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Experiencing God’s Glory: The Place, the Situation, and the Time
Experiencing God’s Glory: The Place, the Situation, and the Time
Experiencing God’s Glory: The Place, the Situation, and the Time
Ebook82 pages59 minutes

Experiencing God’s Glory: The Place, the Situation, and the Time

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About this ebook

The glory of God lives above and beyond any description or definition. In Experiencing God’s Glory, author Olayinka Alamu explores the revelation of God’s glory as humans experience it at any place, situation, and time.

Divided into two parts, this guide:

analyzes how the glory of man emanates from the glory of God;

describes how Jesus is the revelation of the glory of God and explains what happens when you behold the glory of God;

examines the prerequisites to encounter the glory of God in place, situation, and time;

describes the natural or artificial place where God reveals his greatness, honor, beauty, power, and light to and through us;

expounds on how God can reveal his glory in any circumstance or situation;

explains the time of glory as the revelation of God’s glory at God’s appointed perfect time; and

illustrates hope knowing the future will be better, regardless of the present situation.

Through scripture and bible stories, Alamu reminds you God created you in His glory, you exist in His glory, and you’re destined to manifest His glory.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateJul 17, 2023
Experiencing God’s Glory: The Place, the Situation, and the Time

Olayinka Alamu

Olayinka Alamu, a charismatic teacher, encourager, and mentor, is the pastor in charge of The Redeemed Christian Church of God, International Chapel Queens, New York. He trained as a Computer Analyst and obtained a Higher National Diploma from the Polytechnic Ibadan, Nigeria. He later attended Brooklyn College, Brooklyn, New York, and earned a Doctorate in Transformation Leadership from Bakke Graduate University, Dallas, Texas. Alamu and his wife, Pastor Dayo, are blessed with three children.

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    Experiencing God’s Glory - Olayinka Alamu

    Copyright © 2023 Olayinka Alamu.

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    Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982

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    ISBN: 978-1-6642-9760-9 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6642-9761-6 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6642-9762-3 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2023907023

    WestBow Press rev. date: 07/05/2023

    To my dearest wife, Adedayo, of twenty-four years and many more years to come to

    the glory of God. I am truly thankful for having you in my life, always believing in me, and being a great source of unconditional love and inspiration. I love you.

    To our destiny boys Toluwanimi, Ibukunoluwa, and Oluwajoba. You are the manifestation of God’s glory in our lives. Ever since you were born, your lives have been for signs and wonders, and you have always given your mum and me reasons to give glory to God continually. I hope this book will remind you that God created you in His glory (Isaiah 43:7) and you exist in God’s glory (Ephesians 2:10) to shine for God (Matthew 5:16).

    Last but not least, I am dedicating this book to my parents, Olukunle and Olabisi Alamu, and my parents-in-law, Adekunle and Ebunoluwa Adediji, for their prayers.





    CHAPTER 1     The Glory Of Man And The Glory Of God

    CHAPTER 2     Beholding the Glory of God


    CHAPTER 3     While Waiting to Experience God’s Glory

    CHAPTER 4     The Place of Glory

    CHAPTER 5     Situation Revealing the Glory of God

    CHAPTER 6     The Time of God’s Glory

    CHAPTER 7     There Is Glory Ahead

    Reference List


    I want to thank the King of glory, the Almighty God, through Jesus and by the power of the Holy Spirit, for enabling me to start and finish this book. Second, I want to thank my wife, my destiny helper, Adedayo. From reading early drafts to giving me advice on the cover, she was as important to this book getting done as I was. Thank you so much, dear.

    I want to appreciate Rev. (Dr.) Olusegun Obed, founder of Dayspring Church. You have laid the foundation of my ministry in the United States. I will never forget you for your discipline, integrity, and passion for education and research. These combinations have helped me thus far. Also, I am very fortunate and grateful to honor my father in the Lord, mentor, coach, and pastor, (Dr.) James Fadel, the Continental Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, the Americas. His counsel and leadership inspired and prepared me for such a time.

    Pastor Daniel-Ajayi Adeniran, the Assistant Continental Overseer, the Americas, the Lord knew I would require a pastor as devoted as you, a lover of God’s word, and a heart for His flock, guarding the flock against wolves that aim to tear and scatter. I am grateful for your encouragement and support.

    I am forever indebted to Dr. Afolabi Aiyedun, pastor of C&S, Staten Island, and national secretary of C&S Churches USA Council, for his encouragement always. He is indeed an outstanding person and an able educator.

    Last but not least, I owe so much to my local church, the Redeemed Christian Church of God, International Chapel Queens, Jamaica, New York, for their undying support and their unwavering belief in me, their pastor. I thank you all for your prayers.


    This book, Experiencing God’s Glory: The Place, The Situation, and The Time is divided into two parts. Section 1 includes chapters 1 and 2 that explain the glory of man as it relates to the glory of God and expounds on the revelation of God’s nature and attributes. Section 2 includes chapters 3–7, which introduce and elucidate how to experience God’s glory in three phases of life and that no matter

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