, I got up early, had to pack an overnight bag. I told you I will be visiting Kazakhstan today. I am going to the Baikonur Cosmodrome, there is a problem there with a cracked launch grab, I’ll take some photos for Victor. As our company make them, I have to see what the problem is and how it was caused most of all. Grigoriy will accompany me.

    Oh, I have had a thought for Victor, I think as you say, he has been having dreams of becoming a gymnast to win the junior Olympics for Russia. It will be a great honour for us and Russia, he said raising his voice winking at his wife. To Anika, the raising of his voice joyfully, meant something else important to follow.

    That sounds an excellent idea, she replied getting out of bed, and slowly getting dressed before him, after she took a quick, warm, shower. Alexandr rubbed her body dry, whispering to her ash she laughed and said that tickles.

    I have an idea, very long term, but these things must move slowly so as not to be seen, he whispered. Could you ring around and find the very best gymnasium for him to train three times a week. I also want him to be able to walk the wire, the younger he starts, the better he will be, it will help with his concentration and keep his balance on the Beam. It will also keep his body thin, just as a girl. It may help for a while.

    He winked at her, she knew the last word meant something. She had to think fast. The Beam, girls used the beam, boys the Pole Vaults. Ask what clothes and shoes he needs to wear, and perhaps you could ask Inesse to assist you. Take her to the Revolving Tower, sort out where we are going for our short break in half term. She knew exactly what he meant with another wink.

    On this occasion, take Ekaterina with you, buy her a new dress, we are going to dance when I return, ensure all her underclothes are in order. Another wink. Now my dear I must have a cup of coffee before I leave, the rubbish they serve in Europe is all cappuccinos, disgusting. I hope you do not ever start drinking those, they are addictive and will fatten your beautiful slim body. He took her in his arms, wrapping them around her, as he pulled her close, her breasts pressed against the almost invisible lump beneath his jacket; which meant he was carrying his gun and it might be a dangerous journey. Tears flowed from her eyes down her cheeks, Alexandr kissed them dry, whispering again everything will go fine and to look in the papers, another wink, she knew what he meant.

    Now my love, coffee then I’m off, I have my bag with a few extras underclothes in case it goes into four days. Should only be three, he said putting his arm around her waist, picking up his bag leading them to their kitchen. After coffee, there was the sound of a horn outside their apartment.

    That will be my driver. They walked to the door, seeing another man Alexandr knew well in the back seat of the black SVR official staff car. I wonder what Origin wants, I’m sure everything is fine, the FSS don’t bother us much unless it’s a tasteless job to do, he said laughing, held his wife as if it were for the last time, and kissed her goodbye; picked up his bag and briefcase, turned and waving goodbye to her and Ekaterina, who joined her by the step.

    The car drove off with the driver passenger window firmly shut. Alexandr, the FSS have a special job for you and your brother after you have been to the Cosmodrome.

    What is it? he asked and was handed a black very thin file. Black only stood for one thing, execution. Alexandr opened it and read the single page. What has Nicholai done?"

    It’s his wife Maria, she has told a close friend, her eight-year-old daughter wishes to be a boy and have a sex change. Bloody Impossible, he yelled raising both arms in the air. She always wears boys clothes, even trousers to school instead of a skirt and blouse. It is an embarrassment to the President and the FSS.

    What is the FSS to do about this embarrassment?

    What we always do, we cannot have the FSS embarrassed or the President, imagine how it would look to our allies and the Americans? We would be classed as them, no, no, not at all. We will take care of things. Origin said calming down.

    May I ask if the President is aware of this and what his orders are?

    These are the orders passed down by his ministers. I want you to take Nicholai with you, show him around the Cosmodrome if you like, your plane will take you to Paris to a private runway where a car will take you all into Paris, I will expect a phone call from you by 2.00 pm that he has been executed in a shoot and run, do it yourself.

    What of the body?

    Find a river to dump him in but do it quick. You may take him to a restaurant for his last meal, give him what he wants, he has been a good Party Member and an officer in the FSS. He will be travelling under a British Passport.

    What about his body, if he has a British Passport, they will want him taken home?

