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Project Russia Part 1: English Edition
Project Russia Part 1: English Edition
Project Russia Part 1: English Edition
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Project Russia Part 1: English Edition

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Project Russia is a handbook on the geopolitical situation and Russia's best methods to survive the challenge of the 21st Century as the authors understood them in 2005. It was released without copyright and has yet sold over 3 million copies. It is on the recommended reading list for all Russian Civil Servants. Published in English for the 1st time, it can now serve as an Anglophone "window" into the elusive essence of the Russian strategic thought process in the Information age.

Part “white paper”, part manifesto, the scope of the work is an unapologetic exposure and a hearty rejection of the full paradigm of “Liberal Values” which were the lasting result of the “Enlightenment”, It outlines a plan of defense against the insidious methods employed by the directors of the not-so-hidden hands seeking to direct World affairs. If the reader counts himself as one of those conservatives whose idea of the “good old days” is a mere rewind to a few years back, you will find that the original authors understanding of the problem is not one of returning to the scenery that may have existed within living memory, but bringing back the metaphysics and virtues of an entirely different epoch, not merely to freeze society at an arbitrary date in time, but to secure society’s development for an enduring future.

The authors describe Russia’s opponent frequently as the United States, but most often as simply “The Adversary”, “The Enemy” or, when being specific about the root of the matter, some variation of “The Markets”, which in certain contexts has a meaning closer to Russian phrase “Supranational Syndicate”, which we have used in all places the context permits, retaining references to the “market” where applicable. If the reader is familiar with the “International Capital” of the Classical Marxists, the ‘Globalists” of the MAGA talk-radio crowd, “The Crown”, “Phoenician Navy”, “Bloodline Families” as named by critics from other parts of the Anglosphere,  Quigly’s “Anglo-American establishment”, or the “Zionist Money Power” often j’accuse’d by present day acolytes of a certain Austrian Painter, then the reader can be assured that the authors are exploring the actions, tactics, and motivations of an often named, rarely pinned-down, shadowy group that has recently become less and less capable of hiding itself in the shadows. Spoiler alert: it’s Satanic.

What is contained within is a unique blend of history and metaphysics that gives the authors’ solution to how Russia can continue to resist, survive, and thrive despite being under the assault of the minions of the “Supranational Syndicate”. Which details of a given aspect of this syndicate the authors are aware of (besides naming the usual suspects like the media and billionaires like George Soros), however, can often only be gleaned by that most Russian of interpretive arts, “reading between the lines”. Despite the fact that we should assume that only “declassified” information is permitted to be released to the public, many subtle and not-so-subtle breadcrumbs are dropped, and the reader should not discount a crumb or two of disinformation here and there. One question hinted at in the text is whether this shadowy power is becoming ever more visible (through it’s almost countless NGO’s, think tanks, and “captured” organizations) because they are working on borrowed time due to Imperial overreach or whether this phenomenon is due to its actual leaders having a self-image so confident in its success that it no longer sees the need to hide itself. The original authors are in no way conveying a sense of unease about this, having identified their adversary, the struggle is then portrayed as an equal contest, “From now on, we know what we want. The adversary knows what he wants. Before that, we were in unequal conditions: he saw his goal, we didn't”.

Release dateAug 4, 2023
Project Russia Part 1: English Edition

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    Project Russia Part 1 - Anthony Eastern

    Introduction by Anthony Eastern

    The controversial British Prime Minister Winston Churchill once famously defined Russia as a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma, and his words in 1939 spoke eloquently to the Western sense of Moscow as the proverbial other - an inscrutable and mysterious land that plays by its own rules.

    In the context of this post modern age, which sees a Neo-Liberal world order set on pushing full-speed-ahead with a Globalist integration project being opposed by world powers like Russia and China, which, for all their differences, are making common cause on their fundamental agreement on the superiority of the Westphalian International system of sovereign nation states (despite its other flaws covered in the book) in their opposition to the faltering Globalist project.

    In such an environment, with growing numbers of smaller states, long abused by the IMF and other Global Institutions economic strangle hold and the petrodollar racket breaking ranks with the Neo-Liberal order, with strategic nuclear weapons on all sides at a hair-trigger, can any responsible person in the Anglo-sphere really be comfortable with accepting so nebulous an understanding of Russia as that stated by Mr. Churchill? With communication between the USA’s and Russia’s leadership at an all time low, there is no more propitious time for Project Russia’s authors observations and strategies to become become a matter of general discussion in the West. While gaining access to Russian thought in this information age is monumentally simplified compared to Soviet times, for all the advances made in Russian-produced English-language media outlets, there is no one single non-fiction work that outsiders can read as a primer to 21st century Russian thought. I propose that this work, Project Russia, is a strong contender to be just one such a primer.

