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Considering Cannabis: The Mass Suffering of Humanity Depends On It!
Considering Cannabis: The Mass Suffering of Humanity Depends On It!
Considering Cannabis: The Mass Suffering of Humanity Depends On It!
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Considering Cannabis: The Mass Suffering of Humanity Depends On It!

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Cannabis is a preference that should involve many considerations. Education and advice is everywhere we turn. Problem is, not all of us are getting Cannabis advice from knowledgeable experts who regularly recommend Cannabis compounds to people. This book covers many topics that often go unspoken, but it does not provide dosage recommendations for any specific medical conditions. This book is designed to provide logical consideration; not medical advice. Life is life and every one of us should have the freedom to home grow Cannabis.
In life, all humans are patients who will encounter various forms of deterioration and pain in every stage of their life. With that in mind, Cannabis compounds are always something to consider because we should all expect to encounter pain and potential diseases throughout our life. We all manage our personal pain and diseases according to our personal navigation of life. Many people still think that Cannabis should be avoided completely, but not everyone realizes the list of substances and illnesses that we do avoid when Cannabis is pursued effectively.
We should all consider ourselves candidates for Cannabis compounds. Strict religious beliefs are the only excuse not to, but even religious people should no longer deny that consuming Cannabis is extremely beneficial for treating actual diseases and deteriorations throughout the body. Medical professionals should be prescribing Cannabis to most of us. If someone believes psychoactive effects would not be “good” for them, well, not all compounds are psychoactive. There are Cannabis compounds that are considered non-psychoactive and those specific compounds can be used to provide targeted benefits to any system in the body. Cannabis might not cure every condition completely, but it can effectively prevent, cure or improve most pains and deterioration that we will be likely to encounter somewhere between our early stages of development and old age.
People of all ages and cultures have confirmed that medical benefits exist whether Cannabis is recreational, medical or totally criminalized. Knowledgeable medical professionals do NOT provide anti-Cannabis advice to anyone unless there is a very specific need to do so. Projecting known lies about Cannabis is manipulative, corrupt and sometimes intentionally ignored completely. Once you recognize the reality of Cannabis, it should become very easy to recognize that people providing anti-Cannabis advice become instantly invalid the moment they begin to discredit the reality of Cannabis for people who have received guidance from medical professionals. Anti-Cannabis advice is typically based on religious ideology; not logic.
This book is a great solution for helping us better understand our own pursuits of Cannabis. This book is also a great option for medical professionals to share with their patients who would benefit by Considering Cannabis during their existence.
I look forward to learning what follow-up Cannabis advice I might provide in the future, but for now, I am extremely optimistic for the potential impact of this book.
Release dateAug 5, 2023
Considering Cannabis: The Mass Suffering of Humanity Depends On It!

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    Considering Cannabis - David Putvin


    Growing up in Utah, I thought Cannabis would be illegal forever. As a kid, I was told by religious leaders, family members, and other church members that Cannabis was poison to the body and would ruin my life. In my teens, I thought Cannabis was only good for managing pain if someone was nearing death and that recreational use was no different than abusing pain pills. Eventually, I realized that Cannabis is more like water. Just like water, Cannabis is beneficial to everyone—whether they like to drink water or not.

    I was an MMA cage fighter from 2010–2019. I am happy I was able to retire by choice, and now I plan to continue doing Jiu-Jitsu until my body quits for good. I wanted to fight for the UFC, and I wanted to become famous for a specific reason: I wanted to be one of the best Jiu-Jitsu fighters ever so I could become a legendary spokesman for Cannabis and other psychoactive therapies. I was extremely dedicated to this goal, and I spent a lot of my life training and writing in preparation. I even went so far as to write my very own Letter to Humanity, which I planned to announce after winning my first fight in the UFC. I wanted to publicly insist that every religious leader respect their followers by promoting the benefits of Cannabis. You see, I believe that Cannabis is not sinful, Cannabis has never been sinful, and Cannabis will never be sinful. Cannabis prohibition leads to the elimination of free will for every human who is wrongfully affected by laws based on greed and corruption. My Letter to Humanity is along those lines.

    I dream of having private conversations with the pope, Dalai Lama, prophets, or any other religious leader who would be willing to meet with me. My intentions are to help end mass suffering in religious populations. I believe that my intentions are honest and could actually make a difference in the hearts and minds of religious leaders. These leaders are largely currently responsible for maintaining mass amounts of suffering for billions of people in this world due to the erroneous prohibition of Cannabis. I’d love the opportunity to meet any religious leaders who might be interested in sitting down face-to-face with me to discuss how together we can reduce mass suffering on Earth.

