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The Man Who Murdered a Quarter of The World’s Population: Revised Edition
The Man Who Murdered a Quarter of The World’s Population: Revised Edition
The Man Who Murdered a Quarter of The World’s Population: Revised Edition
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The Man Who Murdered a Quarter of The World’s Population: Revised Edition

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About this ebook

One man has the power to change the world for better or worse. It only takes one with the ruthlessness to back it up, and people will follow him. Doors will open for him. He can murder a quarter of the world. Consumed by rage and a desire to take power, he can make weapons of mass destruction. He can outline a manifesto and follow it to the letter.

Evil has many forms, and Cain’s murderous intent continues to seep into individuals, causing death wherever it goes, and this death comes in many forms. The children of Cain orchestrate bombings and school shootings. They cause pestilence, addiction, consumption, and sin. And this evil came from one man.

This man severed the vein that
issued a river of blood.
The blood has never stopped.
It’s a blood that speaks;
It has a voice.
What is the voice saying to you?

In The Man Who Murdered a Quarter of the World’s Population, author Ira J-Ira offers an intriguing look at religion, family, and relationships. Using a raw approach to history and the Bible, he presents unique insight into one of the oldest stories of creation.
Release dateAug 14, 2023
The Man Who Murdered a Quarter of The World’s Population: Revised Edition

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    The Man Who Murdered a Quarter of The World’s Population - Ira J-Ira

    © 2023 Ira J-Ira. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse  08/14/2023

    ISBN: 979-8-8230-8346-1 (sc)

    ISBN: 979-8-8230-8345-4 (e)

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    About the Book

    Chapter One   The Man

    Chapter Two   A Mother’s Love

    Chapter Three   Religion

    Chapter Four   The Political World

    Chapter Five   Cain’s Offering

    Chapter Six   Imagine

    Chapter Seven   The Authority Send Help

    Chapter Eight   Entertainments

    Chapter Nine   Passing of the Genes

    Chapter Ten   The Hope

    About the Author


    One man has the power to change the world for better or worse. It only takes one with the ruthlessness to back it up, and people will follow him. Doors will open for him. He can murder a quarter of the world. Consumed by rage and a desire to take power, he can make weapons of mass destruction. He can outline a manifesto and follow it to the letter.

    Evil has many forms, and Cain’s murderous intent continues to seep into individuals, causing death wherever it goes, and this death comes in many forms. The children of Cain orchestrate bombings and school shootings. They cause pestilence, addiction, consumption, and sin. And this evil came from one man.

    This man severed the vein that

    issued a river of blood.

    The blood has never stopped.

    It’s a blood that speaks;

    It has a voice.

    What is the voice saying to you?

    In The Man Who Murdered a Quarter of the World’s Population, author Ira J-Ira offers an intriguing look at religion, family, and relationships. Using a raw approach to history and the Bible, he presents unique insight into one of the oldest stories of creation.



    It is amazing that one man, having cut a vein, unleashed a river of blood: the blood that speaks, the blood that has a voice. That blood never stops; its voice echoes around the world with woeful cries. But who is he?

    He is a man whom everyone should know, though most don’t. He was a man of few words, and that is probably why he is not readily recognized by the masses. Very few realize that this man actually murdered a quarter of the world’s population. He has been kept hidden in the glaring light of history. You may have met him at some time, perhaps many times. While you were riding the bus or train, you might have seen or heard someone talking or reading about him. While you were sitting in church listening to a sermon, you almost certainly met him. Some believe that he might still be alive, protected by a government that admires his creative ability to destroy—it could be any government, anywhere in the world.

    One of the things known of this man is that he was brought up as a farmer. His family was quite dysfunctional. It was customary then and not so long ago, although not necessarily in this modern time we live in, for the man to be regarded as the head of the house—not only to provide necessities for his family such as food, clothing, and shelter but also protection against any who dared to threaten or to harm them in any way. The man was the watchman, the protector, the provider.

    It is a well-known fact that human beings admire the bad guy. Even though this man might be feared by most people, he may still have a strong following of admirers. Like all bad guys, this man also had some good within him, but you had to look hard to notice it. After he committed genocide and was cast out of his society, he became fearful and did not want to lose the comfort of his family and friends. He had human weaknesses and fears deep within him.

    His mother was very beautiful, but she had one basic fault that set him on his course to become the only man in history to have murdered a quarter of the world’s population. She was provided with a beautiful home with all that she could ever wish for at her disposal. She did not have to struggle through the nine-to-five traffic madness. She did not have to ask or beg for anything because her house was well stocked. But she had that one great fault: she was self-willed. She liked to have her own way, which naturally led to her being disobedient to the head of the house, her husband. His farm was laden with an abundance of life-giving healthy foods, but she chanced upon a fruit that looked appetizing but was poisonous. She ate of this poisonous fruit, which tasted sweet, and no negative effect was immediately noticeable.

    Soon after her husband came home, she gave him a taste of this poisonous fruit. He was not willing to partake of this fruit at first, but his will was soon overcome by her persuasive tongue. Her persuasion was so sincere that he also ate, and as soon as he had eaten, he became violently sick. He brought home the foods that give good health to the eater and disregarded those that would cause injury or even death. Before he left home to attend to his various duties on his farm, the fruits and the various animals in his care, he instructed her—knowing of her tendency to please herself—as to what should not be eaten and what could.

    They lived on a farm that was given to them by a rich, benevolent owner; he owned a vast estate, so vast that as far as the eyes could see, all was his. He told them that as long as they looked after their farm and took good care of it, he would let them live on their farm as if they had bought it with money. He loved them and gave them good advice; he knew well the seasons for sowing and reaping, what could be sown in winter, what could be sown in spring, and what could be sown in summer and autumn or fall. He instructed them on the best way to look after this farm. They were accountable to him. He was the owner, and furthermore he had perfect knowledge of the seasons for sowing and reaping, and what should be eaten and what should not. Their farm was a section of the estate, situated in the eastern side of his estate with a gentle flowing stream within it. They would want for nothing if his instructions were carried out. They were told that they could live on this farm without cost as long as they followed his instructions and kept out all that would cause harm. Not only that, but if they practiced good husbandry of the farm and brought up their children to take care of it, he would give them the whole estate as an inheritance!

    While he was very busy attending to his

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