    Say he is a Muslim, buried or cremated the same day he dies. The sooner you do your duty, the more time you will have to make all the arrangements.

    Where is he?

    Two minutes away.

    What about his wife and daughter? They will expect his body to bury or whatever?

    No need to worry about them, they will be in a fatal car accident tomorrow afternoon after she is told the bad news of her husband’s death.

    Yes Sir, understood. Alexandr returned the order to its black folder and put it in his briefcase. The order was correctly signed and sealed, he locked his briefcase and sighed. The car stopped, Origin got out and Nikolai got in. They greeted each other then left for the airport where Grigoriy was waiting for them due to the hold up.

    Alexandr was thinking fast, he didn’t speak for the first ten minutes of their twenty-five-minute drive. He knew he would not like to be treated like this, like a rabbit in the headlights of a car at night. If even the first part of his plan were to work, they would need help later if not sooner. He started to write on a half sheet of paper he would burn before they got onto the plane.

    What is happening Alexandr I was told to join you this morning, with an overnight bag? I am to go with you to the Cosmodrome, is there trouble there?

    Yes, we fear sabotage which could have cost us a loss of a rocket and its crew. I thought we could use your help, he replied smiling and handed him the sheet of paper with light pencil writing on.

    The light pencil writing told Nikolai this was not to be read aloud. It is a few calculations and the reasons behind our concern. Do you think you can assist us?

    I am one of the best investigators in the FSS, yes, I’m sure I can help you with that problem. Do we arrest the person on site?

    Yes of course, interrogate and eliminate today. He placed his hand over his jacket where his gun was. I’ll have my calculations and name back please.

    Yes, yes of course, I’m a little nervous, first time I’ve been on one of these trips.

    A first time for everything, Alexandr laughed and taking the paper, handed Nicholai a burn phone. Nicholai quickly typed 6 letters into the message line; inserted his wife’s phone number and sent the message. He held the phone in his hand, pressing it against his knee until he felt it buzz, there was no need to look at it, his wife had got his message and understood it.

    Alexander, can I have a look at that list of names again please, I think I may know one or two of them?

    There was nothing on the paper when they exchanged what they had in their hands. By the time Nikolai had moved closer to Alexandr and pointed out the names of the people he knew, the sim for the phone was snapped in half and in a dissolving liquid inside a small black glass jar. The phone was in his jacket pocket, its battery removed and now in his outer jacket pocket.

    The torn off page segment, and the page beneath, were in his outer coat pocket. The last piece of paper went to the same pocket, without anyone seeing, including the overhead camera which he hoped, due to the early part of his trip, was turned off, as too the microphone. When they got to the airport, they were driven straight to the runway close to the jet they would be using that day. Alexandr made an excuse to use the toilet, handed his overnight bag and briefcase to his brother, put his overcoat on because it was cold and he didn’t wish anyone inside the terminal to see his gun.

    When he returned to the jet, rubbing his hands together, the wind flapping open the sides of his overcoat, the paper was burned and flushed away. Together with a small plastic tube of chemical which destroyed any burned paper once it entered water. The plastic tube also dissolved in water within one minute, so there was nothing to see except yellowish water from a man’s urine.

    The flight to the Cosmodrome went without a problem. They spent two hours there and arrested one man who they knew had damaged the rocket hook. When Grigoriy called Origin, the first thing he was asked was Is it done already?

    Yes Sir, we’ve captured the person who sabotaged the launch equipment, a new part will need to be made by our specialist company. Alexandr is taking photos of it now Sir and will send them to you later. We will need transport to pick up one man… He is in a holding room under two armed Russian officers with orders if he tries to run, to execute him.

    I will send a plane for him with armed guards. How long before you depart for Paris?

    Forty-five minutes to one hour, we must be specific about measurements and photos of the damaged part and other parts, in case they too have been damaged, we wouldn’t wish another embarrassment would we Sir?

    No we wouldn’t. Get to your next destination as close to time as possible.

    Yes Sir, Grigoriy replied smiling.

    Grigoriy and Nicholai did what was needed at the launch base of the rocket while Alexandr interviewed the spy. After half an hour, the two men shook hands as the guards drank strong black coffee in the canteen they were allowed to use.

