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Hell: The Beginning of the End
Hell: The Beginning of the End
Hell: The Beginning of the End
Ebook598 pages7 hours

Hell: The Beginning of the End

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About the Book
A bloody war in Europe. A desolate wasteland in the American continent. An overlording technological superpower, scouting the American wastes they burned for claim; victims of the Chinese-Russian Alliance, risen back to life with unholy superpowers without the mind to withstand them. Follow the surviving Americans as they fight for survival, utilizing the very same hellish abilities that are used against them, persevering through the hellish assault of Infected, CRA soldiers, and something else – something powerful.

About the Author
Joshua Harrington is currently a junior in high school who resides in Arizona. He is an avid gamer with a large interest in music. Joshua, his siblings, and his parents have moved around the country quite a bit due to his father’s career in the military. Prior to this novel, his writing has been primarily third-person, and this is his first writing in the first-person point of view. Joshua developed a love of reading, writing, and acquiring an extensive vocabulary as a young child that continues to this day.

Release dateJun 23, 2023
Hell: The Beginning of the End

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    Book preview

    Hell - Joshua Harrington



    Chapter One


    Oil Rig 16, 100 miles off the coast of Washington, USA

    An oil rig? Liz asked, turning to me as I followed her into the catwalk.

    It is an odd refuge. At least no-one’s infected here. I replied, watching her.

    True. Either way, this bioweapon… it’s unlike anything the US can produce. An entirely unknown disease… An entire continent, wiped off the map like that, she snapped her fingers, watching me.

    For all we know, we could be all that’s left.

    Part two

    Soar, high above SOAR

    Chapter Two

    Stolen equipment

    10 years after Bioweapon release

    56 miles from Old Phoenix, Arizona

    I sat against the wall, a small reprieve from the heat. Gray clouds sat in the distance, its grim meaning dawning over me.

    Shelter. Better head back, I said out loud, lifting myself to my feet. Ghouls were rare in higher heat areas, leaving me relatively safe as I trudged through the cracked dirt. Still, I glanced around me as

    The rain hit me unexpectedly, the sudden silence then the roar of thunder. I dropped to the floor, crawling through the dirt that quickly became mud. A blue streak of light flew above me, followed by three more. The four blue lights landed in front of me, the human silhouettes moving rapidly. One was gesturing to each side of itself, the other three following its hands. I continued forward, drawing the pistol at my hip. I quietly got to a crouch, advancing towards the closest one: the middle. I fired a shot, sparks flying from the impact point. It spun around, drawing its own pistol as I rolled away. I fired again, the bullet impacting the rifle across its back.

    Retreat! My Rifle’s hit! I heard it yell, the streak of blue activating again as the other three slid into the sky. I rushed forward, grabbing its shoulder as it began to fly. I jerked upwards, floating above it for a moment as momentum took me. I reached for something, anything, latching into a small circular object floating above its shoulder. Gravity took its toll, pulling me back towards the ground as the silhouette flew away. I felt the impact instantaneously, only for an instant as I fell into unconsciousness.

    I awoke in a patch of blue sky, the sun beating down on the muddy earth and my wet body.

    The eye of the storm. Guess that’s lucky, I groaned to myself, a dull pain overtaking my body.

    Initiated. I am a Performance Enhancing Companion named Eva from an EDEN Preparation Pack. Hello, Captain. You’ve been detected as American. Are you a defector? a small orb asked, floating a few feet in front of me.

    A defector? No, I replied, getting to my feet as Eva watched me.

    Captain, if you are in possession of an EDEN kit without being a defector, you will be marked for immediate termination. Repeat: are you a defector? it questioned, growing closer to my face. I hesitated, considering my options.

    Yes, I said, watching Eva float away.

    Good. Captain, you seem to be without possession of armor. I recommend you find a radio and call for extraction, Eva said, moving to my shoulder and floating a few inches away. I lifted my backpack, placing my pistol back in its holster as I turned around.

    I’ve gotta get back home. Maybe I can see Holt about this.

    You’re clear. Welcome back, David waved me through the gate, the screech of its closing doors ringing behind me as he met me at the bottom of the stairs.

    Find anything good? he asked, flashing a quick smile.

    Just this. Eva, come out, I replied, watching as Eva floated over my palm.

