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The Red Moon
The Red Moon
The Red Moon
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The Red Moon

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About this ebook

Annie is a soft spoken, kind, and caring eleven-year-old who is tossed in the foster care system after losing her family in a tragic accident. In a foster home, she has one feisty sister and one who despises her so that she'll do all she can to make her life miserable.

Annie must battle her foster sister, adjust to a new life in a different neighborhood and a new school where rumors are easily started, and deal with the emotions and turmoil of an adolescent without the guidance or support of her mother.

Although finding an ally, she must find her inner strength to survive the experiences of a cruel world of adolescents.

Release dateAug 22, 2023
The Red Moon

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    Book preview

    The Red Moon - Jimmy Gallegos


    The Red Moon

    Jimmy Gallegos

    Copyright © 2023 Jimmy Gallegos

    All rights reserved

    First Edition


    Conneaut Lake, PA

    First originally published by Page Publishing 2023

    ISBN 978-1-6624-7627-3 (pbk)

    ISBN 978-1-6624-7628-0 (digital)

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Acknowledgment / Special Thanks

    About the Author

    Chapter 1

    The scene opens onto a blue sky with patches of clouds scattered about. The camera drops down to the scene of a park. Trees are in the bloom with small flowers and some evergreens full of life with birds chirping and frolicking about. The grass is green and free of crabgrass as if it were prepared for a big-league ball game.

    A family appears beyond. The father and mother are in their thirties but full of youth. The young son is nine, and their daughter just turned eleven, two days prior. Her name is Annie, and her always vocal and energetic brother is Robbie. They are playing keep away with their parents.

    The mother then stops and says, If Daddy cannot get it in ten minutes, he must do the dishes for a week, but if he does, we wash the car for just the same.

    Robbie and Annie look at each other with delight since that is their chore and reply, It's a deal.

    They then run about throwing the ball to one another, while the father runs about with a touch of overacting and gives his wife, Lilly, a look where they have a smile and a gleam in their eyes that they share, not needing to speak to communicate verbally, but both of them would be sharing that same chore.

    The father shortly gives in, saying All right, I give up, as he stumbles to the blanket. How is it that I always seem to get myself into these situations with you?

    Lily says, Maybe because we know that you rarely can't refuse a challenge where you think you can't lose.

    Robbie then comes to the defense of his father. If it were me and Dad, you and Annie would be washing the car and serving us breakfast in bed.

    Lily, is that right? Maybe we ought to give that a shot. It has been a while that I have been pampered in such a way. The father replies with hesitation as Lily sees the look of contemplation and smiles in disbelief.

    Robert replies, Oh no, I'm not falling for that again.

    Lily responds by saying, I almost thought you were when I saw that look.

    Robert then looks at Lily with a quick turn of his head to her surprise.

    You were actually thinking about it? she says with a smile.

    Robert replies, No, I was not. I just took some time to analyze the possibilities of me being able to actually have the time to relax in bed, being that I am going to have to do my own dishes, not to mention the mess that will be created in the process.

    Lily says, Sure you were.

    Can we use paper plates? Robert asks.

    The conversation continues in a playful manner as the day comes to a close.

    The scene now is on the highway where the car with the four are speaking to one another as the radio becomes static, and Robbie asks his mother to adjust it as she is in her own discussion with Robert. She then turns the dial to the nearest reception, where the tune just doesn't fit the children's taste.

    The route that is taken to the park is very scenic with hills with a farm or two. As they come upon a hillside, Robbie asks his mother if he may change the channel on the radio. Lily begins to do so herself, but according to Robbie, she is going in the wrong direction on the dial. Robbie then grows impatient and leans over the back seat to adjust it himself just as Robert approaches at a turn around the bend. Robert looks to Robbie and lifts his right arm to stop him as Lily holds him back with both arms as if to sit him back down.

    And after literally less than two seconds, according to Annie, everything seems slow motion. As she looks up also to stop Robbie, she sees up the hill a diesel truck approaching from the opposite end of the road, taking a part of their lane.

    Just as she begins to yell out to her father, Robert looks up and peers into the trucker's eyes as he begins to brake at the same time, attempting to brace Robbie with his right arm. He then attempts to swerve right, hitting a guardrail, bouncing Robbie over the front seat onto his father's lap, and the car heads on to its path. Lily looks at Robbie as he is tossed up front and sees the fear in Robert's eyes as he knows they are about to collide. She then looks back to Annie, and their eyes meet just as the collision occurs.

    The front of the truck appears to be lying on top of the car, but in actuality, it has pushed the front of the car in like an accordion. The driver of the truck is knocked out for seconds behind the wheel. He then awakes as if he were having a nightmare and sees that it is very real. He then immediately reaches for his radio and calls for help. As he exits his truck, he stares at the wreckage in disbelief, recalling the look in Robert's eyes.

    He then says to himself under his breath, O God, please don't let there have been kids in there. As he says that, the sounds of sirens begin to approach. He then takes a step back in disbelief, at the same time looking inside at the carnage, knowing that no one could have survived. Other cars begin to attempt to go around the crash while looking in shock.

