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Australian Water and Mind
Australian Water and Mind
Australian Water and Mind
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Australian Water and Mind

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Water and mind. The most mercurial magics are clashing. Alliences, centuries old, are broken. Dark forces have reached Australian shores and Tasmania has become a demon playground.
Meanwhile a father returns and a secret is revealed... but the mystery it is defies even the fates.
Is Australia ready for two Mediators?
Father and daughter must work together if Australia is to survive this latest threat. To keep Australia's magic protected from the invading darkness, to keep Australia's heart pure, they will need to survive demons and fairies on a warpath in Tasmania.
Will they both come out unharmed?
M uncovers more than she bargained for in her attempt to save Australia. She is introduced to more of the crossbreeds. Crossbreeds, like herself. Crossbreeds she had always been told were rare and powerless. Maybe they weren't as rare as people though, nor as powerless. The voices in her head try to guide her but she is only just finding out what they are capable of with the connection they have to her. The forests have accepted M as their Mediator, will they be there to protect her when she gets in too deep? Deals are made when mediation takes an unexpected turn.
It seems that M can't help but upsetting powerful people and upsetting the balance. She doesn't know if she is able to handle more. M is going to have to fight hard, talk fast and run faster to survive what is happening in Tasmania.

Release dateNov 22, 2022
Australian Water and Mind

Gabriëlle Monego

Hello,Thank you for your interest in my books and myself.Between work, school and taking care of my beautiful humans, a cranky, little bird and a decisive, big German Shepherd, I write. Most of what I write is fantasy fiction, based in Australia. We live in Queensland, Australia, the sunshine state.Ever since I was little I have loved writing. I was talked into publishing my first book, Australian Magic but I enjoyed publishing my other stories to the world (and I am still learning). The feedback (and constructive comments from readers) has been amazing.I will be publishing several more books this year. Keep an eye out for Supernatural Medicine, Change and Accidental Assassin.Thank you for looking me up and enjoy.(and if you have some spare time let me know what you thought)GM

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    Australian Water and Mind - Gabriëlle Monego



    The Mediator book 3


    A Smashwords Edition

    Copyright 2023 Gabrielle Monego

    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    Thank you for downloading this e-book. This book remains the copyrighted property of the author and may not be redistributed to others for commercial or non-commercial purposes. If you enjoy this book, please encourage your friends to download their own copy from their favourite authorized retailer. Thank you for respecting the hard work of the author.


    It is true, if you have nothing nice to say, keep your mouth shut… But if you do have a kind word, please express yourself. I assure you that the kind words of strangers can mean more to someone than they will ever be able to express.

    It has been challenging these last few years. Lots of things have changed in my life and I’d like to acknowledge that I couldn’t have managed without my amazing family, great friends and the kind words of complete strangers. Their combined support has assured me that I shouldn’t give up sharing my stories with the world.

    Thank you to my friends and family for being part of my life and putting up with my crazy.

    And thank you to everyone that doesn’t know me but took the time to be kind regardless.


