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Annie's Faith
Annie's Faith
Annie's Faith
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Annie's Faith

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Annie sits at her piano, hoping the music will ease the tension from her earlier discussion with her husband.  She'd only reminded him that the electric bill was past due. Never expecting his reaction to be so angry as he yelled and cursed and stomped out the door.

Release dateAug 6, 2023
Annie's Faith

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    Annie's Faith - Lilly Linville


    This book is dedicated to L H Hampton aka Agnes Alexander. Thank you for your guidance, but most of all, your faith in me.



    Annaleah Preston cringed when the back door slammed. She’d only mentioned to John that the electric company called again reminding her that their bill was overdue.

    She could still hear her husband’s angry voice, Dammit, Annie, it’ll have to wait. I don’t get paid until Friday and my paycheck will only go so far. Before leaving, he’d also informed her he didn’t know when he’d be home after work.

    Close to tears from John’s harsh, hateful words, Annie was relieved that Rafe had offered to drop his sister Leah off at school on his way to work. Thankfully they’d left while John was still in the shower and before their discussion.

    Annie sat at her piano and placed her shaking fingers on the keys, hoping the music would ease the anxiety coursing through her body. Almost without thinking, she began to play DeBussy’s, Clair de Lune.

    The old piano remained her most prized possession; a gift from her parents on her tenth birthday. The music began to work its magic as she closed her eyes and allowed the tension in her shoulders to relax.

    Later she decided to make her children their favorite meal for supper and checked to make sure she had the ingredients for a butterscotch pie.

    John’s behavior wore deeply on her mind and heart throughout the day. He seemed to be in a bad mood most of the time and after many attempts to talk with him, she’d learned it was best to stay out of his way. His sense of humor and the relationship they once shared were the things she missed the most. It felt as if he had walked out one day and a stranger returned. Annie hated to admit she was glad to see him leave in the morning and dreaded him coming home.

    WHEN ANNIE HEARD THE door open, she glanced at the wall clock hanging over the refrigerator and it surprised her to see it was time for Leah to come in from school.

    Hi Mom, do I smell butterscotch pie?

    You might. Annie opened the oven door. It’s ready to come out.

    What’s the occasion? Leah took off her coat and sat it on top of her books.

    I decided to make you and your brother’s favorite meal.

    Leah lifted the lids off each pot on the stove, Country style steak, mashed potatoes and green beans. Rafe better be on time, or there might not be anything left.

    I think there will be plenty, but you can afford to eat as much as you like; you’re slim as a reed.

    Luckily, I take after my mom. Leah gave Annie a quick hug. If it’s okay, I’ll get my homework assignments done.

    Sure honey, Rafe won’t be home for at least an hour. Why don’t you sit at the table? I’d like your company.

    After Leah completed her school work and took her books to her room, she returned to the den and sat beside Annie on the piano bench. Let’s play a duet; you start and I’ll join in. I’ll never be as good as you or Rafe, but I’m glad you taught me to play and read music.

    Your brother has the most natural talent of any student I ever had. He loves playing, but has always felt your dad’s disapproval. I’m sure you’ve noticed he never plays if John is home.

    I have, Mom, and it makes me sad. I love Dad with all my heart, but he seems miserable most of the time, and I hate the way he treats you. What’s wrong with him?

    I have no idea what’s going on with your father, but I don’t want you to worry about it, Leah. Marriages go through ups and downs. Annie changed the subject. How was school today?

    Great. I love my art class, and Mrs. Hodges asked if I’d be interested in babysitting her five year old son, Grayson. I told her I’d let her know after I talked with you. She wants me to go home with her one day after school to meet him.

    I don’t see any reason why you can’t. Grayson is a beautiful name for a boy.

    "I think so too. She said he’s named after his great-grandfather.

    So I can tell her tomorrow? It would be nice to make some money.

    They looked up when Rafe walked in with a big grin. I smell butterscotch.

    Leah laughed at her brother. It is. Mom knows how much I like it.

    That’s news to me, I thought you preferred chocolate.

    Annie loved seeing the close relationship her children shared. It had been like that since they were small.

    Leah adored her brother. He was two years older and had always taken being her big brother seriously.

    When will it be ready? Rafe asked. I’m starving.

    You’re always starving. Mom cooked our favorite dishes, Leah informed him.

    I may have to look the world over, but one day I’m going to marry someone like you, Mom. Not only do we have the most beautiful mother in the world, but you’re also the best cook.

