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Kidnapped Ryheem's Revenge: Kidnapped, #2
Kidnapped Ryheem's Revenge: Kidnapped, #2
Kidnapped Ryheem's Revenge: Kidnapped, #2
Ebook265 pages3 hours

Kidnapped Ryheem's Revenge: Kidnapped, #2

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About this ebook

Trigger warning: Crime, Violence, and death.


Ryheem wakes up consumed by an unquenchable thirst for vengeance, his mind even more unsettled. He is determined to make Tallman pay for the injustice done to him, and he yearns to possess his beautiful wife, Phylisha, with no one standing in his way. Blood and violence become constant companions wherever he goes.

Phylisha, on the other hand, starts a fresh chapter of her life in Mandeville. Running her own business and residing in her mother's house, she finally feels the freedom she desires. Seeking justice for her mother's death, she remains oblivious to the haunting truth. However, her newfound existence is jeopardized by the unexpected intrusion of her estranged father, who demands more from her than she can give. Meanwhile, Ryheem relentlessly attempts to abduct her once again. Will she survive Ryheem's threats? Can she protect herself from her father?

Damien Tallman James, a powerful crime boss, harbors a deep desire for Ryheem's demise. Dontae and Rick share the same intention. The alluring Mr. Doc seeks what is rightfully hers, and Ryheem's death is the next best thing. "Will Ryheem manage to outwit those who seek to end his life before he can reach Phylisha?"

"Will Phylisha withstand her father's relentless pursuit, intensified by Ryheem's reappearance?" The overwhelming influx of crime and violence, with revenge as the driving force, is enough to make anyone's head spin.

Release dateJul 14, 2023
Kidnapped Ryheem's Revenge: Kidnapped, #2

Angellene M. Brown

Angellene Brown is an avid reader, graphic designer, artist, and story writer. Her love for books and movies along with her unique personality allowed her to bring life to life-like characters and allow readers to engage in fun-filled, action-packed adventures that thrill and have their readers on the edge as each paragraph gets more excited.

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    Kidnapped Ryheem's Revenge - Angellene M. Brown


    Ryheem’s Revenge By Angellene M. Brown

    Copyright © 2023 All Rights Reserved

    License Notes

    This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Author’s Note

    This book is purely fictional. Names, Characters, Places and incidents are products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to events, People, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. This book was written in a Jamaican setting, do not worry if you come across a word or two that you’re not familiar with but you’ll get the gist of it. I’ve written this book as close to English as I can, so please have an open mind. Thank you for your support.

    This ebook is dedicated to everyone out there living with Domestic Violence.

    There’s always a way out.

    This book is part two of Kidnapped A Phylisha J. Phillips Story

    Table of Contents










    About the Author


    The morning was scorching hot, and there was no breeze in Kingston's adult correctional centre. It was breakfast time for the prisoners, and the guards stood by to escort them to the cafeteria. Ricardo The Hulk Griffiths smiled as he slapped one of the prisoners in front of him on the back of his head. The prisoner, named Matt, hit the ground hard face down, groaning. The other inmates laughed but stopped suddenly as Matt got up, giving them a steely stare while he spat out a bloody tooth. Blood was dripping down his broad chin, and he looked around trying to find the culprit who dared to hit him. He was a tall, bulky man with tattoos covering his arms and neck. His build had nothing on the Hulk, who was two feet taller with more muscles. Matt looked at Rick while he folded his big arms over his broad chest with his back straight, trying to intimidate Rick, who had a blank expression on his face.

    Don't look at me, he did it, Rick said, pointing at a small security guard who began to look scared.

    What! the guard cried out in outrage, beads of sweat forming on his forehead as he reached for his baton on the right side of his waist, ready to defend himself if needed.

    Matt turned to look at the guard. He moved his neck from side to side, making a cracking sound, and he punched the poor guard in his face so fast that the guard stood stunned, his body straight and tense with wide eyes. He fell in a heap, knocked out, and his baton flew out of his hand.

    All hell broke loose as the prisoners cried out and started to fight the other guards. A fight broke out everywhere - prisoners fighting each other, guards fighting the prisoners trying to maintain order. The Hulk smiled while he made his way through the chaos. He punched a guard or a prisoner who tried to involve him in a fight, leaving them in a bloody mess. He suddenly stopped, seeing what he was searching for - a tall guard about his size, but he would have to do. He moved behind the guard and grabbed him by his neck, then dragged him into an empty cell. More guards were pouring into the prison, trying to get things under control as the prisoners became more violent. Trash was set on fire, and a man or two were also on fire. Guns were produced by the prisoners, along with axes and batons. No one knew where they got the weapons. The guards were having a hard time controlling the riot.

