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On a dark night on a bridge, a voice calls out, "Come with me to Ravena." Mario, a strong-willed yet traumatized young man, finds himself transported to an unfamiliar world. With only a vague memory of a girl's pleading invitation, he reluctantly embarks on a quest to find answers. But he's not alone. Virgil, a popular collegiate athlete, finds himself in the center of a medieval town fighting for his life with a total stranger by his side. A self-identified anime geek and introvert, Robert, has also arrived in this strange world full of intrigue and bloodshed. A continual promise of danger looms from the suspicious villagers to the unnamed evil who threatens to destroy all who remain. Mario, Virgil, and Robert are offered a chance to go home, but only if they accept the terms of a mysterious old woman offering them power in exchange for saving her world--Ravena, a terrifying magical world filled with desperate people they cannot trust, especially themselves.

Release dateJul 25, 2023

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    Book preview

    The Knights - M.L. Olmstead

    Table of Contents



    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18

    Chapter 19

    Chapter 20

    Chapter 21

    Chapter 22

    Chapter 23

    Chapter 24

    Chapter 25

    Chapter 26

    Chapter 27

    Chapter 28

    Chapter 29

    Chapter 30

    Chapter 31

    Chapter 32


    About the Author


    The Knights


    M.L. Olmstead

    ISBN 979-8-88851-462-7 (Paperback)

    ISBN 979-8-88851-463-4 (Digital)

    Copyright © 2023 M.L. Olmstead

    All rights reserved

    First Edition

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Covenant Books

    11661 Hwy 707

    Murrells Inlet, SC 29576

    Chapter 1

    Submerged in the void, a feeling of nothingness and the absence of sight and sound wrapped around him like a warm blanket: freedom. He welcomed it, a total contrast to the chaos.

    Can I stay like this forever? Mario wondered.

    Unfortunately, his comfort was short-lived. Without warning, a blinding light ripped his senses wide open. When he tried to scream, he choked on the forceful gust of air filling his lungs. Just as he thought his insides would burst from the pressure, the light dissipated. A sensation of floating sustained him until he felt a thump onto the hard ground. Mario remained motionless, his face buried in the sweet smell of grass and dirt. He rolled over slowly from his stomach to his back and inhaled deeply. With eyes closed, he relished the warmth of the sun as he listened for signs of life. In the distance, leaves gently rustling were the only sound. Peace washed over him, and he smiled.

    And then it happened. A single thought entered his mind, followed by another, and these trickling thoughts multiplied until the familiar avalanche of worries forced his eyes wide open. Mario sighed. With every effort in his weary body, he pushed himself into a sitting position. He slapped his cheeks and shook his head. Gradually, his full vision returned revealing the strange truth. He had no idea where he was. Gone were the paved sidewalks and buildings tall enough to blur the sky. There was no sign of the evening lights of the long bridge. In their place, a sea of grassy hills and a powdered blue sky stretched out as far as the eye could see. The landscape rippled like waves with various elevations.

    Cautiously, he ascended one of the tallest hills. Maybe things would look more familiar from above. When he reached the top, he doubled over and clutched his knees to catch his breath. His amount of fatigue surprised him.

    The strong sun burned his neck, which made him look up toward the sky. Blinded by the rays, he squinted his brown eyes and brushed the messy black hair out of the way. Mario scanned the horizon for several minutes trying to wrap his head around his circumstances. Below the vibrant hills, a different picture emerged. The color was completely washed out, composed of shades of gray. Large fragmented stones littered the landscape of continuous rock and dirt. The decimated and abandoned land unnerved him. Home didn't exist here.

    Am I hallucinating?

    Mario despised this weak theory, but he couldn't concentrate. With his head throbbing dully, he attempted to recall his last whereabouts. Before entering the void, he was rushing from Kendecelli University to work. In fifteen minutes, the time clock would lock him out because his manager had a problem with his consistent tardiness. As he sprinted toward the bridge, he noticed a gaggle of drunk college kids.

    No time for another confrontation. I need my paycheck.

    Avoiding eye contact, he lowered his head and ran past the group. Despite clearing the obstacle, Mario's focus shifted from reaching his destination to admiration of the moon's reflection over the water. He stopped dead in his tracks and slowly moved toward the guardrail that separated him from the water. As if compelled by a supernatural force, he reached out and touched the railing while staring at the silky black oasis.

    How beautiful. Like a painting.

    The moon was emitting a cool glow that cascaded over the sheet of black water, inviting him to take a more personal look. Scrambled thoughts entered his mind as he feared this urging to have the warm water envelop him in darkness. Before he knew it, both of his feet climbed onto the lower bar of the railing, and he leaned over to get a closer look. With white knuckles gripping the railing, he considered letting go. Breathing heavily, he closed his eyes and whispered a single plea.