    Two vehicles pull over, one a couple, another a man in his fifties. The couple approaches the driver who has his head in his hands and asks if he is okay with no answer. The older gentleman slowly approaches the car while looking where the smoke is coming from. He then hears groaning and what sounds like someone asking for their mother. He then turns his head quickly toward the back seat, and in disbelief, he sees a foot sticking out in front of the back seat that is now up against the back of the front seat. He then shouts out toward the driver of the truck, who is now joined by a few more passersby. We got someone moving back here. The driver then jumps to his feet just as the man finishes his sentence.

    As a highway patrol arrives, the truck driver is headed toward his truck and gets a crowbar. At the same time, he tells the officer that someone is trapped. The officer then relays the message on the radio. He then approaches the vehicle and sees what appears to be two bodies up front, not being aware of Robbie. The officer asks the trucker if he was driving, and the trucker responds with a voice of someone on a mission as he is attempting to remove the backing off the back seat to relieve the bottom where Annie is jammed on the floor between the front and back seat and answers yes while grunting as he removes the seat out of its slot.

    The officer then says, I need to talk to you.

    The trucker answers, I know but please let me finish here. I need to at least do this much, at least just to help in some way. I can't just sit back and watch someone else do it.

    The officer allows him to help and also gives him a hand while looking in disbelief. The smoke begins to thicken from the vehicle, and the officer steps back and sees that the leak is fuel.

    The officer then states, we need to move fast here. It doesn't look good.

    He then starts to move people back just as the trucker let's out a sigh of relief while throwing out part of the seat. And then he moves the bottom part slowly as he sees Annie looking at him in a state of shock, but to the trucker's surprise, she is alert with no visible injuries. Two men remove Annie from the car just as the paramedics arrive. They gently lay her down on a blanket the officer has laid down. The trucker then looks into her eyes and reads them as if she is asking about her parents and brother, and his eyes begin to water. She knows somehow that he is not only the driver but that she is not going to see her family the way she saw them earlier that day, ever again.

    The officer then takes the trucker aside as the paramedics take over, and the car begins to burn just as the fire department arrives. The trucker is given a field sobriety test automatically; it is negative for any alcohol. The load in his truck is heavy machinery he is delivering, and at that time of day, the sun was setting and blinded him for a second, which the officer is aware of. It just so happened to be at the same time that the hills that affect the frequency on the same patch of road where Robbie would decide to become persistent and attempt to change the radio.

    Two months have passed, and Annie is being released from the hospital. She was actually able to leave about a month sooner, but being that the doctors knew that she would be going to a foster home, they wanted to keep her guarded as long as they were able to, considering all that she has been through.

    The trucker sent her flowers every week along with a white teddy bear with the first bouquet but never visited her, not knowing how she would react to him being that he took her family away from her. The doctors agreed.

    Chapter 2

    It's 11:15 a.m., and Annie is now sitting at the center of the hospital bed, her legs dangling still, her hands held together, and wearing a blouse with flowers on front and Levi's that was bought for her by a nurse. Her shoes are the same. She was offered a pair of new shoes, but she wants to keep the ones she has because her mother took her to purchase them. They were a little expensive, and her mother and father splurged for her birthday because of her good grades.

    She has been waiting for an hour and fifteen minutes for a caseworker to take her to a foster home. The nurse has grown attached to her since she has a daughter the same age. The nurse enters the room. Her name on her badge says, Elena Flores. She says to Annie, You're still here?

    Annie immediately breaks out a smile. Annie nods slightly and whispers, Yes.

    A Miss Goldberg was supposed to have been here at ten. Annie then puts her head down, showing disappointment, thinking that she wouldn't show up. Then she asks Annie, Are you hungry? At the same time, she's caressing her hair. Annie shakes her head no. The nurse then says, You haven't eaten since breakfast, and then you only ate cereal and not all of it at that.

    Annie replies with a soft voice, I drank all my juice.

    The nurse can read her body language. She has seen Annie almost every day since she came in on that tragic day. She seems to be soft-spoken, and the nurse wonders if she has always spoken that way or if it was only since the accident, but now as she is waiting, her voice has grown softer as if she is holding back tears. Annie has grown fond of her also.

    Nurse Flores attempted to take her in, but being that she is a single parent, she did not qualify, which she did explain to Annie two weeks ago when the doctors were going to release her, and they have somewhat bonded. She also wants to let Annie know how fond of her she has become, and she too, did not want her to go live with strangers. However, Nurse Flores convinced the doctors to find a way to delay her release. But now time is up. There is nothing else that she can do.

    At that time, a woman, heavyset, with her hair in a bun, walks in. Hi, hi! Are you Annie Larson?

    Annie just looks at Miss Flores. Nurse Flores puts her hand on Annie's shoulder and replies for Annie, Yes.

    Well, time to go. Got all your things? the worker says without even looking away from her paperwork.

