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I'm a bloody mess
I'm a bloody mess
I'm a bloody mess
Ebook47 pages42 minutes

I'm a bloody mess

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Are you a believer struggling with one issue or the other in your life? Does it feel that you will never overcome this addiction even as a Pastor, church leader and minister of the gospel? Is your life in a mess and it looks as if nothing good could ever come out of your life

Release dateAug 8, 2023
I'm a bloody mess

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    I'm a bloody mess - Edward Johnson


    Copyright © 2021 Ignite Publishing by Author Edward Johnson, PhD

    ISBN 9785881348243 

    All rights reserved. In accordance with the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, the scanning, uploading, and electronic sharing of any part of this book without the permission of the publisher and author constitute unlawful piracy and theft of the author’s intellectual property. If you would like to use material from the book (other than for review purposes), prior written permission must be obtained by contacting the copyright holder or publisher. Thank you for your support of the author’s rights"


    A lot of Christians, Pastors, and church leaders, struggle with one issue or the other in their life and ministry. You sometimes feel all is well with them because you only know them at face value. Deep within their privacy are challenges they struggle with, which range from addiction to family crisis.

    Consequently, you sometimes wonder why there seems to be a recurrence of certain problems within a church or among the stewards. When you observe the predominance of specific atrocity or issues in a church gathering, you must be sure that the problem flows from the leader. The same way the oil flows from Aaron's head down to the skirt of his garment (Psalms 133:2), is the same way issues flow from church leaders to members.

    Surprisingly, several unspeakable things transpire within many churches and you wonder how this could be. Most times, the problem within churches or saints is an overflow of the church leaders' issue, which had been left unchecked for a long time. So, if you do not deal with your issues, it becomes easy to transfer the same to others, especially when you are a church leader or minister.

    Note, this does not mean you aren’t saved or do not have the Spirit of Christ. It means you have not learned to deal with your issue. You cannot win other people's battle for them if you have not mastered victory in yours. He wants to change you first before making you an agent of change wherever you find yourself.

    Sometimes, some of the issues people struggle with could be unforgiveness. Your past hurt could hold you down that you begin to bleed on those who did not hurt you. However, I have good news for you today. No matter how messy you have been or the issues you had struggled with for years, God is set to deliver you and make you whole again.

    Are you a believer struggling with one issue or the other in your life? Does it feel that you will never overcome this addiction even as a Pastor, church leader and minister of the gospel? Is your life in a mess and it looks as if nothing good could ever come out of your life? If any of these questions answer yes, then you have found answers to the long-standing problems of your life. By the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, I have put this book together with you in mind. The book before you will help you overcome every long-standing issue of your life. It will give you victory over the challenges you have been battling for years. In this book, you will find how you could become victorious over messy issues of your life and ways to help others out of their mess.


    "For she said within herself, if I

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