    From his left, a frantic girl waved and yelled as she begged for a favor. Full of pain and pleading, her voice cut through all his thoughts. Haunting yet indescribably pure, her presence took ahold of him, and he desired to give her everything she asked for. But he knew it was impossible now. The water was waiting for him.

    Mario jolted out of the memory, gasping for air.

    What did she ask for again?

    Come with me to Ravena.

    Lingering sounds of sirens and screams echoed in Mario's ears, and he couldn't shake the feeling that something terrible happened on that bridge. His head exploded in pain. He swore, fell to his knees, and then punched the grass. The pain slowly subsided with the change in head position. Everything about this situation angered him. Sleep was a rare commodity these days, and he barely had the desire to wake up anymore. Now he was stuck in some strange place and had no idea what had happened to him.

    Am I dreaming? What time is it?

    He definitely felt awake as the dread of missing work drummed steadily in his head. He checked his pockets for his cell phone, but it was nowhere to be found. While desperately searching, he remembered his boss's warning. A no-show would result in being fired. Mario threw up his hands and yelled, The stupid school will probably kick me out if I can't pay for that window.

    He felt his shallow breath speeding up, and he grabbed his wrist to regain control of his shaking hands. Exhausted, Mario lay back in the grass and tried to focus on his breathing as he was taught. He inhaled for a five count and exhaled for five, and a calmness flowed into him. The weather was warm with a gentle breeze. His body felt heavy from constantly struggling to keep pace with his mind. Unable to fight his deep longing for rest, Mario closed his eyes.

    His thoughts began to wander as unconsciousness set in. All sounds began to echo, and light narrowed as if he was in a tunnel. Gravity no longer pertained to him, and Mario was content floating there. Suddenly, a white light consumed the entire area. A deep familiar voice could be heard in the distance as the light morphed into images. Mario's attention focused on his surroundings; he was no longer floating but sitting. His feet stood straight out and barely reached the edge of the smooth leather material. His arms rested halfway up the massive sides of the chair. Had he shrunk?

    Mario placed his small hand against his chest to feel his rapid heart rate. The slickness on his hand left a small wet imprint on his shirt. He shook his head in confusion. Where was he? Why was he so scared? The sound of the man's voice broke him away from his thoughts. It was coming from outside. Mario needed to know who he was. He took a deep breath to calm his nerves and carefully lifted his tiny body off the chair and onto the floor. For a moment, he felt dizzy. His head throbbed, and he paused to place his hand on the large box television positioned on a stand near the chair. As he regained his bearings, he noticed his reflection on the television screen. Though his face barely reached over the bottom of the television, he could see the state he was in. His lower lip was swollen, and his cheek was marred with a dark substance. When he tried to wipe it off with his sleeve, he felt the dried blood that had pooled around the edge of his mouth.

    Once again, fear gripped Mario's heart but receded again as the man's voice became clearer. If he went to him, everything would be fine. He inched closer to the front door of the house where the words were more audible. He crouched down to listen. He wasn't sure why he felt the need to hide, but he followed his instinct and listened to the conversation.

    They took her to the hospital, but hopefully it was just precautionary. The medics checked her out at the scene, and she appeared to be physically fine but terrified, the familiar man stated as he lowered his head.

    Mario peered out into the front yard and instantly recognized the broad-shouldered gentleman with the same brown eyes and dark black hair as himself.

    Dad, Mario whispered.

    Mario's father wasn't in uniform, but he was talking to a fellow police officer who was writing down everything.

    At least Melanie is safe now. Thankfully, you reacted as quickly as you did, or else we might have lost her, the uniformed officer commented.

    Yeah. Mario's father sighed as he looked back at his house.

    The officer lowered his clipboard.

    How is Mario holding up? the officer asked cautiously.

    Well, Abe, the paramedics suggested I take him in to have his head wound examined, but you know how nervous he is. Right now, he is crying and shaking worse than usual. I'm afraid that an ambulance ride will be too much to handle.

    Makes sense. He must have been so scared when that scumbag grabbed his friend. Those two kids have been inseparable for as long as I've known them. Poor kid. He tried so hard to stop the guy from taking her.

    Mario's father clenched his bloodied fist.

    I'm glad you arrived when you did. If had been alone with that guy… Mario's father paused. I would have gone to jail protecting my son.

    Abe patted Mario's father on the shoulder.

    I'll tell you what, John. Why don't we take Mario to the hospital in my patrol car? He loves pretending to be a police officer just like his dad, so being in the car will be fun. Then we'll tell him that you are getting checked out too so that he won't feel alone.

    I don't need to be checked out, John grumbled.

    Sure, sure, Abe responded as he looked down at John's hand. It's not like you have a broken hand or anything, but that's beside the point. Do it for Mario. He needs you right now.