    Alexandr spoke quickly to the spy named Richard, a spy from the UK looking for something else before he was caught. Alexandr’s mind had been working overtime during the flight down and even when they caught the spy. He knew if his family were not to be killed, he couldn’t work his long-term plan by himself, or even with his brother’s help.

    He agreed to the man’s help, along with MI6 when the time came, they discussed best places to seek help and the type of help he would need when he returned the man’s phone and let him access the Internet. They agreed to a plan for Alexandr to execute right now and get the English spy back home, part way at least.

    Alexandr’s phone rang, it was Grigoriy who told him they were about to board the aircraft.

    Give me five minutes, when you see me come out with one of the guards, he will fire one shot, tell Nikolai he must use your knife to cut his leg outside the plane, I want to see blood on the steps when I get there and a pool of blood by his seat and on his shoes. We will have another passenger, a guard will be joining us. PB.

    Oh shit, I hope you know what you’re doing. There was no reply.

    The two guards returned. Richard removed the handcuffs Alexandr had unlocked. He pulled his gun on Alexandr and marched him to the door, Outside the guards were forced to turn around then knocked out expertly by Richard. He then removed a small syringe from his inner jacket pocket.

    This stuff will knock them out for hours with a thumping headache when they wake and can eventually see, that takes another hour.

    Can I have that, it will make my story much better to my boss?

    They’ll be out for a while anyway. Richard removed one of the guard’s uniforms and the man’s boots. Richard put the clothes on over his own, then on top of that, the other guard’s overcoat with a fur-lined hood. Alexandr picked up Richard’s boots and with the guard’s rifle in his hand, they walked slowly outside, after stopping for one more object in a locked room.

    As they got outside, Grigoriy waved to them and the new guard fired once, the bullet missing the plane. They both ran to the plane as Grigoriy helped Nikolai limp onto the jet with blood pouring down his right leg, onto the steps and dripping by the seat he was pushed into. Alexandr and Richard got onto the plane with Alexandr’s hands in the air. The stewardess screamed and the flight crew came into the fuselage.

    You will fly this jet to Paris, there will be no contact with your people or I will fire six rounds right through the windows and we will all die, do you understand? Richard shouted at the flight crew.

    I will need to let airport control know we are taking off or we will be shot down before we get a mile in the air, the pilot said.

    Do as he says, Alexandr ordered. Kira, keep the cabin door between us and the pilots open please. Would you like me to close the main door?

    No Sir, we’ll attend to that. Will he shoot us? Yana the second stewardess asked.

    Not if we all stay calm, do you have a dressing for Nikolai, blood is everywhere?

    Yes Sir.

    Do it in the air, pilot take off now! Richard shouted into the cockpit

    The engines started and the jet taxied along the runway and took off. Once in the air, they were all looking at the backpack the spy had brought with him. Nikolai’s leg was dressed, it looked just like a bullet had skimmed his leg. Coffee and refreshments were served, with Alexandr giving his meal to Kira. Yana had her food which was now getting scarce, but there was plenty of coffee and Russian Vodka. Both girls had a dram to call their nerves, everyone except Nikolai declined. He was still wondering what was happening as this was not on their agenda.

    Nikolai handed his open briefcase to Alexandr who removed a note pad and pencil and wrote very lightly on the first page.

    Everything is fine, keep calm, you need extra help and for his freedom, this man will give it to you. I want your verbal answer, will you help us in the future if needed? If so I will contact you by phone, you may call me once while in Paris on your new phone so I have your number do you agree? If so just say yes!

    Nikolai read the note turned and looked at Alexandr, Yes, the Vodka has settled me, I think a coffee will help, Kira said she had some paracetamol up there. Can I get them?

    No, I’ll go, rest your leg, you were lucky the sights were off on the rifle Richard said sternly. Alexandr stood and walked up to Yana, asked for the tablets and coffee all round. He then stepped inside the cockpit. Gentlemen, I will do my best to get this man to surrender to me, there is very little he can do before we get to Paris, we are after all, thirty thousand feet in the air.

    Within ten minutes of them flying over France, Alexandr nodded once to Richard. The backpack he put on his back and secured it tightly around his belly. Richard lifted his rifle into the air and pointed it at a window.

