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The Friend: A Short Story
The Friend: A Short Story
The Friend: A Short Story
Ebook45 pages23 minutes

The Friend: A Short Story

Rating: 3 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

After a woman accepts a new friend request on social media and gains a stalker in this thriller short story from a New York Times bestselling author.

Like a billion people on earth, aspiring actress Piper Donovan is a fervent Facebook follower. But what she doesn’t know is that a “friend” is following her. Possibly . . . stalking. A fan who starts by using the same beauty salon eventually comes closer—much closer—in this chilling short story.

Praise for Mary Jane Clark:

“Clark has perfected the suspense novel.” —Booklist

“One of the most talented story tellers around.” —Associated Press

“Her characters are the sorts with whom many readers identify.” —USA Today
Release dateDec 4, 2012
The Friend: A Short Story

Mary Jane Clark

Mary Jane Clark worked at CBS News for nearly three decades. Her twelve KEY News media thrillers were inspired by that experience. Envisioning the Piper Donovan/Wedding Cake mystery series, Mary Jane enrolled in cake-decorating classes and researched unique wedding locations. The daughter of an FBI agent and a mother who customized cakes for the neighborhood kids when she was growing up, Mary Jane has two grown children and splits her time between New Jersey and Florida.

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    Book preview

    The Friend - Mary Jane Clark

    The Friend

    A Short Story

    Mary Jane Clark



    The Friend

    An Excerpt from Footprints in the Sand



    About the Author

    Also by Mary Jane Clark


    About the Publisher

    The Friend

    Bottled water, shampoo, conditioner, lip balm, moisturizer, dog food. Piper Donovan moved up in the express checkout line and placed her six items on the conveyor belt.

    What kind of dog do you have? asked the cashier, scanning a box of canine treats before depositing it in Piper’s reusable shopping tote.

    A Jack Russell terrier, answered Piper, smiling. He’s such an imp. He lives for these Fido Fudgies.

    When the order was tabulated, Piper slid her debit card through the slot. It didn’t take. She slid it again.

    I don’t know what’s wrong, she muttered, concerned that her account balance was even lower than she’d thought. It’s not working.

    The young woman held out her hand and Piper gave her the card. The cashier scrutinized it. With stubby, nail-bitten fingers, she tapped numbers onto the register keypad. The transaction went through.

    Thanks, said Piper with relief as she took back the card and slipped it into her wallet.

    No problem, said the cashier. She watched longingly as Piper picked up the bag and walked away, that blond ponytail swinging behind her.


    As Piper inserted her key in the lock on her parents’ door, she could hear the excited barking coming from the other side. The terrier sprang to greet her as soon as Piper stepped into the front hall. The little dog enthusiastically licked at Piper’s cheek as she bent over to put her packages down.

    Hey, Emmett, laughed Piper. Hey, buddy, did you miss me? I missed you.

    Piper unwound the scarf from around her neck, unbuttoned her wool coat and kicked off her Uggs while the dog stuck his snout into the shopping tote. His tail wagged furiously.

    Oh, I know what you want, said Piper. Don’t worry, Em. I got them.

    The terrier stood up on his hind legs, his front paws held out eagerly. Piper opened the box, reached in and plucked out a treat. Emmett snatched it.

    Watching the dog happily chomp, Piper felt a vibration coming from the pocket of her jeans. She took out her iPhone and checked her e-mail. Her heart leapt. Her agent Gabe had gotten her an appointment to audition for another commercial. With the pet food commercial she had just shot, she had high hopes for a magic mailbox-ful of

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