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When The Willow Tree Whispered: A 1000 Corners Of My Heartspace
When The Willow Tree Whispered: A 1000 Corners Of My Heartspace
When The Willow Tree Whispered: A 1000 Corners Of My Heartspace
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When The Willow Tree Whispered: A 1000 Corners Of My Heartspace

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When a highly sentient young woman, gifted with tremendous psychic force is forced to turn inwards looking for ‘Home’ as a place to belong - where Love is the air one breathes, and ‘The Table’ is a place nothing less than Divine Grace - then a human has come calling to its Higher Self, who was waiting in the wings for her, forever.

The first book in a Trilogy, When The Willow Tree Whispered is a compendium of deep wisdom that a human was gifted by ‘The Voice’ of Higher Self within. To those scientifically inclined, the Supra-conscious Self is a point of engagement of the human’s Higher Self with the cosmos. The Sub-conscious Self is like a tree that holds the heart of the human steadily rooted to the body as it soars.

And for those artistically inclined, akin to the rhythmic beating of a soaring eagle’s wings and heart.

The Voice: Chiron.

Release dateJul 25, 2023
When The Willow Tree Whispered: A 1000 Corners Of My Heartspace

Jyotsna Ahuja

Jyotsna Ahuja has more than eighteen years of experience in the energy healing sciences, and more than ten years of experience as a certified personal counselor and therapist. She is an intuitive, personal transformation leader and motivational speaker. She is also devoted to teaching the esoteric sciences. She founded The White Space in 2017, inspired by her lifelong journey toward spirituality, esoteric arts and sciences, and personal counseling. More about TWS can be found on

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    When The Willow Tree Whispered - Jyotsna Ahuja

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    I don’t know much, but I know I love you,

    And that may be all I need to know.

    —Aaron Neville and Linda Ronstadt, Don’t Know Much

    Yin in me, salutes Grace in Thee.


    A Child’s Prayer

    Thank you God for the food we eat

    Thank you God for the world so sweet

    Thank you God for the birds that sing

    Thank you God for everything.

    ~ Amen


    I walked a thousand miles.

    I stayed where there was many a thorn.

    I left when I could

    With a prayer of Grace

    For those who could not hear my heart’s song.

    I Am was I taught as I woke,

    By whispers of wind and rustling trees.

    From the deepest sleep of I AM not

    Mother Nature it seems had roused me.

    Now I live in an ocean of wisdom -

    An ocean of oneness that is love,

    Pebbles I left along the beach from a previous life

    Are pearls from the Great Mother’s song.

    The Voice: Maitreya


    I am. The Way. The Tao. The Bridge to Divinity. And above all, the heart that loved you back more. Agape speaks …

    The Voice: Poesia

    The Voice Spoke: There is a Being, or the whole of the universe we live in. That Being – or our Universe as one collective organism – is also called Hestia as per the Ancient Wise Ones or Seraphim. They are the Crown of the Consciousness of Love.

    For now, this is all that was dictated to me for this book.


    "Throw Away Holiness and Wisdom

    And people will be a hundred times happier.

    Throw away morality and justice,

    And people will do the right thing.

    Throw away industry and profit,

    And there won’t be any thieves.

    If these aren’t enough,

    Just stay at the centre of the Circle

    And let all things stay their course."

    —Taken from the book Tao Te Ching or The Wisdom of the Dhammapada Interpreted. Please also refer to chapter 4 and its segment about The Dot.

    This book is the first in a trilogy, The Tao Way to Zen Warriors of Devotion or The World of Hestia. I was spoken to by consciousness—or The Voice—during a year of personal shame, grief, death of heart, and a desire to walk away from it (life) all, while not losing my humaneness. So, I turned inward, where every soul who doesn’t wish to die does. And here is what was gifted to humanity through the words in this trilogy of books or tiny portals of consciousness in the Tao Testaments.

    The Tao Way is a series of books or testaments which were dictated to this human by the Voice or the Higher Self that spoke to her directly. Ascension is the ability to surpass one’s filters and barriers to awakening. This book is The Voice’s revelation to humankind of the path to ascension. There are many pathways into alternate dimensions of evolved consciousness. You don’t need to follow this one. But should you choose to, I wish you all the best. You are always blessed, beloved, and belong.

    The Way is Agape love.