    Released anonymously and without copyright in 2005, the work, in various editions, still sold over 3 million copies, with an unknown but undoubtedly higher number of free downloads. The book is on the suggested reading list for all Russian civil servants, and was the subject of very wide speculation as to whether it was a product of this or that faction of the Special Services, or even if it was produced on orders directly from the Kremlin. In 2017, with the release of the 4th book in the series, a Yuriy Shalyganov of the Institute of Strategic Security, received copyright rights on that installment, however both he and all the previous works make it clear that the reader should be focusing on the ideas, and not the authorship. The Brotherhood of the Great Cleansing does not encourage egoism, after all.

    It is Un-Muddled by being woven into a fictional narrative, free of the ideological gymnastics that characterize the still interesting works of Alexander Dugin, who has thus far garnered much more attention from western audiences. It is also more current to present-day realities than the more familiar, though dated, works of Alexander Solzhenitsyn. Project Russia is currently the most widely read window into Russian strategic thought regarding the information space among Russian speakers, especially those seeking leading positions. Project Russia, though packaged as a call to action, is also a window into the processes and methods that are being used to encourage Soviet-era Patriots into adopting a Russian Orthodox perspective of the challenges facing their country in the 21st century, doubtlessly a factor in the book being placed on the recommended reading list for Russian Civil Servants, who at the time of publication, were overwhelmingly carryovers from the Soviet period.

    Part white paper, part manifesto, the scope of the work is an unapologetic exposure and a hearty rejection of the full paradigm of Liberal Values which were the lasting result of the Enlightenment, It outlines a plan of defense against the insidious methods employed by the directors of the not-so-hidden hands seeking to direct World affairs. If the reader counts himself as one of those conservatives whose idea of the good old days is a mere rewind to a few years back, you will find that the original authors understanding of the problem is not one of returning to the scenery that may have existed within living memory, but bringing back the metaphysics and virtues of an entirely different epoch, not merely to freeze society at an arbitrary date in time, but to secure society’s development for an enduring future.

    It conveys a strong understanding of how to best attract the kind of large-scale-thinking people the authors postulate that Russia (and indeed, all countries wishing to emulate the model proposed herein) needs in order to survive. Knight-errants. Philosopher-kings. Warrior-monks. In sometimes colorful language, the authors demonstrate their theses that only the above and other related archetypes are the most resistant to their adversary’s methods.

    Readers raised in the spirit of British-style parliamentary systems or American Republicanism will find much to be offended by in this book. To that, all I can say is, so what? The Sacred Cow these systems are have brought our peoples to nothing but atomization, degeneration, pettiness, and economic insanity, to say nothing of selling out the national interests for imperial ones. While the translator does not believe Republicanism (The authors do not make any distinction between liberal democracies and Republics in the books) in particular is not necessarily beyond salvaging at least in places where it is customary, what the reader who is mentally wedded to these ideas should bear in mind is that, on our ancestors British Islands home, sheltered from invaders (For Americans let’s not forget that the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans are a much more effective anti-tank ditch than the English Channel), a people could be said to have had the luxury of opting for a system with a small and limited government and develop an emphasis on personal liberties. To judge a vast continental state with poor natural defenses by the same standards approaches the very heights of arrogance. An arrogance bordering on stupidity, no less. If one must face the Germans and Turks to the west and the Mongols and other oriental powers to the east, the state is not something seen as a necessary evil to be despised, on the contrary, it is the very cornerstone upon which the survival of the nation depends.

    If it seems the authors are especially harsh on certain countries, let us not forget that this work was written when of the events of the Post-Soviet period were fresh in the authors’ memory Western leaders held a golden moment for lasting peace in their hands in 1991, and they let is slip because those who wanted to twist the knife carried the day. That the side that came out worse-off is Once Bitten, twice shy is an inevitability.

    Project Russia is an appeal to human nature and natural law, that foundation of human relations so eloquently described by Saint Augustine, that the natural law is as much ourselves as we are, and in violating it, we are violating our fundamental nature," the notion of that eternal law which is impressed upon our nature: 'It is that law in virtue of which it is just that all things exist in perfect order.'

    A brief description regarding terms and definitions.

