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Seersgate’s Bride Warrior: Teachings of Kingdom Living in Yahweh
Seersgate’s Bride Warrior: Teachings of Kingdom Living in Yahweh
Seersgate’s Bride Warrior: Teachings of Kingdom Living in Yahweh
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Seersgate’s Bride Warrior: Teachings of Kingdom Living in Yahweh

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This book dabbles in spiritual engagement. We look at Yahweh's order of living and can present Yahweh's way through the notes provided. Here we will say these notes are not a replacement for reading the Bible. These notes give ways to help explain that eternal life can begin now within all who take in the gift of salvation in King Jesus. Along with explaining the Kingdom citizenship way, let's look at how spiritual laws or actions influence daily living.

As followers of King Jesus, we must not fear what takes place in spirit details but learn with a careful approach. These entries cater to those who see Yahweh can still lead us. We give ways to see how sexual engagement brings spiritual openings. There are also prayers of release that lead to expelling demons and taking over, by the power of Yahweh, what may hinder you in how you live in Yahweh. And we end this training way with shaping words that build Yahweh's Church to have a unified way of seeing. May Yahweh give His wisdom in all we say and do.

You do not have to be a Bible preacher to begin reviewing these. Enter a brief reading time to learn more about the Kingdom Way. The ultimate goal is to preach the Kingdom and prepare the world for the return of Christ. We share that King Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Now it's your turn. You can use this as an extra tool to give the Good News to others, understand the Kingdom culture through excerpts, and bring the people a presentation of the greatest gift ever given: King Jesus.
Release dateJul 20, 2023
Seersgate’s Bride Warrior: Teachings of Kingdom Living in Yahweh

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    Seersgate’s Bride Warrior - Seersgate Power


    , a Modern-Day Prophet of Old

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    Copyright © 2023 Seersgate Power

    All rights reserved. This book is protected by the copyright laws of the United States of America. No part of this book may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, scanning, or recording for commercial gain or profit. The use of short quotations for personal or group study is permitted and encouraged. Unless otherwise noted, Scripture quotations are taken from the web site, which is operated by The Zondervan Corporation, L.L.C. According to Zondervan,

    Material from the Site may be quoted in any form (written, visual, electronic or audio), up to and inclusive of two hundred fifty (250) verses or five hundred (500) words of non-biblical text without express written permission of the Zondervan, providing the verses do not amount to a complete book of the Bible nor do the verses quoted account for twenty-five (25) percent or more of the total text of the work in which they are quoted.

    Cover design by Seersgate Power. Artwork by J.G.

    A Special Note (About the Grammar)

    The notes given in this book are a part of the servant’s personal experiences and training, lacking perfect grammar and extensive editing to keep a more authentic presentation of actual training events. Sometimes, Yahweh doesn’t say an when needed but would use an a. It’s not a grammatical error but a note of the actual way spoken.

    About Seersgate

    Seersgate is a world-level hearing and seeing prophet who engages in conversations with Yahweh, given delegated governing to carry a mantle that operates in the work sphere as if a prophet of old. She spent ten of her thirty years of novice training in a spiritual cave under Yahweh’s plan. Throughout her novice training, Seersgate tasted different levels of spiritual engagement with angels and demons in tester work environments.

    As Yahweh leads, demonstrations of creative miracles, wisdom, and judgment, along with experiential learning, will show in this work with the Great Holy Spirit. As Yahweh leads, we will publish messages, teachings, and training material, without reservation, to build up Yahweh’s Church.


    Part One: Entry Notes

    What is God Really like?

    What Does Satan Look Like?

    King Jesus and the Law

    Part Two: Sickness and in Health

    Is Satan the Cause of All Sickness?

    Leaving a Meeting Sick

    How Yahweh Explains Healing

    Taking Communion in an Unworthy Manner

    Why Didn’t I Heal All of Covid?

    The Healer is King Jesus

    Part Three: Christian Living Teachings

    Is Satan Really Under Our Feet?

    Power, Not Money

    The Helping of the Coworker in the Faith

    How Do You Forgive Over and Over?

    Protect Your Spiritual Children

    Stay Away from Grave Soaking

    We All Need Prayer

    Don’t be Afraid to Die

    Do You Actually Understand the Rapture?

    No Time to Be Right or Wrong. Just Be Ready.

