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Kicking Goals: A Kid's Guide to Soccer
Kicking Goals: A Kid's Guide to Soccer
Kicking Goals: A Kid's Guide to Soccer
Ebook131 pages1 hour

Kicking Goals: A Kid's Guide to Soccer

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About this ebook

Embark on an immersive journey into the world of soccer, a sport that transcends borders, cultures, and ages. This guide isn't just about the techniques and drills; it delves deeper into the heart, spirit, and philosophy behind every kick, pass, and goal. It's a celebration of passion, dedication, and the pure joy of the game. 


Whether you're a budding player, a coach, or an enthusiast, this book offers a unique blend of practical advice, inspiring stories, and valuable life lessons. From mastering the art of playing with heart and passion to understanding the significance of teamwork, resilience, and sportsmanship, each chapter is crafted to enlighten, inspire, and elevate your understanding of the game.


Discover the tales of prodigies who rose to fame, learn about the world's most prestigious tournaments, and explore the indelible mark soccer leaves on friendships, memories, and personal growth. With captivating narratives and insights, this guide transcends being just a soccer manual; it's a tribute to the spirit of the sport and its ability to transform lives. Dive in and let the beautiful game enrich your soul and ignite your passion.

Release dateJul 23, 2023
Kicking Goals: A Kid's Guide to Soccer

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    Book preview

    Kicking Goals - Sarah Michaels


    introduction: the beautiful game

    a brief history of soccer and its global appeal

    When you think of soccer, you might picture kids chasing a ball at the park, stadiums filled with roaring fans, or maybe even your favorite players showing off their impressive moves. But have you ever wondered where it all began?

    Long before there were flashing stadium lights, fancy jerseys, or neon soccer cleats, ancient civilizations played games that looked a bit like soccer. Let’s take a time-traveling adventure and find out how soccer became the sport loved by millions around the world.

    Kicking It Off in Ancient Times

    Believe it or not, soccer's roots go back over 2,000 years! In ancient China, people played a game called cuju. In this game, players had to kick a leather ball filled with feathers through a hole. But there was a catch - they couldn't use their hands, much like the soccer we know today!

    In other parts of the world, similar games popped up too. The Greeks had a game called episkyros, and the Romans played harpastum. These games might have looked a bit chaotic to us, with lots of players and not many rules. But they all had one thing in common: using feet to move a ball around.

    Medieval Mischief and Mayhem

    Fast forward a few centuries to medieval Europe. Villages in England would compete against each other in a wild, no-rules version of soccer. Picture this: entire towns chasing a ball, trying to kick or carry it to specific landmarks. It wasn’t a calm game. In fact, it often led to bruises and even broken bones! Because of this, kings like Edward II and Henry IV tried to ban the game. But people loved it so much that they just couldn't stay away.

    The Birth of Modern Soccer

    With so many people playing different versions of the game, there was a need for some organization. In the 1800s, schools and clubs in England began to set specific rules. This is when association football (the full name for soccer) was born.

    In 1863, the Football Association was formed in England. This group created the first official soccer rules, many of which we still follow today. Things like no hand use (unless you're the goalkeeper!) and no tripping opponents became part of the game. And you know what? This made soccer even more popular!

    Soccer Spreads its Wings

    Once the rules were set, soccer began to spread like wildfire. It reached countries far and wide. In South America, Africa, Asia, and beyond, people began to embrace the sport.

    In the early 1900s, the first international competitions took place. Imagine the excitement when countries got to show off their soccer skills on a global stage! And then, in 1930, a magical moment arrived: the first FIFA World Cup in Uruguay. Teams from all over the world gathered to compete for the title of world's best.

    The World Cup soon became a colossal event. People from different countries would gather around radios and, later, televisions, cheering for their national teams. Stories of underdogs rising, champions being crowned, and players becoming heroes filled the air.

    Why the World Loves Soccer

    But why, you might wonder, did soccer become such a hit globally? Well, for starters, it's a straightforward game. All you need is a ball, some friends, and an open space. You don't need fancy equipment or special courts.

    Plus, soccer is a universal language. You could travel to a country where you don't speak the language, but with a soccer ball at your feet, you'll make friends in no time!

    Another reason? The unforgettable moments and emotions. Think of the thrill when a player scores a last-minute goal, the tension of a penalty shootout, or the joy of a team lifting the World Cup trophy. These feelings unite fans everywhere, no matter where they come from.