    An American settlement? I assume reconnaissance, Captain? Eva asked, turning its gaze to me. I nodded, as David glanced up from it.

    Isn’t that one of those EDEN kit pieces we find on dead Soldiers? he asked, stepping back as his hand dropped to his pistol.

    Yeah. I’m going to talk to Holt, Eva slipped back into my pocket as I turned away, scanning the ramshackle buildings as I walked the streets. One person stood atop each roof, a long-range weapon held in their hands.

    Helena! a voice called, pulling my attention forward. Holt waved at me from the corner, urging me forward. I quickened my pace, meeting him quickly.

    You’ve got a PEC? he asked quickly, pushing me into the building. Seemingly random pieces of electronics sat scattered across the counters, along with a taser.

    A PEC? You mean the Performance Enhancing Companion? I asked, turning back to him as he locked the door.

    Yes. I’ve put a lot into researching destroyed ones. David radioed me. I can reprogram it, he replied as he pulled a pistol from his pocket, holding it ready.

    Show it to me, he said, steeling his expression.

    Eva, I ordered, watching it float from my pocket. Holt moved in a flash, aiming and pulling the trigger in a split second. Eva shuddered, then fell to the floor with a metallic clank.

    I can turn it to our side while keeping its more helpful subroutines. Once I turn it, you should talk to Jack. he’ll be quite interested, Holt said, picking Eva up. He stood tall, a couple of inches taller than me, with a defined beard and small, square glasses. He turned Eva in his fingers, walking to his workbench.

    It’ll take a while. An hour at most. Try talking to David, he’s bound to be short on men, Holt finished, waving me away as he flicked the flashlight on. I unlocked the door, stepping through and back into the clamor outside. The door closed behind me as I looked around, watching men and women go about their lives as the country died around them.

    Helena! There you are! Mark called, laying a hand on my shoulder.

    You got time? Our scouts found proof of a group of Ghouls near. We’re sending a detachment, and David wants you on the team, he finished, flashing a grin as I stared at him.

    Where are we meeting? I sighed, grabbing the sling of my rifle.

    Near the main gate. Me and Jacob will be providing sniper support, while David’s team advances. Get going, he ushered me off, sprinting back through the streets. I began my walk to the main gate, instantly noticing the group of soldiers.

    Hey, it’s the crackshot! one of them called, pointing her thumb at me.

    Walker. Good to see you after your expedition, Leeland said, turning to me as I stopped.

    We’re dealing with a squad of four. Their mutations are unknown, so tread carefully. Helena, you’re our vanguard. Leeland, cover the rear. Maya, you follow Helena. I’ll follow behind. Ready? David ordered, watching us as we nodded.

    Good. Helena, we’ll chat after.

    Chapter Three


    Settlement Hope, near Goodyear, AZ

    I stared down my scope, watching the group of ghouls stumble through the dirt.

    There. Three o’ clock, James said, directing my gaze. Helena stood at the front of the group, followed by Maya and David.

    They seem to be good so far. The group is wavering, James said, pulling my gaze back to the ghouls. One on the left stared at Helena, turning its body.

    There’s only three there. I quickly flicked to the right, spotting the broken earth around the group. The ghoul burst from the ground as I squeezed the trigger, the bullet whizzing past David’s head and into the ghoul’s head. Helena lifted a thumbs up, aiming her rifle at the group. The pop of gunfire reached my ears as they fired, the rest of the ghouls falling to the ground.

    Check the corpses. Keep your sightlines clear, James stated, as I pulled my face away from my scope. The group of dead ghouls sat almost 100 meters away from the fence, David’s squad moving towards them. I watched as Helena reached them first, kicking at their corpses with her rifle trained on its head.

    Mark, we’re clear. How’s the horizon? David asked, his voice rattling through the radio on my chest.

    Clear. Return to base, I replied, a clank ringing behind me.

    Did Helena go with the strike team? Holt asked, kneeling next to me.

    Yeah. why? I replied, staring down my scope again. Helena stood furthest away, scanning the desert with her hand on her pistol.

    Hardware. I’ve got something of hers I modified, Holt replied as she turned around, beginning her trudge to the main gate. I turned to Holt, scanning the small black ball in his hand.

    The hell is that? I asked, leaning towards it.