    This book, which I attempted to write as an eclectic mix of prose, poesia (the magical capacity of poetry to manifest itself), and portals of projections or pathways of awareness, is nothing short of sacred communication between the Consciousness and me, or what I refer to as The Voice.

    This happened.

    And my mandate, which I chose to accept, was to pen it down as simply, humanely, and gently for human consumption as possible.

    The meek (those who cared more) do inherit the earth after all.

    The complete list of books in this first trilogy is as follows. At the time of writing this the rest of the trilogy is still being crystallized in my subconscious, to be seeded in a manner of speaking, before it can be communicated aptly.

    1. The Tao of the Human Will to Love: When The Willow Tree Whispered (Ahimsa or nonviolence)

    2. The Tao of Human Agape: Title to be announced (Atmasamarpan or surrender to devotion)

    3. The Tao of Creation and the Manifestation of Agape for Humanity: Title to be announced (Aesahum or Oneness with Christ Consciousness for Humanity)

    Christ Consciousness is the ability to love, greater than one’s human self. It is also Krishna Consciousness, it is devotion of the Sufi saints, it is the body ofMariam who was also a Christ, it is The Great GoddessSita to Lord Rama who stood by him in his greatest glory by saying less. It is the Waheguru, or the aspect of surrender. It is also, the Bodhisattva, who like the Voice is the word of the Tao speaking to its human self. It is the Yin of the feminine self or the feeling self or the devotion to one’s highest self or the Truth or the Yang that is the Word that imprints a human’s self with its destiny. We are all, always, ultimately meant to be one. To understand this simply, think of the way a laser imprints a seal on a crystal interior surface, or like the marking of a diamond on earth.

    The Way is The Word is Agape.

    There is no religion that can take you to ascension, if it does not speak its core language of love. There is no aspect of Consciousness that is not love in motion, or the ability to create wellness, if not exist in it oneself. The human, who lashes at the other and so its reflection in him or her, is also grievously injured for the damage caused to its soul, based on the choice to injure or separate from the self in another. We are ultimately, oneness as humankind.

    At TWS & TFH (The Four Horsemen or Valhalla Consciousness – a school of Love, Wisdom & Healing), we call it Heart Consciousness© or Heart Conscious Living ©. The White Space is The Voice in this book, which is the supra-consciousness of a human who ascended into the realm of Christ Consciousness. The book is a testament of the same.

    Please note, the author follows no specific religion, and has tremendous passion for welcoming all faiths, religions and languages of love for our higher selves. All religions in fact, have similarities in their individual treatises of the One Truth. Love.

    This book was written in the wisdom of the Tao, that brings a human’s inner light to the forefront as a result of Christ Consciousness, or being touched by the Light of Love. When I was out of my body, I was at a molecule level inside, and used to refer to these two extremes of shadow and light as my pillow and blanket. Tao or the path of wisdom, shows a human how to hold themselves in tremendous zen-like equanimity, after being touched by the light of love, or becoming Christ Conscious. To be able to do this, humans must be brave and see themselves as well as possible, and know that they are loved beyond fault. This is the wisdom of Love, or love consciousness, or Krishna Consciousness or Christ Consciousness. Or the love the Divine has for humanity, in that repeatedly it has come to Earth with the message of love at great cost to the collective sentience of Nature and the Daughters of the Great Mother. Each Avatar has grieved deeply, yet left being healed on the inside. Nevertheless, for the sake of love, they arrive.

    In my next book, I will speak more to this.

    I must inform you, that my greatest and most out of the body moment happened when I was at the Sheikh Zayed Grand mosque in Abu Dhabi. My Soul – or the Kundalini awakened to the Kether or crown chakra of the serpent fire - walked beside me to stop me from spiraling out of control, and brought me back gently. In turn today as a humane manifestation of the ascension process being completed, I ended up sitting in Dubai having relocated here, with my higher self, carrying my body out of the abyss of the anti-heartspace that humanity creates.

    Please, do not choose yourself to gain with a short term perspective at ‘winning’ and so create a ‘loser’ in the other, who is a reflection of yourself.