    The nurse looks away with disgust, seeing that she just treats Annie like just another case. The nurse says to Annie, You have my number in your bag. Don't hesitate to call me here or at home no matter what time, okay? She looks into Annie's eyes and gives her a hug, holding back tears. She wants to give her a more heartfelt hug, but she is afraid that it would be harder on both of them, so she holds back.

    The worker then guides Annie gently by her right shoulder toward the door, as she takes fast, small steps, heading Annie off at the door. Annie then slows down and turns to Nurse Flores and says with a forced smile, Thank you, as she gives a shallow wave goodbye with her four fingers.

    The nurse says, You take care. Everything will be all right.

    As Annie disappears from the doorway, Nurse Flores wants to say she would visit her, but she doesn't want to make promises she can't keep because of how fragile Annie already is and is not sure if the hospital will permit it. All she can do is fight back the tears. She feels that at least Annie is able to walk out of the hospital intact. Then the nurse exits the room, forcing her head up, takes a deep breath, and continues on with her day, trying not to think of her too much since she doesn't know if at any minute another Annie may be brought in.

    Goldberg approaches the car by the curb not far from the front of the hospital. Miss Goldberg says to Annie, Here we are, in a high-end energetic voice.

    A parking attendant standing in front of the car is preparing to write a ticket. Goldberg! he says.

    Miss Goldberg then replies, Jerry Jerry, we must stop meeting like this.

    Jerry replies, You people from CPS need to put money in the meter just like everyone else or park in the lot. You don't get your parking free, you know.

    Miss Goldberg says, Must we have that conversation again? She enters the car. I am a very busy woman, and unlike you, we do have quotas, you know, she murmurs under her breath. She then puts a key in the ignition and does a double take toward the passenger window. She exhales roughly in frustration, then leans over and unlocks the door.

    Annie then enters the car. Miss Goldberg says with laughter, I almost forgot you were there! She then looks at Annie again, seeing that there is no expression. Miss Goldberg says, Can you talk? Annie just stares out the window. Okay, Miss Larson, we need to communicate since we might be seeing one another often. Where I'm taking you, I had to pull some strings to get you in this home. It's right around the corner from my office, and these people have two daughters, one about your age and another foster son thirteen going on seventeen with his attitude. I took over his case because his worker got reassigned. Personally, I think she was too easy on the boy. He's a runaway just like you. Says he had to get away from his father who drank too much, then beat him when things didn't go his way.

    Annie just looks at her with her mouth open as if to correct her, but as the memory of that day surfaces, she does not.

    Miss Goldberg says, Now these people only have a three-bedroom home, but they do have a basement. Maybe you can sweet-talk them into giving it to you if you offer to fix it up.

    Annie stares out the window, seeing shops go by. Some look familiar. She sees the back seat through the outside mirror, boxes of files. She wonders if her file is going to end up back there. As she looks up, a car begins to move from a stoplight, she sees a shoe store, and her eyes begin to swell up with tears. She then puts her feet close together and rubs them. She purchased those shoes with her mom from that very same store.

    Miss Goldberg says, So, Miss Larson, what school did you go to? Miss Goldberg looks at her. She notices a tear rolling down her cheekbone and toward her ear from the wind coming through the window. Now, now, she says to Annie, Don't start getting all emotional. You just might like this new family. I hear they eat at the table and have family night once a week. Not enough parents care to do that anymore, you know. That's what's wrong with you kids nowadays. All you want to do is watch television and hang out with your friends. Not enough of that family values, as they call it. You just hang in there. You just might enjoy these people. Here we are. I'm pretty sure that the kids are in school so we can have the parents' full attention.

    The house sits in the middle of the block, not too well-kept. There's a large tree in front with a swing that has not been used in quite some time. One side is hanging, and there are weeds growing beneath. The house itself is wooded and a faded beige, while one side was painted at one time but is unfinished. There are a few evergreen plants that are growing wild and a red rosebush with one rose bulb that wilted before it bloomed completely. There is a driveway where is evidence of a car by the motor oil droplets on the pavement. The garden hose lies there as if it was used by the kids.

    A woman then appears in the doorway that is laced with beads in place of a screen door. Oh, hello, Miss Goldberg, she says. I wasn't expecting you. An obese woman, she stands about 5'8", holding a dish towel as she dries off a glass.

    Good morning, Mrs. Heredia, Miss Goldberg replies in a musical tune.

    Mrs. Heredia replies, Actually it's a little past noon already.

    Miss Goldberg says, Well, whatever all the same. I brought you another bundle of joy, so to speak.

    Mrs. Heredia gives a rehearsed smile to Annie. Hello, she says. And who might you be?

    Annie tries to look but is still shy and emotionally wounded. Miss Goldberg says, She's not much of a talker. She just got out of the hospital.

    Mrs. Heredia replies, Oh, another head case? It's okay, sweetheart, I've dealt with some of your kind. Everything will be just fine.