    Part Four: Delivering

    My Deliverance from Demons

    The Woman Who Imparts Demons

    The Witch on the Front Pew

    The Demons are Working with Her

    A Prayer for Healing from Demons

    Needing a Father

    Emotional Abuse Help

    Dislodge the Spirits of Rape and Murder

    Breaking Off the Spirit of Sugar Addiction

    Deliverance From Certain Movies

    How To Break A Soul Tie

    How to Break the Poverty Spirit

    How To Break Word Curses

    How to Cleanse a Territory

    Part Five: Christian Living and Sexual Ways

    Stale Bread

    Is God Watching You in Sexual Details?

    I Wear Red Lipstick; Is That Bad?

    Sex Used As A Weapon

    One-Position Person?

    Excessive Talking in Foreplay

    Sex Toys: Good, Needed, or Sinful?

    Playing Dress-Up

    Is Oral Sex Allowed In Marriage?

    Pastors Can Have Sex and Enjoy It

    Can I Masturbate As A Christian?

    Competing with the Family

    Dealing with Divorce

    An Introduction To Sex PTSD

    Gag Reflex

    Sex Demon

    Voyeurism Demon

    Sex Can Be Forced…With A Price

    Sex in the Workplace

    Sex for Money

    Phone Sex and Strip Clubs

    The Man with the Wandering Eye

    How Much Cleavage Is Safe?

    Torture Of The Female Organ


    Let’s Talk About Gay Rights

    Can a Pill Make You Straight?

    Afraid to be Gay: A Note from Yahweh’s Way


    Part Six: Demons in Heavy Ways

    Sex Workers




    Sex With King Jesus: Never!

    The Demon that Looks Like Jesus

    The Demon Named Set (Seth)

    The Brides Of Satan


    Drinking Human Blood During Sexual Acts

    Eating Human Waste

    Sex with Dead People

    Sex With An Incubus Demon

    Breaking The Blood-Sin Covenant

    Part Seven: Good News About King Jesus

    Good News Message

    What Jesus Came To Do

    Part One

    Entry Notes

    What is God Really like?

    Susanna opens the discussion:

    Which god are we referring to? I worship Yahweh, also known as I AM, from Exodus chapter 3. My reasoning for coming to you today is to build up your faith and to encourage you. When you know that there is a God out there who may or may not look or resemble what you hope, it shapes your perspective a little bit better.

    I talk a lot about demons, Satan, and spiritual warfare, mainly because my training gave me those outlets so I can be aware of the enemy’s plan. Yahweh gives training to prepare us for what is ahead, and based on what requirement is needed, He will ensure you are ready ahead of time. He does not give you more than you can bear according to His written word.

    No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and He will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation He will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.

    —1 Corinthians 10:13 ESV

    But that refers to temptation, for God will provide a way of escape. But what about knowing Yahweh, His nature, and how Yahweh engages the general public? Is Yahweh distant? Does He care when problems come?

    We are not guaranteed wealth, health, or happiness. We are told to endure to the end (Matthew 24:13). We are told that we are more than conquerors in Christ (Romans 8:37-39). We are told we will be persecuted for our faith for even associating with Christ King Jesus (2 Corinthians 4:7-12, Matthew 10:22, John 15:19–20). 

    The world will persecute you, including those you may know—all for standing with King Jesus. Persecution is a part of the Christian walk and should be expected. But what about knowing God? What is He really like?

    If you look in the Gospels (the first four books of the New Testament), you will gain an understanding of how Yahweh King Jesus walked the earth and how He carried out a three-year preparation phase and ministry for twelve disciples, preaching repentance and how the Kingdom is at hand. You will learn how the disciples worshipped Yahweh King Jesus, and King Jesus did not refuse that worship. They called Him the Son of God (Matthew 14:22-33, Matthew 16:13-20, John 20:24-29).

    Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the church of God, which He obtained with His own blood.

    —Acts 20:28 ESV

    Now, some would say, That is not how it really looks because Jesus was born. How could He be God? If you review the Hypostatic Union, there would be clarity as to how this is possible: King Jesus being both God and man, carrying two natures.

    Here is how the Got Questions website breaks it down, and this is an accurate representation:

    Jesus’ two natures, human and divine, are inseparable. Jesus will forever be the God-man, fully God and fully human, two distinct natures in one Person. Jesus’ humanity and divinity are not mixed, but are united without loss of separate identity. Jesus sometimes operated with the limitations of humanity (John 4:6, 19:28) and other times in the power of His deity (John 11:43; Matthew 14:18-21). In both, Jesus’ actions were from His one Person. Jesus had two natures, but only one personality.



