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The Dead Client: The Brandon Hall Series, #5
The Dead Client: The Brandon Hall Series, #5
The Dead Client: The Brandon Hall Series, #5
Ebook212 pages2 hours

The Dead Client: The Brandon Hall Series, #5

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About this ebook

Hall's latest case involves a woman who's receiving threatening notes. As soon as he's hired, though, the woman turns up dead. But that's not the end of the case for Hall. Even though his client is dead, that won't stop him. He's going to get to the bottom of this case and find out the murderer.

Through several twists and turns, Hall and Charlotte will find out who killed their dead client.

Release dateAug 19, 2023
The Dead Client: The Brandon Hall Series, #5

Mike Ryan

Mike Ryan retired from a thirty-year career as a financial advisor, author and teacher in 2011 and reawakened a passion for turquoise first begun in the 1970s. He is the author of Asset Allocation and the Investment Management Process and The Colors of Money: Finding Balance, Harmony and Fulfillment with Money.

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    The Dead Client - Mike Ryan


    Charlotte went over to the couch and sat down on Hall’s lap, throwing her arms around him. The last couple of weeks had been extremely busy for both of them. But now, she had finally caught up on the last bit of work for one of her clients, and Hall had finished up one of his cases. They could finally have some alone time. She put her lips on his and made a sound with her mouth that indicated she was happy.

    I feel like it’s been forever since we’ve been alone.

    Hall grinned. It hasn’t been that long.

    Maybe for you. For me it’s felt like forever. I was thinking we could just watch a movie, snuggle under a blanket, and…

    Charlotte stopped when they heard a knock on the door. They looked at each other, surprised.

    Are we expecting someone?

    Not that I’m aware of, Hall answered.

    It’s probably someone selling something. If we don’t answer, they’ll go away.

    Hall wasn’t as quick to assume the knocker’s profession. Plus, he didn’t like surprises. And someone knocking on their door qualified as a surprise he didn’t like. Especially with some of the surprises they’d encountered in their brief time together.

    I should go see who it is, Hall said.

    No. Don’t do that.


    Charlotte sighed, knowing full well that her boyfriend was going to go answer the door. Wouldn’t it be better if… Oh, go ahead, answer the door.

    It may be a potential client.

    For whom?

    Me. Us. Whomever.

    Potential clients call first.

    Maybe this one doesn’t. The knocking got a little louder. Hall gave his girlfriend a look, prompting her to get off his lap and stand up.

    Fine, fine, go ahead.

    Hall stood up and put his thumb on her chin, planting a kiss on her lips. We can pick this up later.

    Hopefully we can pick it up in a few minutes if this person is just selling something.

    Hall laughed to himself, then went over to the door and opened it. There was a woman standing there, and right away, Hall could tell she was having problems. It was written all over her face. She had that look in her eye that spelled out she needed help. Plus, she had no literature in her hands, and she was holding nothing to indicate she was selling something. The woman appeared to be in her early twenties, had long blonde hair, was wearing a blue sun dress, and had a good figure.

    Can I help you?

    Are you Brandon Hall?

    That’s me.

    The private detective?

    Hall smiled. Me again. Something I can help you with?

    The woman nervously scratched the side of her face. Uh, yeah, I think so. I guess. I mean, can I talk to you about something?

    Sure. Hall stepped aside and held his arm out to invite her in. Come on in and let’s talk about it.


    The woman stepped inside the apartment and immediately noticed Charlotte standing there with her arms crossed. Charlotte noticed her too, and raised her eyebrows at the sight of the attractive woman in their apartment. Each of the women smiled at the other, though it didn’t appear to be genuine on either of their parts.

    Please, Hall said. Sit down. As the woman sat, Hall motioned to his girlfriend with his mouth and his thumbs that it was for him.

    Charlotte rolled her eyes and turned around for a second in disappointment, her body language clearly indicating she was unhappy, knowing her quiet, romantic evening with her boyfriend was about to go up in smoke.

    Hall’s prospective client sat down, though she looked anxious. I’m sorry, I hope I didn’t intrude on you or anything.

    Not at all.

    It’s kind of hard to talk about this.

    Why don’t you start by telling me your name? Hall asked.

    Oh. I’m sorry. I’m Mandy.

