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With Israel being in the news regularly now, the book examines the following very important question about Elijah the Tishbite. The Apostles asked Jesus why the teachers of the law said the Elijah the Tishbite had to return from heaven before the Messiah appeared in the Promised Land. It seems the teachers of the law believed Elijah the Tishbite would introduce the people to the Messiah. Jesus did not agree with them. Please see Matthew 11:7-15 and Mark 9:1-13.
The Apostles asked Jesus why the teachers of the law said the Elijah the Tishbite had to return from heaven before the Messiah appeared in the Promised Land. It seems the teachers of the law believed Elijah the Tishbite would introduce the people to the Messiah. Jesus did not agree with them. Jesus said it was John the Baptist.
Release dateAug 1, 2023

Michael R. Kestner

He, the author, would like to say first that he is self-taught. He is not a priest, a rabbi or teacher. He would like to say first of all, that very soon after he began to study the Bible, he somehow knew that he was going to have something very important to do with regards to John the Baptist. Highlight: He gave his studies a wider perspective when he took a course in the world religions at the local community college. He could then see the Bible more in focus with the other world religions and their books of doctrines and practices. He also learned a lot from their holidays. The world religions are usually either oriented towards Bible beliefs or reincarnation beliefs. He is a person who has always been interested in Israel since he first heard about it as a child. Then from the 1967 war when he was thirteen through all their other various struggles.


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    ISBN: 978-1-4897-4852-2 (sc)

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    LifeRich Publishing rev. date: 12/21/2023




    Chapter 1Beginning of a Kingdom

    Chapter 2The Calling of Abraham

    Chapter 3The Calling of Moses; and the Ark

    Chapter 4The Calling of King David

    Chapter 5The Calling of Elijah the Tisbite

    Chapter 6The Incarnation of Jesus Christ

    Chapter 7Jerusalem attacked and temple destroyed

    Chapter 8The Birth of Israel in a Day

    Chapter 9Antichrist Rebellion against all Deity

    Chapter 10Miracles in the Bible

    Chapter 11Humanity after Christ’s return

    Chapter 12John the Baptist was the Elijah

    Chapter 13The Rebellion with the Antichrist

    Chapter 14Life in the new heavens and the new earth.

    Chapter 14.1Abraham, Melchizedek, and Jesus Christ


    Genesis 1:1-3,

    ¹ In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

    ² Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.

    ³ And God said, Let there be light, and there was light.

    At this point, I would also like to thank the chosen people for their many centuries of hard work in improving the spiritual growth of humanity all over the world. This calling has cost them dearly though at times over the course of history. However, they did not lose sight of their vision or their faith in God. This has helped keep their Bible looking like the reliable fountain of truth it is to so many people today. Thank you for staying with your calling, the calling of Abraham, Isaac and Israel and not giving up. God bless you. Also I am very proud of the prophets Elijah and Elisha for conquering Baalism, and eliminating the religion of Baalism out of the land of Israel, the land of Mount Zion. If that contemptible nationwide pseudo religion would have continued to spread all over the Middle East and then outwards to become a world religion, life would have become a nightmare. However, instead with the calling of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and the creation of a promised land a temple and a Bible, the Bible was placed there by the chosen people and it has spread goodness and wisdom and love to all humanity. This was an honorable calling. The Kingdom of God is continuing to be established all over the world. This all began with the calling of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. God bless the chosen people and their Promised Land, Israel. I am very proud of my Jewish heritage small as it is. From Zion and Jerusalem the Word of the Lord will go out from the Promised Land into the entire world, for as long as the Word of God, Jesus Christ, is to sustain its existence as suites Gods plans and design. God bless the chosen people and their promised land. God bless Jerusalem.