    You Alexandr, you seem to be in charge of this mob, go to the cockpit and order the captain to drop the plane like we had hit an air pocket, to seven thousand feet. Alexandr did as he was told, the engines made a terrible noise as the plane dropped out of the air, spinning on occasion. The jet finally levelled off at seven-thousand feet.

    Alexandr had already changed the first two bullets for blanks his brother had brought with him. Richard panned his rifle at everyone as he gazed out of a window at the land below, that was mainly farmland. He waited one more minute, checked the land again and walked to the rear door, that was often used to toss unwanted people from the jet. Alexandr stood as Richard passed him asking him what he was planning to do.

    This isn’t a backpack, it’s a parachute, stand back I’m going to open the rear door now.

    Alexandr pulled out his gun, pointing it at Richard. No you can’t do that, I’ll shoot you first.

    And put a bullet through the plane, we’ll all die. Everyone put on your seatbelts you too Alexandr.

    No, it’s my job to bring you in, dead or alive.

    Richard moved the rifle forward then back hard, hitting Alexandr in the right side of his chest just where he wanted it. Alexandr had to stagger, and Grigoriy’s hand grabbed his arm holding his brother as Richard opened the rear door, looked below, turned, smiled and jumped out of the plane. Alexandr moved forward, due to the drop in height there was no decompression, he held onto the rear door strap firmly leaned out of the plane and fired his gun twice, both shells dropping to the land below.

    As agreed, on hearing the shots, he pulled his parachute cord and made it appear he was dead, until he was fifty feet from the ground, when he controlled himself for a hard landing. He lay in the grass as if he were dead as Alexandr ordered the pilot to circle the area and drop lower to two thousand feet.

    He’s dead, Alexandr said sombrely to everyone as Grigoriy left his seat and helped his brother to close the rear door. Yana, please tell our Captain, the Englishman is dead and to mark our location. He is then to send the position onto flight command.

    Kira, can you get something to help my brother with? He’s been hit hard and is bleeding from his right side. Yara, can you ask our Captain how long before we land please?

    It will be twenty-five minutes to our base Sir, and there is a five minute waiting time due to another large aircraft getting ready to land, well it will be when we arrive there and it’s in trouble, so has been given priority, Yana replied.

    Nikolai, would you like to ring this incident into Origin, I’m sure he’ll be pleased to know the spy is dead and we have passed his location on. Tell him, it was you who disarmed him after the troops got lazy and left him alone while they had their break and for your trouble, you were wounded in the leg when the rifle went off during the fight. But tell him it was I who finally killed him and look what he did to me, Alexandr said lifting his shirt. There was a large black and mauve bruise, and blood running down his side where the rifle butt had caught him and cut him quite deep.

    That will need stitches, it can be carried out at our base and you’ll both be photographed for your wounds to show others how bravely you fought to keep a prisoner under your control, Grigori said, and made a cut mark to Nikolai. He immediately understood, and removing his knife, cut deeper into the bandages a second time so blood was pumping out faster making the bandage red and soggy with blood.

    With his bandage changed, Kira, who Alexandr knew well, was happily holding his waist as she got as close to him as she could stopping the bleeding and rubbing an oil into his chest to bring out the bruise. This team and jet were used a great deal by the SVR service and used to a little action or one of their people brought aboard injured, either with a bullet in them, or badly cut and bruised.

    Once they landed and had been seen by the medical team on the base, Alexandr refused any injections to null the pain while he had six stitches in his side. He didn’t like needles being pushed into him; he never knew what the syringe might contain.

    A staff driver took them into Paris, then left. Alexandr got out first looking for anyone he recognised, but didn’t see anyone. Soon they were in central Paris, Grigoriy had noticed someone following them, he looked Russian, so while Alexandr and Nikolai had a cigarette and studied a map, he went off to find them somewhere expensive to eat. The man did not follow Grigoriy so Alexandr went off next for a short walk and returned with a new packet of cigarettes. The man hadn’t moved from his spot smoking a French cigarette. Which meant, he was checking up on Nikolai. They moved off entering a crowded expensive restaurant. Alexandr ordered their meals in fluent French, then something else in his long-term plan entered his head.

