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Teasing Tim
Teasing Tim
Teasing Tim
Ebook73 pages59 minutes

Teasing Tim

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About this ebook

For the first time since they've been together, Brayden's husband Tim is curious about the kinkier side of sex – except Brayden is a lifelong subscriber to all things vanilla.

Can Brayden step up to the plate and give Tim what he needs?

Has Tim bitten off more than he can chew?

And how far are they both willing to go?

A tale of first-time kink, with nothing hardcore and no cheating, just two men adding a new string to their bow. A light, fun read about two men in love.

PublisherK.C. Wells
Release dateAug 21, 2023
Teasing Tim

K.C. Wells

K.C. Wells lives on an island off the south coast of the UK, surrounded by natural beauty. She writes about men who love men, and can’t even contemplate a life that doesn’t include writing. The rainbow rose tattoo on her back with the words 'Love is Love' and 'Love Wins' is her way of hoisting a flag. She plans to be writing about men in love - be it sweet and slow, hot or kinky - for a long while to come. If you want to follow her exploits, you can sign up for her monthly newsletter: You can stalk – er, find – her in the following places: Email: Facebook: KC’s men In Love (my readers group): Amazon: Twitter: @K_C_Wells Website: Instagram: BookBub:

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    Book preview

    Teasing Tim - K.C. Wells

    Chapter One

    The open window admitted a much-needed summer night’s breeze that wafted over Brayden Channing’s sweat-slicked body, cooling it deliciously. Loving was done and all was right with the world. He trailed his fingers down his husband’s equally slick torso, until he reached the fuzz above Tim’s dick where perspiration mingled with cum.

    It doesn’t get better than this.

    Love you, he murmured, before kissing Tim on the lips.

    Tim pushed out a sigh. Love you too. He glanced toward the window. We really need to get the A/C fixed. I thought I was going to melt.

    It wasn’t quite the response Brayden had anticipated. They’d been together for five years, although they’d only tied the knot the previous year, so Brayden wasn’t expecting declarations that the earth had moved. But still...

    Brayden’s scalp prickled. The words ‘Wasn’t it good for you?’ were right there, but he bit them back. It felt too much like asking Tim to rate his performance. Surely if he wasn’t happy, he’d tell me? He wouldn’t just lie there in silence, right?

    Except Tim was never silent. No words as such—neither of them liked to talk much during sex—but the little sighs and noises that constantly fell from his lips were Brayden’s signposts, showing him how close Tim was getting to the finish line.

    But now Brayden thought about it, Tim had been quieter of late.

    That did it. One realization was enough to send Brayden’s mind spiraling down into inky blackness, where similar thoughts lay in wait for him, gripping his heart in icy fingers.

    Tim isn’t happy.

    He regrets us getting married.

    I don’t satisfy him.

    I’m going to lose him.

    That last thought sent a wave of cold crashing over him, and he shivered.

    Gentle hands stroked his chest and stomach. Hey. Tim’s voice was soft. Where did you go? He pressed warm lips to Brayden’s neck, moving in an inexorable line toward Brayden’s mouth. They kissed, while Tim kept up his soothing motions over Brayden’s body.

    Brayden’s heartbeat quickened, and he pulled Tim on top of him, caging him with his legs, holding Tim tight against him. Let me try that again. He traced the line of Tim’s sweet face with his fingertips. I love you. Brayden poured every ounce of feeling he possessed into those words, his gaze locked on Tim’s, willing him to see the truth, that he loved Tim heart, body, and soul.

    Tim opened his mouth in a soft ‘oh’, and they kissed once more. Tim laid his head on Brayden’s chest, allowing Brayden to take his weight. I didn’t think I could love you any more than I did when you put this ring on my finger, but I do.

    Lightness suffused Brayden, banishing the murkiness that had seized his mind and tormented his soul.

    He loves me.

    Brayden was his own worst enemy, and he knew it. He had a tendency to over-think, and that in turn led to obsessive analysis of every tiny detail. But he couldn’t rid himself of that initial seed of doubt.

    He kissed the top of Tim’s head. So you don’t regret marrying an older guy?

    Tim’s chuckle reverberated through his chest. You’re only forty. And I don’t think an age gap of twelve years is so much these days. He raised his chin and looked Brayden in the eye. Look at Damon. He and his husband are the same ages as us. See? Everyone’s doing it.

    Their friend Damon had married his boyfriend Pete earlier that summer, and Brayden and Tim had attended the wedding. Of course, Damon’s would be a very different kind of marriage—one that came with a whole host of fiendish implements, no doubt. Not that Brayden had intimate knowledge of what went on behind Damon and Pete’s bedroom door, but he’d known Damon since college, and his dear friend made no secret of his proclivities. At the party following the wedding, one glimpse at the collar fitted snugly around Pete’s neck had told Brayden all he needed to know. He might be the poster boy for missionary, but even Brayden was familiar enough with such things to know what that collar signified.

    Brayden had no such leanings. Damon had once joked that in the dictionary next to vanilla, it said See Brayden Channing, and that was fine by Brayden. Nothing wrong with vanilla, right? Who doesn’t love vanilla?

    You know, I’ve thought a lot about that conversation, Tim said in a low voice.

    It had taken Brayden years to learn how Tim’s butterfly mind worked. He’d once tried to tie down Tim’s thought processes. ‘I said this, which made you think that, which made you think that, which made you think that, which made you say that.’ Tim’s subsequent grin told Brayden he’d nailed it. Such mental Olympics had become par for the course: Brayden had to constantly backtrack to discover what had started Tim off along a particular

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