    Tears trickled from the corner of Mario's eyes. He was not hallucinating; this day had already happened. He was six years old playing in the yard with Melanie. They were inventing a silly game when a hooded man approached them and grabbed Melanie. Mario remembered punching and kicking him, but his efforts were denied by a large boot that connected with his face.

    No, you can't have her!

    His head started to throb again, but soon his thoughts were interrupted as he heard John and Abe approaching the door. He tried to run away so that he wouldn't be seen, but he tripped and fell on his already injured head. John and Abe heard the commotion and ran toward him.

    Mario, are you alright? John demanded.

    Mario lay on the ground moaning slightly.

    Come on, John. I have the car out front. Abe led them down the stairs.

    Mario faded in and out as his dad tried to keep him talking.

    Hey, Mario. Stay with me, buddy.

    Mario looked up at his father's worried face and smiled. He felt so safe in his father's arms.

    Only if you stay with me this time, Mario whispered.

    And then he closed his eyes.

    The image blurred and faded, and the sounds swirled and shifted until Mario awoke. As tears poured from his closed eyes, he smiled. Time reset, and now it had only been a few minutes, not years, since he last saw his father's face, heard his voice. For this moment, Mario chose to forget all his problems and linger in the sights and sounds of his father's presence.

    Chapter 2

    Away from the radiant hills, a dense forest with a menacing presence existed, and a six-foot basketball star crashed down out of an abyss into the shallow creek. He immediately burst from the water using a variety of expletives before running his hands through his hair. His blond coif sported a new style of brown clumps. More expletives. Virgil had arrived.

    Soaked all the way through were his black warm-up shirt and turquoise basketball shorts. Wet clothing was on a long list of Virgil's most hated things. Just a few feet away, his formerly pristine white shoes were speckled in red and brown as they lay in a pile of sludge. Using his thumb and pointer finger, he gingerly lifted one of his brand-new shoes to eye level. His face wrinkled and contorted before he chucked it across the forest.

    Frustrated and unnerved, he tried to figure out what happened to him. Where was he a few minutes ago? Try as he might, he only remembered traveling on the team bus, talking to that hot blond. At the time, he wondered who she was and why she was on the bus?

    Maybe she has a boyfriend, and he clocked me one, Virgil surmised.

    He frantically looked around for an assailant. Instead, he was surrounded by trees and an overwhelming silence. Goosebumps popped up all over his arms, and a queasy feeling entered his stomach. He scurried out of the creek on to the embankment, slipping as he climbed. Sitting down on the water's edge, he scanned the area. Though trees surrounded him, there was a clear path leading to an open light. Was this the best route out?

    An icy wind ripped through the silence, and Virgil shuddered as the cold forced itself through his clothing. He stood up, pulled off his shirt, and wrung it out. Figuring he would wash it later, he draped his black T-shirt over his arm. Designed to push moisture away from the body, his shorts should dry in no time, but those socks… Virgil ripped off his socks in disgust and abandoned them. Shirtless and barefoot, Virgil seethed and decided that someone was definitely to blame for his circumstances.

    Without another thought, Virgil followed the path that led out of the forest.


    A lanky teenager with a reddish mop on his head awoke in an abandoned alley. Large stone walls seemed to squeeze him, and their shadows cast a darkness that made it hard to see. His glasses were barely hanging onto the bridge of his nose, so he pushed them back over his green eyes. He felt around the area, relieved to find his backpack. All his most important things were in that pack, and he desired to always know where it was. However, the more immediate concern was, What happened to the library?

    The last thing Robert recalled was getting lost in the nonfiction stacks. He was looking for the anime section, but he took the wrong stairs. What greeted him was a dark narrow area with glass floors. As soon as he noticed the large cracks in the glass, he felt queasy, and he started to faint. A white light consumed him until he awoke in this alley.

    Robert slung his backpack over his shoulder and stumbled out onto the main road. He did a double take. The area was decidedly medieval looking. The unpaved roads were made of cobblestone, dirt, and gravel. The buildings were made of some sort of stone and brown grass. As Robert walked slowly through the streets, marveling at the architecture, he had to shield his eyes from the brilliant sun. In some ways, the ancient Miller Public Library would fit better in this strange place as it is an eyesore among the modern city buildings currently surrounding it.

    As he walked, Robert saw a crowd of people in the distance. They blended together in a sea of humanity with indistinct shades of gray and brown. He looked down at this bright-orange shirt with black Japanese symbols and knew he would stand out. A familiar dread poured over him, and he cringed thinking about the torture he endured at school anytime he was noticed. While he admonished himself for his unfortunate choice in apparel, a woman carrying a heavy basket bumped into his back. He tried to grab the basket and her at the same time, but he only succeeded in knocking the basket completely out of her hands as she tumbled hard to the ground.

    I'm so sorry, miss! Are you okay? Let me help you up, Robert insisted.