    They ate their meal chatting in French, sometimes the two brothers spoke in fluent Italian. They were fluent in twelve languages, it was something a spy had to be good at and have a photographic memory. Paying their bill they walked out the door onto the crowded street and disappeared into the crowd. They walked down a lonely street next to a small stream, they checked four times to ensure there was no one else there except their spy.

    Well Nikolai, it has been a good journey, but I am afraid it has come to the time for us to part, Alexandr said removing his gun attaching its silencer. Grigoriy did the same and Nicholai looked at both men in shock pleading with them not to kill him.

    The man following them started to walk ahead, always looking back using his phone. Nikolai, start running I will count to three then come after you. Run! Alexandr said aloud so their spy would hear him. Nikolai started to run and looked back to see both men holding their guns in the air. Grigoriy fired first, two quick shots, the first knocking the phone from the spy’s hand, the second shot, straight through his heart. The bullet made a large hole on its exit which went into the wall further down. Alexandr fired his gun, then put it away, tossing the three cases into a culvert. Nikolai ran on, then slowed down looking for the remains of the bullets in the wall. He found them, very close together, removed his knife and dug them out of the wall.

    The two international spies walked up to the man who had been following them, stripped his clothes of all his money, watch and ID. He was Croatian, travelling freely through Europe, according to the phone’s memory, he was talking to his counterpart in Croatia. Nikolai lay on the cold floor, with his arm bare of his expensive European watch, scratch marks he had made himself, on his wrist, his pockets open, suit jacket and overcoat gone, with blood from the dead man’s body over the back of his white shirt.

    Alexandr took a photo of him on the floor face down, then turned him over and took another with more blood on the front of his shirt which was pulled out of his trousers. Nikolai then stood, tidied himself up, put his suit jacket and overcoat on, watch and the other items back into his pockets.

    Grigoriy was calling the police, making up a good story about their friend’s mugging and death. It cost them five thousand Euros to bribe the police into calling an ambulance and have the body taken to the nearest crematorium. Another thousand Euros to the two ambulance men for their silence and another two thousand Euros for the two men in the crematorium, to give them time to change the bodies over, take a photo of Nikolai on the frame of the cremation furnace with the gas jets on behind him and just his head and neck out of the black bag. Alexandr took two pictures, and they swapped bodies, leaving the two men to complete their job, which they watched to the very end.

    You may scatter what is left of him over your flowerbeds, but do it now please, he was a Muslim. The two men understood, removed the ashes and the three spies watched the ashes being scattered. Finally, as promised, the police got a small article put in the local press in the middle of the paper, but the face of Nikolai, was out of focus.

    They went to their hotel, sat in the bar area, and over a drink, Alexandr got out his iPad gave Nikolai the address of a clinic he could take his daughter to the following day. Nikolai made a reservation at another hotel further away from the hotel he was in. He had been transferring his assets out of the country for a week since Maria told their neighbour about their daughters desire.

    Ring your wife on your new phone, tell her to meet you at your hotel, stay there all night, we will meet you in the morning with information on your new home. At nine-thirty see the doctor together and explain her desires, it was her idea, she’ll have to go through with it now or else the SVR will hunt you down and eliminate you all. Call me in the morning when you leave the clinic on this number. He wrote it down very light, but just about legible. Nikolai knew what he had to do with it. He left, going to his hotel to meet his wife and daughter.

    The following day, Alexandr and Grigoriy went to see the doctor he had sought out. They left with a prescription to get six month’s supply of female hormone pills. At noon they met Nikolai with his wife and daughter, took their pictures by the Eiffel Tower, then took them individually, sent them to a contact in the UK, had a meal together, speaking most of the time in fluent French.

    Alexandr went to the toilet while Grigoriy explained to Nikolai what would happen next. In the meantime, Alexandr was sending the pictures to a colleague in the UK in Essex. Ten minutes later, Alexandr returned with a piece of paper with very light writing on it.