    The authors make repeated allusions to the differences in small, small scale, and even microscopic thinking. A better understanding of this concept than that provided by the literal meaning is more analogous to the concept of Carnal, Base, or Low Frequency thinking, that is, thinking motivated on the accumulation of personal property, sensual pleasure and wealth for its own sake. The author uses terms like a lust for toys and golden toilets, which I have left in place to convey as much of the original narrative style as possible. The aspect of small-scale personality is thus characterized by the fulfillment of base desires in the material sphere, rich food, sexual fulfillment, etc. Part of the cure proposed by the authors, Big or large-Scale thinking, is analogous to selfless, virtuous, High Frequency thinking. These are core concepts frequently discussed in the meetings of the Brotherhood of the Great Sweep

    The authors describe Russia’s opponent frequently as the United States, but most often as simply The Adversary, The Enemy or, when being specific about the root of the matter, some variation of The Markets, which in certain contexts has a meaning closer to Russian phrase Supranational Syndicate, which we have used in all places the context permits, retaining references to the market where applicable. If the reader is familiar with the International Capital of the Classical Marxists, the ‘Globalists of the MAGA talk-radio crowd, The Crown, Phoenician Navy, Bloodline Families as named by critics from other parts of the Anglosphere, Quigly’s Anglo-American establishment, or the Zionist Money Power" often j’accuse’d by present day acolytes of a certain Austrian Painter, then the reader can be assured that the authors are exploring the actions, tactics, and motivations of an often named, rarely pinned-down, shadowy group that has recently become less and less capable of hiding itself in the shadows. Spoiler alert: it’s Satanic.

    Anyone who’s read any of President Putin’s speeches since the conflict in Ukraine began already knows that. What is contained within is a unique blend of history and metaphysics that gives the authors’ solution to how Russia can continue to resist, survive, and thrive despite being under the assault of the minions of the Supranational Syndicate. Which details of a given aspect of this syndicate the authors are aware of (besides naming the usual suspects like the media and billionaires like George Soros), however, can often only be gleaned by that most Russian of interpretive arts, reading between the lines. Despite the fact that we should assume that only declassified information is permitted to be released to the public, many subtle and not-so-subtle breadcrumbs are dropped, and the reader should not discount a crumb or two of disinformation here and there. One question hinted at in the text is whether this shadowy power is becoming ever more visible (through it’s almost countless NGO’s, think tanks, and captured organizations) because they are working on borrowed time due to Imperial overreach or whether this phenomenon is due to its actual leaders having a self-image so confident in its success that it no longer sees the need to hide itself. The original authors are in no way conveying a sense of unease about this, having identified their adversary, the struggle is then portrayed as an equal contest, From now on, we know what we want. The adversary knows what he wants. Before that, we were in unequal conditions: he saw his goal, we didn't.

    That such activities and nefarious goals have not gone unnoticed by my fellow Brothers, to the level of the Grey Cardinal, is evidenced by the leading role that the Russian Orthodox Church has taken during the conflict that began in 2022. In the finest tradition dating back to the wars of liberation against the Tatar Yoke, the struggle against Napoleon, and Operation Barbarossa, The reader must keep in mind that for these men, any aggression against their homeland is by necessity, a Holy War, which dictates a vigorous response with all the resources at their disposal. Physical, Spiritual, & Intellectual, their prowess in the latter being quite evident in the sometimes lengthy discourses against the New European Philosophy, the Protestant ethos and to a lesser degree, their perceived errors of the Roman Catholic Church.

    Regarding our decisions to choose footnotes rather than an appendix, the objective was to produce a product that a foreigner would not need a Doctorate in Russia Studies to understand. Footnotes are provided in places where we felt clrification was needed as well as logging when simply replacing a Russian idiom with an equivalent anglophone was was more expedient, as well as when historical figures are quoted as many of the sources are not familiar to western audiences. For our purposes this is sufficient, although we recognize that perhaps more may need to be added in future editions.

    An exhaustive search and documentation of the original authors sources is beyond the scope of the work, the original editions neither included footnotes nor appendixes. The reader should understand that certain anecdotes and stories within are apocryrphal. We surmise the original authors included them to support their argument because such stories are ingrained within the scope of common knowledge if not strictly historically accurate. The reader should bear in mind that this book was directed at a wide strata of Russian society, not university professors.

