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Daddy: Open Doors That Only He Sees
Daddy: Open Doors That Only He Sees
Daddy: Open Doors That Only He Sees
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Daddy: Open Doors That Only He Sees

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"Welcome to Barrie, Ontario, the city of a new breed of wizards. My daddy can walk through doors that aren't there! Through doors, we walked through enchanted doors for our eyes only."

Shelby is the main character. She did not have a clue that she was a wizard, a shape-shifter. A wizard with attitude; go, girl, go! A crown of flowers, an enchanted dress, a Grim Stone around her neck, and gifts from the Say-Waze. They were on a mission to save the Umbrella people, cursed by an evil witch. A five-hundred-year-old curse, as We-walker.

She was taking Lucas's hand, a half-mouse and half-man, like a creator, falling in love as a true love story. The enchanted castle, hearing Tear-Mina's cries, entombed in a crystal ball with a witch. Shelby found the power, the strength, and the courage deep inside her heart. Becoming the queen of time. Riding a Lamar-Light across the waves of fire and ash of time. On a magical quest, finding the Gleamer child to which it started. Entombing that witch with the power of children's happy thoughts. Breaking the curse. Through an enchanted door as Bits. Into the realm of the Luckiest House as the ghost of time. Gifted children, a witch, an epic battle for power. Grimsson fire consuming them all. Imprisoning that witch in a fifty-year loop,

Through a third enchanted door into a battle between the Tappets, Umbrella people, Shelby, We-Walker, Bits, O-Miss. Imprisoning her mother's three evil sisters, revealing the true story--Daddy!

Release dateAug 9, 2023
Daddy: Open Doors That Only He Sees

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    Daddy - John Belanger



    Open Doors That Only He Sees

    John Belanger

    Copyright © 2023 John Belanger

    All rights reserved

    First Edition


    Conneaut Lake, PA

    First originally published by Page Publishing 2023

    ISBN 979-8-88793-497-6 (pbk)

    ISBN 979-8-88793-499-0 (digital)

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents

    Doors Only Daddy Can See

    The Umbrella People

    The Umbrella People

    The Umbrella People

    The Umbrella People

    The Umbrella People

    The Umbrella People

    The Children of the Luckiest House

    The Children of the Luckiest House

    The Children of the Luckiest House

    Yes, That's My Mommy

    Yes, That's My Mommy

    From the Author

    About the Author

    Chapter 1

    Doors Only Daddy Can See

    Welcome to Barrie, Ontario. This is where it all starts, the start of a brand-new wizard. How would you have ever guessed Canada of all places? My name is Shelby, and I want to tell you a story about Daddy and me. Let's go back to the day I turned ten, the day that changed everything. You see, my daddy sees things no one else can see. Daddy is also a wizard with a magical twist. That was the day Daddy told me I had magical powers, powers buried deep inside my heart.

    Shelby had no idea they were there! No, not a clue. Not until her daddy used a magical key, the key that unlocked her heart. Shelby's heart grew bigger that day. What Shelby didn't know was that her powers were gifted from the Umbrella people. The magical powers of the children of the Luckiest House. She had powers from her mother, who was an Omega, and powers from her daddy.

    Shelby lay on her bed, looking out the window, watching the light flicker off and on as a beacon of light on the TV tower. She had no idea that her life would change forever. There he was, right on time. She raced down the stairs, yelling out, Heeeeell-ooooo! With open arms, Shelby jumped into her daddy's arms. The way Shelby's daddy looked back at his little girl made Shelby feel warm and happy inside.

    There's my little princess. There's my girl. Shelby's daddy picked her up, twirled her around, saying, How's my pumpkin today? I missed you.

    Shelby looked into her daddy's eyes and said, I had a good day, Daddy, but the magical angels didn't come to see me today.

    Shelby's daddy replied with no hesitation, I know sweetie, someday they will come when you least expect it. Honey, your mother's working late again. It looks like it's only going to be the two of us for supper. How about you wash your hands, sweetie, then help me make super?

    Shelby washed her hands, and she wished her mother didn't spend so much time at the hospital. Shelby knew that it was hard to be a nurse. Shelby walked back into the kitchen and noticed a funny rock sitting on the table.

    Shelby's daddy said, Pretty cool, right, pumpkin? I found it at work under an old, abandoned house. Do you like it? Who knows when you might need it, sweetie?

