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A Love Story Painted In Time
A Love Story Painted In Time
A Love Story Painted In Time
Ebook50 pages22 minutes

A Love Story Painted In Time

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About this ebook

Step into a world where art and music intertwine, and where the colors of emotions dance to the melody of two hearts. In "A Love Story Painted in Time" by SD, the pages come alive with a tale of love that transcends the boundaries of mere existence.

Follow the journey of Hena and Jimmy as their paths cross in a quaint café, igniting a connection that sets their lives on an unexpected course. Their shared passions for art and music become the backdrop for a love story that evolves with each stroke of a brush and every note played on a guitar.

As their relationship blossoms, they navigate the complexities of dreams and doubts, discovering that love is not just about sharing triumphs, but also embracing vulnerability. From moonlit serenades to whispered promises, their story explores the depths of their souls, revealing layers of emotions that make their bond unbreakable.

"A Love Story Painted in Time" by SD delves into the heart of their journey, as they learn to support each other's ambitions while staying true to themselves. Through seasons of change and challenges that test their commitment, their love evolves into a timeless masterpiece – a canvas painted with shared dreams and a melody that echoes through eternity.

SD's eloquent prose and vivid descriptions create a world where emotions are felt as acutely as the strokes of a brush on a canvas. This story is a celebration of art, music, and love that goes beyond the ordinary, leaving readers captivated by the enchanting dance of words that tells a tale as old as time itself.

PublisherSadananda Das
Release dateAug 16, 2023
A Love Story Painted In Time

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    Book preview

    A Love Story Painted In Time - Sadananda Das

    A Love Story Painted in Time

    S . D

    Chapter 1: Unexpected Encounters

    Hena sat at a corner table in the cozy cafe, her sketchbook open before her. With a focused gaze, she sketched the people around her, capturing their expressions and movements with her skilled hand. The soft strains of a guitar played in the background, creating a soothing atmosphere.

    Jimmy walked into the cafe, his fingers idly strumming the strings of his guitar. He had a charming smile that seemed to light up the room as he greeted the barista and ordered his coffee. With his drink in hand, he scanned the room for a place to sit and spotted an empty chair at Hena's table.

    Hena didn't notice Jimmy approaching until he was already standing beside her table, a friendly smile on his face. Mind if I join you? he asked, his voice warm and inviting.

    Startled by the sudden intrusion, Hena looked up, her eyes meeting his. She felt her cheeks flush as she stammered, Oh, uh, sure. Please, go ahead.

    Jimmy took the seat across from her, setting his guitar gently against the wall. Nice sketches, he commented, glancing at her sketchbook.

    Thank you, Hena replied, feeling a mix of embarrassment and flattery. I'm Hena, by the way.

    Jimmy, he introduced himself, extending a hand across the table. Hena shook his hand, feeling a strange flutter in her chest at his touch.

    As they began to talk, Hena learned that Jimmy was a musician with a passion for playing the guitar and composing his own songs. He shared stories of his musical journey, and Hena found herself captivated by his enthusiasm and the way his eyes lit up as he spoke.

    In turn, Hena told Jimmy about her aspirations as an artist, her love for capturing moments through sketches and paintings. She described her

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