    Annie looks at her with confusion and anger because of the lack of compassion, not for herself but how they could not understand how they are making her feel and not knowing what they are talking about.

    Miss Goldberg says, May we come inside?

    Mrs. Heredia then replies, Of course, of course. She leads them through the beads, picking up stuffed animals and an oversized plastic baseball bat.

    The couch is old and faded, and a padded rocking chair sits in front of the television, which sits beside an old recliner with some cotton popping out from under the cushion. The TV sits on what used to be a Chester drawer. A VCR sits on top, along with a cable box on top of the VCR. There is a three-tier bookshelf with a portable stereo and a few movies. To the left of the TV a fireplace that is inoperable. Three pictures are on top of the mantle, one of an eight-year-old with glasses and another of a second girl, about ten, with light-brown hair with curls and a bow on both sides. The third being of the Heredia family together.

    Mrs. Heredia asks, Could I get you a drink, Miss Goldberg?

    No, thank you, I'm kind of in a hurry, she replies.

    How about you, Helen? Mrs. Heredia says to Annie as she looks toward her.

    Miss Goldberg lets out a chuckle and says with a smile, You're still not good with names, are you? I'm surprised you still get my name correct. It's Annie, she says slowly as she glances at the file.

    Mrs. Heredia replies, Oh, I'm so sorry.

    Miss Goldberg says, Why don't you show her where she'll be staying so that she could unpack and we could talk?

    Oh sure, Mrs. Heredia replies. Right this way, little Ann. She guides her to a bedroom toward the back of the house.

    They enter a bedroom with a single bed and a bunk bed. There is a footlocker that seems to be a toy box, with four drawers and a bookshelf with four tiers, almost the same as the one in the living room except it has been painted white.

    Mrs. Heredia says, Okay, I believe that drawer is for you. She opens the top drawer. Argh, those girls, I knew I should have checked, she says as she pulls out pants and lays them on the top bunk. You go ahead and put your stuff inside here, and I'll get Ashley to put her stuff in another drawer, she says. You just take your time, and I'll be back to talk with you about the rules and things, she says as she walks out the door."

    Mrs. Heredia enters the living room, where Miss Goldberg is looking over Annie's file.

    Miss Goldberg says, Oh how insensitive of me, she's not a runaway. Her parents died in a car accident. Ugh, how could I have missed that? I should apologize.

    Mrs. Heredia says, Oh, don't be silly. After all, you do so much for those kids. She probably didn't even notice. Besides, don't be so hard on yourself. You overwork yourself as it is. I just prepared some lemonade right before you arrived. Would you like some?

    No, no, I must go. I need to get her in the computer before I call it a day, she says. Guess where I'm off to?

    Where is that? Mrs. Heredia asks.

    Las Vegas!

    Oh, you're kidding, you're so lucky. I wish I could have some time to myself for a little leisure time, Mrs. Heredia responds to her.

    Miss Goldberg answers, Well, I'm sure you'll be able to go soon. We plan on making it a three-day trip, being that Monday is a holiday and all. That's why I need to get going so that I can get out of the office early today.

    Mrs. Heredia then says, I understand. You get going and do what you need to do. I know you need to make an adjustment in my income also. But don't you worry your little self. You get to it when you can.

    Miss Goldberg says, Oh, I know, I won't forget you. You need all the help we could give and we really appreciate you taking in another child being that your room is limited. You should have something in the mail by the middle of next week.

    Mrs. Heredia replies, Thank you so much, you have a great time, huh.

    Thank you, thank you! she replies. Oh! Let me say goodbye to Annie. She walks to the room and sees Annie sitting at the foot of the bed, staring out the window. Annie? Annie looks slowly toward her, then back. Miss Goldberg says to her, I must go now, but I'll be back in about two weeks to see how everything is going. She then sits beside her. I know you feel uncomfortable, but it'll be okay once the kids get home from school. Here's my card if you have any questions. You just relax and don't be too isolated because then the girls might think you're antisocial. I'll talk to you soon, she says as she taps her on her head, then walks out.

    Annie hears Mrs. Heredia saying goodbye to Miss Goldberg. See you, Charlene, have a good time!

    Annie sits there, thinking to herself. Just when she seems to settle down, she starts crying all over again.

    Chapter 3

    Mrs. Heredia walks into the bedroom with two glasses of lemonade in her hands. She says to Annie, Here you go, try this. It's the best I've made.

    Annie reaches for the glass and softly says, Thank you.

    Mrs. Heredia replies, Well, I usually ask my new foster kids that come in to tell me a little about themselves, but since you're a little shy and what little I know of you, I won't pressure you right now. So have you eaten lunch?

    Annie answers, No.

    Mrs. Heredia replies, Are you hungry?

    Annie says, No thanks.

    Mrs. Heredia says, "Well, you're making this easy for me. Well, I have two daughters. My first was Ashley. I mentioned before about not emptying the drawer. And then there's Bernice. She's eight, two years younger than her sister. Ashley's been sleeping on the top bunk and Bernice on the bottom. I thought that Ashley would take the single bed when we got it last week, but I think she feels it to be kind of higher in rank. You know like the food chain. She has this obsession with being in charge.

