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The Mountain Man's Bride
The Mountain Man's Bride
The Mountain Man's Bride
Ebook71 pages50 minutes

The Mountain Man's Bride

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Eighteen-year-old Annabelle Bishop brought disgrace to her family when she was caught kissing a girl behind the church. For this sacrilegious act, her punishment was to marry Hugo Davenport, whose family had been exiled from their conservative Christian community for a crime so egregious and against God that no one would even tell her what it was.

Hugo came to town seeking forgiveness and a bride, and Annabelle's family was willing to overlook his family's shame to get rid of their own.

Ten years her senior, Annabelle has no interest in Hugo, or any man for that matter. She's a feminist who wants to burn her bra and her Bible and move to the big city. 

She has no way of getting there, and so, she settles for a life with Hugo deep in the woods far away from the sanctimonious stares in her village. Hugo seems kind, and she knows that eventually, she can get away from him.

Annabelle will soon learn that Hugo's kindness doesn't mean he's weak, and that a multitude of sins lies behind those kind blue eyes, each more delicious than the last.

 By the time she sees the light at the end of the tunnel, she's in too deep, the darkness is too sweet and the only thing she wants to do is surrender to it.

Release dateAug 8, 2023
The Mountain Man's Bride

Zodian Gray

Welcome to my page. I hope you enjoy your time here and leave inspired to follow your dreams because creating amazing stories is mine. I have never wanted to be anything but a writer and began writing erotic stories for what I was missing in my own life. I soon found that I had a passion for writing about other people's passions. Though I love writing about sex, it's more about people who share emotional, spiritual and physical connections. I hope you enjoy my stories and find something of yourself, or a new kink you'd like to explore, or just good stories you can escape into for a while before returning to the realities of your life. I consider it an honor that I get to daydream for a living, and I owe it to the people who buy my books.  I live in a tiny apartment with too many books, clothes, shoes and chocolate chip cookies. I spend my days writing erotic stories and trying to resist the lure of the ocean. Please leave reviews and be sure to stop by frequently for updates. I know there are a lot of erotic books out there and it is easy to find stories to get you off. I hope what I offer are stories that linger, stories which make you take a second look, stories that make you wet, in your brain and heart as much as anywhere else. If you can feel that, then I have done my job.

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    Book preview

    The Mountain Man's Bride - Zodian Gray

    The Mountain Man’s Bride

    A MMF Age-Gap Romance

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 1

    G et on your knees.

    The venom from Father Carmine’s command slapped me in the face, and before today, my knees would’ve caved even if my mind hadn’t. Today, body and mind were united, and neither would cower, and neither would submit. My clear gaze focused directly on Father Carmine. I had nothing to hide, and nothing to be ashamed of, unlike him.

    The last time you asked me to get on my knees, it was to suck your holy cock. Do you remember that, Father? Though my voice trembled, I had done what in our community, amounted to blasphemy, even if it was the truth.

    The loud collective gasp that swept through the small wooden church like a tornado was exactly the reaction I’d wanted. I’d never said the word cock in my life. I’d overheard Joel Peterson use it once and Gabriel Morton had asked him what it meant.

    It’s a rude name for the penis, Joel had explained.

    He hadn’t said where he’d heard it, but it was probably from his father who’d been a full adult by the time he came to live in our little community. He had a view of the outside world, and apparently, still clung to some of his old ways. He wasn’t the only one who wasn’t as sanctified as he claimed. Father Carmine was a wolf in sheep’s clothing. How dare he demand I get on my knees and repent for my sins when he met Mildred Miller in the church almost every night. He said he was giving her solace over the recent demise of her husband.

    I’d found out what his particular brand of solace entailed about a month earlier when I’d walked to the church to talk to him about my wish to leave The Lord’s Haven, and had found him preoccupied between Mildred’s legs in the back room, right next to the table that held the sacred chalice and communion plate. His bare backside had faced the door, and I’d been traumatized by his gaping hairy hole and saggy testicles. Mildred had seen me and pushed his head away. He’d spun around and his wet matted beard and greasy mouth had made me sick to my stomach.

    I’d run away, and the next day, Father Carmine had called me into his office right before Sunday mass and asked me if I’d liked what I’d seen, and if I did, he would love nothing more than to get between my young thighs. I told him if he came near me, I would tell, and he’d grabbed my arm and told me that I could get on my knees and put my mouth to better use. And now he wanted to condemn me because I’d kissed Beatrice Stevens behind the barn.

    There were people in our church, including Father Carmine, who felt I should’ve been paraded around the town’s square with a big A for abomination on my chest. The entire village was talking about what Beatrice and I had done behind the barn.

    I didn’t even remember the kiss. It’d been so brief, barely more than a peck, and our lips had been so cold. I remembered the cold. It had happened on the first official day of winter, which also happened to be my eighteenth birthday. I’d had the audacity to consider myself to be an adult capable of making my own decisions, and I’d decided that I wanted to leave. The problem was that there were only two ways to leave The Lord’s Haven, and those were by exile or death. Kissing Beatrice should’ve been enough to get me kicked out, however, my plan had backfired, and the powers that be had decided that our punishment would be repentance and marriage to men who would show us the correct use of our young bodies.

    I’d heard the whispered conversation my parents and grandparents had had earlier that morning over Sunday breakfast when I’d snuck out of my room and hid behind the stairs in the kitchen.

    Beatrice has repented of her sins, Mother said. She will be married to Michael Bradley at the end of the month and has agreed to clean the church and the rectory as part of her penance until Father Carmine is satisfied she is reformed.

    Michael Bradley! He was old enough to be Beatrice’s grandfather! Why had she agreed to marry him when she was madly in love with Lucas Thomas? Beatrice and I were best friends, and I knew that the only reason she’d kissed me, was because she’d seen Lucas talking to Mary Anton, the prettiest girl in the village,

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