    Prologue Hell in Tasmania

    Chapter 1 REUNION

    Chapter 2 WINGS

    Chapter 3 HERITAGE

    Chapter 4 FAMILY TIES

    Chapter 5 ANGER

    Chapter 6 COMMITMENTS

    Chapter 7 BAD VIBES

    Chapter 8 CONFESSIONS

    Chapter 9 HONESTY

    Chapter 10 POWER

    Chapter 11 NEGOTIATIONS

    Chapter 12 REVELATION

    Chapter 13 MELBOURNE

    Chapter 14 OLD FRIENDS

    Chapter 15 ANOMOLIES

    Chapter 16 DISRESPECT


    Chapter 18 BELIEVE IN THE FIRE


    Chapter 20 SCARY TRUTHS

    Chapter 21 KIDS AND KINGS

    Chapter 22 DELORAINE


    Chapter 24 STORYTIME


    Chapter 26 BRAGGING RIGHTS

    Chapter 27 ROAD TRIP

    Chapter 28 POWER

    Chapter 29 DEAL

    Chapter 30 CHOICES MADE

    Chapter 31 EXTENDED FAMILY

    Chapter 32 EAST

    Chapter 33 ESCAPE TO NOWHERE

    About the Gabrielle Monego

    More books by Gabrielle Monego


    Book #4 The Mediator

    Chapter One Here be dragons

    Chapter Two End it

    Prologue Hell in Tasmania

    The men that were on duty at the north shore never saw it coming, their superior senses were useless against the magic that had managed to sneak up on them. The sounds of wings was the last thing they heard before their minds were overtaken by the fairies. They hadn’t expected it, they’d never even considered it, as their species had been allies since before the turn. Recent events had tempers running high and these Tigers were nothing more than hired muscle. Easy money, or so they thought. Now they were dead, the lake they had been patrolling slowly being covered by mind magic from the beautiful, deadly creatures with sparkling wings.

    In the shadows of the trees there was a flash of white as someone smiled broadly at the sight of the mutilated bodies of the fallen guards. Slowly an incredibly beautiful man became clear as he strolled out to see the intricate work of the fairies over the lake. To his left here were two loud snaps in the unnatural silence. His smile settling as he saw another step from the shadows, dragging two more guards, their necks broken. As the fairies numbly continued to work their magic over the vast lake another two gorgeous men arrived at the opposite shore, smiling a bone chilling smile as they too set fairies to work on the surface of the lake. The men would soon meet up at the only area their fairies weren’t working their magic. In the depth of the lake its inhabitants remained blissfully unaware of the danger now waiting on the shore.

    Chapter 1 REUNION

    My dad left me when I had just turned eighteen and a lot has happened since then. I lived in Perth on my own and learned to fight dirty, then did just that with a man possessed by a demon. I barely got out of Perth with my life.

    I met dwarves with magical abilities. I travelled the Nullambor Plain and learned heaps about plants and native magic but never managed to use it because my mother’s genes never kicked in, so that means I’m a bad at being a witch. I was struck by lightning and saved by the Seelie. I talked to a forest and found a spark of magic in myself. I learned about Unseelie too and caught up with my Giant friend Mannie who helped me settle into dad’s old job. I argued with Dragons and fought with demons. I finally settled down in my own patch of heaven in the unprotected wilderness outside Toowoomba and accepted that I am the Mediator now. Then I got attacked by a vampire and he ended up drained (long story). I helped save the dwarves and made sure the Unseelie queen didn’t put the pixies into slavery due to her fear of the demons. Quite excitingly I flew in a dragon (yep in a dragon, long story too). I did all this hoping my father was alive, wondering where he was and praying I’d find him someday.

    Wouldn’t you know it, the day I wake from a coma with wings swirling around on the skin of my back, like a living tattoo, he is sitting at the head of the table like the lord of the manor, in my house and all he says is Hello Angel, he didn’t even get up!


    The one and only!

    The world changed in the twenty-first century. It wasn’t war that ended up ruining the world and crumbling governments, it was nature. Climate Change the humans called it, the others call it Magic. But whatever you call it, Mother Nature had had enough abuse and, like any woman that finally admits to a bad relationship, she decided to make some drastic changes. Volcanic eruptions all over the world grounded most of the planes. A lot of the smaller Islands got washed out and the environment changed drastically all over the world, within months. The magic revealed itself and the myths, mere stories told to human children throughout history, showed themselves to the world.

    All over the world these creatures came back to the light and killed with no remorse those who tried to hunt them. Murder and mayhem followed its bloody paths as humans started doing what most of them do best, killing the unfamiliar. The sad bit was that most of the ‘strangers’ they killed were actually human too. The strange things that had started coming out of the shadows, when the Magic first kicked in, decided to come out completely and a lot of discussion still rages about when it really started, but it will never be pinned down to a day if you ask me. For Australia it was 2036.