    "Then there's Alex. He's a second foster child I took in. He's been here for about a year and a half. He gets kind of moody at times but basically is a good kid. Does okay in school not much of a talker, kind of like you. You could ask him about Ashley's ways of taking charge. He had a birthday last month he's now a teenager. I hope to get some practice in for when my Ashley turns into one herself. He has his own room, which, of course, Ashley wasn't too happy about. Nice eyes. Kind of like gray-blue.

    Anyways, my soaps are about to start right now. The Young and the Restless. Oh, I hope it's not a sign of what's to come. You ever watch those shows?

    Annie replies, No.

    Mrs. Heredia says, Well, you could sit here and relax a while or nap if you choose or just come on out and take a look at them with me and we can talk. There are things we need to discuss. We can do that during commercials.

    Annie sits, slightly moving her head toward Mrs. Heredia, and contemplates her options.

    Mrs. Heredia then says to Annie, I'll be in the living room if you decide to join me. She then leaves the room.

    Annie looks outside as she sighs with slight hesitation as she inhales as if she has been crying. Her body movement says it, though. She must begin a new chapter in her life. She knows her mother would want her to be strong and go on. Although they had never discussed such things, they had an understanding. They need not speak to know what each other's thinking. Like the way they communicated that day at the park when they tricked her father into playing keep away. She then hears birds chirping like that day and smiles.

    She gets up off the bed and proceeds to the living room. She enters through the threshold. The TV is to the left, and Mrs. Heredia is sitting on the padded rocker, slightly facing the TV, while the left side is almost perpendicular to the entrance. The lounge chair is just to the right of the rocker while the couch is right behind and away from the fireplace.

    Annie sees Mrs. Heredia talking softly to the TV, Oh please, you know he's just using you.

    Annie then walks toward the couch and slowly sits.

    Mrs. Heredia says, Hey, glad you decided to come out and join me.

    Annie says, Thank you for the lemonade. She says in a higher tone than when she first got there as she lifts her hand to give the glass to Mrs. Heredia.

    You're welcome, she replies. Go ahead and take it to the kitchen and rinse it out, then place it in the dish basket to air-dry.

    Annie then walks over to the kitchen and sees to the right a table that sits six. But there are only five chairs. There's a baker's rack with two shelves beneath a small window. A plant on top with vines and green leaves that cascade down the rack. There are two wall-mounted shelves for plates. There is a picture of the Last Supper on the wall and a round clock on the other.

    Annie then walks over to the sink and turns on the tap on the right side where the cold water should be, but it comes out hot, and she slightly burns her hand. She finishes rinsing the glass and goes back to the living room and sits down.

    Mrs. Heredia says to her, That woman right there is Ashley. She is the boss or second-in-command of the company. I named my Ashley after her. I thought maybe it would be good luck and she too could be successful, plus I did always like that name. A commercial comes on. Do you like fruit?

    Annie answers, Yes.

    Mrs. Heredia walks back from the kitchen with two peaches in hand. Here you go, Mrs. Heredia says. Now the girls take turns doing the dishes while Alex does the yard and keeps the bathroom clean along with heavy lifting, such as bags of groceries when we come back from shopping. And of course, you all are automatically responsible for your own rooms and beds. And you must clean up after yourselves. No phone calls without permission and of course nothing long-distance. Now I do believe in corporal punishment but only if needed and as a last resort. All you have to remember is you must give respect to get respect. There's no such thing as a child demanding it first from an adult. Obey these rules here and out there, and life should be much easier. Now as for boyfriends, that's a negative. You need not worry about boys at your age. Go to school, get good grades, and maybe you can go to a dance or two. You know how to dance?

    Annie replies, I'm not sure.

    Mrs. Heredia then says, Well, maybe I can show you sometime. Any questions?

    Annie states, No, ma'am.

    Mrs. Heredia says, Good. Let's finish watching this, and we'll see what we got for supper. How are you at cooking?

    Annie replies, I can make spaghetti and meatballs and meat loaf. My… She stops as she remembers her and her mother cooking together."

    Mrs. Heredia notices and continues with the conversation as if she didn't skip a beat. I'm telling you, if I let Ashley in that kitchen alone just to boil water, she'll get lost just trying to figure out what ingredients to put in it.

    Annie breaks a smile and then stops as if it is wrong to smile again.

    Two fifty-five p.m. arrives, and the two girls arrive home.

    Mommy, we're home.

    Mrs. Heredia steps out from the kitchen. There's my angels, she replies. How was your day?

    Ashley is standing to her sister's right, about a foot back. Ashley takes over in a conversation. Cynthia was trying to bully her around again by budding in front of her on the slides, then again on the swings, she replies in a sassy voice, but she didn't know that I was watching her and went over there and told her that if she treats my little sister, like a little pauper, she'd have another thing coming. Then I shoved her aside and took her spot.