    Shelby grabbed the rock, smiled, and said, It's perfect, Daddy, thank you. She shoved it in her pocket. After supper was done, Shelby and her daddy sat on the couch. Her daddy had a look on his face, and Shelby asked, What's wrong, Daddy?

    Nothing, Shelby, her daddy replied. So, Shelby, no angels again today, eh? That's too bad, sweetie. What about things that go bump in the night?

    Shelby was puzzled and a little confused. Daddy, what are you talking about? That's ghost-story stuff!

    Shelby's daddy laughed. Shelby, let me see that rock in your pocket. He grabbed it, shoving it in Shelby's face, and said with a very serious look on his face, Tell me what you see, sweetie.

    Shelby looked at her daddy. Like… Okay, Daddy, it's a rock!

    I know, sweetie! What if I told you it's more than just a rock? In a way even I can't even explain. The truth is, I think this rock found me. Like it wanted something I had, and I think that something is you, Shelby.

    Really? Shelby said in an excited voice. She clenched the rock in her hand, hoping something magical would happen, but it didn't. Poor Shelby was frustrated, and in a sad voice Shelby said, Daddy, it's not working. Daddy, you're messing with me, right? You are, aren't you? Daddy, is this one of your stories?

    Shelby's daddy moved in close and whispered in her ear, Trust me, pumpkin, you're a wizard. I can feel it in my bones.

    Shelby giggled and felt silly. She took one last look at the rock. Daddy, it's only a rock. You're silly, you're pulling my leg!

    Shelby's daddy whispered, Am I? What about doors? Doors that are invisible.

    What doors, Daddy?

    Shelby replied, Daddy, there's no doors inside this rock?

    Not yet, Shelby, What about in this room?

    Shelby looked around hard.

    Honey, I was about your age when I walked through my first magical door. Shelby, you must believe me. Shelby, you're a wizard with real magical powers. Remember, pumpkin? All the stories I've told you. What about the story of the angels? Sweetie, what if I told you the angels are on the other side of one of those doors? Doors that are not there, that are invisible. I really hoped today would be the day, but it doesn't look like it's going to happen, Shelby.

    Shelby replied, I'm confused, what is it you want me to see, Daddy?

    Shelby's Daddy answered in a slow quiet voice while looking into Shelby's eyes, Sweetie all I want is you to see what I see and become one of us. You must believe in the unseen. Believe in magic! Believe in wizards!

    Shelby snapped back, What are you saying? I'm a wizard!? Is it true, Daddy? Am I a real wizard?

    Shelby's daddy nodded slowly. Yes.

    Shelby was so excited! She turned the rock sideways then upside down, but it still looked like a rock.

    Nothing's happening, Daddy… I'm not a wizard! Shelby shoved the rock in her pocket, sat back on the couch, and thought to herself enough of that I'm not playing this game anymore.

    Shelby looked at her daddy and batted her eyelashes at him. She knew that would work, it always worked, every time when she wanted her way. Please, Daddy, please! Tell me a story. How about the story of the little girl who gets lost? Remember, Daddy, how Kristen finds her way home on that magical horse. Daddy, that's the best magical story ever. Shelby batted her eyes, scrunching up her face.

    Shelby's daddy put his hands over his eyes, sat back on the couch and screamed out, No, Shelby! No! Not that look! Shelby, sweetie, you're killing me! Shelby's daddy jumped up really fast. He looked at the wall, looked down at Shelby, and then growled like a dog. He opened his mouth, grabbed Shelby's arm, and tugged on it with his teeth, yelling, I'm. Going. To. Eat. You! But first, I'm going to tickle you to death!

    Shelby laughed so hard that she had tears rolling down her cheeks.

    Shelby's daddy ran his fingers through Shelby's long blond hair. You know what, Shelby, I was about your age when my mom said to me, ‘Just because you can't see it, doesn't mean it's not there.'

    Shelby answered back, See what, Daddy?

    Shelby's daddy paused for a moment and looked into Shelby's eyes. Shelby, sweetie, you can't see them until you believe in them. What I'm trying to tell you is, you are a wizard! All you must do is believe. There, I said it! Yes, you're a wizard! A wizard just like me. Can't you smell it, Shelby? Magic, it's for real! It's everywhere. Like it or not, today is the day. I have a secret to show you, a secret I've been hiding from everyone, even your mother. Shelby, you must promise me that you won't tell your mother she wouldn't understand.

    Shelby looked up at her daddy, not sure what to think. At that moment, she decided to try and understand him.