    When we talk about the soldiers, I mention the EDEN Kits. summarized, the EDEN Kits amplify a soldier’s combat capability and decision making. This is a PEC, basically an AI assistant. From an EDEN Kit. Helena stole it from a soldier, Holt punctuated, turning his gaze to the returning squad.

    Hmm. let’s go meet ‘em, James said, lifting his rifle from the wall. I stood as well, turning to Holt. he nodded, slipping the PEC back in his pocket. James went down first, his steps clanging down the ladder. Holt followed, then me. I jumped the last few rungs, landing on the ground next to Holt. the gate opened as we approached, David the first through. David nodded at Holt as we met, the rest of the group walking through the gate. Holt whispered in David’s ear, then waved to me and Helena. I followed his gesture, stopping next to him as Helena did the same.

    I’ve reconfigured the PEC to see its would-be friendlies as enemies and American survivors as friendlies. However, in doing so I had to erase its stored memory. The only thing remaining is the bionic data it harvested from Helena. Holt explained, lifting the small black ball once again. It let out a small beep, then a whir as it powered up. It floated upwards, a small blue iris appearing on it. It focused on Helena, floating for a moment.

    I am a Performance Enhancing Companion, Eva, from an EDEN Kit. Captain, I am ready for combat, it stated, its gaze not moving from Helena.

    Eva, hide yourself for now, Helena ordered, watching as Eva slid into her pocket.

    Well, what’s our next move? Holt asked, his gaze fixed on David.

    With one of those, she can control those suits, right? From what you’ve found, without a Captain, the subordinate’s suits don’t work. If the captain is KIA, the PEC will move to the next-in-line, right? So, we assault a field operations base. With Eva, we can make a squad of four elite soldiers. However, I won’t sacrifice my soldiers, David said, glancing around the group.

    I don’t care what you will or won’t sacrifice, I’m in, I said, meeting David’s gaze. He nodded, turning his attention to Holt.

    We’ll need a technician on the team. You in? he asked, lifting a fist. Holt bumped it with his own, a smile forming over his face.

    You know it, he replied, turning his gaze to Helena. She seemed deep in thought, glancing between each of us.

    The sniper, the techie, the crackshot, the soldier, she whispered, hand resting on her pistol.

    The soldier? You mean me? I’m not joining, David said, turning to Helena as she stared at him.

    Why? I cut in before she could speak, tearing David’s gaze away from Helena.

    Many different reasons. I’ll help you attain the suits, but won’t don one myself. I’d recommend you-

    Incoming! one of the watchers yelled, the click of rifles loading a round thundering around us. David was gone in a half-second, glaring out across the desert.

    Hold your fire! he ordered, drawing his pistol. He bounced down the ladder, walking to the main gate.

    Helena, you’ll want to come with, he said, nodding to us. Helena followed him as the gates opened, the pair walking through the gap. My legs moved without direction, taking me through the gap and next to the pair. A white humanoid stood in front of us, its hands raised to the air.

    I surrender.

    Chapter Four


    Hope, AZ

    I sat across from the armored soldier, my arms folded as David walked into the room. The soldier reached upwards, lifting the helmet from his head. Short, dark brown hair sat atop his head, his green eyes holding a scrutinizing glare.

    I am Special Operations: American Reclamation Agent Private Daniels Trator. My mission, codenamed SOAR, is to eradicate the American people, purge the land of Infected, and reclaim the American continent under the Russian and Chinese Allied forces, he said, looking up at David. David drew his pistol, pressing it against Daniels’ head.

    However, Daniels said, grabbing the barrel in a flash. He did not move it, instead initiating a deadly staring contest. David sighed, pulling the pistol away.

    However? he queried, taking a seat next to me.

    I just listed the mission of my bosses from SOAR. My personal objective: the return of the American land to the American survivors, the purging of the Infected, and the assisted return of America’s power, Daniels explained, folding his arms.

    And I understand you have a PEC, he finished, turning his gaze to me. Eva slid out of my pocket, scanning him.

    As do you, Eva replied, floating forwards. Another PEC floated up from behind Daniels, it and Eva staring at each other for a moment.

    This is Adam, my PEC that I inherited from my captain when I defected. The moment I say these next few words he will send a signal to the Chinese-Russian Alliance, telling the SOAR where we are, along with a kill order. Incapacitate him, Daniels explained, folding his arms as Adam’s gaze switched from Eva to Daniels.

