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The Fairy Mermaid and the Crystal Key
The Fairy Mermaid and the Crystal Key
The Fairy Mermaid and the Crystal Key
Ebook109 pages1 hour

The Fairy Mermaid and the Crystal Key

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Do you believe in fairy mermaids?


What?! You've never heard of a fairy mermaid?


Then, let me tell you the story about Tayla and Kyle, a sister and brother who visited their grandmother at Faeland Ranch one summer long ago.

I was just a young fairy fresh out of the academy, and my first year in a new garden. That was the season the fairies almost lost their magic fairy dust. Fairies need that to change the four seasons, you know…


Oh, and I almost forgot, we were also on a quest to find a missing crystal key. It was quite a memorable summer, indeed. There was magic, fairies, enchanted creatures, and a mischievous—


Oops, I almost gave it away. Perhaps it's best to read the story for yourself. I bet you're a much better storyteller than me.


Fairy love,


Release dateJul 27, 2023
The Fairy Mermaid and the Crystal Key

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    The Fairy Mermaid and the Crystal Key - Emmy R. Bennett

    The Fairy Mermaid and the Crystal Key

    Emmy R. Bennett


    Dream Script Media LLC

    Copyright © 2020 Emmy R. Bennett

    Published by Dream Script Media LLC

    Library of Congress 1-12770647951

    © 2023 book cover Lily Dormishev Art

    Edited by Rebecca Jaycox and Gail Delaney Editing Services

    All rights reserved.

    No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law. For permission requests, contact Dream Script Media LLC.

    The Fairy Mermaid and the Crystal Key is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this production are fictitious and are products of the author's imagination. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred.

    First Edition 2020

    ISBN: (pbk) 978-1950501-04-5

    Second Edition 2023

    ISBN: Ebook 978-1-950501-15-1

    ISBN: (pbk) 978-1-950501-16-8



    To my youngest daughter, Brielle.


    Do you believe in fairy mermaids?

    What?! You’ve never heard of a fairy mermaid?

    Then, let me tell you the story about Tayla and Kyle, a sister and brother who visited their grandmother at Faeland Ranch one summer long ago.

    I was just a young fairy fresh out of the academy, and my first year in a new garden. That was the season the fairies almost lost their magic fairy dust. Fairies need that to change the four seasons, you know…

    Oh, and I almost forgot, we were also on a quest to find a missing crystal key. It was quite a memorable summer, indeed. There was magic, fairies, enchanted creatures, and a mischievous—

    Oops, I almost gave it away. Perhaps it’s best to read the story for yourself. I bet you’re a much better storyteller than me.

    Fairy love,



    1.New Adventure

    2.Faeland Ranch

    3.New Home

    4.The Garden




    8.The Barn

    9.The Bird Cage

    10.Grandmother’s Story


    12.The Hollow Tree

    13.The Fairies

    14.Hidden Door

    15.The Crystal Key

    16.Saving Lilly

    17.The Plan

    18.Grandmother Sees


    20.The Sundial

    21.Going Home

    Crystal Castle

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    About the Author


    Chapter 1

    New Adventure

    My world has been turned upside down. I listen to my mother on the other end of the phone. You must stay strong for your little brother Kyle. She coughs, and it doesn’t sound good.

    Mom, are you going to be okay?

    She doesn’t answer right away and coughs more. I’ll be all right.

    My heart aches. Tears well in my eyes. When are you coming home? The news that neither of my parents will be released from the hospital any time soon has me worried.

    I don’t know, darling. Your father is much worse off than we first thought. She has a raspiness in her voice as she speaks.

    Mrs. Bradly, our neighbor, stands in the hallway observing me. My brother watches television in the other room oblivious to what is going on. "What’s going to happen to us?

    I’ve made arrangements with your grandmother. She has agreed to take you for a few weeks.

    Mom… we don’t even know her. I look up at my friend’s mom and she looks sad. I want to stay with Mrs. Bradly.

    I know, sweetheart, but this is for the best right now. You will love being at your grandmother’s estate. It will be all right. Trust me. She coughs some more, and it sounds like she’s having a hard time catching her breath.

    Another voice comes on the phone. I’m sorry, Tayla, but we must help your mother right now. We’ll keep in touch and let you know how they are doing.

    Who is this?

    The nurse taking care of your parents. My name is Julie. Here’s my personal cell number. You can contact me anytime you need to.

    I jot down her number. Thanks, I say and hang up.

    I look at Mrs. Bradly and she walks to the refrigerator to pour a glass of milk. It will be all right. Here take this, it might settle your nerves. She hands me the cup. Your mother has made arrangements for a car to pick you up in the morning. In the meantime, let’s go to your house and gather some things for you and your brother.

    She puts her arm around me and together we walk into the living room where my friend Elise, Mrs. Bradly’s daughter, is playing video games with my little brother Kyle.

    But we want to stay here with you, I argue.

    I know, but, you will still be able to call us—anytime. She grabs my coat and hands it to me.

    I give a sad smile. Come on, Kyle, let’s go gather some of our things.

    Can’t I do it later? I’m winning. He’s deep into his game with his tongue sticking out on one side of his mouth in deep concentration.

    We’ll be back. It won’t take long, I say.

    Mrs. Bradly intervenes. Don’t worry, Kyle, we’ll save your spot on the game. Go with your sister for now.

    Reluctantly, he gets up, letting out a huff of frustration.

    As we walk to our house next door, Kyle bursts out in disappointment, Why can’t we stay at Mrs. Bradly’s house?

    Because Mom wants us to go live with our grandmother.

    We don’t even know her. Kyle kicks a rock into the street.

    I know. But it might be fun?

    We’ve never met our grandmother. The only thing Mom ever said about her was that she lived far away on some estate. I don’t know why they don’t speak to each other. And now, we’re supposed to go live with her?

    I spend a few minutes in my room as I gather my belongings. I tell Kyle to grab his favorite things, too.

    Why do we have to go? Kyle asks again, calling me from the other room. I like it at Mrs. Bradly’s. He’s playing with his cars instead of packing.

    I know, I murmur, just loud enough for my brother to hear. "Stop playing and pack up some of your toys. It will be okay. Besides, Mom said our grandmother

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