    Rick came out dressed in the guard’s uniform, leaving an unconscious guard on the floor in an empty cell, only in his black and white striped underwear. Rick felt uncomfortable; the guard's clothes were a very tight fit, but he was hoping that everyone was too busy to notice. He saw One-Handed Larry being held up by two prisoners, one on each side of him against one of the cell doors. Rick moved behind them, held them by their necks, and slammed their heads together, knocking them out.

    Thanks, man, I thought I was a goner. One-Handed Larry said, grimacing as he shifted his head.

    It's all good, let's get out of here. Rick said, grabbing Larry's only arm as they walked faster towards the door.

    Wait, what? Go where? Larry asked, trying to keep up with Rick's long stride. To our freedom, of course.

    You are out of your mind if you think that’s going to happen, Larry said, looking at Rick as if he were possessed. And what are you doing in a guard’s uniform? Larry asked, too loud for Rick’s comfort.

    Shhhhhh, Rick hissed, looking around to make sure no one overheard them. This is a bad idea, Larry hissed back.

    Rick smiled but remained alert. They made their way through the prison's main doors with no problem. Rick still had a hold on Larry. They were almost outside when a guard pointed a shotgun at them, stopping them in their tracks. Their hands shot up into the air immediately.

    Larry’s trembling hand waved side to side as fear took over him, thinking he was going to die right then and there, and it was all Rick’s fault.

    Where are you going? The riot is the other way. The guard asked. He shot a prisoner behind Rick who turned around quickly, seeing the prisoner on the ground sprawled out, blood pouring out of his chest, the gun still in his hands. Rick swallowed a heavy lump that had formed in his throat and looked back at the guard. Larry looked like he was about to faint, his body still as he began to sweat profusely.

    I'm going to call for an ambulance. A few of the guards are hurt pretty badly. Rick said quickly.

    Why not use your radio or cell phone? The guard asked.

    One of the prisoners took it. Rick answered, putting his hands down slowly. Both of them? The guard narrowed his eyes, in disbelief.

    Yes. Rick squeaked out.

    What about him? The guard asked, pointing his gun at Larry, who had not moved a single muscle yet.

    Don’t mind him. He’s armless. Rick chuckled as Larry groaned softly but still did not move.

    I’m serious! The guard shouted, aiming his gun at Larry.

    Hey, hey, hey! We don't have time for this. Go and help our men, and I'll call in for backup and the ambulance. The Lord knows we need it. Rick said, moving towards the guard and shoving him towards the chaos, avoiding the gun as best as he could. The guard was protesting but stopped in his tracks as he heard a few guns being fired. He turned to Rick.

    You’re right. And hurry up with that backup. The guard commanded as if it was his idea, while running into the fray.

    I’ll do my best! Rick shouted, grabbing Larry’s arm, which was still swaying in the air, and began to walk quickly. Larry released a breath. I thought I was going to die.

    Not yet. Rick said, walking briskly towards the door and heading for the gates.

    Armed guards were guarding the gate. Rick groaned. I can’t get a break. Rick mumbled.

    They looked at Rick and Larry suspiciously as they drew closer.

    Hey! I need to get through the gates. Rick demanded in frustration.

    And why is that? One of the guards asked. Sweat was running down his face like a small river because of the hot weather. Rick looked at them nervously as one of his shirt buttons popped into the guard’s face, on his forehead, who looked at him distrustfully while narrowing his large eyes.

    They couldn’t find the right size shirt for you. The other guard asked, aiming his shotgun at Rick, who looked at the guards, one after the other, with his hands held high quickly.

    Larry rolled his eyes and did the same. Here we go again. He whispered under his breath. Answer the question, man! the sweaty guard said in a menacing tone.

    Rick was stunned with fear. He had no idea what to do or say to get out of this situation. Is this it? he thought. He had been caught, and they were going to kill him. He saw impatience in the eyes of both guards as they stared at him, waiting for an answer. Rick's lips trembled as he finally came up with a lie, hoping it could help him. But before he could respond, a loud explosion rang through the building, shattering windows and sending concrete flying in all directions. Everyone instinctively covered their heads and lowered themselves close to the ground.

