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"Journey West" is the story of a Dallas cop trying to solve the murder of his estranged brother who was killed in a car bomb while investigating a drug smuggling case in Hong Kong, and in the process rigging mayhem through the street of San Francisco against a elusive Chinese drug cartel.
Release dateJul 13, 2023


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    CHAPTER 01


    It was a heavy downpours. Thunder and lightning rumbled and flashed in the night. Colourful neon signs softly glowing through the rain. The rain slowly stopped and quiet down, revealing the neon signs were all written in Chinese...

    HONG KONG, CHINA 2003.

    The sound of fierce gunfire suddenly broken the silence...


    A Caucasian man in his mid-30's slowly revealed himself from hiding behind a mailbox in the sidewalk...

    Breathing heavily and soaking wet, the Caucasian man was looking at a white sedan parked just further down the street from him. The man took one last cautious look around him, then made a mad dash for the car.

    A long shadow cast by a mysterious figure slowly emerging from an alley near where the mailbox was at...

    The sound of police sirens started to get louder and louder from the distance as the man opened the unlocked door and quickly entered the car as the figure slowly approaching the sedan...

    The man began to search for every pocket on him as the figure was getting closer and closer. He finally found the car keys and turned the engine over as the sedan quickly peeled away from the curb and headed straight toward the mysterious figure...

    The figure stopped in the middle of the road as the man stepped harder on the accelerator...

    At the last second, the figure casually stepped aside just as the sedan barely missed hitting him and speeding right by...

    Jack! Stop! the mysterious figure shouted at the man in the car.

    Jack exhaled in relief when he saw the three police cars with their red and blue lights flashing were approaching toward him just at the next traffic light...

    Jack watched as the figure appeared smaller and smaller in the rearview mirror, then noticed the beautiful neon adorned skyscrapers across the harbor on the Hong Kong Island ahead of him and smiled...

    While the sedan was speeding away with the police cars approaching down the block, the figure reached inside his black trench coat to take out a small remote control device and extended the antenna, then pushed a button on the remote...


    A red light came on with a beeping sound. The figure then pushed another button...


    The red light started to blink rapidly with a beeping noise...


    Jack also heard a rapid beeping noise inside the car...

    The figure watched as the sedan continued speeding away...


    The red light on the remote stopped blinking and stayed on red, then emitted a continuous high pitch noise...


    Jack now heard a high pitch noise...


    The white sedan exploded as fiery flames slowly engulfed around Jack's view of Hong Kong night skylines...

    The explosion set off the alarms of the parked cars one after another, creating a symphony of chaotic noise...

    The three police cars stopped in front of the burning car as the policemen got out and watched helplessly...

    The mysterious figure then entered a black Mercedes-Benz parked facing the opposite direction and drove off into the night...


    CHAPTER 02



    Inside a garage, a man wearing a mechanic overall was hidden behind the open hood of an unpainted 1970's Dodge Challenger R/T 426 HEMI in primer grey with replaced old parts of the car filled the garage.

    Next to the Challenger was another car covered under a tarp.

    The windshield of the Challenger was totally covered with dust except for the clean spot where the wipers had been. Under the hood of the car, the engine was sparkling clean. Each nut and bolts shined brightly under the lights.

    The sound of television can be heard coming from another room with the commercial playing. A phone started ringing from the other room as the mechanic slowly stood up from under the hood, revealing a stern looking Caucasian man in his early-40's. He picked up a towel to wipe his hands, then walked toward a door and exited the garage...

    The mechanic entered a living room just as the television began the opening credits of the 1980's prime time soap opera DALLAS with its dramatic overture theme playing and went over to a small office desk to pick up the phone.

    Rick Conner residence, the mechanic said cheerfully into the phone.

    Inside the living room, shirts, shorts, and socks covered the furniture. Empty CHINA PALACE's take-out box, DEE DEE's pizza box, and WENDIE JO's burger box covered the dining table and the coffee table. In the kitchen, unwashed dishes filled up in the sink.

    Rick's smile faded as he was listening to the phone.

    I see, Captain Lee... Rick slowly sat down in the chair and picked up a remote on the desk to turn off the TV.

    Mmm-Hmm... Rick then reached down to open the right bottom drawer in the desk as he continued listening to the phone.

    Inside the drawer was a dusty picture frame with the dust totally obscured the faces of the three men in the picture. Rick took out the frame and placed it on the desk.