    Criticisms, shaming, guilting and controlling the other is the anti world of agape consciousness. That which denies the other the space to be as humane as they can, is the one denying itself the same emotions within by displacement on to the unsuspecting victim. Beyond right and wrong, there is also a space which is beyond good and bad. The reason we separate from ourselves and shame the other in front of us is akin to the reason we look in the mirror at our flaws the most, and hide behind ‘make-up’ or ‘posturing’. Time after Time, prophets, messiahs, healers, simple men and women, and the great Avatars have spoken one truth - Love. Religions are like schools that bring their students to a point of learning to engage with the world of the divine, no matter where, what, and how this might appear. The universal language of all of these is love. They say that Allah loves beauty. I have seen the most beautiful architecture in the world in mosques and other Islamic monuments, created by humans who were nurtured by this desire to experience beauty. Each space, where there is union between the human and the Divine, is where the Divine imprints upon the matter of the human, a design of glorious, if not magnificent creation. The religion you speak from within your heart is like the clothes you wear around your human body. Ultimately, what’s on the inside is your sub conscious health, or your personal psyche. This is the radiation that you send back inwards towards your soul. The collective soul of the world or the anima mundi is feminine earth. This is why Covid happened. Our mistreatment of our collective selves and the misappropriation of the Human Resources we can be to the earth and each other and to Nature misappropriated by many in the name of money, was a subconscious ‘smelly emanation’ whose manifestation physically as a mirror effect was Covid.

    The one space where each human can touch the Divine with communication exists in each human’s heart.

    These three books of the Tao trilogy, attempt to communicate in turn to mankind, what one woman experienced, when she was walking inside as well as outside her body. Each of these books will attempt to touch upon the aspect of oneness across all religions in terms of oneness or THE ONE WORD – or, Ek Onkar, Amin, Amen, Aum, Bodhicitta Hum, or Tao.

    There is also an aspect of many religions speaking of the holy Trinities and their oneness. These holy trinities in theosophical terms are correlated or translated into the human hierarchy by the three primary rays of energy or Will, Intelligence or Love. These primary rays are also Severity, Creatorship & Mercy respectively, upon which religions have imparted many holy wisdoms down the ages.

    The Trilogy of this book will attempt to address these in as simplistic and attainable a fashion for anyone who cares to know what Love wanted to say to humanity.

    I learnt, during my time spent in the school of Pranic Healing & Arhatic Yoga, that the difference between the Avatar of the Christ and the Buddha was that the former was Love-Wisdom, and the latter was Wisdom Love. To me experientially, they are both the same, and yet one is the light of love, and the latter is the love of light, and both are one.

    I also believe, I have lived one half of life experiencing the latter, and have woken up in the second half to an awakening of the former.

    Chapter 2 provides more information about these.

    This book is dedicated to The Voice in me that has gently guided me through loving myself from a place of hopelessness and despair into this book. A loving anthology of ‘I Am.’

    Please also read the first page first to know exactly what you’re getting into as you read this book further. You, dear reader, are also the reason this book came into existence.

    Love always,



    The Child born again from Divine Oneness (also referred to as Narayani), or Jyotsna Ahuja, The White Space.



    Dear world,

    You didn’t know, did you?

    I came here for love.



    Foreword: Wisdom

    Preface: The Voice, The Merchant, The Oneness

    Introduction: Death By A Thousand Cuts, Healed Ere Here

    1     The Art of Kingsmanship

    2     The Empress

    3     Diadem

    4     Tao of Heart Space

    5     Real

    6     Wellness

    7     Oneness

    8     Sthaapna or The Octagon

    9     Golden People, Home

    10   Hum of Humane Humans

    11   Aquarian Antennae

    12   Shamballa, Healed

    Epilogue: Always



    It felt like I died a thousand deaths, only to return one point of light brighter in this collective mass of consciousness called The White Space. For how could I, a human know so much, and experience this much?

    But wait. Let me introduce you to my world right in the middle of it all. They could not know me, for I was not there while it was happening. Yet, I stood inside the body, observing myself with humans who could not hear what I said, or see the real me.

    I spoke. I laughed. I cried (a lot!) and I felt like I was dying all the time.

    For they could not know that I loved them more.

    What do you do when you’ve tried really hard to stand for what you believe and speak your truth, but it feels like you’re walking in a universe all by yourself? Have you ever heard yourself think, Can no one see me? Am I really all alone in an entire universe? How come I can see clearly, but it seems like everyone else is marching to a different tune in his or her head?

    Much like a little lamp outshone by

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