    Only a wizard can see what I see. Shelby's daddy picked her up, ran up the stairs, and sat her on the bed. Sitting next to her, he said, Shelby, my family's not from around here. My family comes from a long line of very powerful wizards. My family has passed down the gift of how to open doors, doors that others can't see.

    Shelby never said a word. She just sat and listened to her daddy's story.

    Her daddy pointed at the wall at the end of the bed and said, Tell me, what do you see, Shelby?

    Shelby looked at the wall, then at her daddy. I see a wall, Daddy.

    He smiled then replied, Are you sure, sweetie? Look again.

    Shelby thought, What if I am a wizard? What if I have magical powers? She looked at her daddy and asked, What will happen to me if I see a magical door?

    "That would mean you're a wizard just like me! Wouldn't that be exciting? Then hand in hand, they touched the wall together.

    Shelby's daddy said in a quiet voice, Close your eyes, pumpkin. Open up your heart, and let the magic happen. Then, and only then, can you see the truth.

    Shelby could hear her heart pounding inside her chest! In that exact moment, Shelby's world changed forever. Shelby screamed out in surprise. With eyes wide open, she said, Where did that come from? Look, Daddy! There's a door! That door wasn't there before! She turned her head fast, looking into her daddy's eyes and yelled, Daddy, they're for real! Daddy, I can see the door!

    Shelby was so excited and a little terrified at the same time. Her heart felt like it was going to explode. Shelby panicked; she was seeing more ghostly doors appear. She crawled under the bed in a panic. Her daddy lifted the blankets, looking under the bed. He smiled and held out his hand for her to grab.

    You've seen them, Shelby, don't be afraid. Do you know what this means, pumpkin? You're a wizard just like me! He wrapped his arms around her and gave her a big hug.

    Shelby couldn't take her eyes off the ghostly doors stuck to the walls to her right and left. Shelby realized her daddy wasn't telling her a story after all. No! Not by a long shot. He was telling the truth!

    He put his hands on her shoulder and whispered in her ear, Shelby, this is all yours now.

    There was so many doors! Shelby realized that this was her new reality! Each door was different, but they all had the same ghostly green glow. Shelby gasped as a new magical power seemed to engulf her.

    Shelby's daddy pointed at the doors with the pictures on them. Tell me, you can you see them, sweetie?

    Shelby replied excitedly, I can! I can, Daddy! What does this mean? Why didn't you tell me you are a wizard? I can't believe I'm a wizard! This is so cool!

    Shelby's daddy whispered in her ear, The doors with pictures, that means I've walked through them. Doors without pictures means they have yet to be opened. Just think, Shelby, you can walk through hidden doors, just like me. It's time to have your own magical adventures. These doors lead to places you can't even dream of. Just turn the key, open a door, and walk in. It's as easy as that, Shelby. I know just the door for you to start your first magical journey into the unknown.

    They ran out of the bedroom, hand in hand, down the stairs. Everywhere Shelby looked, there were doors, so many ghostly, bright-green doors. Shelby reached out, running her fingers through the doors, and they glowed even brighter. They came to a stop in the kitchen. There was a door, a very magical-looking door. The door stood out from all the other doors! The door was bigger, and it glowed a ghostly, bright-green light. As she ran her fingers across the door, it seemed to ripple like waves moving across water.

    He said, This is your time, right here, right now. Can you smell it. I can smell magic in the air. It's time, Shelby! Can you hear it? It's calling out your name.

    Shelby nodded and asked, Where does it go, Daddy?

    Shelby's daddy replied, I don't know, sweetie. What I do know is, all you must do is take that key hanging right there and unlock the door. Don't worry, Shelby, I will hold your hand the whole way and never let go. Sweetie, would you like to see what's on the other side of that door?

    Now that's a silly question! I'm here, and I'm never looking back. Daddy, is it dangerous?

    No, Shelby, her daddy replied. I know the first time is always the hardest. After that it's a piece of cake. It's kind of like riding a bike, it's something you never forget.

    So all I have to do is unlock this door and walk through to a whole new world. Daddy, how do you know we won't get lost and never find our way back?

    He laughed. Trust me, sweetie, it doesn't work like that. If you're a good wizard, only good things can happen. It's all about being kind and respectful when meeting different people in their worlds.

    Shelby wrapped her arms around her daddy and said, What are we waiting for? Shelby reached up and grabbed the magical key, put it into

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