    Defecting? Mission compromise- it cut off as David shot it, the net bristling with electricity as it wrapped around Adam. Daniels smiled, turning his gaze to me once again.

    I need him to switch sides. Like you did with yours, he said, resting his hands on the table.

    David, take Adam to Holt. I’ll stay here and converse with our defector, I said, turning my gaze to David. He nodded, walking to Adam and carefully unwrapping it. He then slid out of the room, my gaze returning to Daniels.

    How do the suits work? The EDEN Kits? What operations does SOAR have going on here? I asked, hardening my gaze as Daniels smiled.

    The suits are the EDEN Kits. Each EDEN Kit connects to the master kit, or the ‘Captain.’ The master kit is given to the highest-ranked of a group of four, or given to a solo operative. One master kit can support three other kits, with the master growing weaker with every kit. As such, most captains prefer to go solo, but most of the time they have no choice. As for our operations, we are currently attempting to set up a Forward Operations Base near Phoenix. The infected are making it hard, though. As for outside operations, SOAR has about a thousand EDEN Kits ready for use, along with countless foot soldiers. Once the SOAR agents clear the land of infected, it will be a full-on invasion, he answered my questions coolly, smiling as he spoke.

    So, you want to assist the American people? I shot back, glaring at him as he gazed back.

    Yes. Under solo missions, I can attack bases with the info stored in my suit’s drives. Working with you, I can direct and assist with your suits as well as assist in squad missions. I understand if I don’t seem like an ally so far, but trust is not won easily. Now, as I mentioned, stored data. We must attain your EDEN Kit quickly. There’s a base roughly 15 miles west from here, meant to observe Hope, he finished, leaning back as David entered the room once more.

    Adam has been placed under Holt’s care. As for Daniels, I assume you’ve wrangled some information out of him? David asked, sitting in the chair next to me.

    Yeah. our next attack is on a base around 15 miles west, I replied, turning to face him.

    I already have a plan in place. Your ‘Holt’ seems knowledgeable in technology, specifically our technology, so I will take him to disable alarms. Once I give the all-clear, a detachment of no more than 15 people will get as close to the base as possible without being detected. Preferably to the wall. I’ll fly above, shredding the alarms with my rifle. The SOAR agents will most likely focus on me, but I can handle myself. Gather your detachment, and if you’ll release me, I’ll await you at the front gate.

    I pushed through the doors, closely followed by David. The clamor inside hit my ears instantly, sending a shock of adrenaline through my body. He was at his regular spot at the bar. He looked up at me as I approached, a drunken smile spreading across his face.

    Helena, he slurred, sitting up as I stopped next to him.

    We have a job to do, I stated, watching every hint of intoxication leave his face and body, leaving him with a scrutinizing gaze.

    What d’ya mean? he asked, turning to face me fully.

    An assault on a base. We need what’s inside, so leveling the place isn’t my meaning. We’ve got a good plan in place, we just need people, I explained, feeling the slight changes around me. David seemed ignorant, but small and deliberate movements in the crowd indicated that we were surrounded. I sighed, recognizing the procedure.

    I know how your group works, and I’d rather not rough your team up, I said, glancing up at Jack, then turning my gaze to the nearest face. A surprised expression stared back as my hand dropped to the pistol on my hip, turning my gaze back to Jack.

    Well, that’s unfortunate, Jack replied, lifting three fingers. He lowered one, his smile returning. Another. Then zero. David slid away as the group surrounding us lunged, my hand moving in a flash as I dropped to the floor. Each person fell to the floor, convulsing as I holstered the pistol. Jack watched me in utter shock as I dusted myself off, meeting his gaze.

    A poison dart. It won’t kill ‘em, but it will make ‘em do that. I pointed at the bodies as Jack stood, a friendly smile replacing the shock.

    Then we’re in business, he stated, extending a hand. Gasps rang around me as the poison wore off, leaving each person perfectly fine. I took it, allowing his grip to crush my hand as I squeezed back. He gave in first, retracting his hand with a smile.

    What’s the plan, then? he asked, plopping back down in his seat.

    We’ve got a defector from the soldiers, the ones trying to kill us. He’s set up a plan to take over a base, giving us access to their weapons and technology. Thus, we can destroy it, David explained, popping up behind me.