    This text holds anti-Semitism to be a totally contemptable belief and practice as Nazism was. It is simply unbelievable that this is coming back in parts of America and the world. The chosen people are being condemned and attacked in their own promised land which God granted them through Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, about 400 years before Moses. He would lead them out of Egypt in to their promised land, Canaan. About 400 years later David would become their King. He would continue the line of the anointed King; and high priest, of Israel and the world to Jesus Christ. He was put to the test by God and passed. He was therefore placed in charge of the kingdom of God in both heaven and earth; and granted the power to forgive sin and raise the dead. I hope you find this book educational and enjoyable.

    The Mission: Jesus apparently saw the word Elijah, at the end of Malachi, as a description, not as a name. He did not see it as Elijah the Tishbite, of flying chariot fame. He saw it as, Elohim (God)-i-Jehovah (God’s Biblical Name), a prophet of Elohim Jehovah. The prophet to be sent to the chosen people just before the appearance of the Messiah was to be a prophet of their own, an Elijah. He was to be a prophet of Elohim Jehovah. That prophet turned out to be John the Baptist, who introduced Jesus to the chosen people while baptizing them in the Jordan River. John the Baptist is the Elijah of Malachi 4:5-6; and Malachi 3:1-5; and prophet in Isaiah 40:3-5. When John and Jesus were unrecognized and executed, the nation was destroyed as prophesied in Malachi would happen.

    Jesus declaring he is God (I am),

    John 8:58.

    Psalm 110:4, of David. A psalm.

    ⁴ The LORD has sworn and will not change his mind:

    You are a priest forever, in the order of Melchizedek.


    Once again, Jesus appears to have viewed the word Elijah, El-i-Jah found at the end of the prophet Malachi as a description, not as a name, such as Elijah the Tishbite, of Tishbe in Gilead. Jesus appears to have viewed the word Elijah, as a prophet of Elohim Jehovah –a prophet Elijah. With this in mind, Matthew 11:7-15; and Mark 9:1-13; suddenly make perfect sense. However, the Jewish leaders were looking for Elijah the Tishbite of Tishbe in Gilead. Jesus taught that John the Baptist was what he, John, said he was: the prophet to come before the Messiah. Jesus also taught that John the Baptist was the prophet Elijah in Malachi, not Elijah the Tishbite of Tishbe in Gilead, who would prepare the way for him-Jesus. Jesus Christ most clearly saw the word, Elijah, at the end of Malachi 4:5-6, as a description of a prophet who’s Elohim (God) is Jehovah Elijah, but not further clarified as Elijah the Tishbite from Tishbe in Gilead (1 Kings 17.) as has been assumed. Jesus saw John the Baptist actually working and teaching as the Elijah who was fulfilling his role in prophesies of Isaiah 40:3-5; and Malachi 3:1-2; and Malachi 4:5-6 according to Jesus. John is seen in the teachings of Matthew 11:7-15; and also Mark 9:1-13. In agreement with those scriptures, this book teaches that Elijah the Tishbite, from Tishbe in Gilead, is not expected to return from heaven to introduce a new Messiah. Many Christians believe what John and Jesus taught, but are still so badly confused by it, I see them as easy targets for false prophets and false messiahs to steer them off course. Some people think Jesus was suggesting that John the Baptist was a reincarnation of Elijah the Tishbite from Tishbe in Gilead. My mission is therefore to explain what Jesus and John the Baptist said about Isaiah and Malachi. The mission of Elijah the Tishbite was fulfilled when the Lord would not send him back to earth to save the temple. Taking more time with the chosen people on important matters seen in Malachi was not going to change things. Judgment fell against the Jews when they continued to refrain from abandoning the sins the Lord was accusing them of. Jesus fought with them in person tearing down cages of sacrificial birds at the temple and all he got was cursed and crucified. It seems things went out of control. Remember the prophet Malachi said God was furious with them over the people bringing in lame and diseased animals to be sin offerings to God. God asked the people what they thought would happen to them if they offered such things to their administrators and governors. They were not paying their tithes or showing mercy to the poor. The nation was in serious trouble with God.