    We’re waiting for the other shoe to fall, Leah quipped.

    They had no idea how badly Annie needed to hear their kind words after the morning she’d had.

    We can eat now, if you’d like. Annie asked her daughter to pour each of them a glass of tea while she set the table.

    Leah noticed only three plates. Aren’t you going to set a place for Dad?

    Annie’s expression changed as she dropped her head. He said he’d be late tonight.

    Rafe looked at Leah, frowning sympathetically at their mom’s reaction. He’s making a habit of that, but hey, Mom, it’s his loss. We appreciate this great meal. I’ll bless our food and then we can dig in.

    Annie asked him about his day.

    Just another day, he answered. Don’t get me wrong, I’m grateful to have steady work, but driving a truck for the lumber company is not my idea of a dream job.

    Leah brought up the babysitting job and told Rafe she had been asked to babysit Mrs. Hodges’ son. Did you enjoy her class?

    Yeah, I did. She was one of my favorite teachers. I wonder if she remembers me?

    Leah smiled. She does, and she asked about you.

    Her husband is a veterinarian. I see his truck around town. Rafe grabbed a knife and grinned. Who’s ready for pie?

    Rafe, I have a big algebra test on Friday. I might need your help.

    Not a problem, little sis.

    Annie had high hopes for her children. She stressed how important a good education would help to ensure their success for the future. Rafe, have you thought any more about technical school?

    Not on my salary, but don’t give up on me yet.

    I’ll never give up on you, or your sister, Annie promised.

    JUST AS THEY TURNED off the television, Annie heard John come in.

    She stepped into the kitchen to get the plate of food warming in the oven. Taking off the foil she warned, Be careful, John. The plate is hot.

    He looked at the leftovers. Is this what you expect me to eat after I’ve worked all day?

    What do you mean? Angered at his sarcasm, she stated firmly, It’s what we ate.

    It looks dried out. I’m not eating it.

    Annie held her temper and only said, wasn’t dried out two hours ago.

    When she reached to take the plate from the table, he grabbed her arm just as Rafe walked in.

    Dad, maybe you should have gotten home in time for supper. Mom prepared a great meal.

    John looked up. Who do you think you’re talking to? Shut your mouth, boy. And mind your own business. I wasn’t talking to you.

    Annie looked desperately at her son and shook her head, warning him not to say anything else.

    Pushing his chair back from the table, John announced, This is how I’m treated after dealing with my horse’s ass of a supervisor all day. I’m going to bed... You can throw this out in the yard. He left them in the kitchen and stomped down the hall.

    What in the hell is wrong with him?

    Rafe, please don’t use that language.

    I’m sorry Mom, but you don’t deserve to be treated like that. I hate he has it so rough at his job, but it doesn’t justify him taking it out on us.

    Annie sighed. Why don’t we all go to bed?

    Rafe picked up the plate. I’ll take this out first.

    It was a long time before Annie, Leah and Rafe fell asleep; each one questioning the actions of the man they were supposed to love and respect.

    FRIDAY AFTERNOON, JOHN came in the back door and curtly informed Annie, I went by and paid the electric bill. My check only goes so far.

    She hesitantly replied, Rafe gave me money from his check today. I’ll use it to buy groceries. Maybe I should look for a job to help out since you’re opposed to me giving piano lessons here.

    "Maybe you should. When will supper be ready?

    Annie looked at the clock, estimating how much longer the beef roast needed to cook. Maybe in about thirty more minutes.

    I’ll be outside; call me when it’s ready.

    John walked out, leaving her standing in the kitchen thinking, If you are so unhappy being here, why do you even come home?

    She looked out the window at her husband. He was still a handsome man, all six feet, two inches. The years had turned his sandy colored hair a darker shade with gray at his temples.

    Her son grew to look more like his dad every day with the same deep-set green eyes, but she thanked the Lord he didn’t have John’s disposition. Remembering when Rafe was little, and how proud he would be when people called him Little John. Now only made her sad.

    Leah had made plans to go to a movie with friends and Rafe had a date, which meant she and John would be spending the evening alone. Knowing he’d be watching television, Annie was glad she’d picked up a book at the library. Reading had always been her escape from reality.

    Her children walked into the kitchen dressed for their night out. You both look nice, Annie remarked as she took the roast out of the oven. Let your dad know supper’s ready.

    John came in and washed up before coming to the table. He looked at his daughter and asked, Where are you going tonight?