    Yes, I understand, Captain. Rick slowly wiped his hand across the glass to remove the dust, revealing the faces of the three men in the picture...

    The first man on the left was a younger Rick. The man in the middle was an older man in his 50's, wearing a black cowboy hat. The third man in the picture was the man in the car explosion in Hong Kong, wearing a Dallas Cowboys football team cap.

    They all had big smile on their faces with the older man having both of his arms over the shoulders of the other two men. Wearing on his left wrist was a silver analogue watch.

    Rick picked up the picture and stared at the face of the man in the car explosion, then looked up at a replica of a Claude Monet's painting, THE WHEATSTACKS, END OF SUMMER, hung on the wall.

    Rick pressed the phone against his shoulder. Jack... he whispered, then looked at the face of the older man in the picture as his eyes tearing up. I'm sorry, Dad...

    Rick gently placed the picture frame back on the desk.

    Uh... yes, Captain. I let you know when I'll be leaving for San Francisco. What number can I reach you with?

    Rick picked up a pen and wrote on a pocket-size notepad on the desk.

    Okay, Captain Lee, I'll talk to you later. 'Bye.

    Rick hung up the phone, then ripped the page off the notepad and put it in his pocket. He took another look at the picture of him, his father and Jack, then headed upstairs...


    Rick was standing in a dim hallway outside a door with his hand holding on to the doorknob. After a moment, he slowly turned the doorknob and opened the door to a dark room. Rick reached his hand in to turn on the lights, revealing a spotlessly neat bedroom.

    Hanging on the wall was another Monet's painting, THE WATER LILIES, AND JAPANESE BRIDGE.

    On the wall was covered with posters of famous landmarks from San Francisco: The Golden Gate Bridge, the Transamerica Building towering above Chinatown, and Alcatraz Island.

    Right over the bed was a poster of the 1968 film, BULLITT.

    Rick slowly stepped into the room and walked up to a bookshelf that was full of books. Some of the books were novels by authors such as Peter Benchley, Henry Cauvain, Tom Clancy, Michael Crichton, and Philip K. Dick. He picked up one of the books from the shelf.

    The title on the cover read: CELESTIAL MECHANICS

    Rick casually skimming through it and shook his head as he was looking at the complex mathematic equation on the pages, then put it back on the shelf next to a book with the title on the spine that read: VOULEZ-VOUS APPRENDRE LE FRANÇAIS

    On the shelf was also a series of notebooks. On the spine of each notebook was a handwritten number starting from '1983' to '1996'. Rick picked up the notebook with the number '1996' on it placed next to the novel, LE COMTE DE MONTE-CRISTO.

    On the cover of the notebook also written by hand, it read: Jack Conner Journal - 1996

    Rick caressed his hand across the written words on the cover as he was looking at it. After a moment, Rick gently put the journal back on the shelf without opening it and exited the room.


    Rick was finishing putting on his tie in front of a mirror over a dresser. He then pulled open a drawer. Inside was a small black velvet box. Rick took out the box and opened it, revealing the same silver analogue watch wear by his father in the picture...

    Rick carefully took out the watch to admire it for a moment. He was about to put it back in the box, then paused. Rick put the watch on his left wrist and smiled before he put on his coat, then exited the room.


    Rick entered the Challenger and turned the engine over with a thunderous roar. He revved the engine for a moment as he was listening to the sound, then picked up the garage door remote on the dashboard and pushed a button...

    Rick watched as the garage door slowly opened in the rearview mirror. And without looking back, he backed the car out of the garage like a bat out of hell before the garage door came to a complete stop as the top of the car barely missed hitting it only by inches, then sped away.


    The Challenger sped into the freeway on-ramp only came to a complete halt from the bumper to bumper traffic on the freeway. Rick waited impatiently as the traffic was at a total standstill.

    God! How I fucking hate the rush hour! Rick cursed in frustration after a short moment. He reached down under the passenger seat, then held up a police siren and put it on the dashboard to turn it on. The Challenger then sped down the emergency lane like a rocket...


    CHAPTER 03


    Rick entered a busy police station and walked up to an office. He knocked on the door and waited. After a moment, Rick began to look annoyed when a woman in her mid-30's was walking by.

    Carly, where is the captain? Rick asked the woman.

    Carly think for a second. Uh... I think he said he's going to a... lunch meeting?

    Rick checked his silver analogue watch. It's almost three, he said disgustedly to her.

    Carly tried to smile back at Rick, then quickly walked away.

