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Tips of Gold: Dreams, Visions, and Miracles
Tips of Gold: Dreams, Visions, and Miracles
Tips of Gold: Dreams, Visions, and Miracles
Ebook198 pages2 hours

Tips of Gold: Dreams, Visions, and Miracles

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About this ebook

If you feel tired, alone, or just need a boost in this anxious-filled world, Tips of Gold: Dreams, Visions, and Miracles will inspire and encourage you.

Kelly O'Ryan shares over thirty of her visions and personal revelations from God in this beautiful book of metaphors. Ride on the

Release dateAug 4, 2023
Tips of Gold: Dreams, Visions, and Miracles

Kelly O'Ryan

Kelly O'Ryan is a creative Christian writer whogrew up in the Midwest. She accepted Christ in the summer of 1980 at a youth meeting. Years later, she received the infilling and a miraculous touch from God that healed her body.She has spent a great deal of time studying dreams and visions in the Bible and is fascinated by the way God communicates with us in such intimate and symbolic ways.She can be contacted by email at and would love to hear about your own dreams, visions, and miracles.

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    Tips of Gold - Kelly O'Ryan


    For several years, I worked on a book about my life story. By 2016, I had compiled about 60,000 words for my draft. My specific goal was to share lessons learned about God’s great love and how He longs to heal us despite our trauma and pain.

    While drafting the book, I reached a point where recalling memories became unbearably painful. It was then that God began to give me daily inspiring and uplifting visions.

    He gave me a break from the life story project to work on a book of visions called Tips of Gold.

    I have had visions and dreams all my life. And for years, I kept journals and studied their meaning. What I found (as with all things in life) is that the more focus and attention I gave to the dreams and visions, the more vivid and frequent they became.

    I believe dreams and visions are a special way God desires to communicate with us. He is always communicating with us; it is the listening part that we so often miss.

    One of my favorite visions in this book is about the lions. The intense love and healing light I felt in that vision changed me. It transformed me, and I will never be the same.

    He revealed His mysteries to me and sealed them in my heart. He gave me a new picture of myself. I quit seeing my pain as a burden and started seeing my pain as a great gift. Suddenly, it was a way I could encourage and bless others. Instead of trying to hide it or push it away, it became a gift I could give to others going through the same kind of pain I had already experienced.

    Since I took the break from writing my life story, I have developed a habit of giving God a time of silence each day. This gives Him a way to fill

    me with His thoughts. It is a way for Him to share with me what is on His mind instead of me pouring out to Him and telling Him what I want or need. In this way, He teaches me and speaks to me more clearly than if I were simply making requests.

    Slowly but surely, I am gaining strength to complete my life story, Sophistries of My Soul. I hope you will check it out once it is completed.

    My prayer is that Tips of Gold will give you a new perspective and bring renewed strength to your soul. Let us remember the good things He has done and that He is with us always.


    Kelly O’Ryan.


    Artwork by Inga Vereshchagina

    The Throne

    You Are Precious

    The sound of a wind chime rang softly in the air. Curious to find the source, I turned to my right and was greeted by a small mist of shimmering butterflies. The butterflies were unusually small; their tiny wings were made of silvery dust. They made delicate little chinking sounds as they flew.

    The vibrations from their wings emitted powerful feelings of love and joy in the air. As I savored the sensation of well-being, a warm wind tickled my right ear. It was the butterflies whispering a secret to me. As soon as the wind touched my ear, it filled my mind with a vivid vision.

    I was walking through a field of silver clouds. The clouds were made of tiny shimmering butterflies, and I could see a bright white light up ahead. As I walked toward the light, two beautiful lions appeared one on each side of me. They both had short thick manes that framed their faces. Their eyes were big and very expressive. Gracefully, they glided along next to me as we continued to walk together on the clouds toward the light. A strong sense of connectedness rose within me; it was an overwhelming feeling of belonging and acceptance.

    Suddenly my view changed, and I could see myself and the lions walking together from an aerial view. The tips of the lions’ tails looked like paint brushes dipped in gold. Their tails swayed gently back and forth in the air. This caused swirling trails of artistic light to linger in the air around us. A gold layer of mist surrounded the lions, a vaporous cloud full of power. But I sensed it wasn’t just power. It was a tremendous reservoir of peace, something beyond what could be experienced on earth.

