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Catching Curveballs: 21 Inspiring Short Stories for the Next Generation
Catching Curveballs: 21 Inspiring Short Stories for the Next Generation
Catching Curveballs: 21 Inspiring Short Stories for the Next Generation
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Catching Curveballs: 21 Inspiring Short Stories for the Next Generation

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This enchanting book by Dr. Moji encompasses diverse themes that resonate with the hopes, dreams, and struggles of the next generation. Through relatable Nigerian characters, vivid imagery, and engaging narratives, "Catching Curveballs: 21 Inspiring Short Stories for the Next Generation" sparks creativity and conversations about turning obstacles into opportunities and setbacks into stepping stones toward success. Whether enjoyed independently or shared as a family, this collection instills values of compassion, perseverance, and the belief that anything is possible. Get ready to be inspired and uplifted by these remarkable stories that will leave a lasting impact on young minds, fostering a sense of possibility and empowerment.

Release dateAug 8, 2023
Catching Curveballs: 21 Inspiring Short Stories for the Next Generation

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    Book preview

    Catching Curveballs - Dr. Moji


    21 Inspiring Short Stories for the Next Generation

    DR. MOJI

    Copyright © 2023 by Mojisola F. Tiamiyu, Ph.D.

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to the publisher:

    Printed in the United States of America

    First Printing: August, 2023.


    This book is dedicated to my children: Olatunde A. Tiamiyu of blessed memory, Iyabode L. Tiamiyu, and Oladeji M. Tiamiyu. Thank YOU, God, for loaning them to me. My loves, you are my pride and joy.

    table of content

    Copyrights…………………………………….........................……..….. 2

    Table of Content............................................................................. 4



    Defense Mechanisms: Unmasking The Truth.....................................9


    First Impressions: Beyond The Surface................................................13


    Unburdening Shame...............................................................................19


    Resilience Unleashed............................................................................. 23


    The Power of Positive Psychology Interventions (PPI)......................27


    Harnessing the Power of Anger.............................................................31


    The Healing Power of Forgiveness.........................................................37


    Embracing Rejection...............................................................................43


    Navigating Microaggressions................................................................47

    CHAPTER 10

    The Pursuit of Happiness.......................................................................53

    CHAPTER 11

    Intuition: Trusting the Whisper Within.............................................57

    CHAPTER 12

    Harmonizing Stress................................................................................63

    CHAPTER 13

    The Power of Empathy............................................................................69

    CHAPTER 14

    Accepting Failure.....................................................................................75

    CHAPTER 15

    Conquering Procrastination..................................................................83

    CHAPTER 16

    Breaking Free from Catastrophizing ....................................................91

    CHAPTER 17

    Escaping the Thinking Traps.................................................................97

    CHAPTER 18

    Unlocking Time-Affluence...................................................................103

    CHAPTER 19

    Body image: Embracing the Mirror.....................................................109

    CHAPTER 20

    Placebo: The Power Within..................................................................113

    CHAPTER 21

    Identity Crisis: Unveiling Authenticity..............................................117

    ABOUT THE AUTHOR.........................................................................121


    As the sun shed its golden rays on the beautiful and bustling city of Abuja, a gentle breeze rustled through the leaves of ancient baobab trees. A collection of uplifting short stories was about to unravel in the heart of Nigeria, where the vivid pulse of life rang through the crowded streets—a literary journey designed to awaken the spirits of the future generation.

    Welcome to Catching Curveballs: 21 Inspiring Short Stories for the Next Generation. This book’s storytelling power is based on its ability to evoke emotions and spark the imagination. Deliberately written with time-pressed young adults in mind, these stories are designed to be read quickly and easily while leaving a lasting impact.

    As you journey through these pages, prepare to be transported to enchanting Nigerian cities, where colorful characters with Nigerian names grapple with universal life challenges. These tales celebrate the inclusivity and diversity of the Nigerian experience, weaving together a tapestry of narratives that resonate with young adults worldwide.