    And if I agree? What do I get out of it? Jack replied, glancing around the room.

    Depending on what we find, you could get a substantial cut of scrap and weapons. Or, in another case, you get scrap. Anything we don’t need, I shot back, meeting his gaze.

    Alright. When’s the op? he asked, sliding out of his seat.

    As soon as possible. When can you move? David replied, stepping around me.

    As soon as we get ready. We’ll need our armor, but that’s about it. Details on the op, too, Jack explained, his smile wavering.

    We’ll explain on the way. Meet at the main gate, I ordered, turning away from him.

    This is Captain Daniels. He’ll be our arial eyes, as well as be our decoy. We split into two groups: the attack group and technical group. Holt and Daniels are the technical group, the rest of us are the attack group. I expect you to move as one, utilizing your strengths and compensating for your weaknesses. Jack, your group will focus on attacking while the rest of us focus on recovery, David explained, scanning the group from atop the main gate.

    And what of the ghouls? If a group of ‘em infiltrate with us, the base will be overrun and nothing will be recovered. one of the women from Jack’s group spoke up, stepping forward.

    Good question. What’s your name, soldier? David asked, beginning to pace across the catwalk.

    Sara, she replied, glaring up at him.

    Well, Sara, that’s where Captain Daniels comes in. that fancy armor isn’t for show. You have to recognize it, right? David asked, turning his gaze back to the force.

    It’s a SOAR suit, Jack stated, walking to the front of the group.

    Indeed. It’s built to be ghoul-proof, though it fails when it comes to mutations, David said, opening his mouth to continue.

    Where’d he get it? Jack growled, glaring at Daniels. Daniels floated upwards, landing next to David.

    I am a SOAR Agent turned defector. I had one of the technical team, Holt, alter my PEC to fight for your cause. You may not trust me, but I am on your side, he announced, leaning on the railings.

    In any case, I know the most about Outpost 1-3 Beta. There’s a control panel on the northeastern side of the walls, acting as a backup breaker box. There are multiple firewalls, but I can take them down. That’s the technical team’s purpose. Once the defenses are down, it’s the attack team’s cue. Jack’s group will move through the facility, killing any who stand in your way. Surrendered scientists are to be spared, but restrained. Most SOAR Agents will attack me, but if you encounter them, do not spare them. David’s team will move to the Armory first, recovering vital equipment. We won’t be able to hold the base until David’s team succeeds, so our survival rests on them. Clear? Daniels explained, lifting the helmet from his head and staring out across the group.

    Right! a cacophony of voices replied, signaling our understanding.

    Chapter Five

    Old Friends, Now Enemies

    Hope, AZ

    I heard them all reply as I fitted the helmet back on, turning my gaze across the desert.

    Ghouls should be few and far between, they don’t seem to like heat. Or cold, for that matter. You’re our guide, and we’re ready, David said, following my gaze. I floated upwards, bringing up a map on my HUD. I flicked the button near my ear, the reinforced, bulletproof glass of my visor sliding upwards. The sun hit my eyes, causing me to squint as the main gate opened.

    Holt weighed me down as we flew, the walls of the base coming ever-closer. I slowed down, dropping him carefully next to the wall. I landed next to him, scanning the walls.

    We’re in the camera’s blind spot, but we need to move quickly. The panel should be… here. I pressed my palm onto the wall, a small square panel sliding in, then up. I put in the access code, then stepped aside for Holt. he tapped at the screen, slipping through each firewall as I stared up the walls. I heard the defenses power down as Holt stepped away, giving me a nod. I drew my rifle, bouncing into the sky and over the walls. I shot, watching the bullet go through the alarm control system. The gate slowly opened, signaling the main attack group. I watched them advance, through the gate, into the facility.

    Trator, I heard a voice say, behind me. I spun around, finding three agents facing me.

    Guess I’ve been caught, huh? I joked, lifting my rifle.

    Private Daniels Trator, you’ve been placed on death row for traitorous acts to the CRA! Stand down and allow your death, traitor! the one closest to me yelled, drawing his pistol.