    Mrs. Heredia shakes her head and smiles. She then replies, Well, good for you to watch out for your sister.

    Ashley then walks away with her nose up in the air as if she is victorious in a battle of wits.

    Mrs. Heredia then reaches for Bernice's hand and walks her over to the rocker, then sits her on her lap and asks her, Well, besides that nonsense, what else went on today, my baby? Did you get to read out loud?

    The scene then turns to the bedroom, where Ashley walks into the room and is slightly startled by Annie, who is asleep on the single bed. Who are you? she asks Annie as she awakes from her sleep.

    Annie begins to sit up slowly and looks around and gathers herself, still unfamiliar of her new surroundings. Ashley then turns and walks back toward the living room just as Mrs. Heredia remembers Annie and lifts Bernice off her lap and meets Ashley at the threshold.

    Oh, I forgot! she says to both of them. As she walks over to the couch with Bernice's hand in hers, they all sit down. Mrs. Heredia says, As you have already noticed—she looks toward Ashley with a small smile and little shake of her head—we got another member of the family.

    Ashley snaps, Well, how many more are we going to get? She asks with her palms open as she stands to her feet. She then sits down as she exhales.

    Mrs. Heredia says, Oh, don't you be getting all bent out of shape.

    Bernice says, Well, please tell me it's a girl. I don't want another boy around to take up all the bathroom time and smelly feet.

    Mrs. Heredia says, Well no, it's not a boy. Her name is Ann, I think, and she's eleven. She's nodding as she tries to remember details about her. And I want you to be nice and treat her like a sister.

    Cousin! Ashley replies.

    Oh, fine, Mrs. Heredia replies. As long as you don't treat her like Cynthia, she continues.

    She then gets up from the couch and walks the girls to the room where Annie is now sitting on the bed as if she was waiting for permission to get up. All three then walk in.

    Mrs. Heredia announces, Girls, this is Ann. Ann this is Bernice and Ashley.

    I like to be called Annie, Annie replies.

    Okay then, Annie, Mrs. Heredia says. Now I'll leave you here to get acquainted, and I'll go get some snacks. Better yet, you girls come out when you're ready because there's ice cream and I'd rather you eat it outside.

    Mrs. Heredia then leaves the room as she leaves the door ajar.

    The sisters then look at each other and sit down on the bottom bunk bed as they look around as if unfamiliar with the room wondering what to ask.

    Ashley says, So what's your full name? I mean, do you got one?

    Annie wrinkles her eyebrows slightly, then answers slowly, Yes, it's Larson.

    So it's Anne Larson, she replies in a sassy way as Bernice looks to her with a baffled look.

    Annie replies, No, it's Annie.

    Bernice says, Did you run away too?

    Annie says, No.

    Ashley asks, What happened, did your parents run away? Bernice lets out a little giggle, trying not to be mean.

    Annie says, No, they didn't, and I really don't want to talk about them, if you don't mind.

    Ashley says, Whatever, rolling her eyes.

    Bernice then takes over the conversation. That's okay. We have a brother too.

    Cousin! Ashley interrupts.

    Bernice then replies sharply, Whatever! She then mouths to Annie in silence, Brother.

    Annie lets out a little smile, trying not to let Ashley notice.

    Ashley then begins to give instructions about the room rules. The bed that you are now sitting on is my bed, and you will be using the drawer on the bottom.

    Since when are you sleeping on that bed? You were afra— Bernice interrupts and Ashley covers her mouth, stopping her from finishing her sentence.

    Ashley continues, You get the top bed and you can use the left side of the closet. Not that you need it, but I'll be nice. Any questions? Annie shakes her head as she watches Ashley leave as if reading her.

    Bernice leans over toward Annie and whispers, She can be really b—— sometimes, but she'll grow on you, Bernice says to Annie in secrecy as she heads out the door.

    Annie's eyes open wide with surprise, not sure because the language or for coming to her defense.

    About five minutes later, Mrs. Heredia enters the room and says to Annie. Come and have a popsicle out on the porch.

    Annie begins to refuse, but then remembers what Miss Goldberg said about being antisocial, so then she decides to accept. Also, she feels Bernice could be entertaining.

    The three girls are now on the porch, which is three steps above the ground, the third being the porch. There is a wooden bench that fits three, where the sisters are seated, eating their popsicles, while Annie sits on a chair that's from the kitchen. The sky is blue, and more kids are walking by from the high school.

    Annie holds the popsicle with two hands to split them apart. Bernice sees this, then goes inside, and shortly returns with hers the same way.

    Ashley asks Annie, So which school did you go to before here?

    Jefferson Middle School.

    Ashley says, How could you be in junior high if you're only eleven?

    Annie says, I was pushed up a grade when I turned ten.

    Bernice says, Wow! You must be really smart.

    Ashley replies sarcastically, It's only one grade, it's not as if she's going to college.

    Bernice then shrugs and continues eating her popsicle.

    Ashley then asks, Were you named after anyone?