    Maybe he went to watch a matinee afterward, Rick muttered to himself and scoffed. How the hell did this guy ever got to become the captain? He then walked over to a desk with a nameplate on it that read: LT. RICK M. CONNER

    Rick picked up a pen and started writing on a notepad. He ripped the page off and picked up a thumbtack from the desk...

    Rick walked back to the office and impaled the note on the door with the thumbtack, then walked away.

    A man also in his mid-30's was watching Rick down the hall, then went up to the door and looked at the note. It read:


    The man quickly caught up to Rick.

    Hey, Rick! What are you doing here? Wasn't this your day off? And where are you going? The captain is not gonna like this.

    Rick scoffed. Well, it wouldn't be the first time. He looked at the other people in the station went about their business. It's about Jack. Rick paused for a second. He is dead, Leonard, he whispered to the man.

    Leonard was totally stunned. What?! What happened?

    Rick quickly pulled Leonard along with him as he was heading for the door.

    I just got a call from a Captain Lee from San Francisco, said that Jack was killed by a car bomb in Hong Kong.

    Car bomb? Hong Kong? What is Jack doing in Hong Kong?

    I really don't know the details. Something about investigating a case. They are sending Jack's remains back in a couple of days. I'm leaving for San Francisco as soon as I can.

    Gosh, I'm really sorry, Rick. We're all gonna miss Jack.

    Listen, don't say anything to them yet. Wait until I get back, okay?

    You got it, Rick.

    Thanks, Leonard. Rick paused for a moment. If only I hadn't been so hard on Jack when... He started to choke up. Jack probably wouldn't have left. And now he's---

    You shouldn't blame yourself for what happened to Jack. Leonard put his hand on Rick's shoulder. Do you need a ride to the airport when you leave for San Francisco?

    Rick made a slight smile. That'll be great. I'll let you know when it's the flight.

    They then exited the station together.


    Rick and Leonard were walking in silence to Rick's primer grey Challenger in the parking lot.

    Oh, just one more thing, Rick finally said. I was wondering if you could stop by my house and pick up my mail for me while I'm away?

    No problem. I guess I could wait five more minutes before I get home, Leonard replied. But don't expect me to clean up your place for you, he said jokingly as Rick made a smile and entered his car.

    You know, you really could use a new paint job. Red, perhaps? Leonard suggested.

    Nah, red really isn't my colour. I was thinking maybe either purple or fuchsia. Rick winked at him.

    Leonard looked puzzled. What's 'fuel-sha'?

    Go look it up in a dictionary. Besides, it's what under the hood that really counts. Rick turned the engine over as it roared loudly. I'll call you later.

    I'll talk to you later, Rick.

    Leonard sighed as he watched the Challenger sped away, then slowly walked back to the station.


    Rick exited the Challenger in a cemetery carrying a plastic bag that said 'CHINA PALACE' on it and a bouquet of flowers. He walked up to a tombstone and put down the bag in front of it.

    The name on the tombstone read: PATRICK THOMAS CONNER

    The date of death read: JANUARY 28, 1996

    Rick replaced the wilted flowers with the fresh flowers, then took out a large Chinese take-out box with the word 'ENJOY' printed in crimson red on the side and a can of beer from the bag.

    Rick put the take-out box by the flowers, then opened the can. He poured some beer in front of the tombstone and held up the can.

    To Jack. Rick took a sip from the can, then stared quietly at the tombstone.

    I'm sorry, Dad. I should have looked after Jack better. Rick quickly wiped the tears from his eyes, then sat down on the grass by the tombstone and opened the Chinese take-out box.

    Rick looked at the tombstone. I guess we never did have that dinner together at the China Palace that night, huh? he said it semi to himself.

    Rick took out a pair of chopsticks from the plastic bag, then picked up a piece of green vegetable from the take-out box with ease and ate quietly by the tombstone while twilight fell upon the cemetery...

    After a moment, Rick put down the take-out box and reached inside the plastic bag to take out a fortune cookie. He removed the wrapping, then cracked open the cookie and ate a piece of it before he looked the fortune. It read:


    Rick ate another piece of the cookie as he was watching the sun setting on the horizon...


    CHAPTER 04


    Inside Rick's living room, several crushed beer cans were among the empty take-out box, pizza box, and burger box on the coffee table while Rick was sleeping in a reclined E-Z chair still wearing the same clothes from the day before when there was the sound of knocking on the door...