    I’m meeting some friends at the movie. Rafe’s dropping me off and I have a ride home.

    Good, I’m bone tired and plan to get to bed early. Be home by eleven.

    Yes sir, I will. Leah looked at her mom and smiled, relieved he didn’t say more.

    Rafe, John said as he filled his plate. I need you to follow me over to Joe Hodges’ auto repair shop tomorrow morning. My truck’s making a funny sound.

    Is it something we can fix?

    I don’t know. Probably, but I think it might be the alternator. I’ll let him take a look at it and order the parts.

    Rafe glanced over to his sister. When will you be ready to go?

    Anytime, after I help Mom with the dishes.

    Annie smiled. I’ll let you off tonight; you don’t want to be late.

    Leah took her plate and glass to the sink. Thanks, Mom. Rafe, I’ll get my coat and be right back.

    John went into the den and turned on the television before lying back in his recliner.

    Rafe and Leah hugged their mom before leaving, promising they wouldn’t be late.

    Rafe, Leah asked, why do you think Dad acts so grouchy all the time? I never see him smile anymore? It breaks my heart to see how he talks to Mom. And to avoid an argument, she just keeps quiet and takes his crappy attitude.

    I don’t understand it either. I know he says his boss is an arrogant bastard, but that doesn’t excuse his behavior towards us.

    Rafe stopped in front of the movie theatre. Make sure you get home by eleven.

    Leah laughed, I will be, but why don’t you have a curfew?

    Because I’m almost twenty years old. And I’m a guy.

    Thanks for dropping me off. Leah turned and greeted Jan and their three best friends, paid for her ticket and followed them inside.

    SITTING ON THE SOFA across from John’s recliner, Annie said, I want to talk with you.

    He looked over with a frown on his face. About what?

    I’m serious about getting a job. I know I didn’t make a lot teaching piano lessons, but it brought in extra money.

    I told you I’m not coming home from work to listen to some kid banging on the piano.

    Annie sighed, Yes, you made that perfectly clear. I plan to start looking next week.

    Do whatever you want. There’s talk at work about cut backs.

    With her stomach in knots, and wanting to avoid the irritation rising in his voice, she didn’t ask him any further questions and picked up her book.

    Annie looked over an hour later and realized John had fallen asleep. She yawned and decided to take a quick shower and read in bed while waiting up for Leah and Rafe.

    Fifteen minutes before eleven o’clock, she heard her daughter tiptoeing down the hall.

    Leah entered her parents’ bedroom. Dad’s snoring in the den like a freight train, she whispered.

    "Yeah, he was sleeping so soundly, I didn’t wake him. How was Coal Miner’s Daughter?"

    It’s a great movie. You’d like it. Good music and Sissy Spacek did a fantastic job as Loretta Lynn. You and Dad should go see it.

    Annie couldn’t remember the last time she and John had been to a movie together. It’s been a while, but I would like to see it. It’s late, honey. Go on to bed."

    Yawning, Leah said, Goodnight Mom, thanks for waiting up for me.

    That’s not a problem, Annie smiled. I can’t close my eyes until I know you and your brother are safely home. He promised he wouldn’t be late. I’ll read until he gets in.


    After art class, Leah told Mrs. Hodges she’d gotten permission to babysit.

    That’s wonderful, Callie Hodges replied. If it’s convenient, I’d like you to have dinner with us this Thursday to meet Grayson.

    It shouldn’t be a problem. I’ll let my mom know.

    Thank you, Leah. Tell her I’ll bring you home, so she doesn’t have to worry about picking you up. Callie noticed a look of hesitation on her student’s face.

    Uh, that will be fine. I’ll tell her. Leah didn’t want to say she hoped if her dad was home, he wouldn’t embarrass her or her mom.

    How’s your brother doing?

    He’s fine. Right now he has a job at the lumber company. Rafe never complains, but I know he doesn’t plan to stay there if a better offer comes along. Mrs. Hodges, he said your class was one of his favorites.

    Callie remembered him as a very polite young man. If I remember, isn’t Rafe short for Raphael?

    Yes ma’am, he is Jonathon Raphael Second, named after our dad. My mom’s name is Annaleah, but everyone calls her Annie, and I’m named after her. We all have Bible names.

    I just realized that, Callie remarked. I look forward to meeting your parents.

    You’ll love my mom; she’s great. My dad has his moments. She blushed. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that. Leah picked up her books. I’ll see ya tomorrow.

