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PIANO & Keyboard Exercises for Beginners: Advanced Methods to Simple  Sheet Music of Famous Favorites
PIANO & Keyboard Exercises for Beginners: Advanced Methods to Simple  Sheet Music of Famous Favorites
PIANO & Keyboard Exercises for Beginners: Advanced Methods to Simple  Sheet Music of Famous Favorites
Ebook166 pages1 hour

PIANO & Keyboard Exercises for Beginners: Advanced Methods to Simple Sheet Music of Famous Favorites

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Learning to play the piano or keyboard can be a challenging yet rewarding experience. As a beginner, starting with unfamiliar sheet music and complicated chords can be daunting. That's why this book is designed to help you build your skills gradually, starting with the basics and gradually moving towards more advanced techniques. 

Release dateJul 24, 2023

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    PIANO & Keyboard Exercises for Beginners - Jessica Gilbert


    As a music teacher and performer, I have seen many students struggle to advance beyond the beginner level. They may become frustrated or feel that they are not progressing as quickly as they would like. However, I believe that anyone can become a skilled pianist or keyboardist with the right guidance and practice.

    I wrote this book to provide a comprehensive guide for beginners who want to take their playing to the next level. This book is intended for complete beginners who want to learn from scratch and for those who have experience with the instrument and want to improve their skills.

    In this book, you will find a collection of exercises and techniques that will help you develop your playing abilities. Each exercise focuses on a specific skill, such as hand independence, chord progressions, or finger dexterity. By practicing these exercises regularly, you will see significant improvements in your playing abilities.

    Additionally, this book includes simple sheet music of all-time favorites that will help you apply the skills and techniques you have learned. Playing familiar songs can motivate you and help you develop your musicality and expression.

    This book is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to improve their playing abilities and enjoy the beauty of music.


    Learning to play the piano or keyboard can be a challenging yet rewarding experience. As a beginner, starting with unfamiliar sheet music and complicated chords can be daunting. That’s why this book is designed to help you build your skills gradually, starting with the basics and gradually moving towards more advanced techniques.

    Throughout this book, you will find exercises specifically designed to improve finger dexterity, hand-eye coordination, and musicality. You will also learn how to read sheet music, interpret musical symbols and notations, and play famous favorites.

    This book is divided into chapters focusing on playing the piano and keyboard, including finger exercises, scales, arpeggios, chord progressions, and more. Each chapter includes detailed explanations and step-by-step instructions to help you master each technique.

    By the end of this book, you will have developed the skills and techniques necessary to play the simple sheet music of famous pieces. Whether you want to play classical music, jazz, pop, or rock, this book will give you the foundation you need to achieve your musical goals. So, let’s get started!

    Chapter One

    Differences between

    a Piano and a Keyboard

    The piano and keyboard are two of the most popular musical instruments in the world. Still, although they look similar, they have distinct differences that set them apart.

    The two most significant differences between them are their sizes and functions. A piano is a large, acoustic instrument with hammers that strike strings to make a sound whenever its keys are pressed. On the other hand, a keyboard is an electronic instrument that uses digital sound samples to produce sound.

    Another difference between the two is the number of keys. A standard piano has 88 keys, while keyboards can have anything from 66 to 88 keys, depending on the model and the level of expertise of whoever is playing it. Also, the keys on a piano are heavier than those on a keyboard, which are often lighter and more sensitive to the touch.

    Furthermore, the sound produced by a piano is created by the vibration of strings, which has a rich, warm tone that is difficult to replicate with digital samples. On the other hand, keyboards can produce a wide range of sounds, often lacking depth and complexity.

    The cost of a piano is generally higher than that of a keyboard due to the complexity of its construction and the quality of its materials. However, a piano is a long-term investment that can last for decades with proper maintenance, while keyboards may require more frequent upgrades as technology advances.

    Ultimately, the choice between a piano and a keyboard comes down to personal preference and the individual’s musical goals. While a piano is a traditional and timeless instrument well-suited for classical and jazz music, a keyboard is more versatile. It can be used for various genres, including rock, pop, and electronic music.

    Basics of Piano and Keyboard Playing

    If you have just started learning how to play the piano or keyboard, there are a few basic things that you should know. First, it’s important to have your instrument nearby so that you can practice regularly. Once you have your piano or keyboard, you can learn the fundamentals.

    Another of the most important things you’ll need to master is hand placement. Proper hand placement on the keyboard is essential for playing smoothly and accurately. Make sure that your fingers are curved and that your wrists are elevated, as this will help you achieve a comfortable and relaxed playing position.

    Then, there is proper posture. Sit straight with both feet on the ground, and relax your shoulders. Good posture will help you avoid discomfort or injury and improve your playing technique.

    Next, familiarize yourself with the layout of the keys. Once more, the piano has 88 keys, while most keyboards have between 66 and 88 keys. The keys are arranged in groups of white and black, each representing a different note.

    To begin playing, start with simple scales and chords. Practice each one slowly and carefully, focusing on accuracy and consistency. Gradually increase the speed as you become more comfortable with each exercise.

    However, you must remember that learning to play the piano or keyboard takes time and practice, so be patient with yourself and keep going even if you don’t see progress immediately. With dedication and persistence, you’ll soon be playing beautiful music with confidence and skill.

    Basic Playing Techniques for Beginners

    Learning to play the piano or keyboard as a beginner can be a highly rewarding experience if you put your heart into it. Therefore, to help you get started, we’ve compiled some essential techniques you should focus on mastering.


    Although piano benches are designed to provide a suitable height, you may still need to choose a comfortable chair that will allow you to play for an extended period. Following that, you should:

    Maintain a straight back while sitting.

    Relax your shoulders and avoid arching them.

    Position your navel below the line of keys; however, if you are very tall, the first two points will determine your navel’s correct position.

    Place your feet flat on the ground.

    Position your wrists just above the keys.

    Also, keep in mind that good posture is important not only for your playing technique but also for your physical health. Poor posture can strain your back, shoulders, and wrists, causing discomfort and possibly injury. Sitting properly will help to improve your playing abilities and protect your body from long-term damage.

    Hand Position

    When you start playing, ensure your forearms are straight and your wrists are not angled up or down. You don’t want to bend your arms or wrists because the keys are flat, as this will interfere with your ability to strike the keys with optimal control and force.

    After that, ensure that your fingers are properly placed and employed. Also, all fingers, including your thumb, should be slightly bent and positioned above the keys. While striking the keys, utilize the soft pads of your fingertips and strike the keys closer to the key’s edge.

    Furthermore, the tip of your finger should be slightly bent as you strike the keys, as a straight finger inhibits your ability to play comfortably. Also, place each finger over a key and practice striking one key at a time, beginning with the thumbs and continuing outwards, towards your pinky, one finger at a time.

    It’s important to note that you should keep your fingers near the keys and avoid striking them too hard by curving your fingers and placing your fingertips on the keys.

    Finger Positioning

    Even if you’re just starting out and practicing scales or playing simple tunes, having the proper finger position is important because the earlier you learn it, the easier it becomes to learn more difficult musical compositions. Below are a few ways to correctly position your fingers:

    Use the appropriate finger for each key: your thumb should play white keys and your other fingers black keys.

    Use your shorter fingers to play longer keys: your thumb and pinky are your two smallest fingers, and they normally only play white keys.

    Number Your Fingers

    Throughout the sheet music, the fingers and thumbs of each hand are consistently numbered from 1 to 5. So, if you know the number for each finger, you can read finger location notations:

    Your thumb is numbered 1

    Your pinky finger is numbered 5

    However, the left hand is a mirror image of the right hand, with the same numerals assigned to the same fingers.

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