    For the sake of clarity, We have consolidated the various closely related terms, родина (Rodina, Motherland), Родина-Мать.-rodina-mat (Mother Homeland), Отечество (Otechestva, Fatherland), into the Motherland that most anglophones associate with the term Russians use to name their homeland. The origin and true meaning of this familiar term is best conveyed by the folk stories which speak of мать - сырая земля (mat' - syraya zemlya) or Raw earth, our mother, an ancient and poetic notion loosely related to the blood and soil concept of traditionalist western conservatism, with an added dose of agrarian idealism, as the phrase conveys the idea that it is the produce of just such earth which nourishes the nation.


    Author’s Preface

    Please read this book graciously and carefully, and have leniency for us if in some places we may have erred. Much sleepless labor and Knowledge I have set forth at this time to bring the book to completion and to make it accessible (Sirah. Preface, 1, 5, 6).

    People do not consider as truth what is true, but what is understandable. An incomprehensible truth seems to be a lie. The accessibility of the presentation is crucial. A good book organizes existing knowledge. It pulls our thoughts out of the mind, pulls them out of the corners of the subconscious, extracts them from the heart and glues them together into new knowledge.

    The new 4 is born from the existing 2 and 2. The new, born from the existing, does not disturb the harmony of the former. The worldview becomes more complete and clear. A bad book carries someone else's knowledge that has no chance to take root. Without something to nourish them, they cannot bear fruit and are rejected. They disturb the internal harmony, no matter how logical they are. For the sake of someone else's logic, a man will not give up his own.

    You have a solid book in front of you. There are no thoughts in it that you do not already know. Everything in it is known to everyone from birth. Everyone has the Core Knowledge, but it's littered with such a mountain of junk that it seems like it'll never be recovered. As a result, a man lives, runs, and fusses about. If you stop him and ask, he does not even really remember what he did yesterday or why. And life spins him round and round. Like a splinter he listens, but he doesn't hear. He looks, but he doesn't see. Knows, but doesn't understand. And yet, he continues to carry inside him a wealth of invaluable truths. Everyone in life has a Blueprint that can transform them. With one, it happens in adolescence. With another - in adulthood. A third in his old age begins to live a meaningful life. When the veil falls from the eyes, one literally becomes new, everything is suddenly clear and simple.

    The new knowledge is like a submarine that has suddenly surfaced from the depths of the sea before the eyes of a drowning man lost at sea who had lost all hope. But until our knowledge is assembled, it's like a broken-down car lying in the corner, i.e., a pile of garbage. Once we put these parts together, it's a miracle of engineering. Whoever rides in this car will never want to walk or be a passenger in other people's cars anymore. And he won't be an ordinary man, no longer ignorant, but knowledgeable.

    After reading this book, you will be pleasantly surprised. You already knew all that will follow. And at the same time, without learning anything fundamentally new, you'll gain a fundamentally new knowledge. Better than from any politician or scientist, spouting abstruse words and complexities like a fruit spilling from a cornucopia, you'll understand what's going on in the world. You will have a complete picture of the world, a whole view of the world.

    You could have thought of everything that has been said here. You haven't, because...that's life. In your daily life you constantly must deal with a bunch of different things. After all, you have to rest. So it turns out that there's no time to get your head in order. Every person is completely self-sufficient. He can know everything. But he has no time to organize his knowledge, his thoughts. We can help you do it, and you will be genuinely surprised at the result. This work will split the world in two. The side that is right will win. We are not going to limit ourselves to theoretical reasoning. We are already acting.

    The fact that you are holding this book in your hands confirms our words. But this is only the beginning. To increase action requires not just people, but like-minded people who agree with us, both in our goals and in the means to achieve them. Despite having the ability to spread the idea in more popular means, such as animations or electronic games, we settled on a book. This choice is explained by the fact that at the first stage we need people to understand the idea in a logical format. There are a lot of ways to convey information to people. Children absorb it through their mother's cooing, toys, and cartoons. People absorb it through the stage, movies, and the media. What we need are people who can assimilate information in a logical format.

