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Ebook122 pages58 minutes


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This outstanding piece of literature is an exquisite compilation of free-verse poems and stimulating reflections that will captivate readers with their touching and evocative nature. Each poem and its stimulating reflection delve deeply into the human psyche, providing profound insights into the myriad of challenges and obstacles that we encounter on our personal journeys through life. Whether you seek solace, inspiration, innovative solutions, or just a moment of introspection and contemplation, Stimuli is an exceptional work of art that will undoubtedly leave an indelible impression on your mind and heart.
Release dateAug 14, 2023

Leonard Oshiokhamele Anetekhai

Leonard Oshiokhamele Anetekhai ist katholischer Priester der Diözese Auchi, Edo State, Nigeria. Er wurde von seiner Mutter im katholischen Glauben erzogen und hat seither durch alle Höhen und Tiefen an diesem Glauben festgehalten. Nach dem Studium der Philosophie und Theologie im Priesterseminar Allerheiligen in Uhiele, Ekpoma, wurde er am 8. August 2009 zum Priester geweiht. Er erhielt einen Bachelor-Abschluss in Philosophie von der Universität Benin, Benin City, Nigeria, und einen Bachelor-Abschluss in katholischer Theologie von der Päpstlichen Universität Urbaniana, Rom. Außerdem erwarb er ein Lizenziat der Theologie an der Universität Augsburg und promovierte an der Universität Tübingen in katholischer Theologie.

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    Stimuli - Leonard Oshiokhamele Anetekhai


    Sacrificing for others can evoke feelings of inspiration.


    Many actions in life are spurred up by human intentions.

    Such intentions come from our desires.

    These desires provoke us to acquire life essentials.

    In acquiring our Ego turns it back on life’s reality.

    Life in itself is a gift worth cherishing.

    To appreciate this gift, pains are inevitable.

    For the sweetness of life without its pains is a mirage.

    Life’s mirage often leads to an inauthentic experience.

    Behind every experience lies an unidentified purpose.

    To that purpose, one must strive and exert effort.

    For life fulfilment can only come to reality,

    When life is accepted without inauthenticity.

    Life is not a pleasurable estate,

    But a pilgrimage that calls for sacrifice.


    Throughout history, great men and writers have used the phrase life of sacrifice. This phrase often describes one’s dedication and commitment to a higher cause, a higher purpose for the benefit of others. It means putting aside personal desires, comforts, or advantages to achieve the common good or the well-being of others. To live a life of sacrifice requires courage, determination, and selflessness. These life ideas can take many shapes, such as involvement in a social or environmental crusade, serving in a humanitarian or military establishment organisation, or caring for underprivileged children, the sick, the elderly and displaced members of society. A life of sacrifice is not always pleasant or comfortable. Still, it can be a source of inspiration, fulfilment, and pride for many.

    One example that runs through the mind is the life and story of Martin Luther King Jr., who dedicated his life to fighting for justice and peace, even when faced with racism, violence and hatred. His work and reflections were on the civil rights movement in the United States. Martin Luther King Jr is famously known for his speeches: I have a Dream, and I have been to the top of the Mountain and several letters he wrote while in prison in Birmingham.

    A life of sacrifice also played a massive role in the life and time of Mahatma Gandhi, who believed that the best means of self-discovery was to lose oneself in the service of others.

    He advocated for the fight against British colonial rule in India. He promoted non-violence and social justice, believing that true happiness and fulfilment could only be achieved by renouncing personal interests and selfishness in favour of the common good.

    Another life sacrificed for others was the Nigerian writer Ken Saro-Wiwa, who fought for the rights of the Ogoni people and criticised the military dictatorship and oil multinationals. He cried out because the ruthless use of raw materials and the oil that seeps into the soil and water from rotten pipelines and production facilities are making farmers and fishermen poor and sick. Believing in the rights of the commonwealth of the people, he never stopped fighting for justice. Being alive was a symbol of resistance for him, and his death would only make him a martyr and more dangerous to those in authority. He embraced death for the common good of the Ogoni people of Nigeria at 54. He was hanged alongside eight of his comrades on November 10, 1995.

    Knowing the fate of these men and reading through their history, many will believe that sacrificing one’s life for others is without joy and self-fulfilment. Far from these thoughts, a sincere life of sacrifice for others is a life full of meaning and dedication, a life committed to something greater than oneself. A life of sacrifice changes the individual concept of life from a win-win ideology, changes the world and makes it better for others, and helps and inspires others to live a meaningful life. A life of sacrifice is one that leaves a lasting impression and is worth living.


    Thorns of life are opportunities to grow and learn.


    As humans, we encounter different attitudes in life. To fit in with these attitudes, we often have to embrace virtues and avoid vices. Virtue is what ultimately guides us towards perfection.

    Thus, we must

    Sting ourselves with thorns of pride to appreciate humility.

    Sting ourselves with thorns of fear to appreciate braveness.

    Sting ourselves with thorns of pain to appreciate healing.

    Sting ourselves with thorns of foolishness to appreciate wisdom.

    Sting ourselves with thorns of hatred to appreciate love.

    Sting ourselves with thorns of falsehood to appreciate truthfulness.

    Sting ourselves with the thorns of stupidity to appreciate maturity.

    Sting ourselves with thorns of discomfort to appreciate pleasure.

    Sting ourselves with thorns of sickness to appreciate good health.

    Sting ourselves with thorns of worries to appreciate good times.

    In all of this, we must remember that vice becomes vile when we appreciate the good things in life. We must adopt good standards in all our attitudes toward life.


    Life is a challenging

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