    We came to a pool of clear water. The body of water was pure light. Miraculously, the water seemed to float in mid-air without anything holding it in place. It was contained, yet nothing visible held it together. As I entered the pool of light, the lions continued to walk beside me.

    Immediately upon entering the pool, light began to move through my body. It was warm, soothing oil that brought immediate relief to the pain I had been carrying for so long. Beams of light streamed out of my fingertips like tiny flashlights inside every finger. I wiggled my fingers, delighted by the beams of light I was sending out.

    A gold reservoir of light rested in the middle of my chest. It was a powerful ball of light, shaped like a large flame of fire. It emitted a menthol-type heat throughout my entire body.

    The farther I walked, the deeper the water light became until it reached my shoulders. As I came toward the end of the pool, the water descended, and I walked up several small stairs. The stairs were invisible, yet they felt very solid beneath my feet. I walked out of the water light feeling completely cleansed from the inside out. I was empowered with a newness that filled my body, soul, and mind.

    The lions continued to walk next to me, and I knew I was safe and protected in their watchful eyes. We continued moving toward another bright light; it was an even brighter light than what had come from the pool of water light. The closer we got to it, the bigger it became until I realized it was God’s throne.

    I took a big step and entered the cone of light. I closed my eyes, turned my face upward, and let the light soak into me. It was very comforting. It wasn’t just light, though; it was filled with overwhelming love. It was God’s pure and perfect love pouring into me.

    A rush of air swirled around me and caused me to open my eyes. I saw the train of God’s robe hanging in mid-air right in front of me. It was a rich gold color that put off a glowing light; it looked to be made from heavy satin fabric. The fabric seemed alive as if it had life and was breathing.

    I reached up and touched the hem of His robe. No words could describe the feel of it, softer than velvet but also creamy-like liquid. God’s power dwelled within the fabric. Or was it an extension of God Himself? I wondered. It was the same power I felt coming from the lions during our walk toward the throne. When I pulled my hand away, gold dust covered my fingers; I touched my fingertips together, but the beautiful glitter of gold dust remained.

    Overwhelmed by God’s love and warmth, I stood and stared in awe at the many layers of fabric that made up the hem of His robe. Then I heard His voice high above me. I looked up at his face, but all I could see was a blinding white light, much too bright to look at directly. Instead, I closed my eyes and turned my face toward His voice. He continued to speak to me and told me many things about my value and purpose in His kingdom.

    I felt soothed and comforted by His words. Most of it seemed to fall deep within my subconscious because afterward, I could not recall much of what had been said. When he had finished speaking to my heart, all was still within me. I was left with a deep sense of how much God loves each one of us—it is beyond human understanding.

    You are precious to me. You are honored, and I love you.

    Isaiah 43:4 (NLT)

    Heavenly Army

    Tears of Gold

    The cliff seemed much higher than I thought it would be. As I assessed my position, I nervously scrunched my toes tightly inside my shoes. I looked down just in time to see a few bits of rock breaking away from the cliff’s edge. Small pieces ricocheted and tumbled down the canyon wall.

    For a long moment, I stood silently, looking across the expanse. It was a beautiful stretch of unending sky. I raised my arms toward the sun and let out a loud scream, Help me! The sound echoed back and seemed to mock me, an eerie reminder of my profound pain and aloneness.

    A strong wind came against me. I shut my eyes tightly to avoid the sting of blowing sand. I pressed into the wind as I struggled to remain standing.

    I was waiting for an answer, a sign from God, or something to comfort me. A few hours earlier, in a crazed moment of relentless pain, an idea had come to me, If I go higher, I will be closer to God. The thought had filled me with a surge of energy and had given me new hope. Now I stood in the high place and whispered, Where are you, God? Lord. I am hurting so badly, I need you!

    Large tears ran down my face blurring my vision. Suddenly, a rushing river of tears poured from the center of my chest and flowed down the front of my body. The flood of tears rushed over the top of my feet, turned into a waterfall, and made its way down the side of the canyon. I stood and stared at the sparkling blanket of tears as it covered the entire side of the canyon just below me.

    Suddenly, I heard an unusual humming sound overhead that snapped me out of my trance-like state. Was it a swarm of bees? I wondered. I looked up and was startled by the sight of an angel hovering over me! A gentle vibration of movement in his wings created a quiet humming sound that was extremely soothing.

    He was a massive, powerful warrior, unlike the lovely pictures of angels I had stored in my head.

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