    In the city where I grew up, when the magic came out, the Lady of the Swan River gave the citizens left in the city of Perth a choice. Live or die. I’m sure she didn’t put it like that but that was what it came down to. Everything south of the river was to be for the supernatural. Humans going there had to report and give reason to the river people or forfeit their life. In return the north of the river was for the humans. Any supernatural that chose to live there would not use its magic in any way shape or form if it could harm the human population. In most major cities, and a fair few small towns around the country, there were riots and with them came the fires. Structure was maintained in Australia by the armed forces and the police but the manpower was inadequate and whole neighbourhoods burned. Nothing as bad as the rest of the world where whole cities were wiped of the maps. I’m positive that anyone that lived through those days will tell you it was horrific.

    But as I was looking at the man that had raised me, I felt like the world had come to a standstill.


    The one and only! He replied with a small smile.

    I couldn’t move, my eyes drinking in the sight of him even as my brain tried to comprehend everything. He hadn’t changed.

    At all!

    I finally realized that dad was a supernatural.

    One of the immortal kind! It was right there in his face. Not a wrinkle, no grey hair, he looked not a day over thirty. I’d never noticed or maybe I never cared before. He was letting me come to my own conclusions and he had a smile on his face like it had only been a few days instead of years since we’d lived together. I was getting angry and his smile widened.

    Still wearing your feelings on your face I see!

    And you still have the same face.

    I should hope so, dear. He replied teasingly.

    What are you?

    That’s no way to greet your father, try 'How are you?’ that would be nicer.

    This isn’t a joke, dad.

    I know, I thought I’d taught you better manners than that.

    How old are you?

    I thought you wanted to know what I am?

    Why are you here?

    How about a hug for your old man?

    Where have you been?

    What? Not even gonne gimme a kiss?

    That’s it! You are an obnoxious figment of my imagination! I sighed dramatically. I’m going to ignore you and you’ll disappear

    I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

    When I opened my eyes he was still there, still smiling at me like he’d never left me.

    He finally got up, slowly. It took me a moment to realize that the others in the room had taken up defensive positions, against my father! Even Jack and Liam had drawn their weapons. Nothing outright, but the weapons were on the table, a clear warning from men that had called my father a friend.

    Nazz handed me a coffee and carefully positioned himself slightly in front of me on the right. Dad looked surprised as he asked. You protect my daughter?

    We do. Was all he said and I could feel the other dragons behind me even if I hadn’t seen them move. Dad looked at the dwarves My friends? The reply was simple yet telling, they were wearing a sad smile as they simple held their weapons in place. Alia dropped down in front of dad’s face and spoke in her beautiful clear voice. Everyone here care for her and I dare say most of the ones outside the wards do as well. Alia smirked. She owns a vamp too.

    Archer added gently. You were never as good a Mediator as your daughter is. No one ever was.

    That is great praise for my baby girl coming from one such as you, young man.

    You were the third Mediator I saw come and go so I’m old enough to know you are avoiding the topic. Answer her questions from where you are.

    Which one?

    That was the last straw. I took a step forward pointing at dad and told him. "You know what, dad, I managed this long without you! How about you go back to wherever you were and come see me when you feel like having an actual conversation with me!"

    With that I turned on my heel and stalked off. I took one last look back at the somewhat stunned faces in the kitchen. I’ll be having another look at my new tattoos if anybody wants to join me to speculate about them. I’m sure my father can find his own way out!

    Chapter 2 WINGS

    I returned to my mirror and it seemed that everybody wanted to speculate as they crowded into the room with me.

    It’s a dragon’s idea of a joke, because you stole one of theirs for a joy ride, Said Archer I looked at him in surprise and he shrugged. We've had plenty of time to talk when you were napping.

    Nah, Said Nazz sounding happy. she’s been cursed by your lot because she wouldn’t let the pixies and the dragons go to your side. It’s the queen’s revenge!