    Rick? More knocking. Rick? It's Leonard!

    Rick awoke abruptly, then slowly sat up from the E-Z chair. He tenderly massaged his face with both of his hands before he fished out his cell phone among the boxes on the coffee table.

    The time on the cell phone read: 12:08 P.M.

    Hey, Rick?! Rapid knocking. Are you up?!

    Damn! Coming, Leonard! Rick yelled as he tossed the phone back on the coffee table and quickly went to open the door as Leonard was waiting outside.

    I'll be right back. Rick then quickly rushed upstairs...


    Leonard was pacing in the living room.

    Come on, Rick! You're gonna miss the flight!

    Rick quickly rushed down the stairs carrying a small suitcase with him. They were about to exit the house when Rick paused.

    Hold on, Leonard. Rick walked back into the living room, then went over to the office desk. He took off his gun in the belt holster, then put it in the desk drawer and locked it while Leonard shook his head as he watched.

    Rick took one last look at the picture of him, his father, and Jack on the desk before he exited the house with Leonard...

    The sound of car engine turned over. As the sound slowly fading away, the cell phone on the coffee table began to ring...


    Rick was carefully maneuvering between the narrow aisle inside the airplane cabin carrying his small suitcase.

    Rick finally found his seat and put the suitcase in the overhead compartment. He settled into his window seat and fasten the seat belt, then stared quietly out the window.


    The Boeing 737 passenger plane slowly taxiing out to the runway...


    The Boeing lifted off the runway with a thunderous roar...


    The plane was flying westward across the big blue sky above the snowy white clouds...


    Rick was sleeping in his window seat when a man's voice came on the intercom.

    Hello, ladies and gentlemen. This is your captain speaking. We are now approaching the San Francisco International Airport. I hope you all had a good flight and enjoy the California's sunshine...

    Rick slowly awoke as he hazily looked out the window and saw the Golden Gate Bridge in the close distance...


    Attention, please. British Airways flight three-two-three had just arrived from Kingston, Jamaica at gate seven. Attention, please...

    A woman on the P.A. announced while Rick was waiting outside the arrival gate with his small suitcase next to him on the floor as he was scanning every middle-aged Asian man standing in the terminal.

    Talk about looking for 'Waldo', Rick muttered to himself. What was I thinking? I should've told him that I'll meet him at the station.

    Rick checked his silver analogue watch and reached into his coat inside left chest pocket. He then started searching the other pockets in his coat.

    Damn! I left my cell phone on the coffee table!

    Rick suddenly saw an Asian man approaching him with a big smile on his face, waving his hand in the air.

    Rick also smiled and started to wave back at him when the Asian man walked past Rick to greet an Asian woman with a carry-on luggage and two small children while Rick frowned.

    Lieutenant Rick Conner? a man's voice asked.

    Rick turned to look and saw a Caucasian man with a thin reddish beard in his late-50's wearing a large mirror sunglasses that covered almost half of his face.

    Yes? Rick replied.

    Hello, I'm Captain Lee. Sorry I'm late, I got held up in the traffic. Lee took off his mirror sunglasses to reveal his rugged looking face and extended his hand to Rick. Welcome to San Francisco.

    Rick stared at Captain Lee for a moment, then quickly shook his hand. How do you do, Captain Lee.

    Lee tried to make a smile. I guess I'm doing okay so far. He then saw the puzzled look on Rick's face.

    How did you know I'm... Rick began to ask.

    I saw an old photo of you at Jack's house. Why do you think I offer to pick you up at the airport?

    Right, of course. I was about to call you, but I seem to left my cell phone at home.

    I figured so. I tried to call you a couple of times before your flight to tell you I'll find you at the arrival gate but kept getting the voicemail. Lee made a smile. Actually, it really won't make any difference anyway since I don't carry a cell phone with me. The number I give you is my office's number.

    You got something against cell phone, Captain?

    I just found it annoying that's all. Heck, I don't even like to answer the phone in my office. Nothing but endless calls day after day, Lee scoffed. Also, I'm not a big fan of brain cancer either.

    I'm sure they are pretty safe now. Rick tried to sound reassuring.

    Yeah... right, Lee agreed sarcastically and motioned Rick down the terminal. The exit's this way.

    Rick picked up his suitcase as they began to walk down the terminal together.

    Captain Lee looked at the small suitcase that Rick was carrying. Any other luggage?

    Rick held up the suitcase in

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