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Demon Bae
Demon Bae
Demon Bae
Ebook117 pages1 hour

Demon Bae

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Shantae got a man. He has devilish good looks and a hell of a touch in the bedroom. Shantae is about to discover the depths of his evil as she endures paranormal activity, possession, and depravity.


Steffni Kang, the Queen of Urban Horror, bursts onto the horror scene with a demonic debut!

PublisherErik Handy
Release dateJan 1, 2022
Demon Bae

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    Book preview

    Demon Bae - Steffni Kang

    Chapter 1

    Shantae, trapped and sweating beneath the man, shrieked when he jammed his nine inches into her hesitant pussy. Hesitant, but not reluctant.

    Oh, Devin, she moaned. Fuck me! Don’t stop!

    Devin responded by picking up the pace, jackhammering her twat into wet oblivion.

    This wasn’t about romance. This was sex – pure and simple. Sometimes the simplest things were the most satisfying. Shantae knew she would be sore in the morning, but having Devin on top of her and inside her was well worth any pain. His stroke was unrelenting. Shantae almost felt as if his man-meat was not only filling up her sweltering vagina, but her brain. His sex was the only thing she could focus on and truth be told, she didn’t want it any other way.

    Shantae felt her orgasm build up from the depths of her soul. The moment was nearly heavenly.

    She let go and her vision turned white. Electricity ran down her legs and up her spine and into her head. She realized she was gripping Devin’s toned body too tight, but he just smiled down at her as she finished cumming. He seemed so far away, yet close, looming over her with his spasming manhood still inside her. Shantae was so euphorically numb that she didn’t feel Devin also going off.

    Devin grabbed Shantae’s wrists and put her hands over her head. Shantae couldn’t push him off even if she tried. He was so damn strong. She braced herself for what he had in store for her. Devin started again by licking her neck from ear to shoulder.

    She would indeed be sore because Devin’s cock was still hard. He wasn’t finished with Shantae yet.

    Chapter 2

    Shantae woke up in a thick sweat. The cotton sheet stuck to her body so badly that she thought she would have trouble kicking it off. She couldn’t wait to take a cool shower in the morning.

    With Devin.

    Mmm, she thought as she went to touch her suddenly throbbing cookie. I should wake him up by jumping his bones. God, I want him inside of me!

    But as soon as she got excited, she remembered why she woke up in the first place. She fought to remember the details of the dream, but when she finally did, she knew she would toss and turn until Devin woke up.

    In her dream which was more like a nightmare, she was walking alone down the hallway of her apartment. She walked toward her bedroom. The door was closed. Green light spilled out from all around the door jamb. Even as she recalled her nightmare in the safety of her bed, this particular shade of green made her stomach queasy.

    She was almost to the door when it cracked open. Smoke hissed out, smelling like oranges and roses, mingling as if in a chef’s garden. The smoke was so thick she couldn’t see inside the room.

    And then the shadow appeared, darker than the haze within.

    Shantae shut her eyes to try to rid her mind of the terror she felt then and now.

    The shadow. At first, she thought it was a man, but as the smoke thinned, she could make out that the shoulders were not as square as a man’s. Blunt features started to come into focus.

    The shadow looked to be female.

    The shadow looked to be Shantae.

    Girl, you didn’t see nothing, Shantae told herself. It was just a dream. Now go back to sleep with visions of Devin’s sweet man-meat in your head! Or wherever he wants to put it!

    Chapter 3

    Devin left around ten in the morning. He had to get to class so Shantae wished his fine ass a good day and off he went. For a while after he left, Shantae couldn’t help but think about him, from what he looked like to how gentle and yet forceful he was while making love.

    His hooded chestnut eyes held a treasure trove of both lust and compassion. She could tell what he was probably thinking by taking just one look into those beautiful eyes of his. He was bald just like how Shantae liked her men. In the right light, his scalp shone like a magic 8-ball. There was no hair in the way of Shantae when she longed to grab him and pull him in close to her. And speaking of grabbing, his hands were in proportion to his height, as long as he was tall. But he wasn’t what she would call lanky. Yes, he was tall, but he had an elegant build, but not in the feminine way at all. For a man of distinction, his smooth skin was a little pale, but held enough color for no one to make no mistake that he was sweet brown sugar all the way.

    God, she thought. I can still taste him on my lips.

    Shantae wasn’t arrogant enough to believe she could get any man she set eyes on. Devin and her hooked up after meeting at a club. She didn’t know if it was love at first sight, but there was a connection between the two. Still, she didn’t know what he saw in her exactly.

    Her eyes were slightly slanted like her mother’s. It was said that there was some Japanese in her family, but no one cared enough to check the facts. Her eyes were the color of milk chocolate. Her thick, curly, ebony hair was very short and worn however it fell after she showered. She was very tall for a woman, shorter than Devin, but tall enough to look him in the eyes. Her feet were large. Her toes were long and maybe they were why Devin was with her. Not that it was the main reason, but he sure did love sucking on her brown piggies. They weren’t painted today. She made a mental note to paint them after she got back from the library. Today was Tuesday and she usually went to the library to pick up some movies for the week. There was nothing on television and she needed something to do to pass the time until Devin came over or until her friends wanted to hang out.

    In fact, Shantae texted her main boo, Makeisha, to see what she was up to.

    Working, was the reply.

    Shantae shot her back a frowny-face and asked her to text her when she got off work.

    Shantae turned off the noise that was the typical morning talk show and got her butt off the couch. It was then that she heard the whispers.

    The apartment building

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