    It isn’t either, Said Doc with a straight face. It must be an old fairy blessing because she puts up with the worst fairy they ever bred! Isn’t that so, you evil, little Barbie doll?

    Close. Replied Alia happily. We did bless her and next she’ll get the fangs to match so she can get rid of all you elephant skinned dwarves. Our fangs are just too small to eat your leathery lot, she will get us a starting point!

    It’s the witches I tell ya___ Started Kelly but she never got to finish because dad’s voice cut through all their jokes


    What? I snapped back.

    They’re your wings. he said.

    Huh, we didn’t need you to figure that out!

    You are an Angel. Well, of sorts anyway.

    Yeah, ‘cause I don’t drink, curse or kill. I batted my eyelids. I’m such a good girl I take in every stay I find. As you can see looking at this lot!

    I was an Angel, some of us choose to become mediators to help retain the peace on earth, when we choose to stop doing our job we return home and another angel comes to do the job of Mediator.

    Home? I interrupted but he continued as if I hadn't spoken.

    I fell in love, they call it that because that is how some of us fall. I lost my home and because I fell for love, I didn’t have to give up my job or my position. Earth was my new home, with your mother. Our Lords mercy is great.

    What else happened? Asked Nazz. You gave up on some races with your home?

    One of the possessed threatened my new wife. Turned out I didn’t take them serious enough, so they killed her. Then, I only had to ignore some disputes to keep my baby safe, I would have never agreed to make things worse!

    So you just turned a blind eye?

    And The Lord abandoned me. When my wife was killed, they came to me and threatened my baby girl.

    You were slack in your duty years before you met your witch. Said Archer in a nasty tone.

    I was getting lonely and the twentieth century was hard on my heart. AnnaMaria saved me. He turned to face me then. I finally couldn’t turn a blind eye any longer when they tried to wipe out a whole colony of Weres up north and I intervened with the humans in those towns. One young girl, a lot like my own daughter escaped and came to get me. You were eighteen and I’d kept you in the dark for a reason.

    Yeah, that turned out really well for me! I snapped at him.

    It did indeed. He snapped back, clearly annoyed. You are alive and you have been granted your wings. Our God’s grace.

    So that’s what you call it ‘God’s grace’? Unsolicited body art was my first guess!

    Sarcasm doesn’t suit you, Angel.

    Yeah well, I like it anyway. So how ‘bout you tell me why you kept me stupid.

    Not stupid, never stupid, just in the dark about my work and my heritage, we are older than this world and the one rule that has always been, is that the innocent may not be killed if they are truly unaware of the war between the creator and some of his children. I told you all the stories.

    Well, I’m sorry to tell you the rules have changed or they cheated. Noah tried to kill me the night before I left.

    If he wanted to kill you, you would have been dead well before you decided to leave Perth.


    Meaning that they had ample opportunity to kill you and instead waited until you decided to leave before they did anything. He cocked his head like a dog trying to figure out a scent. He wouldn’t have just tried to kill you, he would have tried to talk to you, what did you do to piss him off?

    What? I asked stunned. Why would I have done something to piss him off, he pissed me off if anything!


    I couldn't help myself when I answered rather childishly. He made me dinner! I said, rebelliously crossing my arms and frowning at my dad.

    'Really? Dad asked sweetly. I thought you'd be a bit more mature by now.

    Oh yeah, like you, because you are soooo perfect!

    Please, baby girl. Dad gently cooed while everybody remained tensely quiet.

    He gave me coffee that tasted like sump-oil and felt like really bad magic, human magic. Then he started asking me questions about you.

    You answered him?

    No! I pushed a table at him and ran, he caught me and kicked my butt.

    Archer interrupted. I would have paid money to see that!

    Shut up Archer! Anyway, he then tried to get me to drink more of that nasty stuff and I threw it in his face just before I bashed it in with a game-console he had handy. Then I got my stuff and got out. Fast! He still almost caught me. I shivered at the memory. I never knew humans could run that fast, he was possessed I know that now, but still! I was on a bike!