    No thanks. I choose life. I disengaged my thrusters, allowing myself to enter a freefall. As I plummeted towards the ground, I fired off three rounds at the middle agent, angling myself correctly. I reactivated the thrusters, catching myself inches from the ground. I blasted back upwards, dropping three grenades off my hip. The two remaining followed me, straight into the trap. I allowed myself to fall again, flashing a salute to the last remaining agent as I lobbed a grenade at him. I caught myself, floating to the catwalk as the foot soldier’s gunfire bounced off my suit. I burst into melee, cleanly killing the soldiers around me. I walked to the railing, looking over the attack group’s assault on the base. Jack’s group blasted through the courtyard, a hurricane of bullets. The door to the armory hung open, as I dropped over the railing. I ran forward, sliding through the door and blasting down the hallway. Gunshots rang from ahead as I burst through the airlock door, slamming directly into Mark. he spun around, his rifle aimed directly at my head. I opened the visor, raising my hands defensively.

    Friendly! Friendly, I stated as he lowered the rifle, turning his gaze to the right. I followed it, seeing each of David’s group with their weapons aimed at me. Helena was the first to lower her gun, turning back towards the armory. Some of the lockers sat askew, their contents missing. The rest of them turned their weapon to the rest of the room as I lowered the visor, rushing forward. I put in my code, watching the metal gate open. Four metal cases sat in perfect indents in the wall, covered by plastic doors. I ripped them out, placing them on the floor.

    These are new. There’s one of each ‘class’ in case one breaks or malfunctions. The classes are as follows: Gunslinger. Focuses on quick and precise attacks, with heavily increased mobility. Tech expert: high-spec CPU and pop-up electronic keyboard to assist in field hacks and upgrades. It has standard weaponry, a SRF, and two RRPs. wait, you don’t know those. The SRR, Scoped Repeater Rifle, is essentially an automatic laser beam. The RRP, Revolving Repeater Pistol, is the same, but has six batteries in the form of a revolver. Next is Soldier. Most SOAR Agents are in the Soldier class, as well as me. Two grenades, one SRR, one RP, and thicker armor. Sniper class. Its HUD is built to allow its user to see over longer distances, and is built to connect to your weapon. It has one RSR, or Repeater Sniper Rifle, and two ARSMGs. The ARSMGs are Automatic Repeater Submachine Guns, and very versatile in close quarters combat. Take your pick. Helena, you first. I stepped away, watching her step forward. She knelt in front of the Gunslinger case, flicking its latch open. A weapon card sat in a foam holder, marked with the letters GNSLGR. Holt knelt in front of the Tech Expert case, opening it. Another card sat inside, labeled TCH XPRT.

    You’ll need to find the locker labeled with each of the Names, use the card, and suit up, I instructed, pointing to the lockers. A few sat askew while the rest stood closed, their electronic screens showing red. Helena nodded, beginning to pace along the remaining lockers. Holt followed her lead, as Mark knelt in front of the Sniper case. The lockers beeped, pulling my attention as Holt lifted the full-body suit.

    The hell is this? he hissed, moving it around in his hands.

    "It allows the armor to clip onto your body. Besides, it’s made of carbon fibers and steel forged to make a cloth-like metal. In between layers, there’s shock absorption gel. It should be slightly elastic, so you can climb in,’’ I explained, watching David stand around. I flicked my head at the Soldier case, his gaze meeting mine.

    No. I function better as a troop commander, not a secret task force. I’m not- he cut off as a hand whacked him across the back of the head, a half-suited Helena appearing next to him.

    Don’t be an idiot, David. We don’t have the luxury of secrecy. I need a reliable commander to rally the troops while we hold whatever they can’t hold back at bay. Put on the damn suit, she ordered, pushing her arm fully through. It was a black color, but individual fibers shined in the light as she slid her other arm through the hole. David sighed, flicking the Soldier case open. Holt was already fitting the various armor pieces over the bodysuit, watching as the right boot closed around his foot and beeped.

    It’s incredible. Even at the state we were in pre-war, tech like this would’ve been unimaginable, he stated, fitting the left boot on.

    They wouldn’t have attacked America without a plan, Helena shot back, sliding her hands into gloves. They clicked and beeped as she pulled an arm guard from the locker, sliding it onto her arm. It tightened, the armor pieces forcing themselves to connect.

    What about the legs and chest? Holt inquired, getting to his feet as his bicep cover clicked on.

    You’ll have to go to the next room. I’ll lead you there when the rest of you are ready, I replied, pointing to the door labeled with Russian letters.

