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Runic Wisdom: A collection of oracle, rune, and tarot spreads based on the Elder Futhark
Runic Wisdom: A collection of oracle, rune, and tarot spreads based on the Elder Futhark
Runic Wisdom: A collection of oracle, rune, and tarot spreads based on the Elder Futhark
Ebook137 pages1 hour

Runic Wisdom: A collection of oracle, rune, and tarot spreads based on the Elder Futhark

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Runic Wisdom is a collection of divination spreads that can be used with tarot and oracle cards, runes, or other divination tools in order to receive detailed answers to many questions. Each spread is shaped in accordance to one of the Elder Futhark, and be used to channel or divine with runes in a new, interesting way, while also teaching about the basic meanings of each rune.
Release dateJul 22, 2023
Runic Wisdom: A collection of oracle, rune, and tarot spreads based on the Elder Futhark

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    Runic Wisdom - Jennifer Soladay

    Runic Wisdom

    A collection of oracle, rune, and tarot spreads based on the Elder Futhark
    Designed and Written By
    Jennifer Soladay

    About the Author

    Blessings to you!  My name is Jennifer, and I am the author of this book.  I am a solitary practitioner of esoterism and the spiritual arts, and loosely consider myself a mystic, affirmatively a pagan and witch, and most certainly a friend of nature and spirits.  I read divination full time, and if you are ever interested in learning more about your future, present, or past through the eyes of the universe, please contact me by reaching out via the information on the next page! 

    I have studied divination off and on for a large portion of my life, and have spent the past few years especially focusing on working more fully with the Elder Futhark, adding to what I already knew of them from my interest in Odin's magical alphabet as a young person.  The wisdom in this book is derived from these studies, as well as my personal meditations and studies with the Elder Futhark themselves.

    In addition to divination work, I write poetry, make handmade crafts, raise chickens and a variety of plants, and enjoy rockhounding while out on my daily walks with my beloved dogs.  I am retrofitting and living full time in an RV, and, with great gratitude, can frequently be found out and about in nature gathering things to craft with when not creating, dreaming, or reading in my little corner of this place we all call home.

    You can find me, and learn more about the runes, divination, hermeticism, and more, on Instagram, Facebook, Youtube, and Patreon under Rabbit and Wolf Divination.

    This book is copyrighted to Jennifer Soladay, 2023.  It is for educational and entertainment purposes.  All information within is sourced from my personal work and experience with rune divination.  First edition, self published with Lulu, ISBN 978-1-312-30571-7

    About the Elder Futhark

    The Elder Futhark is an ancient alphabet said to have been discovered by the God Odin, the All Father.  While hanging from a tree for nine days and nine nights, Odin was gifted the wisdom and powerful knowledge of this magical set of symbols among other powerful truths and wisdoms. 

    There are 24 runes in the Elder Futhark, as well as a 25th, known as Wyrd, which is traditionally left up to each practitioner to find on their own.  They are often carved into bone, stone, or wood, and have historically been used for a wide variety of practical and spiritual reasons.

    The Elder Futhark can be used in divination, though many historians debate their actual use as such in the past. Though artifacts have been discovered that bare the runes on them, little evidence exists surrounding their use in magical practices.  A lack of evidence is not uncommon with oral traditions, however, and there is some evidence to support the idea that the runes had a more mystical use than is obvious from what history has revealed so far.  Many practitioners, myself included, have had great success while working with these amazing tools, and so I am quite inclined to believe that my Germanic ancestors worked with them in a similar way.

    While my studies have been supported by the general information already provided by others who came before me, they have been enriched and deepened over my years of work with the runes. I strongly encourage you to approach them with an open heart, and open mind, as well, in order to expand your understanding of these magical energies more deeply and intrinsically.  May you discover that which others have not yet unearthed!

    Each symbol of the Futhark is representative of a primary energy or thread comprising the whole of reality, much like the tarot.  In my experience, many of the runes are quite similar or resonant to the energies of some of the cards within the tarot. Because of their ability to represent all energies, runes can be used by skilled practitioners to discern pretty much anything about the universe, self, or others, especially when paired with other tools that help clarify their messages, such as mats or tarot cards. 

    While divination with the runes is traditionally limited to working with just the runes themselves, this book contains a variety of spreads that utilize the rune’s shapes to form layouts for divination tools of all varieties, which allows for the user to connect to each rune’s energy without a single rune in sight.

    Using These Spreads

    If you do not already know what each rune represents, and the types of energies the spreads for each are likely to present, I highly recommend looking into some other resources for rune knowledge outside of this book.  There is a vast depth of information to learn and understand about the history and meaning of the runes, including understanding the culture and spirituality from which they came from. Many of the runes you will be encountering on this journey represent ancestors, deities, and primordial energies that will be much easier to understand and approach with a thorough understanding of their origins and roots.

    If additional resources are outside your reach at this time, I suggest

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