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Mind Expressions: A Book on Poetry with Syllable Counts
Mind Expressions: A Book on Poetry with Syllable Counts
Mind Expressions: A Book on Poetry with Syllable Counts
Ebook282 pages1 hour

Mind Expressions: A Book on Poetry with Syllable Counts

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About this ebook

This poetry book has a total of over 130 poems, and most feature alongside: beautiful photography art. All of the poems are different from the next, in meaning and technique.

Analytical in nature, each poem dives into various topics. With this are also syllable counts, where the number of syllables per line are counted and arranged. This brings forward a technical side to poetry writing, where it is precise and balanced.

It is a skill that requires practice, where you hear the word for what it is, using mathematics while rhyming words together. All of the poetry features different rhyming forms.

Release dateJul 12, 2023
Mind Expressions: A Book on Poetry with Syllable Counts

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    Book preview

    Mind Expressions - Alysha Potente

    Table of Contents

    A Lady In Red

    Moonlight Warrior

    Summer Skies

    Hero’s In Uniform

    If I Were Your Shadow

    My Heart Sings

    Hard Day’s Work

    Equestrian On Show..



    Who Is She?


    Heaven’s Gates..


    Good Friday

    Love Will Commence..


    The Sun..

    She’s A Light Force..


    A Heart..

    A Fairytale..


    A Breakup..

    These Japanese Gardens..

    She’s An Actress

    Not Greedy

    Speak To Me Under The Stars

    One In A Billion

    One In A Billion (Take Two)

    At Night

    I Trust You

    I Want To Lay Next To You

    His Heart Had Arrhythmic

    What I’ll Do..

    Don’t Regret The Past Mistakes


    I Want To..

    Deserted Times..

    Like A Swan Pair..

    Love Like A Grape Vine..

    I Wish..

    Oh Take Us To Paradise..


    A Storm Of Choice..


    The Devil’s Woman..

    A Succession To Marriage..

    Time Without You..


    You’re My Soulmate..

    Elated Times..

    Lamborghini Ride..

    How Beautiful You Are..


    Explore Corners

    Multicolour Our Life..

    These Struggles Can Be Gone..

    Innocent Children Of Today..

    Like Someone Is Playing The Baroque Violin..

    Penned To You My Love..

    It’s Timeless Elegance With Pearls Hanging Down..

    Let Me Be The Lighthouse In The Storm..

    For He Is The ‘Ice King’ So Beware..

    They Are The One..

    Egyptian, Egyptian Times..

    Find Your True Purpose In Life..

    You’re Like A Fine Recipe..



    Her Serene Highness Wears These Sapphires..

    Genius Levels..

    An Angel Came In..

    You All Stand Out..

    Aeroplane Rides..

    These Lullaby’s..

    You’re Meta Morphing..


    These Birds Fly High..


    Lets Go On A Date..

    High Tea..

    Classiness In A Woman..

    Oh Nature, Thank You God..

    This Self Love Is Like A Rare Unicorn..

    Moonlight Wonder..

    Angels Singing..

    Dream, Dream..

    This Holy Writ..

    Wake Me Up..

    God Sent Me An Angel..

    Makes Fire Fall From Heaven’s Sky..

    Caught Riding A Ferris Wheel..

    Hot Air Balloon Rides..

    These Mythological Creatures..

    The Number 2..

    A Red Carpet Event..

    The Temp Is Minus..

    Let This Fear Go..

    A Two Thousand Puzzle Piece..

    Mental Health Is Important..

    Someone Is Wearing A Mask..

    Stand Strong With Courage..

    Dear Sir..

    This Shape Is That Of A Triangle..

    Enter Into This Time Portal..

    What It Means To Be Australian’s?

    Italy Cuisine..

    Independent But Perhaps..

    Be Vulnerable With Me..

    Going On A Bush Walk..

    Love Oh This Love..

    One Who Got Away..

    Our Night Sky Is Wonderous…

    A Bed Of Dreams..

    Heaven Is..

    This Italy..

    Can You Be Emotionally Open?..

    Jesus Helps..

    Turn This Light On..

    Sour Lemon..

    Down The Rabbit Hole..

    Eyesight Is Like A Hawk..