    Our friend Paul Hammond will meet you at your hotel tomorrow at midday, buy him lunch. He will have your new passports. Your new job with a UK police force is already arranged. He will not travel with you but will meet you the other side of customs in the UK. Your passports will be stamped in and out of Russia then into France. You will board the Eurostar here in Paris and get off in London. This will account for any Russian coins or notes you have in your possession. Before you leave tomorrow, we will meet you at your hotel around eleven, Grigoriy said.

    They parted, then Alexandr made their transport arrangements for the following afternoon to ESA’s research and testing centre at Noordwijk, in the Netherlands.

    After ensuring everything was fine with Nikolai and his family, they made certain they were not followed to the train station. The last thing Alexandr wanted, was for this part to fail, he might need Nikolai and his family in the future.

    The brothers returned to the airport and boarded their company jet, at least that is what it appeared to be from the outside. Arriving at their destination, they walked normally in afternoon daylight to the reception and asked to see their contact Mr Chris Toussaint, in the design department. A minute later he walked briskly into reception greeted the brothers shaking their hands firmly. He gave them their visitor’s pass which they put around their necks and followed Chris to the design room. There were a number of other designers there but Chris had his own office.

    What can I help you with? Those parts you had made very fast, worked perfectly, we will be testing the new engine next week.

    That’s good to hear, Grigoriy replied smiling.

    How can I help you today? Chris asked.

    We noticed you put something really big into orbit two weeks ago, Can you tell us what it was?

    I didn’t know you were into checking up what we are launching, I assumed you were a big firm, making parts for rockets and frames for satellites?

    "We have expanded with investment from Greenland and Denmark. They wanted some very large satellites put into orbit to monitor the Polar melting conditions due to Climate Change, so we first used the Soyuz then with ARGO, a new Soviet Space Rocket builder, we have made much larger rockets called the Viper. They are launched from a new Cosmodrome in Manx We are now able to launch their Polar satellite fifty feet high and forty feet in diameter to a Polar orbit at 320 miles altitude.

    Our company is currently making the outer shell of a new Russian laboratory we would like to be added to the ISS. It will be an international laboratory, open to all countries who want to send science projects into space, especially in micro gravity. It will replace our current laboratory, Alexandr lied.

    What do you mean replace?

    Our Cosmonauts will detach the original laboratory from the ISS and our new six times larger, two emergency airlocks, docking station for the Viper 6 and three new large emergency re-entry craft for the ISS crew will replace it. We will bring the old science station back to Russia. A new moveable arm will hold a new sixty inch telescope, which can be used by astronomers on the ISS and when not in use by schools throughout the world.

    Chris was getting very excited, his hands rubbing together, his mind imagining what the new laboratory would be like in space; which was the brother’s plan.

    Within half an hour, Chris was so engrossed in the new rocket and what it could deploy, he just answered the odd question put in by either brother; they got all the information they wanted, even taking pictures of secret documents on Alexandr’s phone which were sent directly to the SVR in Moscow.

    With everything they needed, they suggested Chris take them for a cappuccino. As they walked along the corridors to the restaurant, Alexandr’s phone was making a map of their journey, with all measurements included. Grigoriy got their drinks, one black coffee two cappuccinos. Putting the tray on their table by a window so they could look outside, Grigoriy asked what something was pointing to it as Alexandr opened a sachet of sweetener plus something and stirred it into the cup. He then stirred his drink and passed Chris his. They talked as they drank and after twenty minutes, Chris walked them back to the reception, shaking their hands again on an exceptional meeting. They got their overcoats and walked to their car waiting outside. Waving a final goodbye, the brothers got into their car which drove off immediately back to their airport.

    Chris walked aimlessly back to his room speaking briefly to a designer. He closed his office door behind him took his seat and looked over some designs before he fell asleep for fifteen minutes.

    In their car, Alexandr looked closely at his watch. Chris should be waking up now, completely unaware of what had happened this afternoon, he said to his brother. Chris would recall the brothers arriving, vaguely talking to him about a new project and leaving, other than that, his mind was blank. He did not report it but got on with his work.

    The brothers returned to their airport in Paris, got on another larger jet and flew home, their job and a few others, completed.