    Okay, Leah, and I look forward to Thursday and introducing you to my family.

    CALLIE MET LEAH IN the courtyard after school. Hope you don’t mind going with me to pick up Grayson. We live on the same property as my husband’s family, just opposite ends of the farm. My mother-in-law is keeping him today. She and my mother take turns spoiling their grandson.

    No ma’am, I don’t mind.

    When Callie stopped her car, she asked Leah to come in to meet Mariah, Joe and Jacob.

    The men probably aren’t inside, but you can meet Mariah.

    They walked into the kitchen where Grayson and his grandmother sat at the table coloring.

    There’s my boy. I brought someone I want you to meet. Remember me telling you about Leah?

    Uh-huh. Grayson grinned. Hi, I’m Grayson. You’re pretty.

    Mariah stood, Come in Leah, it’s nice to meet you. I believe my grandson is quite taken with you. And, he’s right, you certainly are a beautiful girl.

    Thank you, Mrs. Hodges. It’s nice to meet you too.

    How was your day? Mariah asked Callie as she got Grayson’s coat.

    It was a good day, but better now. I’ve missed my son. She picked up his bag. I’d hoped to introduce Leah to Joe and Poppy.

    They drove into town for a part that came in. Sorry you missed them.

    Callie smiled at Grayson, I hope you were a good boy for your grandma today.

    Mariah hugged him after zipping his jacket. He’s always a good boy.

    Grayson hugged her back. "Am I staying here tomorrow with you or with Grandma Cassidy?

    You’re coming back to stay with me. Remember, we’re making cookies?

    Okay then, Callie said as she opened the door. We’ll see you tomorrow.

    On the drive home, Callie told Grayson they were having spaghetti for dinner.

    Oh boy, it’s my favorite.

    Leah, I hope you like spaghetti.

    Oh yeah. She turned to Grayson and smiled. It’s my favorite too.

    Grayson, Callie said, when we get home, you can show Leah your room. She might even want to see all of your Legos. It pleased her that her son seemed to be so taken with Leah.

    Do you want to see my room? he asked.

    I do. And... maybe you could teach me how to make something with Legos. I’m not very good.

    Grayson announced proudly. I make stuff all the time, but my dad’s the best builder.

    Callie stopped by Grayson’s room after going to hers to change clothes. I’ll have our meal ready soon. I made the sauce last night, so it shouldn’t take long.

    Mrs. Hodges, I’d be happy to help.

    "Thanks, Leah, but I think Grayson is enjoying your company.

    My husband called to let us know he’d be home by six. If you’d like a snack, I have potato chips and sodas.

    No, I don’t want anything for now. Leah sat on the floor watching the five year old display his talent with the little square and rectangular plastic pieces.

    Grayson looked up when he heard his dad’s voice. Come on, Leah, my dad’s home.

    She had no choice but to follow him into the kitchen.

    Hey Dad, this is my new friend, Leah.

    Well, hey son, Chris answered. He smiled at Leah. It’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m Chris.

    It’s nice to meet you too. Leah thought Grayson looked like his handsome father. You have a nice little boy and Mrs. Hodges is a wonderful art teacher.

    She says nice things about you too, and from what she just told me, I think our son has approved you as his official babysitter if you still want the job.

    I absolutely want the job. She smiled. I’m glad I passed the test with Grayson.

    Callie asked everyone to wash up and come to the table. Grayson, will you bless our food? Your dad and I will say it with you.

    Chris asked if their plans to take Poppy to dinner Saturday night was still a go.

    I hope so, if Leah is available.

    Leah assured them she was as she smiled at Grayson. We’ll have lots of fun.

    Thank you so much. Callie said, telling her their plans, We’re taking Chris’ grandfather out for an early dinner for his eightieth birthday. His parents and mine are meeting us at Staley’s Steak House in Winston-Salem. Then...we’re all coming back here for cake and ice cream to celebrate with Grayson.

    Can Leah stay too? Grayson asked.

    Of course she can.

    Can we have balloons?

    Chris laughed. We might be able to manage that. He winked at his wife, "Grayson is right, honey. We absolutely have to have balloons for Poppy’s birthday."

    Callie began clearing the table. "If you two think we have to have balloons, I’ll leave that to you."

    Leah picked up her plate and Grayson’s. I’ll help with the dishes.

    Callie, Chris offered, I’ll do kitchen duty tonight. I expect Leah’s ready to get home.

    "I do have a little

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