    Well, we’re at three out of four ready. Just waiting on David, Mark said, fitting a glove onto his hand.

    Chapter Six


    FOB 1-3 Beta

    I tipped backwards, my back slamming hard into the concrete.

    Manage your balance! As long as you stay somewhat upright, the suit will automatically keep you afloat! Daniels said, floating down towards me.

    Easy for you to say, I shot back, getting to my feet. Helena slid to a stop next to Daniels, her arms flung outwards for balance.

    Landings will get better, but other than that, you’re pretty good. Mark needs work with movement, and David seems to be having a rough time staying upright, Daniels told her, gesturing to me.

    Try visualizing it as being held by a rope connected to pulleys. Your end destination is where the rope ends. The rope connects to your back, and if you don’t balance, you’ll fly all over the place. The boosters will handle keeping you afloat, just don’t put too much power in one go, Helena explained, lifting me off the floor. I floated upwards once again, struggling to keep my balance as I floated higher. Mark zipped past me as Helena floated upwards as well, staying next to me as we grew higher. The walls of FOB 1-3 Beta fell away, the view from our height vast.

    Oh no, Helena hissed, stopping her ascent.

    David, we need to go. Daniels, there’s a horde southeast of us. Even with these suits, handling them will be tough, she stated, staring down at Daniels as he ascended.

    Damn. I see ‘em. David, we don’t have time to fully teach you. Come here, his voice sounded through the speakers in my helmet, as he blasted past me. I jerked upwards, flying along with him as he blasted back towards Hope. Helena, Mark, and Holt appeared next to us, blasting through the air.

    Fourteen miles. How do we deal with ‘em? James asked, turning his gaze to me.

    No way but to fight. Helena, how’s the defenses?

    I asked, turning my gaze to the walls.

    As good as they’re gonna get. Every man and woman in Hope is at the wall, fighting to keep their way of life. Mark, how’s the numbers? she replied, my gaze scanning along the walls.

    At least 200. It’ll be one hell of a battle. They’re headed right for us, too, Mark replied, his silhouette clear against the sky on top of Holt’s workshop.

    Six minutes! James shouted, tightening himself against his rifle. I pulled mine forward, staring down the scope.

    What happened to fourteen?! Holt asked, appearing above me.

    We’re upwind right now, and the lights are off. I’m surprised they haven’t started running till now. James replied, his rifle firing off a bullet. I stepped to the edge of the building, letting a loud ring overtake the clamor of the soldiers.

    They come now! We must hold them off! Fight with your life! Survive! I shouted, pointing at the rapidly-approaching horde. Various ‘Hoo-rahs’ replied to me as the first of the ravenous horde hit the walls, slamming on the metal separating them from us. The air became filled with the smell of spent gunpowder, my ears ringing as gunshots drowned out any other sound. Screeches and roars filled the air as the ghouls clambered over each other, piling in deadly pillars up the wall. I began to fire my own rifle as they began to roll over the railings, leaping towards the nearest person around them. Daniels floated above the horde, letting his rifle blast into the group. I unclipped one of the grenades on my belt, lobbing it over the wall as I turned my attention to the gathering force of ghouls inside. The rapid firing of Mark’s rifle was barely audible as I fired, watching each of their ravenous eyes fall on me. A pillar was already forming in a pile to grab at Daniels as they began to pile up against my wall, each added ghoul forcing them closer to me.

    This has got to be the largest horde we’ve fought! Mark yelled, his rifle’s blasts slowly becoming more and more defined as guns stopped firing.

    We’re halfway done! Helena yelled back, landing next to me as I fired at the pillar underneath me. She began to fire as well, the pillar becoming a pile of bodies, alive and dead as the entirety of the horde bore down on us, ignoring those behind them.

    "Retreat to the secondary barrier!’’ I yelled, pointing deeper into the settlement. The soldiers replied with various yells, sprinting away from me. A couple from the walls followed them, sprinting faster than any human could go. I flicked my rifle up, quickly nabbing each of them with a headshot. A quick force swept me off my feet, pulling me down towards the ground. I stopped reflexively, floating a few feet above the field. I ascended, continuing to fire as the pillar began to chase me. They grew slower by the second, their forces dwindling.

    The outside is clear! Mark reported as a bullet burst through the head of the group of ghouls ahead of me.

