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Summary of Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents A Guide to Isabel Wilkerson's book by Bern Bolo
Summary of Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents A Guide to Isabel Wilkerson's book by Bern Bolo
Summary of Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents A Guide to Isabel Wilkerson's book by Bern Bolo
Ebook94 pages1 hour

Summary of Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents A Guide to Isabel Wilkerson's book by Bern Bolo

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I am pleased to present to you "Summary of Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents," a comprehensive guide to Isabel Wilkerson's thought-provoking book, masterfully curated by Bern Bolo. This summary aims to offer you a concise and engaging overview of the key concepts, insights, and ideas explored in "Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents," providing an opportunity to delve into its profound themes without reading the complete work.

PublisherBern Bolo
Release dateAug 12, 2023
Summary of Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents A Guide to Isabel Wilkerson's book by Bern Bolo

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    Book preview

    Summary of Caste - BERN BOLO

    Summary of Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents


    A Guide to Isabel Wilkerson's book



    Reader's Note: Summary of Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents

    A Guide to Isabel Wilkerson's Book by Bern Bolo

    Dear Readers,

    I am pleased to present to you Summary of Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents, a comprehensive guide to Isabel Wilkerson's thought-provoking book, masterfully curated by Bern Bolo. This summary aims to offer you a concise and engaging overview of the key concepts, insights, and ideas explored in Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents, providing an opportunity to delve into its profound themes without reading the complete work.


    Summary of Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents delves into the in-depth analysis presented in Isabel Wilkerson's original book, where she explores the complexities of the caste system and its profound impact on societies throughout history and in modern times. Bolo's guide distills the book's most important messages, ensuring that readers can grasp the essence of Wilkerson's work and its relevance to contemporary society.


    This summary is an unofficial guide created by Bern Bolo and is not a replacement for Isabel Wilkerson's original work, Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents. It is intended solely to provide an overview of the book's content and should not be considered a substitute for reading the complete and unabridged text. Readers are encouraged to explore the full depth of Wilkerson's insights and arguments by engaging with her original work.


    Summary of Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents is a copyrighted work by Bern Bolo. All rights are reserved. This summary may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the copyright holder, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law.

    We hope you find Summary of Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents both informative and enriching as you explore the compelling ideas presented by Isabel Wilkerson in her original book.

    Thank you for your interest and happy reading!


    Bern Bolo

    Table of Contents


    Part 1: All the Toxicity Surrounding Us

    Chapter 1: What Pathogens Leave Behind

    Chapter 2: An Old House

    Chapter 3: An American Untouchable

    Part 2: The Random Formation of Human Separations

    Chapter 4: The Appearance of Caste in the United States

    Chapter 5: The Container Meant to Hold Us

    Chapter 6: The Measure of Humanity

    Chapter 7: The Parallels in America and India

    Chapter 8: The Nazis and the Hastening of Caste

    Chapter 9: The Problem with Silence

    Part 3: The Eight Pillars of Caste

    The First Pillar: Divine Will and the Laws of Nature

    The Second Pillar: Heritability

    The Third Pillar: Endogamy and the Regulation of Marriage and Mating

    The Fourth Pillar: Purity against Pollution

    The Fifth Pillar: Work-related Boundaries

    The Sixth Pillar: Stigma and Dehumanization

    The Seventh Pillar: Dread as Enforcement, Brutality as a Way to Control

    The Eighth Pillar: Innate Superiority and Innate Inferiority

    Part 4: The Tentacles of Caste

    Chapter 10: Central Miscasting

    Chapter 11: Threat to the Standing of the Dominant Caste

    Chapter 12: A Scapegoat to Endure All Sins

    Chapter 13: The Uncertain Alpha and the Objective of an Underdog

    Chapter 14: How Caste Affects Daily Life

    Chapter 15: The Immediate Need for a Bottom Caste

    Chapter 16: Anxiety Related to the Bottom Place

    Chapter 17: Initial Days of Caste

    Chapter 18: The Lack of Logic in Caste Part

    Part 5: The Penalties of Caste

    Chapter 19: The Elation of Hate

    Chapter 20: The Unavoidable Narcissism Linked with Caste

    Chapter 21: Paranoia of the Upper Caste

    Chapter 22: The Stockholm Syndrome and the Subsistence of the Bottom Caste

    Chapter 23: Shock Soldiers on the Perimeters of Hierarchy

    Chapter 24: The Fatality of Caste: Affecting People's Health

    Part 6: Blacklash

    Chapter 25: Modification of the Script

    Chapter 26: When Everything Changed and the Revival of Caste

    Chapter 27: The Symbols of Caste

    Chapter 28: Democracy Threatened

    Chapter 29: What a Caste System Costs Us

    Part 7: Awakening

    Chapter 30: Letting Go of the Sacred Connection

    Chapter 31: Conquering the Heart



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