    The two guards stood tall and looked at the building, then at the securely locked gate, and finally at each other. They ran towards the building simultaneously, not sparing Rick or Larry a second glance, having faith in their locked gate. Rick let out a breath and then tested the electronically locked gate. There was no way for him to get through.

    Do you honestly think the gate was open? Larry asked, his heart beating fast from the three death experiences he had just encountered. He sighed, hoping it would never happen again, but he knew deep down it was wishful thinking.

    Can't you stop complaining for once and come up with an idea to get through the gate? Rick was annoyed, wondering if it was a mistake to take Larry with him.

    Another explosion invaded their senses, causing Larry to jump on the gate and start climbing it. He lifted his feet, settling them through the mesh on the gate, and quickly grabbed onto a wire with one arm. He continued climbing until he reached the top. Rick watched in disbelief, his mouth wide open. Larry put his hand under the barbed wire at the top of the gate and carefully placed his legs over one after the other, then quickly climbed down to the other side.

    Well, aren't you coming? Larry looked puzzled by Rick's lack of action.

    Rick decided to climb the large fence. If Larry could do it with one hand, then he certainly could. He attempted to mimic Larry's movements but almost fell more than once. Hanging off the middle of the gate, with his feet dangling, he managed to regain his balance. Rick continued climbing until the barbed wire stopped him. He took off his jacket one hand at a time and wrapped it around the wire.

    Hurry up, Larry barely contained his laughter at Rick's expense.

    Shut up! Rick snapped, finding it hard to climb the gate. He couldn't understand why Larry could do it so easily with one hand. He began climbing over the gate, holding onto the wrapped barbed wire with both hands. He then placed one leg over, followed by the other. On the other side of the gate, Rick held onto the wrapped barbed wire, trying to find a place to put his foot to climb down. Rick slipped, and both his legs dangled as more of his weight pressed down on the wrapped jacket. The barbed wire pierced through, cutting his hands. He cried out, letting go and forgetting that he needed his hands to hold him up. Rick screamed as he fell on his rear and then dropped onto his back, groaning loudly.

    Larry laughed and went over to help Rick up, but Rick waved off his hand, his face contorted in pain. He remained lying on his back, his body stiff as a board as he struggled to catch his breath. Rick moaned and squirmed in discomfort, trying to alleviate the pain in his back and rear. After a few minutes, he managed to get up and limped towards a burgundy Subaru. Larry followed him, only now noticing the car. Rick got into the passenger seat, moaning as he settled down, while Larry sat in the back and slammed the door after he is settled.

    What took you so long? Dontae asked, putting away his cell phone and his puzzle game interrupted. He looked at Rick's twisted face, then turned to glance at Larry in the back, who shrugged with a wide smile on his face. Brother, what happened to you? What was that noise, and what the hell is going on in there?

    Don't ask too many questions, just drive, Rick whispered, twisting in his seat and groaning in pain.

    You didn't mention that you'd be bringing someone with you, Dontae said as he stared at Larry, who began to grow tense.

    Dontae, just drive, Rick gritted out, while Larry leaned back in his seat.

    Dontae started the car and drove off without saying another word. Their journey remained uninterrupted as they made their escape, leaving behind a smoking prison.


    The morgue was cold and quiet at midnight. Three rows of dead bodies lay on metal tables, with four tables in each row. White sheets covered their body, except for their feet with a tag on the right foot's big toe. It was a dreary place, with the lights on the cracked beige ceiling flickering in and out, accompanied by a static sound. A lone figure leaned over a body with a scalpel. The person wore pink headphones connected to a phone, which was clipped to their brown pants around their waist. Their body moved up and down rhythmically as they listened to music. They had always wanted to be a dancer.

    The figure moonwalked to another table in the room and picked up a hand towel, then moonwalked back to the table they were working on. They spun around twice, with their hand in the air. The memory of their father laughing at them and saying, Pick a better career or I'll disown you, resurfaced in their mind.

    Their mother had only kissed them on the forehead and said, Do what your father said, dear.

    They shook their head, recalling the pressure to become a doctor. Instead, they had chosen to be a morgue assistant. Their father was disappointed, but they didn't care. At least their father hadn't disowned them. However, their father always made sure to remind them that they were a disappointment whenever they saw each other. Their mother didn't seem to mind as long as their father didn't make a big deal out of it.

    The morgue assistant was dressed in a white, bloody lab coat with goggles over their face.

    Their slender frame moved automatically from the body to the table of tools beside them, all the while listening to their tunes.

    He was so engrossed in what he was doing that he didn't notice one

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