    Susanna continues:

    Now, to many people, King Jesus comes over as a loving God who accepts all sin and lets love take over, allowing people to do whatever they feel is the right way. Here is the problem with that: at the end of all things being settled, it is this very same God King Jesus, who will judge all, open the seals mentioned in Revelation, and come back and slay His enemies (2 Corinthians 5:10, Revelation 20:11-15, Revelation 5:1-14).

    You may wonder, Wow, how can there only be this fake kind of human love that social media, churches, and influencers have presented? Maybe those in those groupings are afraid to speak up and say the entire news. One portion says God is only love, but only looking at the love side of Yahweh would lead you to think that He tolerates sinful living, which is not so. 

    Now, go back and look at how King Jesus is God. God always existed. Jesus referred to Himself as I AM in John 8:58, saying He placed Himself on the same level as the God mentioned in Exodus 3:13-15. Pay close attention. This same God existed in the days of Moses. This same God created all that is seen (Colossians 1:15-20). This same God is returning, and one day, He will place everything in order (Revelation 1:7, 1 Corinthians 15:24-28). King Jesus is more than a man. King Jesus always existed, but as Yahweh (I AM). Yahweh carries that same anger that people hate to read about in the Old Testament from what they call a mean God (Leviticus 10:1-3).

    What happens now? Why are you not being slain instantly for your irreverent actions? Why can you go around sinning heavily against Yahweh, blaspheming His name without being instantly dealt with? Grace. What if grace is removed? We would all deal with the potent holiness of Yahweh. 

    What happens in today’s church gatherings? They are not dealing with the potent surging from Yahweh, for if they did, there would be many dead found lying in the churches, for sin is rampant, but due to the grace factor, there is no true gauge of Yahweh’s anger. The same God you hate to read about from days of old carries the same traits, the same nature, presence, and beautiful glory. He lets you speak your ill will and judgments against how He governs. He lets you live, gives you air to breathe, while in all this time, records everything you do. 

    He sees how you decree and declare and call yourself a god, but He will judge you for making yourself as a god, for you cannot create anything. Just as Satan fell for wanting to be like Yahweh, so will you, for there is only one True God. Yes, God is love. But God is also holy and righteous and must be reverenced. If you say you serve Yahweh, you must see that He wants to give you an enduring way to live in a fallen world and the strength to endure to the end.

    Please stop telling Yahweh what you want in a commanding way. Learn to pray (Matthew 6:5-14 ESV). Petition Yahweh. Call out to Him in your time of need (Proverbs 3:5-6). Yahweh is not your genie, bringing your will forward. He hears you. And you say, If God is real and really does care, why does He allow so much painful living to take way? If God loves me, doesn’t He see that I am in pain? And if He is watching me in pain, how can He be so evil to sit there and do nothing about it? 

    (14) Since then we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus, the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession. (15) For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin. (16) Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.

    —Hebrews 4:14-16 ESV

    Yahweh is speaking:

    I want to speak now, servant. People do not know how to deal with painful ways from the nature of seeing it My way. They look at death as the ending when within My view, one in Christ comes home (2 Corinthians 5:6-8). Death to a true Kingdom citizen brings full healing. I reveal love differently than humans would. If I love My Son, would I allow Him to be killed? I knew there needed to be a Perfect Sacrifice for sinful living, a pure way to bring reconciliation between God and man. And I knew that King Jesus would rise from the dead. I already knew how the whole story would go.

    It’s not that I don’t have power to overrule all actions on Earth, stop evil ones, or prevent bad things from happening. What if I told you that I see the ending and can look into eternity? What if I told you that I know of those who will take in My free salvation plan? People think that just because I already know would inherently remove free will. But what if there are both? What if both opposing church sides have partially correct answers? What if I do turn the heart of a human king any way I would will?

    What if I also say to call upon the name of the Lord, and you will be saved? What if I say to go and share the Gospel? What’s the point of that? Because they have to hear it. The Gospel must come. Look at how King Jesus preached. Was it just given to one? Weren’t seeds pushed out all over? What if I am already building mansions? What if I say that there is a preparation taking place for those who are coming home to be with Me? This natural world will one day be no more. I can reshape human clay. I can rewrite My will. I can bring a new way, and I will!

