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Ebook44 pages29 minutes


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A renowned detective receives a phone call from a famous businessman to hire his services and search for his missing daughter.

Discover through this story the means detective Eliseo Arreola will use to rescue the businessman's daughter alive.

Release dateAug 10, 2023

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    Book preview

    Missing - Erick Carballo


    A renowned detective receives a phone call from a famous businessman to hire his services and search for his missing daughter.

    Discover through this story the means detective Eliseo Arreola will use to rescue the businessman's daughter alive.

    Chapter 1

    It was ten o'clock in the morning in Madrid. Mr. Navarro was calling the number of a detective that an old friend had recommended to him. He was waiting for an answer that would give him a bit of relief.

    Hello? answered a male voice on the other end of the phone.

    Good morning! I'm asking for Detective Eliseo Arreola, said Mr. Navarro, a bit upset.

    He is speaking, answered the detective.

    You see... the reason for my call is to tell you that a friend of mine recommended me to call you to hire your services as a detective.

    Mr. Navarro sounded very distressed and desperate for someone to find a solution to his problem.

    Tell me how I can help you, said the detective, listening carefully to his interlocutor.

    If you don't mind, I would prefer to meet somewhere to give you details about the case.

    As you wish... Where and at what time would you prefer to meet, Mr...?

    Navarro. My name is Pedro Navarro. I'll meet you at the restaurant La puerta de Alcalá at seven o'clock. You can ask for me. Everyone there knows me.

    Well, at the restaurant La puerta de Alcalá at seven o'clock, answered the detective, confirming the appointment.

    Ten hours later, the detective was preparing his briefcase, placing in it a series of documents, an agenda and a notebook. He put his cell phone in his coat pocket and left his apartment, confident that he would solve the case as soon as possible, no matter how difficult it might be.

    He took a cab that took him all the way down Serrano street until he reached the restaurant La puerta de Alcalá.

    Please cover me, said the detective to the cab driver.

    Ten euros, please, replied the cab driver.

    The detective gave the cab driver the exact amount of the fare and immediately got out of the vehicle. He walked towards the restaurant and saw that inside there were some customers sitting alone at the table, wondering for a moment which one of them was Mr. Navarro.

    Good evening, said the detective, greeting one of the waiters.

    Good evening, sir, replied the waiter. Table for one person?

    "I have

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