    This book is my retirement work 69. It leaves me feeling like the Apostle who after much studying a lot of adventure came to find could do all things who Christ who strengthened him. I can feel that too having reached personal enlightenment. What they call in the eastern religions satori or nirvana. I call it the peace that only Jesus can give: supernatural-living

    It is an anthology of my own favorite personable Bible studies over the decades. I was born in the southern suburbs of Chicago, in 1954. I was one of those kids who actually enjoyed going to church and studying the Bible. At 16 years old I bought my own Bible. The journey for truth then began. I even visited various churches and temples in the course of all my studies. I got to see religions in their everyday settings.

    Also, I would like to say that even though I have a German name, I am multicultural and am visibly Jewish. Many Jewish people have said I am Jewish and asked if I married a Jewish woman. These were people with Jewish families. To my amazement Jewish men will sit next to me in doughnut shops or at the airport and start a friendly conversation with me in Hebrew. I have to explain I was brought up Christian by Christians. However, my heart is with the Jewish people even though I am Christian. The Doctors office people are always confused by my looks when they call my name. They ask if I was adopted. They are always a bit stumped.

    I, the author, would like to add that I am self-taught. I am not a priest, a rabbi or a teacher.

    I would also like to say, that very soon after I began to study the Bible, I somehow knew, I had a hunch that I was going to have something very important to do with regards to John the Baptist. So while this book is based on a lifetime of personal Bible study and experience, it should not be considered anything beyond a Bible study. This book has been written by an everyday person, in everyday language, for all people and Christians in general.

    I gave my studies a wider perspective when I took a course in the world religions at the local community college. I could then see the Bible more in focus with the other world religions and their books of doctrines and practices. You can also learn a lot from their holidays. The world religions are usually either oriented towards Bible beliefs or oriented towards reincarnation beliefs. This book might prove interesting to people wanting to learn more about Christianity and the Antichrist rebellion. So my choice to follow Christ was an educated choice with all of the works of the other religions in front of me. Also, the love he showed for humanity was what made my final decision. He was the embodiment of what he preached.

    I am a person who has always been interested in Israel since I was a child and then from the 1967 war when I was 13, forward through all their various struggles. With Israel being in the news regularly now, this book examines the following very important question about Elijah the Tisbite. The Apostles asked Jesus why the teachers of the Law said that Elijah the Tishbite (of flying Chariot fame) had to return from heaven before the Messiah appeared in the Promised Land. It seems the teachers of the law believed Elijah the Tishbite would introduce the people to the Messiah. He would prepare the people first to receive the Kingdom of God and then the Messiah would come and take his place as Messiah via Elijah.

    The main purpose for writing this book is to draw attention to the teachings on Elijah the Tishbite and John the Baptist as found in Isaiah 40:3-5; and Malachi 3:1-2 and Malachi 4:5-6; and 1Thessalonians 5:1-3;and Matthew 11:7-15; and Mark 9:1-13.

    This book will hopefully examine a prophesied era of false prophets and false Messiahs still to come. It is primarily concerned with the leader of the antichrist movement that Jesus will over power and damn at his return from heaven. Satan will be removed from power over this world and replaced by Jesus Christ. It also hopes to teach the Good News of the Kingdom of God. Jesus has rescued us from eternal alienation from God and each other. The Good News is that Jesus has won our salvation for us with his own death and resurrection. So we will now be resurrected from the dead at Jesus’ return and taken to heaven. Even now, we who believe the Gospel are born again as children of God, brothers and sisters of Jesus Christ. See about being born again read, John 3:5-7. The messiah must be immortal to rule an eternal kingdom. There is an excellent example of this in, Daniel 7:13-14 and Daniel 2:31-49. There is also a primitive animistic story of a savior for humanity in Genesis 3:14-15.

    For a Messiah to reign forever he must be born again immortal. Mortals cannot be part of an immortal Kingdom. King David will be raised back to life by Jesus Christ. If we, King David and John the Baptist and all the people who are destined to be saved are to become part of the Kingdom and Family of God, we must all be born again as

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