    Characters navigating the complexity of identity, facing self-doubt, and finding the confidence to embrace their true selves can be found inside these pages. Readers will come across scientifically-based techniques used by these characters, which they can learn more about and use when they face challenging times and situations. Each story, chosen to inspire and empower, provides a window into the diverse and dynamic world of the future generation, encouraging resilience, empathy, and self-reflection.

    The strength found in resilience, the healing balm of forgiveness, and the power of positive psychology interventions are just a few of the themes weaved throughout the tapestry of this book. Each page turn reveals universal teachings that transcend time and borders, resonating with young adults from all walks of life.

    Prepare to embark on a remarkable adventure, dear reader. Allow these stories to motivate, challenge, and enlighten you. The stories in Catching Curveballs: 21 Inspiring Short Stories for the Next Generation can help you navigate life's problems, such as overcoming shame, conquering procrastination, and embracing the quest for happiness.

    As we celebrate the power of storytelling, keep in mind that the keys to unlocking your immense potential can be found inside these pages. May these stories spark your creativity, conversations and ignite your passion to make a difference in your own life and the world around you.

    Allow the enchantment of Nigeria's cities and the resonance of Nigerian names to captivate your spirit as we begin a transformative journey together. Because these stories contain the potential to impact the future, one young adult at a time.


    Defense Mechanisms: Unmasking The Truth

    Out of your vulnerabilities will come your strength.

    ~Sigmund Freud

    Four young adults—Doyin, Wumi, Dipo, and Biyi—found themselves caught in the web of defense mechanisms, the unconscious techniques we use to shield ourselves from emotional pain and discomfort. They all live in the city of Lagos, Nigeria, the cultural, financial, and entertainment capital of Africa. They had no idea that learning about and using these defense mechanisms would set them on a path toward self-awareness and personal development.

    Doyin, a sensitive and reflective young woman, had always taken comfort in avoiding difficult circumstances. She would withdraw into her world to protect herself from potential agony that lay outside when faced with disagreements or difficulties.

    Wumi, on the other hand, frequently turned to humor as a form of protection. She would tell jokes and get people to laugh to distract from her weaknesses. She hid her worries and uncertainties behind her funny remarks and contagious laughter.

    Dipo, a charming and aspirational young man, frequently used projection. Unable to face his emotions of inadequacy, he would blame others for his defects and failures. He built a false sense of dominance and control by projecting his insecurities onto people around him.

    Biyi, a quiet and analytical person, had gotten into the habit of thinking logically. When faced with emotional difficulties, he would break down and examine the problem, removing himself from the intensity of his emotions. He tried to control the depth of his emotions by concentrating only on reason and reasoning.

    During a personal development seminar, their paths crossed, and they learned about the value of self-awareness and the opportunity for progress by comprehending and using one's protection systems. They embarked on a transforming journey with one another because they were curious and wanted to learn the truth underlying their actions.

    Doyin, Wumi, Dipo, and Biyi explored the complexities of defense systems under the direction of prominent psychologists and self-help authorities. They discovered that although these mechanisms were initially created as survival techniques, they may obstruct personal development and genuine connections if they were not used healthily.

    With this fresh information at their disposal, they started the process of removing the masks covering their defenses, identifying the patterns that had structured their lives and the effects those patterns had on their relationships and personal well-being.

    They discussed their experiences openly and sincerely, exposing the anxieties and weaknesses that were hidden behind their strong defenses. They learned that defense mechanisms developed as a means to cope with prior traumas and injuries, as well as a desire for self-preservation.

    They investigated better strategies for dealing with difficulty and emotional discomfort as they peeled back the layers of their protection mechanisms. They learned that showing vulnerability was a source of strength and connection rather than a sign of weakness.

    They started a journey of healing and development together. They used mindfulness techniques to stay present and in touch with their feelings. They developed self-compassion, learning to be kind to themselves when things were tough. They sought out advice from

    reliable friends and mentors because they understood the value of genuine connections in managing life's unexpected turns.

    Doyin, Wumi, Dipo, and Biyi saw profound changes in their lives as they implemented these healthy protection systems. Doyin mustered the strength to come out of her shell to

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