    Whatever it was, Hall could tell she was shaken up. All he wanted to do right now was just calm her down a little. Why don’t you just relax? Take a breath. Whatever the issue is, we’ll figure it out together. But you’re safe right now.

    Mandy raised her eyebrows. Yeah. Right now.

    What’s the problem?

    Mandy reached into her purse and pulled out a piece of paper. This is the problem. She held it up, then passed it over to Hall.

    Hall read it and immediately knew the problem. It didn’t take a genius to see what it was. A death threat was plain as day.

    When did you get this?

    Um, a few hours ago. It was on the windshield of my car.

    You know who it’s from?

    Mandy shook her head. No.

    Handwriting doesn’t look familiar?

    She shook her head again. Not that I know of.

    Charlotte’s irritated posture slowly faded away as she listened to the woman’s problem. She went into the kitchen and made some drinks for everyone.

    Have you gotten anything like this before? Hall asked.

    Mandy nodded. Yes. This is the second one I’ve gotten. Before that I got a few creepy letters.

    Creepy? In what way?

    You know, telling me they were watching me, things like that.

    Do you still have them?

    No. I threw them out. I know that was stupid now, but at the time, I just… didn’t want to deal with it. I guess that sounds stupid.

    Hall shook his head and tried to give her a warm smile. It’s fine. When was the first time you got something?

    Uh, it was about four weeks ago.

    Did you go to the police?

    Mandy looked down and shook her head. No. I know that was another stupid move on my part. But I guess I was hoping it was just some prank and that it’d stop. Then when it kept up, I didn’t have the letters anymore, and I figured there was nothing they could do anyway. I didn’t have any proof.

    Hall held the note up. Now you do.

    Yeah, but I figure they got a lot of things on their plate. I thought a private detective might be able to give me more attention. You know, if they were only focused on me, then I’d be better off.


    Charlotte came back into the room with drinks and walked over to the pair, handing them out. Here. Why don’t you try this? It’s iced tea with a little kick to help calm your nerves.

    Mandy looked at her and took the drink, giving her a grateful smile. Thank you.

    Charlotte took a seat next to her boyfriend, looking sympathetic to the woman’s predicament. And you don’t know who might be doing this to you?

    No. I don’t.

    Have you recently rejected anyone’s advances? Hall asked. Break up with a boyfriend, go out on a date with someone that didn’t go so well, anything like that?

    Um, no. I haven’t been on a date in months. And the last boyfriend I had was last year.

    Could it be him?

    Mandy scoffed. I doubt it. He cheated on me and is with some other girl now, so I really doubt he’d take the time for it.

    A stranger come up to you and ask you out that you rejected?

    Mandy shook her head.

    Hall put his hand on his chin as he thought about it. What do you do for work?

    I’m a dancer.

    What kind?

    Not the dirty kind.

    Hall put his hands up, not making any assumptions. Didn’t even cross my mind.

    No, I dance in theater productions, music videos, things like that.

    How long have you been doing that?

    About three or four years now. I started getting jobs right out of high school. I’ve been dancing since I was little.

    And where have you found these notes? At home, on your car, at work?

    Different places. The first couple were on my car. The last couple have been at home. One was in my mailbox, another was taped to my front door.

    You don’t happen to have cameras or anything at your home, do you?


    OK. Hall folded his arms and rubbed his lips as he looked away, thinking about what they could do. And how far apart have you gotten these?

    About once a week.

    Not more than that?


    Same time? Same day?

    No. This one was taped to my door this morning. Others have been at night, or in the middle of the day. No specific days either. Some have been Saturday, Friday, you know, whenever.

    Hall nodded. OK.

    Do you think you can help me?

    Hall tried to give her a warm smile. We’ll get this guy.

    Thank you. How much do you usually charge? I have a few thousand saved up in my bank account. I’m not sure how much that will get me.

    Don’t worry about the money right now. We can figure that out.

    I also don’t wanna get deep in debt or anything either.

    Hall put his hand out. Don’t worry so much about it. It’s fine. Just give me a small deposit now, and the rest we can figure out later. I’m not worried about the money. I’m more worried about keeping you safe.

    A small bit of relief finally showed on Mandy’s face. Thank you. I just… I don’t know why this is happening.