    Chapter 2

    Their car dropped them off at Grigori’s house, as their children were playing in the garden, and it was a good place to talk. Kissing their wives on meeting them, Alexandr whispered to Anika

    Plan in motion have pills and doctor for him in Paris. He continued kissing her neck and lips until Victor saw them, he ran into the back room shouting.

    They’re home.

    Alexandr picked his son up raising him in the air, dropping him down and kissing his forehead. Ekaterina ran in and he did the same to her, giving her an extra fatherly hug. They went into the garden with Grigoriy, Inesse and their two children, and sat down with coffee and cakes. They had been talking generally when Grigoriy tapped his brother’s ankle with his shoe twice. Alexandr turned and the smile dropped from his face for a brief second.

    Origin, what are you doing here and how did you get in, the side gate was locked? Grigoriy asked sounding annoyed at his intrusion.

    A habit of mine, he replied grinning and held up his lock picks.

    I’ll have to add a bolt to that door. We are officially on leave for a few days, Grigoriy retorted.

    Calm down Grigoriy, this is a social call, I wanted to congratulate you both on an excellent job well executed. When you both return to work, your Commander wishes to see you both in his office in Moscow.

    You could have rang to give us that message and that is what we usually do anyway, stay out of SVR affairs Origin. I did the job you told me to do. I still have the order in my briefcase. Alexandr tapped his briefcase that hardly ever left his side.

    I just wished to ask you one question did you see anything of operative Travais G? Origin asked.

    No! Rather yes at the airport. As we left our jet, he was boarding another. We just exchanged a wave, then his jet took off and we went to the infirmary to get treated, including Kira and Yana. Nikolai was also shot in the leg and was treated there. I am still in pain from my injuries. Anika took a deep breath and put her arm around her husband, wondering where he was injured.

    Yes, yes I have the medical reports.

    So what is the problem, time to take my pain killers? Alexandr demanded to know.

    I have done some checking…

    So too have I Origin, that order you gave me did not have Presidential approval and nobody at the SVR knew anything about it. Neither did the head of the FSS. Boris Golubev. In fact he has started an investigation into the order, and I sent him a copy as ordered. Before you dig yourself into an even deeper hole you should leave. I do not wish to know what you did with his family, you had better hope for your sake they have not been eliminated, Alexandr retorted.

    Okay Alexandr, say nothing and I would like the order back please.

    No! Our director wishes to see the original order in Moscow. Sorry.

    Grigoriy’s phone rang which he answered with Yes and Immediately. He stood up and walked into the house opening his front door letting in two officers of the FSS.

    He is through there in the garden, is all he said and closed the front door.

    Origin was just about to demand to know what happened to Travais, when the two FSS officers entered the garden holding their credentials in their hands.

    General Origin, please come with us, we have a car waiting outside.

    What is this all about? he retorted.

    You will be told that in Moscow at FSS headquarters. The first officer grabbed Origin’s arm and led him to their car without another word.

    I’m glad he’s out of our hair. I think we should start moving our funds tonight what about you? Grigoriy asked his brother.

    Most definitely, I would hate all our money to go to our President. We must also by tomorrow, transfer ownership of our companies to our Director’s. We will include a handsome gift to keep the companies running and our friends in their homes, warm, with plenty of food this winter, Grigoriy replied holding his wife’s hand firmly in his.

    Three days later with their six companies now safely in the hands of their eldest daughters, their managers and workers, with their bank well and truly in the black, and ten thousand Euros in each company safe. They had also transferred fifty million Euros each to a friend for a two percent handling fee, moved their money well washed into four British Banks, one off sea bank and two million from each brother to an high profile investment company. Should they need it, there was fifty thousand Euros in two Paris banks, and fifty thousand US dollars in a bank in New York, if they needed to run in a hurry.

    At Pulkovo International Airport twenty-three kilometres from St Petersburg, they had a jet on standby to take both families if they had to leave in a hurry. The pilot lived local to the airport, so all they had to do was ring him. He had already worked out a flight-plan to get them out of the country and then wherever they told him to fly. For another small fee, their friend bought a fourteen-bedroom house in Essex UK, had it decorated and a new top-class kitchen fitted, then had it furnished.