    One day, all tears will be wiped away. But these promises are for My children. All those who say they are Christian will not spend eternity with Me in My presence under this placement. Calling yourself one of Mine is not a guarantee. Your actual spiritual fruit (your way of living) must show that you are. You cannot contradict My nature and follow Satan’s way and say that we walk together. You cannot worship Satan and Yahweh. Stand for one or the other.

    The Great Holy Spirit is speaking directly:

    I reveal the real truth, not what the people say is their way of viewing details. Yahweh has spoken. I am here on the earth and within every true Kingdom citizen, but can I keep you from sinning? No human leads a sinless life, for all sin and all fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:21-26). Why would Yahweh be within you, a follower of Christ? To lead you and guide you into all truth (John 14:1-31).

    King Jesus seals it:

    I will show more of My will in the coming season.

    What Does Satan Look Like?

    Entry Note

    April 17, 2023

    4:34 p.m.

    Seersgate is leading:

    Yahweh asked me to give an entry note. What Yahweh refers to as the way Satan looks not only provides insight into his shape, shade of color, or if he has arms or legs; rather, the way Satan looks also encompasses how he carries himself, his nature, and how Satan should be perceived. 

    How Satan looks deals with Satan’s full presentation and the visage or coverings (false representations) that he uses to trick people. If you talk about Satan, you will not become demon-possessed. Learning how to wage war against the enemy of Yahweh is good. Satan uses other outlets and his workers to take in an understanding of your way.

    Just as Yahweh’s angels can materialize and appear human in presentation, Satan can also do this, where you don’t realize you are engaging Satan, a spirit being. Satan’s authentic way is still a spirit being, but he is not the beautiful angel he once was, yet Satan can give that perception (false presentation) as if he still is.

    Satan can materialize and take on a human look. Satan can present himself with a false visage as a very handsome man or angel. Satan is actually brownish-gray, not red. He has no hair on his head in his fallen state. Satan has delegated power as great as an archangel yet lowered by Yahweh in strength and governing due to the fall from his original placement.

    The Discussion

    April 15, 2023

    2:19 p.m.


    Does anyone know what Satan looks like? I’m addressing humans, for demons were not always that way in presentation. Doesn’t anybody know? Well, Satan doesn’t have a long red tail, nor does he carry around a pitchfork. What else is inaccurate about Satan? It’s misleading to think that Satan knows everything and that he can be everywhere all at once. Satan is a created being, a lowercase god that once had archangel traits in their fullest placement. And yet, some of these traits are evident in how Satan deals with humans and how all the other demons submit to him.

    Demons do not fight against each other; they know their time is short. They war against humans because they hate Yahweh and would hate what Yahweh created. Demons hate humans and want to see all humans end up with the ending prepared for Satan and the other fallen angels.

    You cannot negotiate with Satan and expect to win if you’re using your human reasoning. If Satan has promised you that you will rule and reign with him, he has greatly deceived you. Satan will not share his kingdom with any human. And Satan even states to some of his workers (witches, warlocks, and brides) that if they do significant damage in the spirit realm and cause many to turn against Yahweh in how they live, they, these workers of Satan, would then have granted governing authority in eternity with Satan. But that is not true, for even Satan will be thrown into the lake of fire.

    Who can rescue a person who has turned to Satan for their redemption? Master Deceiver, a high-ranking demon, has a hand in bringing a great crowd to join Satan in a covenant. Some say they sold their souls to Satan for riches and fame. But can you really sell your soul? In reality, those in a sinful state already operate in Satan’s nature and kingdom, moving to be under a permanent curse of eternal separation from My Kingdom.

    To sell your soul to some would be to pay homage and allegiance in spiritual chains of servitude. A form of covenant makes it where Satan says, I will give you the world if you say and do what I will. And that means that if Satan says to offer him others through a blood sacrifice, it must be carried out. Because Satan not only threatens the worker’s natural life but those they love and want to have kept safe.

    The Looks of Satan

    Satan looks like a human when he chooses to change his presentation. He can materialize at will. He can also have intercourse with humans. Satan can come and present himself with two arms and two legs. But his actual shade of coloring is brownish gray, a dead presentation, with no light coming through him.

