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THE PREPPER'S SURVIVAL BIBLE: Essential Strategies and Tactics for Thriving in Uncertain Times (2023 Guide for Beginners)
THE PREPPER'S SURVIVAL BIBLE: Essential Strategies and Tactics for Thriving in Uncertain Times (2023 Guide for Beginners)
THE PREPPER'S SURVIVAL BIBLE: Essential Strategies and Tactics for Thriving in Uncertain Times (2023 Guide for Beginners)
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THE PREPPER'S SURVIVAL BIBLE: Essential Strategies and Tactics for Thriving in Uncertain Times (2023 Guide for Beginners)

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"The Prepper's Survival Bible" is a comprehensive and indispensable guide that equips individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate through and overcome the challenges of uncertain times. Whether you're preparing for natural disasters, economic downturns, or societal disruptions, this b

PublisherMilo Elledge
Release dateJul 14, 2023
THE PREPPER'S SURVIVAL BIBLE: Essential Strategies and Tactics for Thriving in Uncertain Times (2023 Guide for Beginners)

Milo Elledge

Milo Elledge is an experienced survivalist and author dedicated to helping people prepare for uncertain times. With years of practical knowledge and expertise, Milo has honed his skills in prepping and shares his insights through his books and online platforms.


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    Milo Elledge

    The Prepper’s Survival Bible

    Essential Strategies and Tactics for Thriving in Uncertain Times (2023 Guide for Beginners)

    First published by Milo Elledge 2023

    Copyright © 2023 by Milo Elledge

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise without written permission from the publisher. It is illegal to copy this book, post it to a website, or distribute it by any other means without permission.

    First edition

    This book was professionally typeset on Reedsy

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    1. Chapter 1: Why You Should Be Organized

    2. Chapter 2: Keep What You Use and Use What You Keep Store

    3. Chapter 3: Good Prepping Requires Good Money Management

    4. Chapter 4: Preparing Your Home

    5. Chapter 5: How to Cook When You Don't Have a Kitchen Electricity

    6. Chapter 6: Canning is covered in

    7. Chapter 7: Home Defense

    8. Chapter 8: Off-Grid Living



    Essential Strategies and Tactics for Thriving in Uncertain Times (2023 Guide for Beginners)

    Milo Elledge


    Chapter 1: Why You Should Be Organized

    Prepare and prevent, as the old adage says. Everyone, no matter their age, where they reside, their background, religious or political convictions, or how much money they have,

    They should be prepared for anything life throws at them.

    Your family should be prepared. You must be prepared for your spouse, children, siblings, parents, friends, coworkers, and neighbors.

    It doesn’t matter whether you’re eighteen and starting university for the first time or a forty-year-old woman with three children. You must be prepared.

    Preparing for what life throws at you is not a bad thing. It’s not an insane thing to do. It’s not something only mad end-of-the-world conspiracy theorists do in their subterranean bunkers. Most preppers are intelligent, logical, and practical, and they come from a variety of ethnic, religious, and social backgrounds. In recent years, a large fraction of individuals preparing for the worst have been active in high-level circles that affect how things work in our society.

    They know the consequences based on the data they’ve seen and are ready for the worst to happen. The world is a wonderful place for the majority of people. Most of us have easy access to healthcare, nutritious meals, and safe drinking water. But, as

    we’ve seen in recent years, the luxuries we take for granted may be snatched away in the blink of an eye, and history indicates that terrible times always follow good times.

    However, the world is not nearly as steady as we believe.

    Unfortunately, insecurity and unpredictability are on the decline. Our honeymoon phase has come to an end. The Earth is changing, and as a result, more and more calamities are happening. The world’s economies’ fundamental variables influence how we live and work, altering our experiences.

    Let’s face it: governments all around the globe are failing to solve the issue.

    Those who do will almost certainly do nothing about it. As humans, we are well known for our capacity to adapt to changing situations, but this will not be an easy process.

    Preparing for the worst is so critical. Many individuals, however, like doing it. Some take tremendous satisfaction in maintaining the well-being of their family, while others feel unselfish in assisting

    their communities in need, and yet others feel liberated.

    It may also be pleasurable and fulfilling. It enables you to get some fresh air while being surrounded by nature. It allows you to learn new things about your surroundings, develop new abilities, and even push your imagination to come up with new situations to prepare yourself and your family for.

    In any scenario, you will feel great comfort in knowing that you are prepared and will not be a mindless victim of circumstance. If anything goes wrong, having a few basic items on hand might be the difference between life and death.

    You must be prepared.

    Your imagination may conjure up hundreds of scenarios: job loss, an abusive ex stalking you and the kids, an earthquake, a worldwide epidemic. You are most likely to experience at least one of these in your lifetime. Several, most certainly.

    A large number of the world’s most brilliant and

    reasonable analysts have reached the same conclusion: things will only get worse during the next century. The data is compelling and frightening. You must begin to imagine the worst-case scenario and how to prepare for it.

    Preppers are not insane.

    It’s an outmoded and damaging stereotype. The majority of individuals who prepare are not hermits living in the bush with stockpiles of canned food, firearms, and ammunition, firing at everyone who comes close because the government is implanting microchips in the backs of their necks to keep Big Brother’s grasp on the populace.

    When preppers first appeared in the media, they were portrayed as alt-right radicals who lived in the most remote regions of the nation. Most were radicals in many respects, particularly in their preparation.

    When you initially enter the prepping realm, keep in mind that social media likes to exploit extremists (regardless of the issue or which side of the spectrum

    they fall on) to get views. This is not to suggest that what the media publishes is false; rather, the more radical, the more views (and, in many instances, money).

    However, preparation is considerably more prevalent than you may believe these days, and preconceptions about preppers are no longer valid.

    You can never predict what will happen.

    It is natural to think about and prepare for the future. It may be purchasing your first house, saving for a rainy day fund, or even preparing for your child’s college education. And, as much as we dislike admitting it, we are not as excellent as we would like to be.

    For example, we all know that writing a will is a good idea to guarantee that everything we leave behind goes to the right people. However, many of us have yet to complete one. We all know that most of us will retire at some point, but how many of us have set

    aside money for retirement? We all know we should take care of our bodies, but how many of us will order takeout or put off going to the doctor or dentist?

    We don’t do this for a number of reasons. We all procrastinate from time to time. We don’t need to do anything now since it looks so far away until it occurs. It sometimes takes too long to get what we desire. Sometimes the reward may not seem worth it right now. We sometimes bury our heads in the sand.

    The reasons we put things off or don’t do them at all, although we know we should, don’t really matter in the end. We are flawed as people, and the institutions

    in which we find ourselves are also so. Disasters may and do happen, and we must be prepared for them. Modern history may have been a stroke of luck.

    Humans have existed on our planet for around 250,000 years. Life was nothing but difficult at the moment. Access to pretty adequate healthcare and housing has only been available for the past two centuries, and a high standard of living has only been available for the last 75 years or so. How the wealthiest 1% lived a century ago is how the typical middle-class person lives now.

    The previous twenty to thirty years have been a freak time of good fortune.

    When we look at history, we may observe a trend of improving living conditions followed by a period of deterioration. For example, Roman Britain had an era of high culture and healthcare standards, only to be followed by the Dark Ages, when culture and healthcare were far poorer.

    We must turn to the past to see what the

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