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Seducing Kendra
Seducing Kendra
Seducing Kendra
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Seducing Kendra


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How does a naive and beautiful girl survive a treacherous husband with an out of control sex drive and a willingness to experiment? Can Kendra manage to stay in control or will she submit to his wishes?

Release dateJul 12, 2023
Seducing Kendra

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    Seducing Kendra - AWB


    The Kendra Chronicles – Volume 1


    Published by Fiction4All (4Play Press imprint) at Smashwords

    Copyright 2023 AWB

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Author’s Note: All characters in this adult fiction story are at least 18 years of age.

    Chapter One – Kendra and Josh

    Kendra was an anomaly. She was 5’6 tall, blonde, blue eyes, and a stunningly gorgeous face with Cupid’s Bow lips. Her body was Made by Fischer to use the old adage. 36C+, 23 waist, 34" hips, and long, firm thighs and legs topped by a perfectly rounded ass. Her legs just begged to be wrapped around a man’s back or shoulders. Her body was made for fucking and any hetero male felt it when they looked at her, subconsciously wanting to put his seed deep in her. She was an anomaly because, despite her incredible looks and body, she was virtually a virgin when it came to sex.

    She had grown up in Nebraska in a town so small that it was nicknamed Resume Speed. There were less than 100 kids in the entire school system, and only 9 in her senior class. The town was so small they couldn’t field a football or basketball team and had to have the couple of interested athletes play for a school in another county. Had Kendra been born and raised in any decent sized city she would have been a cover model, or a trophy wife to some rich businessman.

    Kendra had little experience with sex, other than to know she liked it. With only 5 boys in her class growing up, sex with them would have felt like incest, and older men were not really worth risking in the Heartland. She had lost her virginity in her senior year at 18 to a European exchange student, as had the other girls in her class. She did, however, have quite some experience with her fingers and a small dildo that she had bought at the adult store three towns over one night on a dare from her classmates. She knew that she liked being penetrated, and she had many fantasies about the man who would eventually take her. To say she was naïve was an overstatement. It is difficult to be completely without a clue about sex in the internet age, plus she had the benefit of watching all the farm animals growing up.

    After graduation she escaped Resume Speed by finding a job in the Western Suburbs of Chicago as an administrative assistant. Her boss did not believe his luck in hiring such a looker and was willing to overlook almost anything to keep the eye candy around. It was annoying for him to see all the young bucks finding reasons to stop by her desk, but her beauty was more than enough compensation for her loss of productivity. For her part, Kendra enjoyed the attention but did not seriously consider any of her coworkers as potential mates.

    Josh was a few years older than Kendra, a hair under 6’ tall, dark hair and clean shaven with green eyes that probably came from an Irish ancestor somewhere in the family tree. To say he was good looking was a bit of a stretch, but he was passable. (There was a vague, subconscious resemblance to the exchange student for Kendra when she first met him). He too was from a rural town, in Wisconsin, not quite as small as Resume Speed Nebraska, but small enough. He studied Business Administration at the University of Wisconsin in Madison and took an entry-level supervision job with a national tech firm in Chicago post-graduation. He met her in a bar as she was waiting on her online date who never showed up. Within 5 minutes Kendra knew that she would be taking him home with her that night. It was one of those instant, intense sexual tensions that happen when two people are instinctively attracted to each other without even an introduction. She felt like he could see right through her white blouse and conservative blue skirt as if she was standing naked in the bar, and the attraction was visceral. He felt the same way, and the hour of getting to know each other time was just foreplay. They left the bar without much discussion, and he followed her car to her apartment and held her hand as she unlocked the door.

    She was in his arms before the door closed and their clothes littered the floor between the door and her bed. She hardly remembered falling on her back, legs spread as he entered her for the first time. His cock was perfectly sized as far as she was concerned (although she had only one other for comparison) and he started pumping her through the first of two orgasms, her arms around his shoulders and her heels against his ass pulling him in to her. She had never felt as wet as

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