    My intention is to make the message of Cannabis clear to everyone. Religious leaders need to be held publicly accountable for their disregard of the health of their religious members. Everyone should be protected in their pursuit of any religion they choose, and I don’t think any religion or country should be allowed to criminalize the people around them for choosing to pursue Cannabis for religious, medical, or other nonreligious purposes.

    The reality is that Cannabis is literally beneficial to everyone. Cannabis can prevent disease, treat disease, and cure disease. Consuming Cannabis is a personal choice that should be a protected right for everyone. Nobody deserves to be told lies that Cannabis is poison. No religious power should be allowed to ruin someone’s life for choosing Cannabis.

    Here’s some proof from my home state. In 2020, the state of Utah started selling medical Cannabis. In less than two years, there have been over eight hundred Qualified Medical Providers who have recommended and prescribed Cannabis to over fifty thousand people. Medical Cannabis has been proven to be beneficial, and there are qualified medical professionals who recommend Cannabis to everyone who is able to afford it.

    New medical industries may not have the best products, they may not provide the most accurate advice, and they might be charging incredibly high prices without the option for people to homegrow Cannabis themselves. However, at least now people who can afford it are finally able to have the freedom and respect to consume Cannabis for limited medical purposes.

    Yet when it comes to Cannabis, without homegrowing, we are being taken advantage of. As far as I see it, the need for Cannabis education won’t end until homegrowing and consuming Cannabis become globally protected rights for the personal well-being of every individual who lives on Earth.

    Cannabis consumers have a lot to consider. There are many perspectives on Cannabis out there, and you can easily run into inaccurate or incomplete sources of education. This book covers many topics that often go unspoken, but it does not provide dosage recommendations for any specific medical conditions. You must seek personal recommendations that are based on your personal medical conditions, tolerances, needs, and preferences. I believe that we all should have the protected freedom to homegrow and consume our own Cannabis. We should even have the right to sell it, assuming that local tax laws are abided by and products are able to pass local potency and contaminant testing requirements.

    As we go through life, we all encounter various forms of deterioration and pain. With that in mind, Cannabis compounds are always something to consider. We are only capable of managing our personal pains and diseases according to our personal navigation of life. Many people still think that Cannabis should be avoided completely, but not everyone realizes the list of substances and illnesses that we can avoid by choosing to pursue Cannabis.

    Everyone should consider themselves a candidate for Cannabis compounds. Personal religious reasons and personal allergies are the only excuses not to pursue Cannabis. However, we can no longer deny that consuming Cannabis is extremely beneficial for treating actual diseases and deteriorations throughout the body. Medical professionals can provide medical explanations as to how and why they choose to prescribe Cannabis to their patients. If someone believes psychoactive effects would not be good for them, well, not all compounds are psychoactive. There are Cannabis compounds that are considered nonpsychoactive, and those specific compounds can be used to benefit any targeted system in the body. Cannabis might not cure every condition completely, but it can effectively prevent, cure, and improve most pains and deteriorations people are likely to face at some point.

    People of all ages and cultures have confirmed that the medical benefits of Cannabis exist, whether Cannabis is sold recreationally, medically, or even illegally. Knowledgeable medical professionals do NOT provide anti-Cannabis advice to their patients unless there is a very specific need to do so. Spreading known lies about Cannabis is manipulative, corrupt, and sometimes ignored intentionally. Once you recognize the reality of Cannabis, it becomes fairly easy to recognize that anti-Cannabis advice becomes instantly invalid the moment people begin to discredit the reality of Cannabis for those who have received guidance from medical professionals. Anti-Cannabis advice fails to consider many perspectives and ignores the big picture.

    This book is a great solution for helping anyone better understand their pursuit of Cannabis. It’s also a great option for medical professionals to share with any patient who might benefit by considering Cannabis for their needs.

    I look forward to learning what follow-up Cannabis advice I might provide in the future, but for now, I am extremely optimistic for the potential impact of this book.

    May your journey serve you well.

    Consideration 1

    The Many Benefits of Cannabis

    We all experience pain and deterioration. So do our friends, our families, and everyone else on Earth. We all suffer individually and collectively. We might try our best to improve our personal health, but we don’t always know what will provide the best benefits now and what might not be so helpful in the long run. To further complicate things, many people don’t care about improving their diet or changing the substances they consume, and sometimes people who don’t care about their health will teach and encourage others to do the same. Those

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