    Annie replies, No, I don't think so.

    I was named after a successful woman, Ashley replies.

    Bernice then says, I was named after my mother's great-grandmother, except spelled differently.

    As they continue on with the conversation, a young boy appears from a distance. Bernice says, Ooo! Look who's coming.

    Ashley then lets out a grunt and disgust. Here comes the other one, she says out loud.

    Bernice says, Here comes Ashley's mystery date.

    Ashley then punches Bernice on her shoulder, then says, I told you I don't like him and stop saying that.

    Bernice then rubs her shoulder with her right hand and says, Sorrr-ry. She grimaces from the little pain she got from the punch. Bernice then looks to Annie and nods and mouths, She does.

    Ashley is still focused on Alex as he draws closer. He thinks he's all that because a lot of girls like him. Sshh, it's only because of his eyes, Ashley says sarcastically. He don't even know what color they are, how dumb could that be.

    Bernice asks Ashley, What color are yours?

    Brown, Ashley replies.

    Bernice then says, How do you know? Can you see them?

    Ashley then punches her again on the same arm. Bernice lets out an Ow! followed by a growl. You better quit it, or I'll tell Mom, she snaps.

    Ashley then says, Then shut up and stop acting smart with me.

    Alex then enters the grass area and notices Annie sitting on the chair. Ashley then sees him notice her, then looks at Annie to see her reaction. Annie barely lets out a smile. Ashley gives a little smile and looks away.

    As Alex starts up the steps, he glances toward Annie and says Hello in a soft voice. He then begins to bypass the sisters, just as Bernice shouts out, Hi, Alex.

    He then turns to her in a quick response, noticing that he was only attentive to Annie, then he says, Hi, Niecy. Hello, Ashley, then proceeds on through the beads and inside the house.

    Bernice smiles and looks to Annie and says, He calls me Niecy, with a smile on her face and continues eating her popsicle.

    Ashley just gives a smug look and looks away and continues with hers.

    Another girl appears in front of the house and shouts out to Ashley, Hey, Ash, you going to come over or what? We got the movie you asked about.

    Ashley then jumps to her feet and shouts out to her mother, Mom, I'm going over to Judy's for a while. Judy then glances toward Annie as Annie looks to her with a smile. Ashley then grabs Bernice's hand and says, Come on.

    Annie watches as the three hurry away to the house next door and notices Judy lean over to Ashley as if asking of who she is just as Mrs. Heredia appears from behind the beads.

    Be back by five thirty for supper! she shouts out to the girls.

    Bernice shouts back to her, Okay!

    How you doing? Mrs. Heredia asks Annie.

    Annie replies, Fine, thank you. She then heads back inside.

    Annie sits outside, watching parents walk their kids home, watering their lawns, just like another day. She then sighs, then puts her head down, just as Alex appears from behind the beads.

    He looks to Annie and says hi once more to her as he sits on the bench.

    Alex says, Mrs. Heredia says you're going to stay here for a while.

    Annie replies, Yeah.

    What's your name? he asks.

    Annie, she replies.

    Will you be going to Riggin?

    Annie looks puzzled.

    With Ashley, Alex continues.

    Annie then says, I don't know, we haven't talked about school yet.

    Maybe you won't have to go! Alex says with a smile.

    Annie says, I don't believe so. I'd rather go. I think I would become too bored staying at home, or here, she says as she puts her head down, forgetting that she is no longer home.

    Alex then looks around with a look of not knowing what to do or say. So you like school? he asks.

    Yes, Annie answers.

    What school were you at before here?

    Jefferson, she answers.

    Isn't that a middle school?

    Yes, Annie answers.

    Alex then says, So what, you went up a grade?

    Annie replies, Yes.

    Alex says, Oh, because Mrs. Heredia said you were eleven, so I thought you were in sixth grade.

    Is Jefferson far from here? he asks.

    Annie says, I'm not sure. I don't think so. On the way over here, I noticed some of the shops I've been to.

    Alex then continues to converse with her with nothing specifically, just getting to know her dislikes and whatnot.

    Over an hour goes by as Mrs. Heredia appears and has Alex go to call the girls from next door for dinner.

    He asks Annie if she would like to go with him. She responds no. He turns to head for the neighbor when the two sisters appear. He then stops and says supper to them. Ashley then looks to Annie with a hint of jealousy. Annie just looks away and proceeds to go inside.

    As she enters the kitchen with the others behind her, Mrs. Heredia says to Alex, Would you get the drinks ready please.

    As the girls go to the table, the two sisters go straight to the two chairs directly in front of the window. Mrs. Heredia then takes the one at the head of the table as Alex takes the other and Annie the remaining one directly in front of the girls.

    Mrs. Heredia then says, Thank you, Lord, for the food we are about to receive. Then she reaches for the dish of green beans and serves herself a portion. She then completes the plate with pork chops and macaroni with cheese, then passes the plate to Bernice, who is seated nearest to her, who then passes it to Ashley, who then hands it to Alex. The routine then continues until Bernice receives her plate, then she asks Annie for her plate before serving herself.