    My father didn’t look proud, he looked annoyed. See, that’s what I mean, he had no proof and you didn’t have the knowledge to get you killed. You pissed him off, that was the reason he tried to kill you. You gave him the impression you knew something.

    You know dad, something like good girl or maybe even, I’m sorry you had to go through that, would have been nice.

    Do you remember what you learned about the creation of the universe?

    Yeah, sorta, God got bored and made the world then he made people for it and gave them complete free will so that it would be more interesting for him to watch. Some of his angels didn't like it so they got send to Hell. I knew I was being childish but I really didn’t care.

    Our universe is but one of many, as is our God. He smiled sadly. Like people some are all Good, some are all Bad and some are a bit of both.

    And I assume you would have me believe that the master of our universe is all Good?

    A lot of 'creations' from other makers thought so, as they came to populate our new planet to live with his new children. Dad looked thoughtful for a moment, like he was remembering something. The veil between worlds was very thin when there had been a new creation.

    Yeah. Right! That explains everything.

    I believe so, you have free will, believe what you please. I, however, fell from his heaven and will have to mourn that loss forever. I know!

    Right, well, I have some questions!

    I would expect nothing less.

    So you fell for mum but you still got along with your God?

    Our God and Yes.

    Then you did the wrong thing, so he abandoned you?

    Not abandoned.

    Because you still got to keep your job?

    By his mercy, yes.

    Guess that means he does do shades of grey. Or maybe he preferred the evil he knew?

    Is there a question in that dear?

    Why did you get to keep your job dad?

    Because I didn’t forsake my Lord, I loved my wife and daughter. I didn’t cause pain and turmoil and in the beginning, I worked just like I had before I met your mother. Only less and then, after she died, I simply ignored some calls for mediation to protect my child. I fell but I didn’t fall due to hate, greed or any of that.

    I couldn’t help myself and asked softly. Then why didn’t you just take me with you?

    I hardly managed to keep myself safe. It was safer for you to leave alone. You wouldn't have survived the places I went.

    You don’t know what I’ve been through!

    He didn’t answer, just turned his back to us and lifted his shirt. On his back were wings like mine with a distinct difference.

    Where mine were like liquid silver moving under my skin his were gold. Well, partly gold. The bottom of his wings were a deep disturbing black. The blackness moved like worms under his skin. Like the demon magic attempting to devour the golden wings as we watched, while in some places the gold still managed to shine through the darkness.

    It was very disturbing to watch.

    Chapter 3 HERITAGE

    He dropped his shirt back down and turned back to me with a sad face. I broke my deal and the darkness collects. I can make them work for it but I won’t be able to outrun the darkness forever.

    I took a small step in his direction, he opened his arms and I flung myself into his hug burying my face in his neck while tears were running down my face.

    I don’t understand. So you’re going to hell because you love your family? I asked softly.

    No, baby, I am going to hell because of the anger I developed after your mother died.

    I'm sorry daddy.

    It's alright, they haven't got me yet. He grinned.

    Can we have a moment alone please? I mumbled to the others, safe in father’s arms.

    No. Was the cold reply.

    Nazz had spoken but nobody had moved. I gave him a nasty look but I could tell by the resolve on his beautiful, chiselled face that he wasn’t going to budge. A resolve mirrored by the others in the room. Dad spoke softly in my ear. I think he likes you. I giggled and as we let each other go, for just one small moment in time, everything was alright. My bubble of happiness was shattered rather effectively when Archer spoke next.

    How long until they’ll manage to drag your ass to Hell?

    I stepped in before my dad answered. Really Archer? You don’t think that’s a tad bit inappropriate?

    He is well on his way to becoming a demon and he is here, inside your house, with important members from every race. It isn’t an inappropriate question, it is a practical one.

    He had me fuming and my father merely chuckled

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