    Kicking into the Future

    Today, soccer isn’t just a sport; it's a global phenomenon. Kids, teens, and adults from different backgrounds, cultures, and places all share a love for the game. They trade cards of their favorite players, wear their team's jersey with pride, and dream of scoring that perfect goal.

    From those ancient games in China, Greece, and Rome to the bustling stadiums of today, soccer's journey is a testament to its timeless charm. It's more than just a game; it's a story of passion, dreams, and the incredible power of coming together as a community.

    anecdotes from famous young soccer players

    Every soccer player, whether they're just starting out in a local park or dazzling crowds in a grand stadium, has a story. And when it comes to famous young soccer stars, their tales of passion, hard work, and dreams might surprise you! Let's dive into some unforgettable moments from players who, just like you, once had big dreams and turned them into reality.

    Mia's Memorable Mistake

    Mia was an up-and-coming star from Brazil. As a child, she would always play soccer in the streets with her friends, often using makeshift goals made out of rocks or sticks. But one day, she got a chance to play in a real match with a real team!

    During her first match, she was so excited that she accidentally scored in her own goal! Instead of feeling defeated, Mia used that experience as motivation. Every time I step onto the field, Mia would later say, I remember that own goal and use it to push myself harder. Mistakes happen, but it's how we learn from them that counts.

    Sam's Shoe Swap

    Sam, a young prodigy from Ghana, got his first pair of soccer cleats when he was ten. Before that, he played barefoot. One day, during a regional tournament, he noticed an opponent struggling because his shoes were torn and coming apart. Despite being rivals on the pitch, at halftime, Sam offered to switch shoes.

    The two played the rest of the match, each wearing the other's shoes. After the game, they became fast friends. Sam's act of kindness became legendary in his community. It was a reminder that, while competition is fierce, compassion is crucial.

    Lily's Lucky Coin

    From the USA, Lily always had a ritual before her matches. She carried a coin that her grandmother had given her for luck. Before each game, she'd rub the coin and then tie it into her shoelaces.

    During a particularly crucial game, she realized she'd lost the coin. Panic set in, but then her teammate whispered, You've got the skill, and we've got your back. You don’t need a coin for luck. That day, Lily scored the winning goal, proving that while rituals are comforting, believing in oneself and one’s team is the real magic.

    Raj's Rainy Revelation

    Growing up in India, Raj always played soccer under the scorching sun. But one day, during an important match, the skies opened up, and it started pouring. The field turned muddy, and controlling the ball became a hilarious challenge.

    Instead of giving up or getting frustrated, Raj began to laugh and enjoy the game, sliding and making the best of the wet field. His joy was infectious, and soon both teams were laughing and splashing around. Raj later said, That day, I realized soccer isn't just about winning. It's about enjoying the game and cherishing the unexpected moments.

    Elena’s Electric Encore

    Elena from Spain was known for her incredible energy on the field. But once, after scoring a goal, she celebrated with such enthusiasm that she accidentally stepped on the ball and took a little tumble. The crowd gasped, then chuckled. And guess what? Instead of feeling embarrassed, Elena stood up, dusted herself off, and did a playful bow. Everyone cheered even louder!

    Later, she shared, It's easy to celebrate when everything goes right. But laughing at ourselves when things go a bit wonky? That's golden!

    Tariq's Tenacious Training

    In Egypt, Tariq didn't have the fancy equipment or the lush soccer fields that some players did. But he had a wall. Every day, he'd practice his passes, shots, and ball control using that wall. Neighbors would sometimes tease him, saying, Tariq, trying to beat the wall again?

    And every time, Tariq would reply with a grin, The wall is my best teammate. It never misses a pass! Years later, as he represented his country, his impeccable ball control and passes became legendary, proving that sometimes the simplest tools can craft the greatest players.

    Joining the Ranks

    These stories remind us that every soccer star, no matter how big or famous, started with a dream just like yours. They faced challenges, made mistakes, enjoyed unforgettable moments, and through it all, their love for the sport shone bright.

    Remember Mia's resilience, Sam's kindness, Lily's belief, Raj's joy, Elena's humor, and Tariq's determination. They're not just tales of soccer players; they're life lessons for us all.

    As you lace up your cleats and head out to the field, carry these stories with you. Let them inspire you, make you laugh, and remind you of the beauty of soccer. Who knows? Maybe someday, kids will be reading about your own amazing soccer

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