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The Black Chale Wote
The Black Chale Wote
The Black Chale Wote
Ebook101 pages1 hour

The Black Chale Wote

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Though this book is to celebrate my daughter, Nyame Animuonyam Afia Asaa Afrakoma Sintim-Misa, the Princess of Adumasa's 6th Birthday, it has led me, indirectly, to share issues of infertility and its options, (IVF, surrogacy, adoption, etc).  It touches on the trauma of failed IVF, fears of carrying a pregnancy to term, especially by late bloomers, challenges of professional women raising children, and the risks, sacrifices, and guilt trips, among others.

The book also takes mothers, especially late bloomers, down memory lane and helps them have a good laugh at some of the 'crazy' things they did in their quest for a child, pregnancy and straddling motherhood in general.

Indeed, every mother/guardian has had "The Black Chale Wote" moment.

Enjoy the book while you help me celebrate my daughter and do say a prayer for her.

PublisherGifty Anti
Release dateJul 31, 2023
The Black Chale Wote

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    The Black Chale Wote - Gifty Anti

    The Black Chale Wote

    Diary of the late Bloomer and her Daughter

    Oheneyere Gifty Anti

    Copyright © 2023, Oheneyere Gifty Anti

    ISBN: 9798853327740

    All Rights Reserved!

    No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

    For permission requests, contact the publisher/author on/by:

    Mobile: 0203535500/ 0543618182


    Front cover picture by Kobbi Blaq. Back cover photograph by Peter Arkorful-Ewool.

    Digital Publishing Consultant: Bernard Kelvin Clive

    To my daughter ‘Ahenkan’,

    Nyame Animuonyam Afia Asaa Afrakoma Sintim-Misa,

    to mark her sixth Birthday.

    The little angel who chose me to be her mother. Thank you.


    I am grateful to God for having mercy on me and blessing me with this beautiful and precious gift of a daughter.

    I am also grateful to my husband, Nana Ansah Kwao IV, chief of Akwamu Adumasa for agreeing to my request to ‘try again’.

    To Dr. Padi Aryertey, the obstetrician gynecologist who literally ‘forced me to ‘try again’ lol. Thank you and God bless you.

    I am also grateful to all the pastors who prayed for me before, during, and after my pregnancy and birth, the community of supporters and loved ones, (most of whose names have been mentioned in the book) God bless you.

    Thank you to Mrs. Christiana Ofori Poku for being a godmother in every sense of the word to our little girl.

    To my brother, Mr. George Owusu, who is her godfather, God bless you.

    To the AIS teachers, from Pre-K to Kindergarten thank you and God bless you.

    And a special shout-out to Team HRH on social media… You are appreciated.


    A few years ago, I was busy running my clinic when Gifty Anti walked in with a request. She wants to have a baby.  That was a beginning of a very good relationship which has led to having a beautiful daughter and a lovely friendship.  We have shared the ups and downs of this journey and life as a whole, and I am so happy that she has decided to share her experience with you. 

    In the last few years, Gifty has written books that have made significant differences in the lives of many people. The Black Chale wote is going to be another one of those books. For women seeking to pursue their reproductive options later in life, it may be the best book they may ever read. This book may be the answer to their ‘why?’. 

    After two decades of practice as women`s health specialist, I have learned several lessons about the life of women. The joys and the regrets, the wins and the losses and the things they wish they had done differently.  Lessons I would have loved to share with my daughter— if I had a daughter— to make her life journey better, and cheat codes that she can use to win the game of life and yet enjoy the ride at the same time.

    Reading The Black Chale wote has given me another unique perspective on the thoughts, the emotions and the realities of the life of a woman going through her reproductive journey later in life. Gifty has managed to write a book that is warm, honest, emotional, raw, and yet relatable. An easy read, tackling feelings and thoughts that are often difficult to express. 

    We live life forward, but often wish we could have lived life backwards, before we went forward. For the older person wishing to start their reproductive life, this book shows them what to expect, reassures them that they are not alone, and gives them the courage to keep pressing on. The younger person reading this book is exposed to the choices they have to make, in balancing the life-work dichotomy, so they can determine their end and plan their steps before the beginning. 

    For everyone else, it gives us insight, encouragement, compassion and understanding, and the courage to take up challenges despite the odds.

    Please get a comfortable chair, a nice drink, some healthy snacks, and put your phone on silent. Because once you start reading, you will be unavailable for quite a while. 

    Dr. Padi Ayertey

    Obstetrician Gynecologist

    Minimally invasive surgeon, Pcos specialist.

    Elimmas Health, Airport Residential Area- Accra.


    The Monday Hustle of a late Bloomer

    So, I got back from Kyebi late last night (Thank God for traveling mercies).

    I was so tired that I didn’t hear the first and second alarms go off. (Yes, I set alarm for three different times)

    When I suddenly woke up, it was 5:28am.

    My people, if I don’t leave home by a certain time, it means HRH will be late for school, and I don’t want to add lateness to my many sins!

    My people, the long and short of the story is that, in the middle of the motorway, I suddenly realized that I was wearing chalewote!

    Yes, black chalewote; and No, I don’t have ahenemaa slippers or shoes in the car or office. I took them all out to clean the car over the weekend.

    So please, today, if you come to my office and I don’t get up from behind my desk, it means something dey there.

    Dear Mothers,

    Sometimes it gets crazy, messy and unkempt.

    And when it doesn’t go the way you plan or want it, don’t be too hard on yourself. Try and see the bright side of it and laugh at yourself!

    Life is not perfect so don’t expect to be perfect or get it right every time.

    Just try your very best, push yourself and always aspire to do better.

    But when it goes wrong, remember, tomorrow is another day full of opportunities.

    God never go shame us.

    Have a beautiful day and week.

    And remember to smile because you are beautiful.









    This was my post on all my social media platforms including WhatsApp on 23rd August 2021, a few days after you, my beloved Ahenkan, turned four.

    The comments and responses my post received, including one from

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