    Satan will also present himself as a very handsome man who comes to women in the evening to trick them into having intercourse, thinking they have the man of their dreams. And some would think that the act of intercourse with Satan was a dream, not knowing that he infiltrated and gave a rite of passage for a strong man governing within. Satan will also forcefully rape women while their husbands, under occultic practices, are under an order to watch.

    Satan will never be purposely nice to you. Satan pretends to care about you so he can use you, and he will never be your friend.

    When meeting with Satan, when he meets with you and chooses not to have you deal with him directly, he is making it plain that your governing authority is not up to par. He doesn’t think you deserve his attention and would have you deal with one of his spirit helpers (a lower demon) instead of talking directly to him. The lower demon would be like a mediator. Sometimes, Satan will send a witch or warlock to spirit travel and spy to gain information for Satan’s workers.

    One day, Satan will bring you demons that will proposition you so they can come and enter you in exchange for fame or a display of power. This demonic indwelling is why a great deal would say they are damned to the pits of the Hell because they let a demon enter at will. The demon would say, Don’t you want that money? Don’t you want to be great? And more taunting.

    Some demons would come and present themselves like gentle creatures similar to your favorite pet or bug. Demons taking on the presentation of stuffed animals and cute critters make people think demons will be loving and can be their friend someday. That is very dangerous thinking. Satan will always be the enemy of the ones who belong to Yahweh.

    Suppose you have viewed a very evil movie with a lot of violence: that movie will barely give a taste of Satan’s actual nature. Even the evilest, cynical, torturous, and degrading movie will not accurately represent how Satan and the other demons operate. Even the most occultic film with demons giving manifestation will only produce a little taste.

    Do not engage any demon by moving to go seeking after them. Certain movies and music conjure up demons, bringing a way to initiate a form of engagement. Some movies actually have rituals, and without your understanding of what those rituals produce in the spirit realm, you unknowingly state that through your outlet of entertainment, you are willing to let whatever demon is leading in governing rights come and take a leading nature within you. A movie by itself is not horrible in nature, but the root way, whatever nature is backed up or presented in that movie, takes the form of an influencer over the viewer.

    Satan has delegated governing yet is still carrying great power surgings. No human has the power to bind Satan, nor would putting Satan under your feet be available in the power placement. You must come to Yahweh, submitting to Me. And then you would be able to have a chance to wage war against a powerful spirit. The best course of action for the Christian is to put on the whole armor of Yahweh and pray to Me for your daily delivering way.

    Satan doesn’t have a human nature, for he is not an actual human. Satan will steal from you and strip away your covenant with Yahweh if you allow him. You allow Satan to have territorial governing over your dirt clay (human body) when you approve of his nature to lead in daily living. You are saying you take Satan’s way without actually saying the name Satan when viewing spiritual filth or any nature trait contrary to the nature of Yahweh. Now you speak, Seersgate.


    I visited with Satan on many opportunities when Yahweh granted it. On a few occasions, I dealt with spiritual and physical abuse, being under torment for moments when I watched spiritual filth that included a conjuring of demons given in my entertaining the viewing of the nature of the demon named Set (Seth). Yahweh told me there had to be a following through of judgments when I drank Satan’s way. I have seen Satan in my prophet seer trait as if I saw him in a flashback; a vision of him came before my seer way.

    This misunderstanding of Satan based on what the entertainment world offers is where a great deception comes in: people will think Satan will play with them and share his kingdom. I have heard Satan speak in diplomatic ways, not with the scary view that horror movies present. But even though Satan gave diplomatic sayings, there was no joy in dealing with him.

    But the profane level of evil that the demon named Pure Evil would give is fueled by Satan. The evilest stripping away of human flesh is an easy form of torment from Pure Evil, the demon that carries the literal opposite nature of the Great Holy Spirit. Satan gives governing surgings into his demons; that’s the level of power surging granted to a lowered archangel. Murder, another demon, accompanies Pure Evil. One brings natural death, and the other carries out stages of torment or physical torture before ending the person’s life.

    I have seen Satan appear as an angel. He looked beautiful and glowed with a typical angel presentation, but when he came closer, he showed his true way, with pupils being snake-looking. Satan appeared like one of Yahweh’s angels from Heaven, not a fallen spirit. And if Yahweh did not state it was Satan, I would wonder about such a beautiful creature in presentation. But the telling tale was Satan’s eyes, filled with evil.

    No demon gives love and peace in their visage, even when they appear in a regular angel presentation. I see Satan only when Yahweh brings him to deal with

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