    This Unconditional Love..

    Just Watch For All Of These Lyrics..

    This Sweet New Love..

    There’s These Shapes Up In The Clouds..

    Here To Haunt..

    Haunting Moves..

    Oh Pretty Flower..

    Drifting Off With Love Attached..

    Beyond Calculation..

    Like A Small Bird..

    Oh Jesus I Love Thee..

    A Lady In Red

    A lady in red like the colour of a loving heart..

    A lady in red like a delicious red currant tart..

    A lady in red like a strawberry out in the field..

    A lady in red like early letters with a wax seal..

    A lady in red like an ember burning among logs..

    A lady in red like a maple leaf in equinox..

    A lady in red like a ladybug out on a leaf..

    A lady in red like a piece of raw-raw sirloin beef..

    A lady in red like the song by artist Chris De Burgh..

    A lady in red like the beauty of her heart, who’s her..

    Syllables: 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14 = perfect patterns..

    Every two lines rhyme together..

    Moonlight Warrior

    I’m ready to fight for a good life..

    Where there will be no hurt or strife..

    All while I stand under the moonlight..

    There’s a baton ready to strike..

    Cos these enemies just want to fight..

    All jealous because they don’t like..

    They’re dark in senses, they are the night..

    But I’m the moon illuminating white..

    I’m quick to speak to make it right..

    I’ll speak passionately and polite..

    Let’s make a truce between, alright?..

    Syllables: 9, 8, 9, 8, 9, 8, 9, 9, 8, 9, 8= patterns.

    All lines rhyme together.

    Summer Skies

    These light blue skies are without a cloud in sight..

    There’s no overcast darkness only just light..

    Summer is coming below the equator..

    With UV rays quite higher on the radar..

    Sunscreen and a hat are to be worn..

    To prevent cancer from the sun’s harm..

    Beaches look ideal with soft white sand..

    Lay on a towel and work on a tan..

    Whitewash breaks on shore from waves caused by the wind..

    Cold water rushes and reflects on the skin..

    It’s Mother Nature’s Summer of warmth on show..

    The best month’s of the year involve no cold snow..

    Syllables: 11, 11, 11, 11, 9, 9, 9, 9,11, 11, 11, 11= patterns.

    Every couple of lines rhyme together.

    Hero’s In Uniform

    Sirens: blue, red, blue, red, flash simultaneously..

    They’re on a ground mission, each miscellaneously..

    Dark roads are all lit up, as the Sirens sound echoes..

    Triple 0 has been called, so here comes the hero’s..

    Saving lives in whatever cause; health, fire or the law..

    Each case can leave really strong, human emotions raw..

    Men and women in uniform ready with protocol’s to perform..

    Answering the pleas, with these nervous victims in a life made storm..

    A knight in shining armour comes to save in whatever dilemma..

    Bringing relief and peace to a situation minor or mega..

    Syllables:12, 12, 13, 13, 13, 13, 16, 16, 17, 17= patterns.

    Every two lines rhyme together.

    If I Were Your Shadow

    If I were your shadow..

    Whereabouts’, would we go?..

    Would we explore this vast Earth’s corners?..

    Would we cross over a few borders?..

    Travel wide on open road..

    Travel across seas by boat..

    Travel airborne in a plane..

    Travel on railways by train..

    Could we reach up to the stars in the night sky?..

    Could we reach heights like a monarch butterfly?..

    Soaring in a manmade spaceship..

    Soaring with our set of wing tips..

    Soaring onboard a space station..

    Soaring with bright saturation..

    Syllables: 6, 6, 9, 9, 7, 7, 7, 7, 11, 11, 8, 8, 8, 8= patterns.

    Every two lines rhyme together.

    My Heart Sings

    My heart sings contralto when you are quite near..

    It withholds a tune for an audience to hear..

    Lub dub, lub dub, is what echoes behind it..

    Beating like a drum with two wooden drumsticks..

    An orchestra of sound erupts under ribs..

    It reaches an all-time climax when we kiss..

    With allegro being present in the mix..

    I feel like it could beat right out of my chest..

    The world spins like a carousel, I am blessed..

    Oh this love creates butterflies in my field..


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