    Before explaining why we went this way, let us first say that the inability of most people to absorb information logically does not mean that they are stupid. They just have their receiver tuned to other, illogical waves. Everyone is receiving on his or her own wave. On someone else's, you can't hear anything but noise. As far as understanding eternal truths goes, all people are equal. But not everyone can put their knowledge into a logical form. But this does not diminish knowledge itself. If I can't express my knowledge in Chinese, it doesn't mean I don't have knowledge. It's the same here. If I can't express my knowledge in a logical format, it doesn't say that I don't have that knowledge. For some people philosophical texts are incomprehensible, for others folk songs are incomprehensible. For example, the song "The Kalina¹ is Red, the Kalina is Aged from the point of view of formal logic carries no information. But it does not mean that it does not contain a message. Yes, it does. The indicator of the presence or absence of information is action. If information does not generate action, then it just didn't get through to you. If you know your house is on fire, certain actions will necessarily follow. If they don't follow, it means the information didn't get through to you. Now imagine the soldiers of the Great Patriotic War who need to be told information about the need to defend the Motherland. In what format should it be conveyed, with a song like Arise, vast country²" or a lecture on the international situation? The correct answer is obvious. A thought conveyed in an illogical format carries more information to soldiers. Does this mean that soldiers are stupider than those to whom information reaches only through logic? Absolutely not, not at all. The indicator of a person is not the way in which information is assimilated, but it is the result, of the action to which the information moved him.

    We come to an interesting conclusion. That while ordinary people are more than ready to accept assimilation of the Main ideas. It turns out that, in an absolute sense, logic is the least effective means of delivery. This explains why the finest arguments lead nowhere. The most important things are always delivered illogically. People are moved by what needs no logical proof. All the most important events in a person's life happen in defiance of logic. Anyone can see that by recollecting important milestones in their lives from birth to death. But, nevertheless, the emphasis of our narrative is primarily placed on the logical, not the most effective way to convey thoughts.

    Let's explain why we are following this path. We proceed from the fact that our task is to convey the idea to as many people as possible. To do this, it needs to be converted into the appropriate format, cartoons, games, TV series. As we are speaking Russian-to-Russian, it is also necessary to talk to the Chinese in Chinese, to the French in French, to the Germans in German, etc. Who can do this? Only translators, i.e. those who understand our idea. The heart cannot understand. You can feel it with your heart. You can only understand with your head, i.e. logically. Therefore, at the stage of formation, people are needed who are able to assimilate information through text, in a logical format. In the future, those who can translate the information into an illogical format will stand out from these people. Einstein said that if you can't explain your thought to a five-year-old, then you don't really understand it yourself. To explain complex things simply, it is not enough to feel the truth. It still needs to be understood. The purpose of this work is to find people who will understand our idea, then they will understand the way to implement it and will be able to act according to the knowledge they have received. Whether they do this in association with us or otherwise, is a separate issue.

    A Separate Question.

    We end our brief explanations with Balzac's³ words: talent in a man is the same as beauty in a woman – just a promise. To realize talent, you need to have a heart and will equal to talent. We are looking for talented people with a big heart.


    From the Authors

    When Alexander the Great was advised to attack the superior forces of the Persian king Darius in a night attack, he replied: I, do not steal victory. Some thought it was frivolous reply, but Alexander calculated everything correctly. Such a powerful enemy as Darius does not capitulate due to material and human damage. With such gigantic resources, the Persian king could easily make up for any losses. Darius could be defeated only by breaking his fighting spirit, which is possible only in open combat. We are in a similar situation. The Adversary can be defeated by breaking his spirit. The enemy has huge material and intellectual resources. Only our utmost rightness can make the enemy tremble. It is necessary to tear off the sheep's skin from the wolf and expose his essence.

    Today, the main task is to find people who are able to think strategically, in terms of – Centuries, Continents, and Civilizations. The question is not even to prove the correctness of our postulates, but to find those who are able to think big. Not on the scale of a particular industry, but on the scale of the entire planet. What's the point of proving the correctness of our theory to people who initially perceive the proposed ideas as madness? You might as well invite an old Babushka⁴ selling seeds in a market stall to discuss a million-dollar project. An honest, kind, brave person who thinks on the scale of seed selling cannot take up a big task. It is unreal for him, not because he saw any defects in it, but because it goes beyond his perceptual abilities.

    Talking to a person who thinks in familiar categories, on topics that are unusual because of the huge scale, is the equivalent to talking to a child. Most people, even if they are smart, will not take such a conversation seriously. If someone is thoroughly versed in nuclear physics or remembers the structure of a mosquito's foot by heart, this indicates the presence of intelligence or knowledge, but not the scale of thought. One mind, if there is no large-scale thinking, can’t solve anything. You can't do something that you haven't yet grasped the scale of. Because you won't believe in the reality of the case. And if you don't believe it, you will consider it nonsense and an empty fantasy.