    Perfect. All forces, retake your home! I yelled, turning my gaze to the secondary barrier. No soldiers advanced, no yells of affirmation.

    Helena, go! Mark, cover her! Holt, how’s the power station? I ordered, dropping a grenade below me.

    Almost overrun! Where are the soldiers? Holt replied, muffled gunfire following his voice.

    Mark, do you have visuals? I asked, turning my gaze upwards as I finished off the last ghoul. An explosive ringing burst through my ears as I was thrown backwards, the sound of crumbling concrete barely audible through the ear-splitting ringing. I felt my body impact the wall, then the floor as I faded between consciousness and unconsciousness.

    Wake up, damnit! Holt’s voice broke through the haze, pulling me back to the world. He tugged at my left arm, a shock of pain tearing through my left leg.

    Don’t pull him, you idiot! We have to look at his leg first! Daniels said, appearing to my left.

    The soldiers? Where’s Helena and Mark? I asked, my words slurred as Daniels lifted a piece of rubble.

    The bastards were smart. They snuck past the soldiers while we were fighting the initial wave and set an ambush. One used a self-destructing mutation, and brought down the building Mark was on. Mark is okay, but Helena is still MIA, Holt explained, helping Daniels move the rubble over my legs. I pulled myself free, getting to my feet as I noticed Mark sitting on a bench near the collapsed building. I stumbled, my hands dropping to my knees to steady myself. My left hand slipped, a slick, warm liquid coating it. I glanced down, seeing a dark, red liquid flow from my thigh. Mark appeared at my side in a second, disengaging the armor around the wound.

    Get a line of cloth, preferably around two to three feet long, he told Holt, pressing his hand over the hole.

    Do not pass out. Keep yourself awake, he took the cloth from Holt, wrapping it around the area above the wound and tying it tightly around my thigh.

    Another, he stated, pressing his hands on the wound again. The flow of blood slowed as Daniels walked to the fallen building, trying to see through the cracks.

    Good. good, the flow is stopping. You’ll need to stay here for now, we’ll find Helena. Holt, stay here with him, Mark said, turning his gaze away from me as he tied the second piece of cloth over the wound. My breath felt short, the air within the suit not enough. I struggled to raise my hand, clicking the button behind my ear. The visor clicked upwards, a blast of cool air impacting my face. I took several deep breaths, allowing myself to fall to the floor.

    You’ll live. At most, you can check the immediate surroundings. What remains of the first floor of Holt’s workshop is your limit. You can’t go any farther than that, Daniels stated, pointing to the half-destroyed walls of the first floor. Holt deactivated his visor, the sorrow in his eyes while staring at his workshop apparent.

    Chapter Seven


    Ruins of Hope, AZ

    I felt the pressure bear down on my leg as I tried to sit up, my helmet bouncing off the concrete above me.

    I repeat, Helena, do you copy? David’s voice came through the radio as I attempted to lift the concrete, to no avail.

    Helena? he called again, the sound of crackling debris sounding above me.

    David? I replied, hearing the pain in my own voice.

    Thank god! Can you give us any clues to your location? Are you alright? he asked, his sudden volume stinging at my eardrums.

    Quiet down! I can’t feel my right leg, and I’m pinned under rubble. I was near the reactor when the collapse happened, if that helps, I replied, pushing on the concrete above me once more.

    Helena? I heard Jack call out, three sets of footsteps clunking over the concrete above me. I struggled to open my visor, breathing the dust as it opened.

    Jack! I yelled back, listening to the footsteps stop.

    Down here. Maya, help me, the concrete slid upwards, a blank visor staring at me.

    Her right leg is broken. PEC codename Eva is inactive. She is delirious, a PEC stated, hovering over the figure’s shoulder.

    A bit of a shock, eh? Come on, Jack lifted me out of the rubble, carefully lifting the concrete over my leg. Another figure appeared at my side, lifting my weight off my leg. Holt appeared over a pile of rubble, his hands instantly dropping to his secondary, aiming it at Jack and the other three figures.

    We’re no enemy of yours, Holt. I’ll explain when we get Helena to someone with medical knowledge, Jack stated, gesturing to me as Holt lowered his pistol.

    Daniels, we found her. And four unknowns, he reported, sliding down the rubble pile as I turned my gaze to the woman holding me. She lifted her visor, flashing me

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