    As they commence dinner, Ashley stares at Annie as she eats her meal. Alex attempts to eat his, trying not to look at Annie, but can't help to give a glance here and there. Annie reaches for and takes a drink as the two sisters look at her in surprise, then to their mother.

    Mrs. Heredia then says, We don't allow anyone to have a drink until they are at least halfway through their meal. But since this is your first day with us, just as with Alex, which the girls don't remember, we will make today an exception for you

    They all continue on, and Annie, out of respect for the rule at the dinner table, holds back from taking any more drinks until she is halfway done.

    Very little conversation is occurring. As each child finishes their meal, they ask for permission to be excused. Ashley is first, then Alex, Annie, and finally Bernice.

    Mrs. Heredia takes her time as she gets seconds and reaches for a tabloid that is on the baker's rack to her left.

    Ashley then sets up the soap and rinse water as Bernice stands beside her, then walks to the living room. Bernice then looks at Ashley walking away and then to Annie as Annie thanks Mrs. Heredia for the supper.

    Bernice asks, Can Ashley help me do dishes since today is exception day?

    As Annie was about to exit the kitchen and enter the living room, she stops and turns to Mrs. Heredia, who then answers, No, Bernie, today is your day. Bernice then turns away and proceeds to do her chore.

    Annie then turns to Mrs. Heredia and asks, May I help her?

    If you like, but you really don't have to, she replies.

    Annie says, I know but I want to.

    Bernice then breaks a smile of gratitude and excitement, being that someone new is there to give her a hand as if it were a game.

    Annie goes to the sink and asks Bernice, You want me to wash or rinse?

    Wash! Bernice replies.

    The two talk as Mrs. Heredia looks on with satisfaction from the politeness and consideration from Annie.

    Alex is sitting in the living room watching TV and glances over to the two from around the rocker as it sits just in front of the entrance of the kitchen. Ashley is in the bedroom at a desk, doing homework. As the girls finish the dishes, they go into the living room to watch television.

    Bernice says, This show is my favorite. Have you ever seen this one, Annie?

    No, I don't usually watch this show. Alex then looks to her as if to get approval of his choice of programming. But I've heard pretty good things about it, she says. Alex then lets out a sigh of relief.

    About twenty minutes later, Ashley appears.

    Alex says from under his breath, Here we go.

    She then goes to the TV and changes it to a different channel. Sorry, but my show is on, she exclaims.

    Alex shakes his head a couple of times as Bernice sighs with a half smile and says softly to her sister, I hate you.

    Ashley replies, The feeling is mutual. She plants herself on the recliner.

    A couple of minutes pass, and Mrs. Heredia enters the room and instructs Bernice to take a bath. Bernice then gets up to do so, and Mrs. Heredia says to Alex, Homework?

    Alex replies, Done it at school.

    Ashley? Mrs. Heredia says to her, asking her the same question, with no answer. Ashley, did you do your homework?

    Ashley then answers Yes! as if she was being bothered.

    Mrs. Heredia just shakes her head with a little smile. One of these days, girl, you're going to cop an attitude with the wrong person. She says to Annie that she may shower after Ashley if she likes since she does not need to get up for school yet. She also tells her that Alex showers in the morning, so if she likes, she may wait till the morning. Annie then asks if the morning would be okay.

    Mrs. Heredia then replies, All right.

    The kids are all in their rooms.

    Ashley is saying to Annie that there would be no talking after the lights go out and the window would be open halfway only and closed on cold days. Bernice just stares with a look of confusion since she has no idea where this is coming from.

    Bernice then asks Ashley, What if it's raining?

    Closed! Ashley answers.

    What about snow? Bernice quips.

    Ashley looks at Bernice as Bernice has a straight face.

    Annie, standing by the window, looks away so that Ashley won't see her smile, knowing that Bernice is toying with her again.

    Ashley then snaps in a loud voice, Closed!

    Then Bernice says, What if the moon is full and the wolfman is out but it's like a hundred degrees outside? She starts to laugh out loud just as Ashley leans toward Bernice as to punch her, the mother enters and Ashley retreats. Annie is relieved and waits for instructions.

    You girls get ready for bed. I'll give you a half hour more of free time to get acquainted and situated, she says. She starts to close the door, then stops as she notices Ashley on the single bed. I thought you preferred the top bunk, she says to Ashley.

    Ashley answers, Yeah, well, Annie used to sleep on the top bunk, so I gave it to her, being that she's a guest and all.

    Just then Bernice leans forward from her bed to deny such comments. Ashley then makes a fist toward Bernice, then Bernice clutches her left shoulder where Ashley is constantly punching her and grimaces, then retreats.

    Good night, girls, says Mrs. Heredia.

    Annie then climbs up the ladder to the top bunk. She's wearing a pair of shorts that Mrs. Heredia gave to her from the previous foster child. She says good night to the girls and only gets

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