    Her long brown hair peeked out of her gray shrouds, and her lovely blue eyes made contact with his. Robert blushed as he held his hand out to her. The woman gave him an indescribable look as she refused his hand and stood up quickly. Her piercing eyes never left his as she cautiously backed away.

    Well, that didn't go so well.

    Her reaction didn't deter him from talking to other people, but each new reaction grew in severity. When he walked up to a young girl who was hanging sheets on a line, he was met with fear.

    Excuse me, miss. My name is Robert. Can you tell me the name of this place?

    Startled, she hit Robert with a thick fabric right across the face. Robert rubbed his cheek.

    Yep, I definitely wore the wrong shirt today. He sighed.

    The idea that these women opposed his geekiness amused Robert, like watching a ridiculous comedy play out. Unfortunately, he suspected there was more to their reactions. Robert's unease motivated him to move out of his current location. A short distance away was a massive building with a tall pointed roof. Perhaps he would have more luck with the people inside. Despite his efforts to move quietly, the crowds parted wherever he walked. Before long, he reached an ominous building with massive wooden doors.

    Chapter 3

    Time passed slowly as Mario contemplated his situation. He wondered if he was losing his mind. At the moment, Mario lacked any sense of fear, and that didn't seem normal. But what could be done about it? He lay back in the grass and stared at the pristine blue sky, allowing the peacefulness to wash over him. He remembered more about that day and how powerless he felt as his best friend in the whole world was taken right before his eyes. Though she was rescued, her parents moved away to escape from the terror of the incident. Mario never saw her again.

    Mario sighed.

    I'm sure I've already been fired.

    Suddenly, a face appeared above him obscuring his view.

    Hi! a little girl shrieked excitedly.

    Mario jumped a little in surprise from both her enthusiasm and the fact that he believed he was alone.

    Whatcha doing? she asked.

    The little girl swayed back and forth. She was young. Maybe six or seven?

    Nothing special.

    Though he was relieved to meet another person in this strange location, she was only a kid, and children made him feel uncomfortable—so unpredictable in their needs.

    You can't be doing nothing. We are always doing something. She smirked and started pulling on Mario's arm.

    Stop that, he replied as he pulled his arm away and lay on his side.

    Your clothes are so strange. She giggled.

    Mario took a moment to compare his clothes to hers. Still in his work clothes, he wore a black-and-red polo shirt and black slacks. On the other hand, the little girl contrasted greatly with her seamless white dress. Who was dressed strange?

    Do you want to be my friend? she asked.

    No, he responded firmly.

    A high-pitch wail exploded from her little mouth. Mario bolted upward and stared at her in alarm. He never intended to hurt the kids feelings; he just wanted to be alone.

    Alright, I've changed my mind. We can be friends, Mario replied awkwardly as he patted her on the head.

    She grabbed his hand and swung it around while dancing. Surprised by her forwardness, Mario struggled to make conversation.

    What is the name of the land below this hill? Mario asked.

    We are in the village of Ravena, silly. How didn't you know that? She giggled.

    Ravena? Mario repeated.

    He felt the hair on the back of his arm stand up, and he broke out into a cool sweat. Was this little girl the one who called out to him on the bridge?

    What's your name? Mario asked cautiously. Maybe if he knew her name, he could remember more.

    Arianna, she replied and smiled.

    Her name didn't ring any bells, so he proceeded with his questioning.

    Arianna, how close to Middlepine are we?

    She looked at him inquisitively. She turned her head to the side as if it would make her hear his question more clearly.

    Middlepine? Is that your village? I don't know where that is.

    Can I come with you to your house and use your phone? I can't find my cell phone anywhere, and I just want to make a call.

    Her puzzled look returned.

    What's a phone?

    Mario paused for a moment to study her reaction. She wasn't kidding around. He took a deep breath.

    Do you mind if I talk to your parents?

    My parents are dead, she replied sheepishly.

    A chasm developed in the pit of Mario's stomach. Her bubbly demeanor didn't match the heavy revelation about her parents, but she didn't seem to be lying.

    Arianna quickly perked back up. I have a present for you.

    She removed a strange metal object from the pocket of her dress. Mario took the S-shaped object from her.

    What is this? Mario asked as he turned it upside and down.

    A key. Arianna smiled. Bring it to the tavern at the center of town and wait for Lady Lysa. She will be able to help you from there.

    Mario shrugged his shoulders.

    How will I find the tavern?

    The key will tell you. It lights up!

    Mario decided to take on the quest. He looked forward to hearing this lady's explanation.

    Thanks. Are you safe by yourself? Mario shrugged his shoulders.

    She shook her head and replied, I'm having fun here.

    An awkward silence fell on the air. With a new purpose, Mario rushed off and climbed down the hill. She frantically waved until he could no longer see her, and then her expression turned serious.

    Good luck Mario, she called out.

    Mario paused.

    He turned around and headed back up the

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