    People who generally understand and share our idea, but are not used to large-scale thinking, can talk about this topic as much as possible, and even stand in support of it. But they will never do anything concrete. Because it's unrealistic for them. A person can only do things that are real to them. But everyone has their own reality. For one, it is really possible to grow cucumbers, for another to conquer countries. To each his own. It is impossible to change the order of things. A person will never be able to do something outside of what nature has endowed him with.

    A person chooses a cause regardless of the presence or absence of intellectual, administrative and financial resources. Even a knowledgeable professor, a powerful official or a billionaire businessman might understand a large resource only as a chance to arrange their personal life by implementing small projects (to buy a cottage or a yacht, for example,). An illiterate pauper with a microscopic resource-base can strive for objectives of colossal scope. Whether it will work out for him is another question. We are talking about intentions and potential. The magnitude of human achievement does not depend on the availability of resources, but on the scale of the person. A person is determined not by the quality of his shoes, but by the quality of his intentions. One person's intentions are great, another’s are small. A big-thinking man among people with a philistine scale of thinking feels like an adult who has climbed into a sandbox. The children would have a confused, questioning look in their eyes: uncle, what are you doing in here? The adult in the company of children feels like an airplane traveling down the street. He's clumsy, everyone honks at him, he bothers everyone. And only because he does not need to be driving but needs to fly.

    The mismatch between resources and the cause for which these resources are used is a certain kind of phenomenon. By itself, a large resource base will not encourage a person to act within a sphere whose scale is beyond his comprehension. Even if he understands that the ship on which he is sailing is starting to sink, he will still prefer to maintain an inactive position. He will never take action to save the ship, because in his heart he is sure that he is not supposed to attempt things of such magnitude. One who lacks capacity for a big scale of thinking, does not have the spirit to take on the challenge of solving a large-scale issue.

    People always act not on the basis of actual knowledge of reality, but according to their scale of thinking. This isn’t affected by physical size or the wisdom gained over the years. For example, how would you feel if your apartment was looted? How would you feel if your country was looted? For one, it's a stab in the heart when his goods are looted. For another, when his country is being looted. Large-scale thinkers are rare. The majority are simple, ordinary people. They, like children, are acutely worried if someone else's uncle takes away their toy. But they won't even raise an eyebrow if this uncle takes all the jewelry out of the apartment. Because jewelry is beyond their perception of the world. The main treasure for most people are their toys. The same is true when determining the scale of the personality. If a person's apartment is robbed, it will be a great misfortune for him. But if his country is robbed, he won't even pay attention. Because this problem is outside his field of vision.

    On what scale do you feel, think and act? On the scale of yourself? Your Family? your Country? Humanity? The answer to this question is an indicator of your scale. If all your aspirations are reduced to buying new toys, if that's what you are seeking money for, then in fact you are a child in a sandbox. All children strive to "Build sandcastles. Some have built them, others dream of building them, but in both cases the aspirations are not higher getting a sweet kulich⁶. With age, the children's sandbox changes into its analog for adults. The role of sandcastles and kulichs is now performed by mansions and Rolls-Royces. The quality of the Kulichs" are changing, but the essence remains the same – playing in the sandbox⁷.

    A person with a childish type of thinking tends to take care only of himself. Therefore, if he has a degree, a fortune of 100 million dollars and an age of 50 years, but thinks only about himself, he is, in fact, a child. If he also thinks about his family, he is more mature. If he is considerate towards his other relatives, he is almost completely big. But still his adulthood does not reach the scale required to rise to the situation.

    To rise to the situation, Russia needs people who can say, My country is my family. All street children are our children. My soul aches for them, as it does for my own children. We want to gather them all, feed them and warm them up. All these unfortunate elderly pensioners are like our own grandparents. All the men and women who live with their little worries are our brothers and sisters, uncles and aunts. We are looking for people who think and are ready to act according to knowledge, those who are capable of doing things for the good of all Russia that are not tied to personal gain. As in the song: First think about the Motherland, and then about yourself. We believe there are still people who treat Russia as their own family, If you are ready to act on such a scale and are not confused by such a magnitude, let us unite. Because the more of us, the fewer of them. This is the key to success.

    Today, people behave like mayflies on a sinking ship. Due to the scale of thinking, no mayfly⁸ is able to comprehend the fact that the ship is sinking. A mayfly who lives for several hours does not notice or fix the problem, because the rate of flooding is invisible to it. When only one mast remains above the water and the its clear that impending doom will arrive within a matter of minutes, then the speed of flooding will be equal to the speed of perception of the mayflies, they will realize they are about to drown. But there will be zero benefit gained from this understanding, because nothing can be done anymore. Before this

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