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Stranded in Deadwood
Stranded in Deadwood
Stranded in Deadwood
Ebook75 pages1 hour

Stranded in Deadwood

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 Aunt Liv had warned her about Deadwood.

"Such a rough and tumble town," her aunt had said. "You shouldn't be taking this trip alone. It's no place for someone as young and pretty as you."

  Amy had almost laughed. More than once, she'd heard the girls at school say she was plain. That was then. She'd given up on being a wife and a mother when she passed her twenty-second birthday.


Andrew Reese, however thought differently. Wondering what such a lovely young woman was doing in a place such as Deadwood, he knew what usually happened to young women who were stranded here.


And he was determined it wouldn't happen to her.


Publisher's note:  This novella was previously published in the Anthology entitled

Lost and Found in Deadwood, in April of 2023.

Release dateJul 25, 2023
Stranded in Deadwood

Pippa Greathouse

  It all started with my fifth-grade teacher, Mrs. J. Ever the elegant, perfectly coiffured lady, gave us an assignment to write a short story and read it aloud to the class. Mine was about a group of fifth grade kids who went on a weekend camping trip, and encountered a grizzly bear. When it was my turn, I read. Poor Mrs. J! I began to notice a twitch around her left eye sometime around the approach of the grizzly bear. By the time the body parts began flying, it had increased to her mouth, and her whole face was as white as a sheet. But she was a trooper, and stayed upright throughout the whole story. However, the other kids loved the story, because it was about them. Suddenly, I was hooked!      Writing continued throughout Junior and Senior High, in the form of space stories, then spy stories, and by the time I reached high school, had turned into romances!  Every year ​when spring fever hit, I would take my notebook outside at lunchtime, and soak up the sun, and write. Then I would take it home and type it up on onionskin paper, on an old Underwood typewriter (Yes, I know I'm old! But you know what? That’s okay.)      I also write under the name Tessa Carr

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    Stranded in Deadwood - Pippa Greathouse


    Deadwood Territory , July, 1876...

    We ought to be getting there by now.

    Amy glanced across at the passenger who had spoken, then leaned forward, toward the window.  He was indeed right, and she found she wasn’t sure whether to be glad or wary. Her hand automatically moved to her throat to the money pouch securely fastened about her neck. When she noticed another passenger watching her, however, she quickly moved her hand to her reticule. The coach was beginning to slow.

    The door swung open, and the driver put his head in.   All right, folks. Lottie’s eatery is just down the street on the right. She’ll feed you more than just johnnycakes. We’ll get the horses changed out, and be on our way within an hour. After a pause, he glanced around at the rest of the passengers as his voice took on a more serious expression. You’ve likely heard how lawless Deadwood is. Watch your back.

    She took the driver’s offered hand as she descended. Since she was the only female passenger on this trip, the men had been kind enough to look out for her; she hoped it continued. She would need to find a privy in order to remove a small bit of money for a meal. Perhaps the eatery would have one.

    Her hopes, however, were dashed as most of the men moved quickly forward. She’d wasn’t surprised; she’d been listening to them grumble for the last hour about being hungry.

    Aunt Liv had warned her about Deadwood. Such a rough and tumble town, her aunt had said. You shouldn’t be taking this trip alone. It’s no place for someone as young and pretty as you.

    Young and pretty? Amy had almost laughed. For as long as she could remember, she’d heard others say she was plain, and she’d already passed her twenty-second birthday. She’d given up hope of being a wife and a mother when she saw the ad in the newspaper.

    Oh, Aunt Liv, thank you, but I’m not.

    I still think Henry should have come after you. I know mail order brides are making trips alone out west these days, but... Liv had clamped her lips shut and turned away, and that had ended the conversation. Amy had secretly thought the same thing, but wasn’t about to say so. The ad in the St. Louis newspaper had described Henry as the ideal husband. Yet he’d expected her to travel alone and at her own expense. After all, if he expected her to pay her own way, what kind of husband would he be when she had to take care of children, or herself? However, it was the first notice she’d seen in the paper in months, and she’d decided to take it. 

    Amy looked around at the town everyone had described as being so rough.  At present it was fairly empty. Just as they had been on the coach, most of the inhabitants seemed to be male. Were the wives home cooking? Raising children?  Up ahead, she noticed people going inside a small building. A handmade sign next to the door read Lottie’s Main Street Eatery.

    Her steps picked up. Deep in thought, she hadn’t realized they’d slowed so much.

    It wasn’t until heavy footfalls were heard behind her that a chill settled over her. Were they getting closer? Afraid to turn, yet afraid not to, she quickened her pace. The nearest man was just outside the eatery now and she was still a block away. She opened her mouth to call out.

    It was too late. A hand clapped over her mouth, and she was lifted off her feet from behind and carried into an alley.

    Don’t you dare scream, a voice growled in her ear.

    Amy kicked viciously out behind her, feeling a slight bit of satisfaction as her captor gave off a grunt of pain. The next time, however, did no good. She was put down on her feet between the buildings and turned to face him.

    All she could see was a dark cloth over his face below beady eyes, before his fist connected with her jaw. An array of stars flashed before her eyes.

    Then, there was only blackness as she collapsed into a small heap on the ground.

    SLOWLY, AMY BECAME aware of the pain in her jaw and temple, and forced open her eyes. She was lying on her belly on the ground behind a hill, some distance from the buildings in town. How long had she been unconscious?

    Struggling to sit up, she glanced around her for her reticule.

    She blinked. Where was it? Putting a hand to her temple, she

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