    It’s happening because you’re pretty, and the world can be a scary place out there sometimes. But don’t worry. We’ll get to the bottom of this. I promise.


    As soon as Mandy left, Hall got straight to business with Charlotte’s help. She immediately pulled up all the background info she could find on Mandy.

    This is what I hate about getting cases late at night, Charlotte said.

    What’s that?

    Because now you’ll be up all night working on it.

    Hall laughed. Don’t forget, you were the one who got me into this. I was quite content in trying to start a trucking business.

    But would you have been happier?

    Hall shrugged. I dunno. Maybe.

    You wouldn’t.

    How do you know?

    Because helping people is what you were made to do. It’s who you are. Hall gave her a grin. I just wish they’d come around a little sooner.

    Cases come when cases come. Hall didn’t really care about the time. He just cared that the cases came in. We should probably check with Bradham in the morning, see if they have anything on her.

    Charlotte was already typing her name in. I can tell you right now she doesn’t have a criminal record. She pointed to the empty space on her computer screen.

    Yeah, but he could say if she was ever a witness to something, maybe a bystander to a crime, something like that. That wouldn’t show up on a record.

    Oh, so you think maybe it’s a revenge thing?

    I don’t know. Could be. Could be something else. Just have to check all the angles.

    She’s pretty. I’m betting it’s someone with a big-time jealous streak.

    Someone she rejected?

    Or someone who didn’t have the courage to ask her out or something like that.

    But she said she hasn’t been dating. What would prompt someone to lash out like that, if there wasn’t competition? I could see that happening if this guy, or woman, saw her with another guy, and that triggered him. But if there is no other person… where’s the trigger?

    Yeah, that makes sense.

    Maybe it’s someone she had an argument with one time.

    Charlotte raised her eyebrows. Must’ve been one heck of an argument.

    Or maybe it’s someone she’s in competition with. If someone thinks she’s better, and maybe she’s losing jobs to her, they could want her out of the way.

    There’s a lot of maybes here.

    Hall laughed. Well, we just got the job about twenty minutes ago. Everything’s still on the table at this point.

    I’ll look up her social media stuff, see if there’s any disturbing or weird messages on there.

    Good call. Hall started typing on his laptop as well. "I’ll look up the places she’s been working.

    They worked most of the night, getting a good start on the case. Charlotte drifted off to sleep around one, while Hall plowed through until about three, both of them falling asleep on the couch.

    Hall’s eyes opened, awoken by Charlotte getting off of him. He moved his head around, his neck feeling a little stiff. Charlotte stretched, then went into the kitchen to make coffee to wake them up even further. Hall sat up on the couch, still looking tired.

    What time is it? he asked.

    Uh, about nine.

    Hall yawned, then saw his phone on the table. He went over to it and checked it, just as Charlotte came back into the room.

    Expecting a call already?

    Hall wiped his eyes. No, I sent a message to Bradham before I went to sleep. Just wanted to ask him to check into Mandy for us.

    He get back to you?

    Not yet.

    I’m sure he loved seeing that message. He hates it when you use him as a resource.

    Hall laughed. He just pretends to hate it. He doesn’t mind. If he did, he wouldn’t do it.

    If you say so.

    They ate breakfast, then started to get ready for the day.

    What exactly is the plan for today? Charlotte asked.

    Figure we’ll swing by Mandy’s place. Just drive around, see if we see anything out of the ordinary.

    You mean like a big beefy guy just sitting there salivating in a car that’s watching her house?

    Uh… maybe. Why’s he gotta be big and beefy? Maybe he’s small and skinny.

    Charlotte smiled. She was willing to play. Or maybe he’s a she.

    Could be. Hall gave his girlfriend a kiss. Seriously, though, I just wanna drive around her house, get a feel for the area, see what’s nearby. Once we do that, then I’d like to go to wherever she’s working.

    Oh, that reminds me. Charlotte went over to the table. She gave us her schedule for today. Have to remember where I put it. She kept shuffling papers around on the table as she looked for it.

    Hall pulled out a piece of paper that was folded in his pocket and held it up. You mean this one?

    Charlotte gave him a glance. Yes, that one. How long were you gonna let me look for that?

    Hall smiled. Well, I do like staring at you, so… He shrugged.

    They started heading for the door, then Hall’s

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