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Summer City: Part 8
Summer City: Part 8
Summer City: Part 8
Ebook93 pages1 hour

Summer City: Part 8

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In this episode of Summer City, Toby realizes that he still has feelings for Dom. Toby and Portia gain fame on social media. Portia gets an unexpected suitor. Stevie introduces the gang to his new man. Toby's in for a shock when he attends Avery's party.

Release dateJul 17, 2023
Summer City: Part 8

Keegan Kennedy

Originally hailing from Mississippi, Keegan Kennedy is a writer based out of Memphis, TN. He's a self-described, ‘aging, former sex symbol’ with a kinky imagination. Keegan is fascinated with the natural power exchanges between dominant and submissive males, and his stories reflect that fascination. The fantasies that he shares are full of adventure, peril, bondage, and a dry wit. And he has a knack for uncovering love and romance in the darkest of places. With a tendency toward the melodramatic, he does more than arouse or excite the reader - he engages them.Author of Homecoming: International Number One in four countries: The United States, The United Kingdom, Germany and Canada. Author of Homecoming: International Number One in four countries: The United States, The United Kingdom, Germany and Canada. Author of eBook Number Ones: The Substitute Wife, Magnificent Pretense, Captivated, Ganymede 4, West Texas Rivalry, Taken, The Christmas Bottom, The Party Favor, Stupid Jocks Make the Best Submissives, College Endowment, Who Wears the Pants in the Family?, Saving Drake McKenzie, Heisting Hogan, Half Past Midnight, Crossroads, and Man of the House.

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    Book preview

    Summer City - Keegan Kennedy

    Summer City:

    Part Eight

    By Keegan Kennedy

    Copyright: July 2023

    Smashwords Edition

    This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be resold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the publisher or author.

    This book is a work of fiction. Places, events, and situations in this story are purely fictional. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, aside from a few politicians, is coincidental.

    The opinions and comments made by the characters are not necessarily indicative of those of the author, Keegan Kennedy, the publisher, Kennedy-Empire Media or the e-Book platform from which this work was published.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Other Titles from Keegan Kennedy

    About the Author

    Chapter 1

    For a moment, I couldn’t believe my eyes. After all this time, there he was… Dom in the flesh — all six-foot-five and 230 pounds of him.

    And at his side was Angie.

    My heart raced, and the bottom seemed to drop out of my stomach. I felt the blood rush to my face, making my cheeks blaze with heat.

    My immediate instinct was to get the hell out of there, sort of a flight-or-fight response. But I couldn’t just jump up and run because that’d call attention to myself. I had no choice but to sink into the hotel sofa and try to disappear.

    But they didn’t look in my direction. Instead, they moved through the crowded lobby as I sat roughly twenty feet away. Their gazes were fixed on the bar area, and they proceeded in that direction.

    Dom looked amazing. His black hair was still short. He wore a tailored white blazer over a black button-down shirt. Dark slacks and expensive-looking dress shoes. The color combination looked great with his light olive skin.

    Angie was wearing a red sequin cocktail dress that showcased her massive breasts. Her bleached blonde hair was still styled in that same terrible perm. Aside from her hideous hair, Angie wasn’t unattractive.

    I was so jealous of her that it left me feeling sick and twisted.

    I wondered what they were doing at the hotel. Were they on a date night? Were they meeting friends or maybe family? Perhaps Dom’s parents were in town. The same parents that he’d told me all about.

    At that moment, I would’ve given anything to be on Dom’s arm instead of her. But Angie wasn’t on his arm. She was walking at his side. They weren’t speaking to each other, and Dom looked a little tense; I could see that in the way the big guy carried himself. They looked just as unhappy as they’d been three months ago. That was of little comfort because, ultimately, he’d chosen her over me.

    I knew all the reasons Dom had cut ties with me. I didn’t fit into his world, and for that matter, he didn’t really fit into mine. He was expected to marry his boss’s daughter and be a capo in the Gambino Crime Family.

    His mother, father, brothers, and sisters all expected Dom to get married to a woman and have kids. To be just like the others in his life. But a life with me would’ve made Dom different.

    At first, Dom had been blinded by the glow of our whirlwind romance, but reality had reared its ugly head, and I’d gotten dumped via text.

    Then the happy couple disappeared into the bar across the grand lobby. I shoved my phone into my pocket and exited the hotel without being seen.

    I called for an Uber outside. As I waited for my ride, the warm summer wind whipped around me, and I was left knowing for a fact that I was not over Dominic Mancini.

    The apartment was empty when I got home. Portia and the gang were out at Fairy Tales for Thursday’s beer bust.

    It was already eleven o’clock, and I just wasn’t feeling a night out, so I plopped down on the couch with a glass of Pinot Grigio.

    My phone lit up with a text. For a split second, I thought it might be a message from Dom, and my heart jumped in my chest. Of course, it wasn’t a text from him. He hadn’t seen me. He’d cut me off completely and thrown me in the trash like a toenail clipping.

    The text was from Avery.

    Duke Wheeler loved you! He wrote. Excellent job! He said your ass was almost as good as mine.

    Sex with Duke had been fun. I got off on men like the older Texas cowboy dominating me. Being whipped with the belt had really pushed my limits, and that took a lot these days.

    Glad he enjoyed it, I replied. He was one sexy man!

    Avery typed back: Duke’s a sweetheart, but he’s also very important to the studio. You did very well.

    Hopefully, the rope

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