    Alexandr and Anika went to bed early two days before Alexandr was back on duty and would no doubt be off to another country to get secrets on the large new object that was sent into orbit by ESA three weeks ago.

    Once the couple were naked under their duvet, they started to make each other feel in a good sexual mood, they both needed it, the last three days had been very hard and long hours working on different tasks.

    Alexandr was kissing Anika’s lips, rotating them about each other their tongues playing with each other, kissed each other. Alexandr’s hands were playing gently as always with her breasts, he always treated them like a piece of glass. He wanted to deeply impress his love on her and take her love into him. To Alexandr, Anika was his woman, wife, lover, soulmate He would take a bullet for her and their children, die for any of them, especially his wife.

    He was kissing and licking her breasts, then he poured wine over them, and into his mouth. He moved his head up her body, kissing her lips, forming a seal between them then passed a small amount of wine from his mouth to hers.

    Mmmmmm, that was lovely, now lick my breasts dry, and I’ll have a little more wine, same way, after you have licked my lips dry. That he did next, his tongue, licked every part of her breasts and concentrated on her nipples. His right hand was already gently stroking her vagina and her pussy, his fingers often sliding over the edge of her mons pubis into her vulva where his fingers expertly played with her clitoris, arousing her, making her moan with pleasure, begging for more, much more. Lick me please my love," she uttered beneath her breath.

    With pleasure my sweet, he replied quite loud.

    This told Anika two things, to make sounds like she is really enjoying herself, someone else had just entered their bedroom. I’ll give you even more pleasure with your little vibrating toy," he said laughing and stroked his wife’s body, leaning over to kiss it, as his head got lower down her body. His right hand held two things the vibrator that was on slowing exciting his wife and his gun with its silencer fitted. Anika’s left hand started to push herself up the bed, where her gun, with a silencer fitted, was just under her pillow.

    Whoever it was said nothing as he moved silently in their bedroom. In the darkness of the room, Alexandr gently pushed the barrel of his gun out from under the side of the duvet. He kissed his wife’s abdomen making her squirm with delight.

    Yes, Alexandr, a little lower, push it into me, let me feel it excite my vagina my love. Yes! Yes! That’s fabulously in the right place. Just a little more, push it at an angle to the right please. Yes, that’s it, Oh my love my Alex, kiss me, lick me," she ordered.

    They had played this game many times and in her mind’s eye she could see where Alex’s gun was facing. Move it right told him where to aim the gun and when she said, Kiss me, lick me. it meant he would shoot the man in his thigh or belly. Either way it would give Alexandr the few seconds he needed to raise his head so he could see his target and fire again, while Anika told the intruder to look at her, as she was holding another gun, pointing it at his head.

    Do you like this my love?

    Oh yes, yes, don’t stop and don’t move from there.

    Alexandr had the final order from his wife, the other gun was in her right hand, and she was an excellent shot. He had been lifting the duvet with his head a few times so once more did not go unnoticed. His gun fired four times, hitting the intruder in each thigh and each kneecap. There was another shot, from Anika’s gun then a loud bang as the intruder’s gun dropped to the floor.

    Anika, pulled herself away from Alex and leapt from the bed naked, kicking the man’s gun further away into the corner of the room. Holding her gun in her right hand, she pressed her foot into each knee, making the man moan, then in his thigh, right where Alex had shot him. Her left foot went to the right side and walked up his body then dropped to her knees, her vagina, with the vibrator still inside and humming, hit his chin.

    Do you mind if I remove this, I need to concentrate, or my finger might press the trigger? she asked him.

    Noooo, he mumbled and tried to shake his head, but it wouldn’t move, and he could feel the barrel of her gun pressing against his skull.

    Alexandr had managed to get out of bed, knowing what his wife would do, put a pair of jeans and a tee shirt on, went to the corner of the room and picked up the gun, with a silencer attached and removed the clip of bullets.

    He looked over at his wife. Anika, you are naked and your vagina is over his face, that is my job to kiss and lick you there to excite you, he said and chuckled. Has he told you anything yet?

    No, my love, perhaps I should move back a little so he can open his mouth and talk. Ask him a question.

    What is your name, and who do you work for, the truth, or my wife will kill you?

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