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HERBAL APOTHECARY: 200+ Tinctures, Salves, Teas, Capsules, Oils, and Washes  for Whole-Body Health and Wellness
HERBAL APOTHECARY: 200+ Tinctures, Salves, Teas, Capsules, Oils, and Washes  for Whole-Body Health and Wellness
HERBAL APOTHECARY: 200+ Tinctures, Salves, Teas, Capsules, Oils, and Washes  for Whole-Body Health and Wellness
Ebook308 pages1 hour

HERBAL APOTHECARY: 200+ Tinctures, Salves, Teas, Capsules, Oils, and Washes for Whole-Body Health and Wellness

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If you have bought this book, I'm sure you are keen to learn about holistic living and herbal healing. Many of us have heard about the power of everyday natural ingredients, but most of us stayed far from these concoctions and teas as we didn't know where to begin. Many even think it's hard and can drill a hole into your pocket. 

Release dateJul 31, 2023

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    Book preview

    HERBAL APOTHECARY - Catherine Bruwer


    If you have bought this book, I’m sure you are keen to learn about holistic living and herbal healing. Many of us have heard about the power of everyday natural ingredients, but most of us stayed far from these concoctions and teas as we didn’t know where to begin. Many even think it’s hard and can drill a hole into your pocket.

    What if I give you a one-stop formula to prepare all these herbal concoctions at home? Over the years, we have recognized the importance and benefits of leading a holistic life. This book is your one-stop-all for herbal remedies that nurture and heal the whole family.

    When I started years ago, it was frustrating. I was leading a hectic and chaotic lifestyle, but it started taking a toll on my health. I was working a job I loved, but there was no work-life balance. After working for 16 hours at a stretch, eating all kinds of junk foods, and being stuck in traffic while traveling back home, I could only crash on the bed. My work-hard and party-harder lifestyle did not help my well-being either.

    At one point, I was suffering through multiple health issues and hit rock bottom with my mental health. One day, I decided I couldn’t go on like this anymore, and that was when I took the right steps to change my life.

    Yes, it was frustrating at the beginning as I could not adapt to the new and holistic lifestyle I decided to lead. I limited my interactions with some friends and family who did not approve of my decision. As hard as it was, I knew I was on the right path when I first heard about herbal Apothecary. I remember randomly attending this seminar while returning home from work. I spent merely 30 minutes at the quaint hall where the seminar was being held and was completely hooked. I knew I had found a way to change the trajectory of my life forever.

    Today you might come across a lot of conflicting information online about Apothecary. I know it can get overwhelming! Certifications, online courses, social media, hundreds and thousands of books to read - but who has time for all that? And you know the worst part? You don’t know whom to trust anymore!

    After helping thousands of aspiring home herbalists over the past few years, I finally decided to write a book about it. I want my readers to know everything they can about herbal remedies. When I started, I spent hours and hours trying to get my hands on any detail I could gather about this herbalist way of living. So, I wanted to develop a comprehensive guide that can save you time and energy while adapting to this way of living.

    This book will empower you to successfully prepare your herbal remedies easily, quickly, and in a fun manner.

    From tinctures and teas to syrups and salves, you will soon transform your kitchen into a holistic pharmacy that you can rely on for years to come. What’s more, using these remedies can also ensure your family’s mental and physical well-being. And if all goes well, they might follow in your footsteps and lead a better lifestyle than you have always wished for them.

    I have specially curated all the recipes in this book, which will give you all the details, from the ingredients list to preparation methods. All these recipes will help you make herbal tinctures, teas, capsules, washes, and oils for your overall health and well-being.

    Are you excited to start your herbal journey? Read on!

    Chapter One

    Important Instructions

    Before we get started, here is a list of instructions for you to remember. If any of the recipes contain essential oils, it is recommended to do a patch test before using them. This is important because some essential oils may not suit a particular skin type. If one essential oil doesn’t suit you, you swap it with another with similar properties. In general, even if the salve or balm doesn’t contain essential oil, it is better to do a patch test.

