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Baking in Tuscany: A Bilingual Italian-English Cookbook
Baking in Tuscany: A Bilingual Italian-English Cookbook
Baking in Tuscany: A Bilingual Italian-English Cookbook
Ebook58 pages40 minutes

Baking in Tuscany: A Bilingual Italian-English Cookbook

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About this ebook

Get ready for a scrumptious adventure that combines the art of baking with the joy of language learning! Baking in Tuscany: A Bilingual Italian-English Cookbook whisks you away to the sun-soaked hills of Tuscany, where delectable treats and language magic await.

Step into our kitchen, where each page unfolds a delightful fusion of flavors and words. From classic Tuscan delicacies to modern twists, these recipes will tickle your taste buds and ignite your love for languages. Don your apron and embark on a bilingual journey, as we guide you through mouthwatering creations with both English and Italian instructions.

But this cookbook is not just about mastering recipes; it's about embracing the universal language of food and words. As you knead, stir, and bake, you'll find yourself effortlessly picking up new Italian vocabulary, just like adding a pinch of salt to elevate the flavors.

From hearty bread to dainty pastries, Baking in Tuscany is a celebration of culture, connection, and camaraderie. Gather your loved ones, share laughs, and learn together as you unlock the secrets of Tuscan cuisine.

Join us in creating memories that transcend languages and borders. With a sprinkle of passion and a dash of curiosity, you'll discover that baking and bilingual learning go hand in hand, leaving you with a sense of fulfillment that lingers long after the last crumb is devoured.

So, dust off your language books and preheat your ovens – a world of culinary wonders and language delights awaits you! In Baking in Tuscany, indulge in the charm of Italy, savor the flavors, and let your Italian language skills rise to new heights.

Get ready to whisk, fold, and explore the tantalizing world of Tuscan baking, where the language of food becomes a gateway to cultural richness and unforgettable experiences.

Are you ready to bake, learn, and savor the magic of Baking in Tuscany

Release dateJul 20, 2023
Baking in Tuscany: A Bilingual Italian-English Cookbook

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    Book preview

    Baking in Tuscany - Coledown Bilingual Books


    Ingredienti (Ingredients):

    - 200g di mandorle (200g almonds)

    - 200g di nocciole (200g hazelnuts)

    - 200g di frutta secca mista (200g mixed dried fruits)

    - 200g di miele (200g honey)

    - 100g di zucchero semolato (100g granulated sugar)

    - 50g di farina (50g flour)

    - 1 cucchiaino di cannella (1 teaspoon cinnamon)

    - 1 cucchiaino di spezie miste (1 teaspoon mixed spices)

    - Zucchero a velo per spolverare (Powdered sugar for dusting)

    Istruzioni (Instructions):

    1. Preriscalda il forno a 150°C (Preheat the oven to 150°C).

    2. Tosta le mandorle e le nocciole in una padella a fuoco medio fino a quando saranno leggermente dorate (Toast the almonds and hazelnuts in a pan over medium heat until lightly golden).

    3. Trita grossolanamente la frutta secca mista (Coarsely chop the mixed dried fruits).

    4. In una ciotola grande, mescola la frutta secca, il miele, lo zucchero, la farina, la cannella e le spezie miste (In a large bowl, mix together the dried fruits, honey, sugar, flour, cinnamon, and mixed spices).

    5. Rivesti una teglia rotonda con carta da forno e versa il composto nella teglia (Line a round baking pan with parchment paper and pour the mixture into the pan).

    6. Livella la superficie con le mani bagnate (Smooth the surface with wet hands).

    7. Inforna per circa 30-40 minuti o fino a quando il panforte risulterà asciutto al tatto (Bake for about 30-40 minutes or until the panforte feels dry to the touch).

    8. Lascia raffreddare completamente prima di spolverare con zucchero a velo (Allow to cool completely before dusting with powdered sugar).

    9. Taglia a fette sottili e servile come dessert (Slice into thin wedges and serve as a dessert).

    Castagnaccio (Chestnut Cake)

    Ingredienti (Ingredients):

    - 250g di farina di castagne (250g chestnut

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