    Patch test for essential oil:

    Combine 2 – 3 drops of the essential oil and 4 – 5 drops of carrier oil.

    Dip a small piece of bandage pad in the mixture and place it on the inside part of your forearm. You can tape it up.

    Let it remain for 48 hours. If you have no irritation, you can use the essential oils to make the salve or balm.

    Patch test for salve or balm:

    Take a small amount of the prepared salve and rub it on the back of your hand.

    Wait for a few minutes to check if it is okay and if you have any irritation, itching, or allergy.

    If it is okay, go ahead and use it.

    It is advisable to sterilize the storage jars or containers. They should be clean and dry.

    Label the jars with the name and date of preparation.

    While using herbal remedies, especially the ones you ingest, such as tinctures, it is recommended to consult your doctor, especially if you are on blood thinners.

    Try to use organic ingredients if possible.

    Chapter Two

    How to make Double Boiler

    and Infuse Oil with Herbs

    Double Boiler

    A lot of recipes call for a double boiler. If you have a readymade, store-bought double boiler, great. If not, you can make one at home. The procedure to make your double boiler is mentioned below. It will not be repeated in the recipes.

    Pour 2 – 3 inches of water into a pot and place it over medium-low heat. Take a heatproof bowl that fits on the pot snugly. Add the ingredients to be melted into the heatproof bowl and place it on top of the pot. Make sure the water doesn’t touch or enter the heatproof bowl. Whisk frequently until the entire mixture melts and is smooth.

    Remove the heatproof bowl from the double boiler and carry on with the other steps.

    When you have to simmer the ingredients in the double boiler for a couple of hours, check the water level in the bigger double boiler pot. Add more water whenever required.

    You can make a double boiler using a saucepan as well. Place a canning ring in a saucepan, and place a glass measuring cup on the ring. Add the oil to be infused or ingredients that need to be melted. Pour water into the saucepan so that about half the jar is immersed. This method is convenient when you have fewer ingredients to melt or less oil to infuse. So, you make whatever type of double boiler is suitable for you.

    Infused Oils

    Some of the recipes use infused oil, for example, calendula-infused oil.

    The procedure to infuse oils is given below:

    Fill a clean and dry jar with the herbs such as lavender, calendula, dandelion, etc.

    Pour enough carrier oil of your choice, such as olive, sunflower, jojoba, sweet almond oil, coconut, etc., or whatever is mentioned in the recipe. For example, if the recipe is ‘Calendula infused sweet almond oil,’ you need to infuse calendula in sweet almond oil.

    Fasten the lid and shake the jar. Place the jar on a plate to collect any oil that may spill out an then place the jar and the plate in a cool, dry place away from sunlight. Shake the jar 2-3 times daily. Do this for 3-6 weeks, depending on how strong you want the infused oil to be.

    After infusing for the required time, line a fine wire mesh strainer with a layer of cheesecloth and place it over a jar. Strain the oil into the jar. Fasten the lid and store it in a cool and dry place. Use wherever required.

    Remember, you need to start making the infused oil about 4 – 6 weeks before making the salve or balm.

    If you don’t prep your oil beforehand, you can use this method. Add the oil and herbs into a heatproof bowl and place it in the double boiler. Simmer for 2 – 4 hours.

    When you make salve or balm, make sure to pour the mixture into salve containers as soon as the bowl is taken out of the double boiler unless specified in the recipe, or else the salve or balm will start setting. Let it cool completely and let it set. Do not disturb the containers while they are cooling and setting.

    If it is not setting well, refrigerate for a couple of hours. Fasten the lid, and label the container with the product’s name and the date of preparation. Storing them in the refrigerator will make them last longer. Also, using olive oil instead of oils such as sunflower oil will give better shelf life to the salve or balm, or cream. If you are not storing it in the refrigerator, store it in a cool and dry place like a cupboard. All these steps will not be repeated in the recipes.

    Chapter Three

    Tincture Recipes

    Turmeric Tincture

    This tincture helps improve immunity and heart health and

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